Day 1 - 20 October 2014
- SSWG Overview and Update - Leslie Patykewich
- SSWG - Developing a supply chain training road map for Liberia - Lloyd Matowe
- SSWG - Panel 1 - cStock - Alexis Heaton
- SSWG - Panel 1 - iSCM D4M - Campbell Bright
- SSWG - Panel 2 - Universal health coverage - Fabio Castano
- SSWG - Leveraging the Private Sector to Supply FP Products and Services - Jen Pope
- SSWG - UNCoLSC Update - Supply Chain TRT - Sharmila Raj, Kabir Ahmed
- SSWG - Workstream presentation - Business approach - Ellen Tompsett
- SSWG - Workstream presentation - Coordinated Supply Planning - Laila Akhlaghi
Day 2 - 21 October 2014
Updates from the Coalition and MDAWG
- MDAWG - Updates from the Coalition and MDAWG - Ian Askew, Pop Council and Anita Deshpande, RHSC
Advances in market development approaches: Innovation Fund awards
- MDAWG Innovation Fund Awards - Elizabeth Westley, ICEC
- MDAWG Innovation Fund Awards - Sally Stephens, Medicines360, Kate Rademacher, FHI360
- MDAWG Innovation Fund Awards - Aron Betru, F4D
- MDAWG Innovation Fund Awards - Mukul Taparia, Pregna
Leveraging markets to increase youth access to contraceptives
- MDAWG - Leveraging markets to increase youth access to contraceptives - Mina Barling, MSI
- MDAWG - Leveraging markets to increase youth access to contraceptives -What Youth Preferences are - Ana Chel Gomez, Annabella Sanchez
Improving market visibility through collaboration, forecasting, and modeling
- MDAWG - Improving visibility of markets - Laila Akhlaghi, Alexis White-Heaton, Leslie Arney, Beatrix Balogh
Total Market Approaches
- MDAWG - Total Market Approaches - Chris Brady, PATH
How large is the private sector?
- MDAWG - How large is the private sector - FPWatch Overview - Jennifer Pope, PSI
- MDAWG - How large is the private sector - Monitoring French West African Markets Using IMS Data - Denise Harrison, USAID and Peter Stephens, IMS Health
Sustainability of competitive quality assured reproductive health markets
SECONAF presentations
- SECONAF - Le forum SECONAF et ses realisations - Badara Seye
- SECONAF - Plans pour le futur cycle de SECONAF - Gloria Castany Prado
- SECONAF - Investing in youth to harness the Demographic Dividend in Africa - Abdelylah Lakssir, PPD ARO
AAWG presentations
- Harmonizing stockouts indicators - Suzy Sacher
- Social Accountability for reproductive health and family planning - Caroline Poirrier, Results for Development
- Pathfinder Int. Templeton Grant - AliyuAminuAhmed, Civil Society for Family Planning in Nigeria (CiSFP)
- The "A" of Accountability - Vicky Boydell, Rights and Accountability Specialist, Evidence Project/IPPF
Day 3 - 22 October 2014
MHS Caucus
- MHS - MHS Caucus update - Milka Dinev, RHSC
- MHS - Panel - MHS Initiatives - Validation of quality indictaors in MH service - Claudia Diaz, Population Council
- MHS - Update and presentation - Celina Schocken, Jhpiego
- MHS - Update and presentation - Shafia Rashid, FCI
- MHS - Improving access to life-saving maternal health commodities - Kabir Ahmed/UNFPA, Deborah Armbruster/USAID
NURHT Caucus
- NURHT - NURHT and Essential Medicines LIsts - Richard Lowe, VSI
- NURHT - NURHT Caucus overview and update - Heather Clark, Population Council and Jamee Kuznicki, RHSC
- NURHT - Woman-initatied contraceptive methods - Expanding effective contraceptive options - Chastain Fitzgerald, Pop Council
- NURHT - Woman-initatied contraceptive methods - Gladys Someren, MOH Kenya
- NURHT - Woman-initatied contraceptive methods - Playing nice in the sandbox - Tabitha Sripipatana, USAID
- NURHT - Woman-initatied contraceptive methods - Progesterone contraceptive vaginal ring - Frank Gutierrez, Grupo Gr-ïnentha
- NURHT - Woman-initatied contraceptive methods - The progesterone contraceptive vaginal ring - Saumya RamaRao, Population Council
Day 4 - 23 October 2014
- State of the Coalition Report - John Skibiak
- Plenary - History of FP in LAC -Tulane University
- Plenary - Increasing access to LARCs_ A debate on equity and strategies for overcoming access barriers for the Post-2015 Development Agenda
- Plenary - Strategic Pillars, Barry Coleman
- Plenary - Strategic Pillars, Gloria Asare
Parallel Session - Availability
- PS Availability - High Impact SCM Practices - Juvenal Majoro, USAID
- PS Availability - High Impact SCM Practices - Leah Hasselback, Intrahealth
- PS Availability - High Impact SCM Practices - Miranda Gyang, JSI
- PS Availability - High Impact SCM Practices - Renee van der Weerdt, UNFPA
- PS Availability - Systematic HR in SCM - Alexis Heaton, JSI
- PS Availability - Systematic HR in SCM - Andrew Brown, PtD
Parallel Session - Choice
- PS Choice - Lies, damn lies and statistics - Denise Harrison, USAID
- PS Choice - Lies, damn lies and statistics - Elizabeth Westley
- PS Choice - Lies, damn lies and statistics - Margret Verwijk, MFA
- PS Choice - Measuring the CoalitionGÇÖs Strategic Pillars_ Lessons on Availability and Choice - Denis Kibira, HEPS
- PS Choice - Measuring the CoalitionGÇÖs Strategic Pillars_ Lessons on Availability and Choice - Suzy Sacher, Deliver
Parallel Session - Equity
- PS Equity - Achieving equitable access - Elizabeth Igharo, USAID
- PS Equity - Achieving equitable access - Campbell Bright, UNFPA
- PS Equity - Achieving equitable access - Elizabeth Obaje, USAID
- PS Equity panel 1 - RH equity gaps - Salud Mesoamerica - Emma Iriarte, IADB
- PS Equity panel 1 - The role of policy, Suneeta Sharma, Futures Group
Parallel Session - Quality
- PS Quality - Addressing barriers to access, Prashant Yadav
- PS Quality - Quality of maternal health drugs and emergency contraception - David Jenkins, FHI360
- PS Quality - Quality of maternal health drugs and emergency contraception - Peter Hall, Concept Foundation
- PS Quality - Quality of maternal health drugs and emergency contraception - Saumya RamaRao, PopCouncil
Day 5 - 24 October 2014
- Speaking the same language on Stockouts
- Maternal health supplies are reproductive health supplies - Essential Medicines for MH - Deepti Tanuku
- Maternal health supplies are reproductive health supplies - Essential Medicines for MH - Shafia Rashid, FCI
- Presentation on UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities Maternal Health TRT - Kabir Ahmed, Technical Adviser, UNFPA
Parallel Sessions
- A manufacturer's perspective - FP2020 panel
- Accountabilty - Caroline Poirrier
- Accountabilty - Vicky Boydell
- Advancing the goals of FP2020_ The Gates FoundationGÇÖs FP strategy
- Data driven scale-up of contraceptive implants panel
- Delivering for Youth_ The Present and Future Generation of Advocates
- From survive to thrive panel
- Going beyond procurement and stock - Patricia MacDonald
- Improving contraceptive procurement - Françoise Armand, Abt
- Improving contraceptive procurement - Nora Quesada, JSI
- Increasing access to quality contraceptive commidities - Josiane Yagibou, UNFPA
- Increasing access to quality contraceptive commidities - Karin Ganter, FHI360
- Investing in youth to harness the Demographic Dividend in Africa, A. Lakssir
- National Commitments - Halima Shatiff, AFP
- National Commitments - Héctor Antonio Coy _ Rosa González, Ministry Guatemala - ENGLISH
- National Commitments - Laili Irani, PRB
- The Pros and Cons of Decentralization for Increasing Contraceptive Access and Use - Dr. Fihir
- The Pros and Cons of Decentralization for Increasing Contraceptive Access and Use - Maurice HIza