ADB | Asian Development Bank |
AFDB | African Development Bank Group |
AIMAS | Agence Ivoirienne de Marketing Social |
BMGF | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation |
CARE | CARE International |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CNCS | Mozambique National HIV / AIDS Council |
DFID | UK Department for International Development |
DKT | DKT International |
Global Fund | Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria |
IAPSO | Inter-Agency Procurement Services Organization |
ICA Foundation | International Contraceptive Services Organization |
IOM | International Organization for Migration |
IPPF | International Planned Parenthood Federation |
IUD | Intrauterine device |
JSI | John Snow, Inc. |
KFW | Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (German Reconstruction Bank) |
MOH | Ministry of Health |
MSD | Medical Stores Department (Tanzania) |
MSI | Marie Stopes International |
NMS | National Medical Stores (Uganda) |
Other | Other Funding Source |
OTHERGOUV | Other Ministry or government agency |
PAHO | Pan American Health Organization |
PSCMC | Global Fund and Supply Chain Management Consortium (Kenya) |
PSI | Population Services International |
RHI | Reproductive Health Interchange |
UN Peacekeeping | United Nations Peacekeeping or Monitoring Mission |
UNAIDS | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNFPA | United Nations Population Fund |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
UNOPS | United Nations Office for Project Services |
UNOV | United Nations Office In Vienna |
US DOD | U.S. Government, Department of Defense |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
VFT | Vaginal Foaming Tablet |
WFP | World Food Programme |
WHO | World Health Organization |