Monday 7 October
Market Development Approaches Working Group Meeting
- Agenda
- Anita Deshpande - Market Shaping Initiatives
- Anita Deshpande - Membership Survey: Results and Discussion
- Jane Hutchings - Total Market Approaches
- Lester Chinery - QuRHM
Tuesday 8 October
Advocacy and Accountability Working Group
- Agenda
- Mercedes Mas de Xaxas - Commitments Initiative
- Kim Ocheltree - UNCoLSC Update
- Diana Nambatya - Challenges and Successes at the Country Level
Senegal, Uganda and Zambia - Allison Marshall - Post 2015: How to include Universal Access to RH in the new Development Framework?
- Milka Dinev - LAC Forum
- Nienke Blauw - A&A WG
- Ellen Tompsett - Introduction Stockouts Initiative
- Beatriz de la Mora - Global Programme on RH Commodity Security
Systems Strengthening Working Group
- Agenda
- John Skibiak - News from the Coalition Secretariat
- Leslie Patykewich - Systems Strengthening Working Group
- Carolyn Hart - The many faces of integration
- Maya Jaffe - Improving Access Through SC Integration
- Ellen Tompsett - SSWG Workstream Highlights
- Aron Betru - Financing for Development
- Andrew Brown - People that Deliver
Wednesday 9 October
New and Underused RH Technologies
- Agenda
- Jamee Kuznicki - NURHT Caucus Meeting update
- Saskia Husken - Presentation UAFC & Templeton
- Dr. Manisha Bhise - ARC Expanding Access to NURHTS
Maternal Health Supplies Caucus
- Agenda
- Milka Dinev - Annual Update: Progress and Challenges over the Last Year
- Hans Vemer - Life-saving commodities for women and children
- Kim Ocheltree (on behalf of Maheen Malik) - MHS Caucus SIAPS
- Rosemarie Muganda-Onyando - Country Perspectives
- Kim Ocheltree - Tools subgroup
Thursday10 October
- Agenda
- John Skibiak - State of the Coalition
- Nora Quesada - Con Las Manos Vacias
Innovative Partnerships: Breaking Down Market Barriers to Achieve Contraceptive Security
- Denise Harrison - Partnership with IMS
- Maria Cristina Ramirez - IPAS and IPPF: Policies Reducing Access in LAC
- Professor Paul Lalvani - Approaches for Leveraging Private Sector Supply Chain to Promote Public Health Impact
What Do Women Want? Emerging Technologies for Reproductive Health
- Saumya Ramarao, Sabrina Johnson, Nomita Chandhiok, Beatrice Mutali - What Women Want
Does Price Matter? Who Pays for Contraceptives, and Does Price Make a Difference to Consumers?
- Elizabeth Westley - Does Price Matter? Who Pays for Contraceptives, and Does Price Make a Difference to Consumers?
How are Innovations in Investment Tools Improving Access to Capital for Global Health Development?
- Aron Betru - Financing for Development
Quality-assured Reproductive Health Medicines: Is there a Business Case?
- Louis J. Riceberg - Quality-assured Reproductive Health Medicines: Is there a Business Case?
How New Models of Products and/or New Commercial Approaches Could Better Align with Market Segmentation Strategies
- Alexis Ettinger - Introducing CycleBeads to India
- Mukul Taparia - How different models of IUDs can cater to the different segments of women with varying needs and different socio economic backgrounds?
How do Successful Innovation Fund Projects Make an Impact in Countries? Case Studies from Afghanistan and Sierra Leone
- Manty Tarawalli - Innovation Fund Sierra Leone’s
Friday 11 October
- Agenda
- Marleen Temmerman - Opening speech at the Delhi Coalition meeting
- John Skibiak - Strategic Plan Overview
- John Skibiak - Strategic Plan Overview (video presentation)
Partnering with the Private Sector: Models and Successes
- Holly Connor, Jane Wickstrom, Cindi R. Cisek - Employer-Based Approach to Increase Support for and Provision of LA/PMs in India
- Kate Rademacher - Lessons Learned from the Public Private Partnerships Implant (III) Initiative
- Daniel Aspilcueta - Partnering with the Private Sector: Expanding Access to Reproductive Health in Peru
Cooperative Conflict or Natural Allies? State and Non - State Partnering for Progress on Commitments
- Anabella Sanchez - Government and Civil society working together?
What are the Lessons Learned from the Introduction of Sayana Press? Experiences from Seattle and Senegal
- Dr. Papa Chimere Diaw - Introducing a New Contraceptive Method in Senegal
- Jane Hutchings - Sayana Press Partnerships and New Product Introduction
What Progress has been Made Providing Access to Implants One Year After the Deals?
- John Skibiak - Implant Access Initiative
- Kshama Roberts - Commitment to Reproductive Health Care Access
To More with Many: Increasing Access to an Expanded Basket of Contraceptive Choice
- Jharkhand Himani Sethi - Gearing Health Systems to Ensure Availability and Supplies at the Last Mile
- Dr. Amit Bhanot - Total Market Approach to Increase Access, Choice, and Quality Bihar and Orissa
- Sanjay Pandey - FP among Urban Poor
- Dr. Nisha Gupta - To More with Many Increasing Access to an Expanded Basket of Contraceptive Choice
Partnerships for a Product Introduction: the History and Future of Injectable Contraceptives in India