
Making empty shelves a thing of the past

24th June 2015

More than 30 partners of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition have committed to making empty shelves a thing of the past. USAID, UNFPA GPRHCS, PSI and IPPF are among Coalition members who have come on board Take Stock, a brand-new campaign to unite our community in resolving stockouts of reproductive health supplies, once and for all.


Waiting on the Margins

16th June 2015

A young woman sits in a clinic in Nairobi, Kenya, waiting for advice on family planning. The question running through her mind could well be: “will the contraceptive I need be there, or will they turn me away empty-handed?”


Call for presentations!

12th June 2015


The deadline for submitting a presentation was July 3, 2015. Our organizing committing is reviewing all the submitted abstracts.

We should get back to you with the notification of the results by Friday 17, July. If you...

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Dear Coalition Members

9th June 2015

It seems like just yesterday when I took on the responsibility of chairing the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition. It was a little short of two years ago when I took the mantle from my predecessor Julia Bunting, in Delhi at the Coalition’s 14th General Membership Meeting.

Who's Holding up Our Pillars: The Female Health Company

1st June 2015

The Female Health Company has been a Coalition member since 2007. They manufacture, market and sell the FC2 Female Condom, the only female-controlled safe-sex contraceptive method approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and cleared by the World Health Organization (WHO) that provides dual protection against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), including HIV.


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