Thirteenth Meeting, Paris 2012
Thirteenth meeting
The 13th annual membership meeting of the Coalition broke new ground with its bilingual format, its active use of social media to reach global audience, and its active engagement of more than 200 participants to help shape the next phase of the “Coalition story”. Following an exercise conducted earlier in 2012 which evaluated the Coalition’s significance and value, the meeting in Paris 4–5 October 2012, called on members to help steer the Coalition’s efforts in increasing resources, overcoming barriers to reproductive health, forging effective partnerships, strengthening systems, and assuring product safety and effectiveness.
Co-hosted by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting also had a special focus on outstanding issues and advances in Francophone Africa today, and heard from Ms. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, French Minister of Women’s Rights, in a video address. Panels on Quality, Choice, the Family Planning Summit 2020 and the UN Commodities Commission were accompanied by a well-attended “marketplace” of presentations on a wide array of reproductive health-related subjects. Working Group, Caucus and SECONAF meetings took place earlier in the week.