When She Needs it Most: Access to RH Supplies in Humanitarian Settings


More than 32 million women and girls of reproductive age worldwide require humanitarian assistance. Women and girls affected by conflict and disasters are at increased risk of unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, and maternal morbidity and mortality, making their need and demand for RH supplies – including contraceptives and maternal health products – even more acute. With millions of women and girls displaced globally, meeting their RH needs is also critical to achieving FP2020 commitments and global development goals. Ensuring access to RH supplies across the humanitarian relief to development continuum safeguards hard-won gains in RH commodity security from being rolled back during times of crisis.

This webinar will provide background on the key RH supply chain challenges across contexts affected by crises, from emergency response to recovery and preparedness. It is the first in a series of webinars, co-hosted by the Inter-agency Working Group (IAWG) for Reproductive Health in Crises, to explore the particular RH supply challenges and opportunities in crisis-affected settings and the potential for collaboration across these coalitions to improve access to RH supplies in all contexts.

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