Occupied Palestinian Territory Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006: Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women
Publication date: 2006
˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟ ˬΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ δϤϟ2006 ϲϟϭϷ ήϳήϘΘϟ ϥΎδϴϧ/ˬϞϳήΑ2007 ¤ˬϝϭ ϊϴΑέ1425˰ϫ–ϧˬϥΎδϴ2007. ΔχϮϔΤϣ ϕϮϘΤϟ ϊϴϤΟ. ϲϟΎΘϟΎϛ ΔϋϮΒτϤϟ ϩάϫ ϰϟ· ΓέΎηϹ ϰΟήϳ ˬαΎΒΘϗϻ ΔϟΎΣ ϲϓ: ˬϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ2007 .ˬΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ δϤϟ2006ϲϟϭϷ ήϳήϘΘϟ ˬ. Ϳ ϡέ–ϦϴτδϠϓ. ϖϴΛϮΘϟϭ ήθϨϟ ΓήΩ ϰϟ· ϪΟϮΗ ΕϼγήϤϟ ϊϴϤΟ /ΕΎϣΪΧ ϢδϗϲϟΎΘϟ ϥϮϨόϟ ϰϠϋ έϮϬϤΠϟ: ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ. ι.Ώ .1647Ϳ ϡέ ˬ-ϦϴτδϠϓ. βϛΎϓ :63432402)972/970( ϒΗΎϫ :63402402)972/970( ΔΤϔλΔϴϧϭήΘϜϟ· :ps.gov.pcbs.www://http ϲϧϭήΘϜϟ· ΪϳήΑ :diwan@pcbs.gov.ps ΕθϨϤϟϭ ϦϛΎδϤϟϭ ϥΎϜδϠϟ ϡΎόϟ ΩΪόΘϟ ΡΎΠϧ· ϲϓ Ύ˱όϣ ϢϫΎδϨϟ-2007 ήϳΪϘΗϭ ήϜη ϊϴϤΟ ϰϟϭ ˬδϤϟ άϫ ϲϓ ΖϤϫΎγ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϓ Γήγ Ϟϛ ϰϟ· ήϳΪϘΘϟϭ ήϜθϟΎΑ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ϡΪϘΘϳ ϢϬΒΟϭ ΔϳΩ΄Η ˯ΎϨΛ ήϴψϨϟ ϊτϘϨϣ ιήΣ Ϧϣ ϩϭΪΑ ΎϤϟ Ϫϴϓ ϦϴϠϣΎόϟ. ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗϭ ςϴτΨΗ ϢΗ ΪϘϟ-2006˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ Ϧϣ ϲϨϓ ϖϳήϓ ΓΩΎϴϘΑ ˬ ϥΎϜδϠϟ ΓΪΤΘϤϟ ϢϣϷ ϕϭΪϨλϭ ϒϴδϴϧϮϴϟϭ ΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟ ϲϓ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲΑήόϟ ωϭήθϤϟϭ ˬϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ. ϟ ΔτϠδϟ Ϧϣ Ϟϛ ϦϴΑ ϙήΘθϣ ϲϟΎϣ ϢϋΪΑ δϤϟ άϫ άϴϔϨΗ ϢΗΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ΔϴϨσϮ)PNA (ϢϣϷ ϕϭΪϨλϭ ϒϴδϴϧϮϴϟϭ ϲϫϭ ˬΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟ ϲϓ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲΑήόϟ ωϭήθϤϟ ϲϓ ΔϛέΎθϤϟ ΕΎϬΠϟ Ϧϣ ΔϋϮϤΠϣϭ ϥΎϜδϠϟ ΓΪΤΘϤϟ : ϭΪϨλϭ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ ΔΤμϟ ΔϤψϨϣϭ ΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟϭ ΔϴΎϤϧϹ ΓΪΤΘϤϟ ϢϣϷ ΕΎϤψϨϣ ϢϋΪϟ ϲΑήόϟ ΞϴϠΨϟ ΞϣΎϧήΑϕ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻϭ ΔϳΩΎμΘϗϻ ΔϨΠϠϟϭ ΔϴΒτϟ ϡϮϠόϠϟ ΔϴϣϼγϹ ΔϤψϨϤϟϭ ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΘϟ ϲϟϭΪϟ ΩΎΤΗϻϭ ΔϴϟϭΪϟ ΔϴϤϨΘϠϟ ϚΑϭϷ Ύϴγ ϲΑήϐϟ .ϲϓ ΖϤϫΎγ ϲΘϟ ΕΎϬΠϟ ϊϴϤΟ ϰϟ· ήϜθϟΎΑ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ϡΪϘΘϳ ΔΒγΎϨϤϟ ϩάϬΑϭ ωϭήθϤϟ ϞϳϮϤΗ. ήϳήϘΘϟ ϲϣΪΨΘδϤϟ ϪϳϮϨΗ )0.0 :(Ϧϣ Ϟϗ ΎϬϧ ϱ ˬήϔμϟ Ϧϣ ΏήΘϘΗ ϭ ήϔλ ΔΒδϨϟ ϥ ϲϨόΗ0.05.% :*ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ήθϨϟ ΔϟΎΣ ϲϓ ϦϳΎΒΘϟ ωΎϔΗέ ΐΒδΑ ϚϟΫϭ ΕήηΆϤϟ ξόΑ ϲϓ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ϊϣ ΖϴϔϠγϭ ϦϴϨΟ ϊϣ αΎΑϮσ ΞϣΩ ϢΗ ϦϴΘϘτϨϤϟ ϦϴΗΎϫ. ϢϳΪϘΗ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϰϠϋ ΎγΎγ ΔϴγΎϴδϟϭ ΔϳΩΎμΘϗϻϭ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻ ϲΣϮϨϟ ϒϠΘΨϣ ϲϓ ΕΎγΎϴδϟ Ϣγέϭ ςϴτΨΘϟ ΕΎϴϠϤϋ ΪϤΘόΗ ΔϘϴϗΪϟϭ ΔϗϮΛϮϤϟ ΔϴΎμΣϹ ΕΎϴτόϤϟϭ .ςτΨϟ ϊοϭ ϲϓ αΎγϷ ήΠΣ ΔϴΎμΣϹ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ήΒΘόΗ ϲΤμϟ ϝΎΠϤϟ ϲϓϭ ϧΎϋ ΚϴΣ ˬΔϴΤμϟ ΕΎγΎϴδϟϭϝϮΣ ΔϘϴϗΪϟ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ήϓϮΗ ϡΪϋ Ϧϣ ΔϴοΎϤϟ ΩϮϘόϟ ΔϠϴσ ϝΎΠϤϟ άϫ ϲϓ ςτΨϟ Ϯόοϭ ϰ ϡΎϋ ϲϓ ϝϭϷ ϲΤμϟ δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ ϢΗ ϥ ϰϟ· ˬωΎτϘϟ άϫ1996ϲΤμϟ δϤϟϭ ˬ2000ϲϓήϐϤϳΪϟ ϲΤμϟ δϤϟϭ ˬ 2004έΪϣ ϰϠϋ ΔϴΤμϟ ΕήθϨϟϭ ΙΎΤΑϸϟ ΔϘϴϗΩ ΓΪϋΎϗ ΎϬΗΎϧΎϴΑ ΕήΒΘϋ ϲΘϟϭ ˬδϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ ˯ΎΟϭ ˬΔϴοΎϤϟ ϦϴϨδϟ ϡΎόϟ ϲϓ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ2006ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ήϓϮϴγ δϤϟ ϥϭ ΔλΎΧ ˬϩάϫ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ΪϋϮϘϟ ΎϴϓΎο Ϊϓέ Γήϣ ϝϭϷ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟ. ΓήѧγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ δϤϟ ϢϤλ2006ήѧηΆϤϟ ΩΪѧόΘϣ ϱΩϮѧϘϨόϟ δѧϤϟ ΕήѧηΆϣ ϰѧϠϋ Ύπѧϳ ϞϤΘθѧϳ ϱάѧϟϑΪѧϬΑ Ε Ϧѧϣ ϚѧϟΫϭ ϲѧϠΤϤϟ ϊϤΘΠϤϟϭ ΓήγϷϭ Ωήϔϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ ΔΤμϟϭ ΓήγϷ ΔΤλ ϝϮΣ ΔϘϴϗΩϭ ΔϴϠϴμϔΗ ΕΎϧΎϴΑ ήϴϓϮΗ ΔϴΤμѧѧϟ ΔѧѧϳΎϋήϟϭ ˬΔΑϮμѧѧΨϟ ΕϻΪѧѧόϣϭ ϊѧѧοήϟϭ ϝΎѧѧϔσϷ ΕΎѧѧϴϓϮΑ ΔѧѧλΎΨϟ ΕήѧѧηΆϤϟ Ϧѧѧϣ ΓήѧѧϴΒϛ ΔѧѧϋϮϤΠϣ αΎѧѧϴϗ ϝϼѧѧΧ Βѧγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΎϬϴϓ ΎϤΑ ήγϸϟ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻϭϦѧϋ ϦϫέΎѧϤϋ ϞѧϘΗϭ Νϭΰѧϟ ϦѧϬϟ ϖ55ϞѧϤϋϭ ˬΔδѧϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎѧϔσϷϭ ΔϨѧγ ήϤόϟ ϲϓ ϝΎϔσϷ5-17ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ ςΒοϭ ˬΔϨγ)2-14ΔϨγ(ΩήѧϓϷ ϢϴѧϠόΗϭ ˬ)5-24ΔϨѧγ (ϦϴΟϭΰѧΘϤϟ ήѧϴϏ ΏΎΒθѧϟϭ )15-29ΔϨγ(ϢϫέΎϤϋ ώϠΒΗ Ϧϳάϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛϭ ˬ60ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ. Ϸ ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϳήϘΘϟ άϫ νήόΘδϳϦϣ ΔϋϮϤΠϣ ϰϟ· ΔϓΎοϹΎΑ ΔϴγΎγϷ ΞΎΘϨϟ έΪλ· Ύ˱ϘΣϻ ϢΘϴγϭ ˬδϤϟ ΎϬΑ ΝήΧ ϲΘϟ Δϴϟϭ ϡΎΨϟ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϒϠϣ έΪλ· ϰϟ· ΔϓΎοϹΎΑ ˬΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ϖσΎϨϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΔϴΎμΣϹ ήϳέΎϘΘϟϭ ΔϴϠϴϠΤΘϟ ήϳέΎϘΘϟ ϡΎόϟ ϡΪΨΘγϼϟ . ϳ ϥ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ϲϓ Ϟϣ΄ϧϢγέ ϲϓ ΕέήϘϟ ϱάΨΘϣ ΓΪϋΎδϤϟ ΔϴγΎγ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ δϤϟ άϫ ήϓϮ ϦϜϤϳ ΚϴΤΑ ΕΎϣϮϠόϤϟ ϢϳϮϘΗϭ ϞϴϠΤΗ Ϧϣ ΕΎγΎϴδϟ ϲϤγέ ϦϴϜϤΗϭ ˬΓήγϷ ΔΤμΑ ΔϘϠόΘϤϟ ΕΎγΎϴδϟ ϢϳϮϘΗϭ ΔόΑΎΘϣϭ ΓΩΪόΘϤϟ ΔϴΤμϟ ΕΎγΎϴδϟϭ ΞϣήΒϟ ϢϴϴϘΗϭ ΔόΑΎΘϣ. ˬϥΎδϴϧ2007ϪϧΎΒη ϱΆϟ ίΎϬΠϟ βϴέ ΕΎϳϮΘΤϤϟ ΔϤΎϗ ωϮοϮϤϟΔΤϔμϟ ϻϭ :ϟ ΔϴΠϬϨϣϭ ϑΪϫΔΑΎΠΘγϻ ΐδϧϭ δϤ13 ΎϴϧΎΛ :Δϴδϴήϟ ΞΎΘϨϟ17 1.2ϦϜδϤϟ κΎμΧ17 2.2ΕΎϴϓϮϟϭ ΔΑϮμΨϟ17 3.2ΔϣΎόϟ ΔΤμϟ18 4.2ΔϴΑΎΠϧϻ ΔΤμϟ19 5.2Ϟϔτϟ ΔΤλ21 6.2ΏΎΒθϟ)15-29ΔϨγ (ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ23 7.2Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ)60ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ(24 8.2ΕήηΆϤϟ Ϣϫ΄Α κΨϠϣ27 ϖΤϠϣ)1 :(ϝϭΪΠϟ33 ϖΤϠϣ)2 :(ΕΎΤϠτμϤϟϭ ϢϴϫΎϔϤϟ65 13 ϻϭ :ΔΑΎΠΘγϻ ΐδϧϭ δϤϟ ΔϴΠϬϨϣϭ ϑΪϫ ήόϟ ωϭήθϤϟ ϊϣ ϥϭΎόΘϟΎΑ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ ˯ΎμΣϺϟ ϱΰϛήϤϟ ίΎϬΠϟ άϔϧˬΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟ ϲϓ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲΑ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϲϨϴτδϠϔϟ δϤϟ ϥΎϜδϠϟ ΓΪΤΘϤϟ ϢϣϷ ϕϭΪϨλϭ ˬϒϴδϴϧϮϴϟϭ .ϲΑήόϟ ωϭήθϤϟ Ϧϣ ˯ΰΟ δϤϟ ήΒΘόϳϭ δϤϟ ΕήηΆϣ ϰϠϋ Ύπϳ δϤϟ ϞϤΘηϭ ˬΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ϒϠΘΨϣ ϲϓ ΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ ΔόϣΎΟ ϩάϔϨΗ ϱάϟ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ ϣ ϱΩϮϘϨόϟϲΑήόϟ ωϭήθϤϟ Ϧϣ ϲϨϓ ϢϋΪΑ ΔϴΑήόϟ ϝϭΪϟ Ϧϣ ΩΪϋ ϲϓ ϒϴδϴϧϮϴϟ ϩάϴϔϨΗ ϰϠϋ ϑήθΗ ϱάϟ ΕήηΆϤϟ ΩΪόΘ ΓήγϷ ΔΤμϟ. ΓήγϷϭ Ωήϔϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ ΔΤμϟϭ ΓήγϷ ΔΤλ ϝϮΣ ΔϘϴϗΩϭ ΔϴϠϴμϔΗ ΕΎϧΎϴΑ ήϴϓϮΗ ϰϟ· ωϭήθϤϟ ϑΪϬϳ ήϴΒϛ ΔϋϮϤΠϣ αΎϴϗ ϝϼΧ Ϧϣ ϚϟΫϭ ϲϠΤϤϟ ϊϤΘΠϤϟϭΕϻΪόϣϭ ϊοήϟϭ ϝΎϔσϷ ΕΎϴϓϮΑ ΔλΎΨϟ ΕήηΆϤϟ Ϧϣ Γ Ϧϋ ϦϫέΎϤϋ ϞϘΗϭ Νϭΰϟ ϦϬϟ ϖΒγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΎϬϴϓ ΎϤΑ ήγϸϟ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻϭ ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϳΎϋήϟϭ ˬΔΑϮμΨϟ55ΔϨγ ήϤόϟ ϲϓ ϝΎϔσϷ ϞϤϋϭ ˬΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷϭ5-17ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ ςΒοϭ ˬΔϨγ)2-14ΔϨγ(ΩήϓϷ ϢϴϠόΗϭ ˬ )5-24ΔϨγ (ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϟϭ)15-29ΔϨγ(ϢϫέΎϤϋ ώϠΒΗ Ϧϳάϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛϭ ˬ60ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ . ΔϘϠόΘϤϟ ΕΎγΎϴδϟ ϢϳϮϘΗϭ ΔόΑΎΘϣϭ Ϣγέ ϲϓ ΕέήϘϟ ϱάΨΘϣ ΓΪϋΎδϤϟ ΔϴγΎγ ΕΎϣϮϠόϣ ήϴϓϮΗ ϰϟ· ωϭήθϤϟ ϑΪϬϳ ΎϤϛ ϳϮϘΗϭ ϞϴϠΤΗ Ϧϣ ΕΎγΎϴδϟ ϲϤγέ ϦϴϜϤΗϭ ˬΓήγϷ ΔΤμΑΕΎγΎϴδϟϭ ΞϣήΒϟ ϢϴϴϘΗϭ ΔόΑΎΘϣ ϦϜϤϳ ΚϴΤΑ ΕΎϣϮϠόϤϟ Ϣ ΓΩΪόΘϤϟ ΔϴΤμϟ .ΔψϓΎΤϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΕήηΆϤϟ Ϧϣ ήϴΒϛ ΩΪϋ ήϴϓϮΘΑ Γήϣ ϝϭϷϭ δϤϟ άϫ ΰϴϤΘϳϭ. ΔγέΪϟ ϊϤΘΠϣ: ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϞϤθΗ ϲΘϟϭ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϳΩΎϴΘϋ ΓέϮμΑ ΔϤϴϘϤϟ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ήγϷ ϊϴϤΟΓΰϏ ωΎτϗϭ. ΔϨϳΎόϤϟ έΎσ·: ϡΎόϟ ϲϓ ΎϬΜϳΪΤΗ ϢΗ ϲΘϟϭ ΔϠϣΎθϟ ΔϨϴόϟ Ϊϋ ϖσΎϨϣ Ϧϣ ΔϨϳΎόϤϟ έΎσ· ϥϮϜΘϳ2003Ϧϣ ΔϋϮϤΠϣ Ϧϣ ϥϮϜΘΗ Ϊόϟ ΔϘτϨϣϭ ˬ Δϴϟϭ ΔϨϳΎόϣ ΕΪΣϮϛ Ϊόϟ ϖσΎϨϣ ϡΪΨΘγ ϢΗ Ϊϗϭ ˬήγϷ ΎϬϴϓ ζϴόΗ ϲΘϟ ϦϛΎδϤϟ. ΔϨϴόϟ ϢϴϤμΗ: ϰϠϋ δϤϟ άϫ ΔϨϴϋ ϢϴϤμΗ ϢΗϦϴΘϠΣήϣ ΕΫ ΔϤψΘϨϣ ΔϴϮθϋ ΔϳΩϮϘϨϋ ΔϴϘΒσ ΔϨϴϋ ΎϬϧ .έΎϴΘΧ ϰϟϭϷ ΔϠΣήϤϟ ϲϓ ϢΗ325 Ϧϣ ΔϧϮϜϣ ΔϤψΘϨϣ ΔϨϴϋ έΎϴΘΧ ϢΗ ΔϴϧΎΜϟ ΔϠΣήϤϟ ϲϓϭ ˬΕΎϘΒτϟ ΔϓΎϛ ϞϤθΗ Ϊϋ ΔϘτϨϣ40ϢΗ Ϊϋ ΔϘτϨϣ Ϟϛ Ϧϣ Γήγ ϰϟϭϷ ΔϠΣήϤϟ ϲϓ ΎϫέΎϴΘΧ. ΎϤΘγ ϰϠϋ ϪϟΎϤΘηϭ δϤϟ ΔϴλϮμΨϟ ήψϧΕήηΆϣ ϢπΗ ΔϴϧΎΜϟϭ ˬΕήηΆϤϟ ΩΪόΘϣ δϤϟ ΕήηΆϣ ϢπΗ ϰϟϭϷ ϦϴΗέ έΎϴΘΧ ϢΗ ϝϭϷ ϢδϘϟ ˬΪϋ ΔϘτϨϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ ϦϴϤδϗ ϰϟ· ΔϨϴόϟ ϢϴδϘΗ ϢΗ ΪϘϓ ˬΎόϣ ΕήηΆϤϟ ΩΪόΘϣ δϣϭ ΓήγϷ ΔΤλ δϣ 19έΎϴΘΧ ϢΗ ϲϧΎΜϟ ϢδϘϟϭ ˬΎϬϨϣ ϰϟϭϷ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϔϴΘγ ϢΗϭ ˬΪϋ ΔϘτϨϣ Ϟϛ Ϧϣ Γήγ21ϢΗ ˬΪόϟ ΔϘτϨϣ βϔϧ Ϧϣ Γήγ Ϊϋ ΔϘτϨϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ ϦϴΘϋϮϤΠϤϟ ϦϴΑ ήγϷ ϦϴΑ ϊσΎϘΗ ϙΎϨϫ ϦϜϳ Ϣϟ Ϫϧ΄Α ΎϤϠϋ ˬΎϬϨϣ ΔϴϧΎΜϟ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ˯ΎϔϴΘγ. ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ Ϧϣ ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΩήϓϷ ϊϴϤΟ ήμΣ ϢΗ Ϛϟάϛ15-29)ΏΎΒθϟ ΓέΎϤΘγ ˯ΎϔϴΘγϻ(έΎΒϛ ϊϴϤΟ ήμΣϭ ˬ Ϧδϟ60ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ)ϻϦδϟ έΎΒϛ ΓέΎϤΘγ ˯ΎϔϴΘγ(ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ Ϧϣ ΪΣϭ Ωήϓ έΎϴΘΧ ϢΗϭ ˬ)2-14 (ιΎΨϟ ϢδϘϟ ˯ΎϔϴΘγϻ ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ ςΒπΑ. ΔϨϴόϟ ϢΠΣ:δϤϟ ΔϨϴϋ ϢΠΣ ώϠΑ13,238ΎϬϨϣ ˬΓήγ8,781ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ4,457ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ. 14 δϤϟ ΕϭΩ: ΓέΎϤΘγϻ :ϡΪΨΘγ δϤϟ άϫ ϝϼΧ ϢΗ4ΔϴγΎγ ΕέΎϤΘγ: ϰϟϭϷ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ: Ϧϣ ΎϬΗΎϧΎϴΑ ϊϤΟ ϢΗ7,056ΔϴϟΎΘϟ ϡΎδϗϷ ΖϨϤπΗϭ ˬΓήγ: -ϰϠϋ ϞϤΘηϭ ˬΔϴθϴόϤϟ ΓήγϷ :ςΒο Ϣδϗϭ ϦϴΧΪΘϟϭ ΔϨϣΰϤϟ νήϣϷϭ ΔϗΎϋϹϭ ΔϴϤϴϠόΘϟϭ ΔϴϓήϐϤϳΪϟ κΎμΨϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ)2-14ΔϨγ(ϝΎϔσϷ ϞϤϋ Ϣδϗϭ ˬ)5-17ΔϨγ(Ηϭ ˬΩήϓϷ ϢϴϠό)5-24ΔϨγ.( -Ϧϋ ϞϘΗ ϦϫέΎϤϋϭ Νϭΰϟ ϦϬϟ ϖΒγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ55ϰϠϋ ϞϤΘηϭ ˬΔϨγ :ˬΕϼϫΆϤϟ ΕΪϴδϠϟ ΔϣΎόϟ κΎμΨϟ ΔϓήόϤϟϭ ˬΏΎΠϧϹΎΑ ΔτΒΗήϤϟ ΔϨϣΰϤϟ νήϣϷ ˬΔϣϮϣϷ ΔϳΎϋέ ˬΏΎΠϧϹ ΕΎϫΎΠΗϭ ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗϭ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ˬΝϭΰϟ ΎϴδϨΟ ΔϟϮϘϨϤϟ νήϣϷΎΑ. -ϰϠϋ ϞϤΘη ˬΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ :Ϟϔτϟ ϕϮϘΣϭ ˬήϜΒϤϟ ϢϴϠόΘϟ ˬΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ ˬΓΎϴΤϟ Ϊϴϗ ϰϠϋ ϪΎϘΑϭ Ϟϔτϟ ΔΤλ. ΔϴϧΎΜϟ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ: Ϧϣ ΎϬΗΎϧΎϴΑ ϊϤΟ ϢΗϭ ˬϰϟϭϷ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ Ϧϣ ΔϴΰΟ ΓέΎϤΘγ ϲϫϭ6,182Γήγ .Ϣψόϣ ϰϠϋ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ϩάϫ ΖϠϤΘη ϰϟϭϷ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ΕήηΆϣΔϴϟΎΘϟ ϡΎδϗϷ ˯ΎϨΜΘγΎΑ: -ΔϴθϴόϤϟ ΓήγϷ ΓέΎϤΘγ ϲϓ ΔϨϣΰϤϟ νήϣϷ . -ΓήϤϟ ΓέΎϤΘγ ϲϓ ΎϴδϨΟ ΔϟϮϘϨϤϟ νήϣϷΎΑ ΔϓήόϤϟϭ ˬΏΎΠϧϹΎΑ ΔτΒΗήϤϟ ΔϨϣΰϤϟ νήϣϷ. ΔόγϮϤϟ ΔϨϴόϟ ϰϠϋ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ϩάϫ ϡΪΨΘγ ϢΗ Ϊϗϭ)6,182Γήγ ( ϩάϫ ΕήηΆϣ ήθϧ Ϧϣ ϦϜϤΘϨϟ ϚϟΫϭϰϠϋ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ. ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ: ήϤόϟ ϲϓ ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϟΎΑ ΖμΘΧ ΓέΎϤΘγ ϲϫϭ15-29ήγϷ ϲϓ ϦϴϠϫΆϤϟ ΏΎΒθϟ ϊϴϤΟ ΔϠΑΎϘϣ ΖϤΗ Ϊϗϭ ˬΔϨγ ΎϬΗέΎϳί ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ)7,056Γήγ(ΙΎϧϺϟ ϯήΧϭ έϮϛάϠϟ ΓέΎϤΘγ κϴμΨΗ ϢΗϭ ˬ .όΘΗ ϊϴοϮϣ ϰϠϋ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ΖϠϤΘηϖϠ νήϣϷΎΑ ΔϓήόϤϟ ˬΏΎΒθϠϟ ϲΤμϟ ϊοϮϟ ˬΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ Ϧϣ ΏΎΒθϟ ϒϗϮϣϭ ΕΎϫΎΠΗϭ ˬΏΎΒθϠϟ ΔϣΎόϟ κΎμΨϟΎΑ ϲΑΎΠϧϹ έϭΪϠϟ ΏΎΒθϟ ΩΪϋ·ϭ ˬΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻ ϒϗϮϤϟϭ ϙϮϠδϟ ˬΎϴδϨΟ ΔϟϮϘϨϤϟ. ΔόΑήϟ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ: Ϧδϟ έΎΒϜΑ ΖμΘΧ ΓέΎϤΘγ ϲϫϭ)60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ(ΎϘϣ ΖϤΗ Ϊϗϭ ˬΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ϲϓ ϦϴϠϫΆϤϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ϊϴϤΟ ΔϠΑ ΎϬΗέΎϳί)7,056Γήγ(Γήγ Ϟϛ ϲϓ Ωήϓ ϞϜϟ ΓέΎϤΘγ κϴμΨΗ ϢΗϭ ˬ .κΎμΨϟΎΑ ϖϠόΘΗ ϊϴοϮϣ ϰϠϋ ΓέΎϤΘγϻ ΖϠϤΘη ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϮΑ ϝΎμΗϻϭ ˬϦδϟ έΎΒϜϟ ϲΤμϟ ϊοϮϟ ˬύήϔϟ ΕΎϗϭ ˯Ύπϗϭ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻ ΔτθϧϷϭ ˬϦδϟ έΎΒϜϟ ΔϣΎόϟ. ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϝΎΧΩ·ϭ ϊϤΟ: ϦϴΑ Ύϣ ΓΪΘϤϤϟ ΓήΘϔϟ ϝϼΧ ϥΪϴϤϟ Ϧϣ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϊϤΟ ΓήΘϓ ΕΪΘϣ1/11/2006ΔϳΎϐϟϭ20/1/2007 .ΏΎΒθϟ δϣ Ύϣ ϲϓ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϊϤΟ ΔϴϠϤϋ ΕΪΒϓ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛϭ10/12/2006ΔϳΎϐϟ ΕήϤΘγϭ ˬ20/3/2007 .ϊϣ ϦϣΰΘϟΎΑ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ϝΎΧΩ· ϢΗ ήϤΘγϭ ϊϤΠϟ ΔϴϠϤϋΔϳΎϐϟ ϝΎΧΩϹ ΔϴϠϤϋ Ε25/3/2007ΔϣΰΤϟ ϡΪΨΘγ ϢΗ Ϊϗϭ ˬϦδϟ έΎΒϛϭ ΏΎΒθϟ ΕΎϧΎϴΑ ϚϟΫ ϲϓ ΎϤΑ ˬ ΔϴΠϣήΒϟCsproΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ΔΠϟΎόϣϭ ϝΎΧΩϹ. 15 ΔΑΎΠΘγϻ ΐδϧ: ϭ ϦϴϠϫΆϤϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛϭ ΏΎΒθϟϭ ϝΎϔσϷϭ ˯ΎδϨϟϭ ήγϷ ΩΪϋΐδϧΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ ΔΑΎΠΘγϻ ΠΘγϻ ΐδϧ ϭ ΔϨϴόϟΔΑΎΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ΔϨϴόϟ ϲϓ ήγϷ ΩΪϋ13,2388,7814,457 ΎϬΘϠΑΎϘϣ ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΩΪϋ11,6617,7003,961 ΔΒδϧΔΑΎΠΘγϻ88.085.593.1 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΩΪϋ15-54ΔϨϴόϟ ϲϓ Νϭΰϟ ϦϬϟ ϖΒγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ΔϨγ10,8306,6074,223 ΖϤΗ ϲΗϮϠϟ ΩΪϋϦϬΘϠΑΎϘϣ10,6486,4744,174 ΔΒδϧΔΑΎΠΘγϻ98.398.098.8 ΔϨϴόϟ ϲϓ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ10,3185,8954,423 ΕέΎϤΘγ ϢϬϟ ΖϴϓϮΘγ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ10,2305,8244,406 ΔΒδϧΔΑΎΠΘγϻ99.298.899.6 ΏΎΒθϟ ΩΪϋ15-29ΔϨϴόϟ ϲϓ ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΔϨγ7,4704,7002,770 ϢϬΘϠΑΎϘϣ ΖϤΗ Ϧϣ ΩΪϋ6,4703,8762,594 ΔΒδϧΔΑΎΠΘγϻ86.582.593.6 Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ΩΪϋ60ΔϨϴόϟ ϲϓ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ1,7221,137585 ϢϬΘϠΑΎϘϣ ΖϤΗ Ϧϣ ΩΪϋ1,6551,086569 ΔΒδϧΔΑΎΠΘγϻ96.095.597.3 16 ΎϴϧΎΛ :Δϴδϴήϟ ΞΎΘϨϟ: 1.2ϦϜδϤϟ κΎμΧ: έΩΎμϣΏήθϟ ϩΎϴϣ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ62.7 %ϭ ˬΏήθϟ ϩΎϴϤϟ έΪμϤϛ ΔϣΎόϟ ΔϜΒθϟ ϡΪΨΘδΗ ήγϷ Ϧϣ9.0 %ΕΪϳΪϤΗ ϊϣ ϊϤΟ ήΌΑ ϡΪΨΘδΗ ϭ ˬϝΰϨϤϟ ϞΧΩ16.1 %ϭ ˬΕΎϧϮϟΎϐϟϭ ΔϴϧΪόϤϟ ϩΎϴϤϟ ϡΪΨΘδΗ12.2 %ϲϓ ϦϴΒϣ Ϯϫ ΎϤϛ ΏήθϠϟ ϯήΧ έΩΎμϣ ϡΪΨΘδΗ Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ)1 .( ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑϭϦϣ Ώήη ϩΎϴϣ έΪμϣ ΎϬϳΪϟ ήϓϮΘϳ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ)87.8(%ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϐϠΑ ΎϤϛϭ ˬ αΪϘϟ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ Ύϫϼϋ)99.6(%ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ ˬ)68.5(% Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)1 :(Ώήθϟ ϩΎϴϣ έΪμϣ ΐδΣ ήγϸϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ 62.7 ,ΔϣΎϋ ϩΎϴϣ ΔϜΒη ϞΧΩ ΕΪϳΪϤΗ ϊϣ ϊϤΟ ήΌΑ 9.0 ,ϝΰϨϤϟ 16.1 ,ΔϴϧΪόϣ ϩΎϴϣ/ΕΎϧϮϟΎϏ 12.2 ,ϯήΧ ΔϣΎϋ ϩΎϴϣ ΔϜΒη ϝΰϨϤϟ ϞΧΩ ΕΪϳΪϤΗ ϊϣ ϊϤΟ ήΌΑ ΔϴϧΪόϣ ϩΎϴϣ/ΕΎϧϮϟΎϏ ϯήΧ ϲΤμϟ ϑήμϟ ΔϠϴγϭ: · ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗϥ ϰϟ49.8 %ΔѧϣΎόϟ ϲΤμѧϟ ϑήμѧϟ ΔϜΒѧη ϡΪΨΘδѧΗ ϝΰϨϤϟ ϞΧΩ νΎΣήϣ ΎϬϳΪϟ ήϓϮΘϳ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ϦϴΑ Ϧϣ 48.6 %ϡΪΨΘδΗ ΎϤϴϓ ˬϲΤμϟ ϑήμϠϟ ΔϠϴγϮϛ ΔϴλΎμΘϣϻ ήϔΤϟ ϡΪΨΘδΗ1.6 %ϯήΧ Ύ˱ϗήσ ήγϷ Ϧϣ . 2.2ΕΎϴϓϮϟϭ ΔΑϮμΨϟ: Ϡϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΓήγϷ ϢΠΣ ςγϮΘϣ ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕέΎηώϠΑ ΔϴϨϴτδ6.3ϊϗϮΑ ˱Ωήϓ5.9ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ7.0ϲϓ ϓέϭ ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤηϭ ΓΰϏ ΕΎψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ϩϼϋ Ϟμϳ ςγϮΘϤϟ άϫ ϥΎϓ ΞΎΘϨϠϟ ΎϘϓϭϭ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ)7.1 (ϲϓ ϩΎϧΩϭ ˬΎϬϨϣ ϞϜϟ αΪϘϟ ΔψϓΎΤϣ)5.4.( ˯ΎδϨϠϟ ϝϭϷ Νϭΰϟ ΪϨϋ ςϴγϮϟ ήϤόϟ ώϠΑ18.0ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ Ϧϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ ϯϭΎδΗ ΚϴΣ ˬΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϨγ ώϠΑ Ϋ· ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗϭ18.0ΎϤϬϨϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ . ΖϐϠΑ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ΕϻΪόϣ ϥ δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ΖϨϴΑϭ4.6ϊϗϮΑ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ ϞϜϟ ΩϮϟϮϣ4.2Γήϣ ϞϜϟ ΩϮϟϮϣ ϲϓϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ5.4ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ Γήϣ ϞϜϟ ΩϮϟϮϣ. ˯ΎϴΣ ϦϴΒΠϨϤϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘϣ ώϠΑ4.7ϊϗϮΑ ˬΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ˱ΩϮϟϮϣ4.6ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ˱ΩϮϟϮϣ5.0 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ˱ΩϮϟϮϣ .ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ Ϧϣ Ϟϛ ϲϓ ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΕΎϨϳΎΒΗ ΪΟϮϳ ϻϭ. 17 ώϠΑ ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ϝΪόϣ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗ25.3ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ϥΎϛϭ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϴΣ ΓΩϻϭ ϒϟ ϞϜϟ ΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)28.8ϞΑΎϘϣ22.9 (ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΕΎϴϓϭ ϝΪόϣ ώϠΑ ϞΑΎϘϤϟΎΑ ˬΔϴΣ ΓΩϻϭ ϒϟ ϞϜϟ28.2ϞϜϟ ΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ϥΎϛϭ ΔϴΣ ΓΩϻϭ ϒϟΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ Ύπϳ Γ)31.8ϞΑΎϘϣ25.8 (ϞϜθϟ ϦϴΒϳϭ ˬϲϟϮΘϟ ϰϠϋ Ϣϗέ)2 (Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟϭ ϊοήϟ έϮϛάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϥ5ΙΎϧϹ Ϧϣ ΓΎϴΤϟ Ϊϴϗ ϰϠϋ ˯ΎϘΒϟ ϲϓ ΎψΣ Ϟϗ ΕϮϨγ. Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)2 :(βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷϭ ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ 27.1 30.1 23.4 26.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϻ ΕΎϴϓϭ έϮϛΫ ΙΎϧ 3.2ΔϣΎόϟ ΔΤμϟ: ΔϨϣΰϤϟ νήϣϷ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ10.1%ΙΎϧϹΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ έϮϛάϟ ϦϴΑ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ϊϔΗήΗϭ ˬϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΪΣϭ Ϧϣΰϣ νήϤΑ ϥϮΑΎμϣ ΩήϓϷ Ϧϣ )12.2 %ϭ8.2 (%ϲϟϮΘϟ ϰϠϋΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϰϠϋ ΔΒδϧ ΖϠΠγ ΎϤϛϭ ˬ)11.4 (%ΓΰϏ ωΎτϘΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)8.2% ( Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ ϲϓ ϦϴΒϣ Ϯϫ ΎϤϛ)3 .( Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)3 :(ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΪΣϭ Ϧϣΰϣ νήϤΑ ϦϴΑΎμϤϟ ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧ 11.4 8.2 12.2 8.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ έϮϛΫ ΙΎϧ 18 ϦϴΧΪΘϟ: ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ10ΖϐϠΑ ϦϴΧΪΘϟ ΓΩΎϋ ϥϮγέΎϤϳ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ήΜϛΎϓ ΕϮϨγ18.3 %ϊϗϮΑ 20.9 %ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ13.7 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ .ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΖϠΠγ ϦϴϨΧΪϤϠϟ ΔΒδϧ ϰϠϋ ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗϭ )23.1 (%βϧϮϴϧΎΧ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ)12.1 .(% ϥΪϳΆϤϟ ϠϤϟ ϡΪΨΘγ: ϥΪѧϳΆϤϟ ϠϤϟ ϚϠϬΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΔΒδϧ ΖϐϠΑ85.7%ϊѧϗϮΑ ˬ85.0 %Δϔπѧϟ ϲѧϓϭ ΔѧϴΑήϐϟ86.9 %ΓΰѧϏ ωΎѧτϗ ϲѧϓ .Ϊѧϗϭ ΖϴϔϠγ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ Ύϫϼϋ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϐϠΑ)95.8 (%ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ)78.8.(% 4.2ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ ΔΤμϟ: ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ ϡΪΨΘγ : ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖΤοϭ)15-49 (Ϧϣ ΔϠϴγϭ ϱ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳϭ δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ Ζϗϭ ΕΎΟϭΰΘϤϟ ΔϨγΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ ΖϐϠΑ50.2 %ϊϗϮΑ ˬΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ54.9 %ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ41.7 %ϲϓ Ύϫϼϋ ΖϐϠΑ Ϊϗϭ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ)63.9 (%βϧϮϴϧΎΧ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ)36.9 .(%ήΜϛϷ ΔϠϴγϮϟ Ϯϫ ΐϟϮϠϟ ϥ ϰϟ· ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ήϴθΗϭ ΎϣΪΨΘγ)24.8.(% Λ ΔϳΎϋήϟϞϤΤϟ ˯ΎϨ: ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΔΒδϧ ΖϐϠΑ)ΩϮϟϮϣ ήΧ (ΔϳΎϋέ ϢϬΗΎϬϣ ΖϘϠΗϭ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ϞϤΤϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ΔϴΤλ98.8%ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕέΎηϭ ˬ99.7 %ˬϞϫΆϣ ϲΒσ έΩΎϛ ϯΪϟ ϦϬϠϤΣ ϦόΑΎΗ ˯ΎδϨϟ ˯ϻΆϫ Ϧϣ ώϠΑ ΕέΎϳί ςγϮΘϤΑ7.8ΓέΎϳί . ήϬψΗ ϢϟϭΔψϓΎΤϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΕΎϨϳΎΒΗ ΞΎΘϨϟ .ΖϧΎϋ ϲΘϟ νήϋϷΎΑ ϖϠόΘϳ ΎϤϴϓϭ Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ ϦϴΒϳ ˬδϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟΎΑ ϦϬϠϤΣ ˯ΎϨΛ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΎϬϨϣ)5 (ϥΎϛ ΩΎΤϟ ωΪμϟ ϥ ϦτΒϟ ϰϠϋ ϲϓ ϢϟϷ ϩϼΗ ˬνήϋϷ ϩάϫ Ϣϫ Ϧϣ. Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)4 :(ϼϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧδϤϟ ϰϠϋ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ήϴΧϷ ϦϬϠϤΣ ϝϼΧ νήϋ ϱ Ϧϣ ϦϴϧΎϋ ϲΗ 11.1 10.2 9.6 9.1 6.9 5.7 3.4 3.2 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ΩΎΣ ωΪλ ϰϠϋ ϲϓ Ϣϟ ϦτΒϟ ϝϮΒΘϟ ΪϨϋ Ϣϟ ϪΟϮϟ ϲϓ ϡέϮΗ ϢδΠϟϭ ϲϓ ΔΑϮόλ βϔϨΘϟ ςϐο ωΎϔΗέ ϡΪϟ ΩΎΣ ϲϠΒϬϣ ϒϳΰϧ ϲϓ ωΎϔΗέ ΓέήΤϟ ΕΎΠϨθΗ ΓΩϻϮϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϳΎϋήϟ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕήϬχ96.6 %ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ϊϔΗήΗϭ ˬΔϴΤλ ΕΎδγΆϣ ϲϓ ΖϤΗ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΕΩϻϮϟ Ϧϣ ΓΰϏ)98.9 (%ΔϧέΎϘϣΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΎΑ)95.2(%ΔΒδϧ ϰϧΩ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ΖϠΠγϭ ˬ)88.7 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ . ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑϭ3.4 %ΰΟϮΤϟ ϰϠϋ ϭ ϰϔθΘδϤϟ ϰϟ· ϪΟϮΘϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ϖϳήτϟ ϰϠϋ ϭ ϝΰϨϤϟ ϲϓ ΖϤΗ ΕΩϻϮϟ Ϧϣ 19 ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϰϠϋ ϲϫϭ ΔϳήϜδόϟ)4.8 (%ΓΰϏ ωΎτϘΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)1.1(%ΔΒδϨϟ ΔΒΣΎλ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ΖϧΎϛ Ύπϳϭ ˬ ήΒϛϷ)11.3.(% ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ ˬΓΩϻϮϟ ΔόϴΒσ ϝϮΣϭ75.9 %δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ΕΩϻϮϟ Ϧϣ)ΓΩϻϭ ήΧ ( ϭ ˬΔϴόϴΒσ ΓέϮμΑ ΖϤΗ15.0 %ΔϳήμϴϘϟ ΕΎϴϠϤόϟ ΔτγϮΑ ΖϤΗ .ϼϋ ΔϳήμϴϘϟ ΕΩϻϮϟ ΔΒδϧ ΖϐϠΑ ΪϗϭΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ Ύϫ έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ)26.3 (%βϧϮϴϧΎΧϭ ΖϴϔϠγ ϲΘψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ)12.3 (%ΎϤϬϨϣ ϞϜϟ. αϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ ϡϮότϣ ϲϘϠΗ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ34.1 %ϝϼΧ αϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ ϡϮότϣ Ϧϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΓΪΣϭ ΔϋήΟ ϦϴϘϠΗ Ϊϗ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ˯ΎδϨϟ Ϧϣ ϊϗϮΑ ˬήϴΧϷ ϦϬϠϤΣ)27.8 (%ϔπϟ ϲϓϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δ)44.6 (%ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛϭ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ )51.0 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ. ΓΩϻϮϟ ΪόΑ ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϳΎϋήϟ: ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ ΚϴΣ ˬϞϤΤϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ϊοϮϟΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ ϦϬΗΩϻϭ ΪόΑ ϞϫΆϣ ϲΒσ έΩΎϛ ϦόΟέ ϲΗϮϠϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ νΎϔΨϧ φΣϮϟ ϥ30.0 %Ϩϟ ϦϣΓΩϻϮϟ ΪόΑ ΔϳΎϋήϟ ϰϠϋ ϝϮμΤϠϟ ϲΒσ έΩΎϛ ϦόΟέ ˯Ύδ .ωΎτϗϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϐϠΑϭ ΓΰϏ)29.7 %ϭ30.5 (%ϲϟϮΘϟ ϰϠϋ. 5.2Ϟϔτϟ ΔΤλ: ΔϘϠτϤϟ ΔϋΎοήϟϭ ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖΤοϭ ΪϘϓ ˬΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ έΎθΘϧΎΑ ϖϠόΘϳ ΎϤϴϓ97.5 %ϭΪϟϭ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ ώϠΑ ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ ΓήΘϓ ςγϮΘϣ ϥϭ ˬΔϴόϴΒσ ΔϋΎοέ Ϯόοέ Ϊϗ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ13.0ήϬη . ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖΤοϭϭ)0-5 (ΖϐϠΑ ΔϘϠτϣ ΔϴόϴΒσ ΔϋΎοέ Ϯόοέ Ϧϳάϟϭ έϮϬη26.5 %ϲϓ Ύϫϼϋ ΖϠλϭϭ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ)38.5(%αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ ϲϓ ΎϫΎϧΩϭ)10.4.(% ΔϟϮϔτϟ νήϣ΄Α ΔΑΎλϹ: ϥ δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ΖϨϴΑ11.7 %ϝϼΧ ϝΎϬγϹΎΑ ΔΑΎλϺϟ ϮοήόΗ Ϊϗ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔδϣΎΨϟ Ϧγ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ϰϠϋ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϧΎϛϭ ˬδϤϠϟ ϦϴϘΑΎδϟ ϦϴϋϮΒγϷ)12.1 (%ΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΎΑ ΎϬϨϣ)11.5(%Ϛϟάϛϭ ˬ ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛ)15.8 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ .ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟΎΑ ΔΑΎλϹ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗϭ ΖϐϠΑ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ14.1 %ϡήϜϟϮσ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓϭ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϘΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛϭ )21.4 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ.Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ ϦϴΒϳϭ)6 (ΖϧΎϛ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟϭ ϝΎϬγϹΎΑ ΙΎϧϹ ΔΑΎλ· ΔΒδϧ ϥ έϮϛάϟΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ Ϟϗ . Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)5 :(ϭ ϝΎϬγϹΎΑ ϦϴΑΎμϤϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ/βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟ ϭ 12.2 15.1 11.4 12.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ϝΎϬγ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟ έϮϛΫ ΙΎϧ 20 ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ΔϴτϐΗ)ΕΎΣΎϘϠϟ:( ϥ ϰϟ· ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ ΕέΎη98.9 %ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ)12-23ήϬη (ˬΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϞϠθϟ ϡϮότϣ ϮϘϠΗ)ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ (ϥϭ98.7 %ϲΛϼΜϟ ϡϮότϣ ϮϘϠΗ Ϊϗ)ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ (ϥϭ96.7 %ϡϮότϣ ϮϘϠΗ Ϊϗ ϥϭ ˬΔΒμΤϟ99.1 %Ϟδϟ ϡϮότϣ ϮϘϠΗ Ϊϗ .ΖϐϠΑ ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ϊϴϤΟ ϮϘϠΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕέΎηϭ96.5%ˬ ϊϗϮΑ94.4 %ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ99.4 %ΔψϓΎΤϣ ˯ΎϨΜΘγΎΑ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟ ϯϮΘδϣ ϰϠϋ ΕΎϗϭήϓ ήϬψΗ Ϣϟϭ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΎϬϴϓ ΖϐϠΑ ϲΘϟϭ αΪϘϟ)75.2 .(%Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ ϦϴΒϳϭ)7 (ϟ ΐδΣ ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ΔϴτϐΗβϨΠ . Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)6 :(ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ12-23ϡϮότϤϟ ωϮϧ ΐδΣ ΓΩΪΤϣ ϢϴϋΎτϣ ϮϘϠΗϭ ϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗ Ϧϳάϟ ήϬη βϨΠϟϭ 99.4 99.4 96.7 96.6 99.0 98.598.7 98.3 96.4 96.7 94.5 95.0 95.5 96.0 96.5 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 99.5 100.0 Ϟδϟ ΔϋήΠϟ) ϲΛϼΜϟ ϡϮότϤϟ (ΔΜϟΎΜϟ (ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ) ϞϠθϟ ΔΒμΤϟ ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ϊϴϤΟ έϮϛΫ ΙΎϧ ΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ: ϙΎϨϫ ϥ ϰϟ· δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ήϴθΗ10Ϟϛ ϦϴΑ Ϧϣ ϝΎϔσ100Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞϘΗ Ϟϔσ5ήμϗ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ ΕϮϨγΔϣΎϘϟ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ϊϔΗήΗϭ ΩΎΤϟ ϭ ϦϣΰϤϟ)13.2 (%ΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΎΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)7.9(%ϲϓ ΔΒδϧ ϰϠϋ ΖϧΎϛϭ ˬ ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη ΔψϓΎΤϣ)29.6 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ . ΖϐϠΑ ΩΎΤϟ ϝΰϬϟ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗϭ1.4% ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ϊϔΗήΗϭ ˬΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ )1.7 (%ΓΰϏ ωΎτϘΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)1.2 (%αΪϘϟ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛϭ)4.9 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ .ΖϐϠΑϭ ϥίϮϟ κϘϨΑ ΔΑΎλϹ ΔΒδϧΩΎΤϟ2.9%ˬΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ϊϔΗήΗϭ)3.2 (%ΓΰϏ ωΎτϘΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)2.4(%ˬ ΔψϓΎΤϣ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛϭέϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ)6.4 (%ΕΎψϓΎΤϤϟ ϲϗΎΒΑ ΔϧέΎϘϣ .Ϣϗέ ϞϜθϟ ϦϴΒϳϭ)8 (˯Ϯγ έΎθΘϧ βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ ϝΎϔσϷ ϦϴΑ ΔϳάϐΘϟ. 21 Ϣϗέ ϞϜη)7 :(ΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ)ΩΎΤϟ ϭ ςγϮΘϤϟ (βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ 10.4 1.4 2.7 10.0 1.5 3.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 ΔϣΎϗ ήμϗ ϝΰϫ ϥίϮϟ κϘϧ έϮϛΫ ΙΎϧ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ϞϴΠδΗ: ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗϥ96.0 %ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϐϠΑϭ ˬΩϼϴϣ ΕΩΎϬη ϢϬϳΪϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ96.1 %ϞΑΎϘϣ έϮϛάϟ ϦϴΑ 95.9 %ΙΎϧϹ ϦϴΑ. ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ ςΒο: ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗ94.5 %ήϤόϟ ϲϓ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ2-14Ωήϓ ΪΣ ϭ ϢϬΎΑ Ϧϣ ϱΪδΟ ϭ ϲδϔϧ ΏΎϘόϟ ϮοήόΗ ΔϨγ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ ϢϬΗήγδϤϟ ϰϠϋ ϖΑΎδϟ .ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑϭ92.9 %ϥϭ ˬϲδϔϧ ΏΎϘόϟ ϮοήόΗ71.4 %ΏΎϘόϟ ϮοήόΗ ςγϮΘϣ ϱΪδΟ .ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑϭ2-14Ϧϣ ΩΎηέ·ϭ ϪϴΟϮΗ ϮϘϠΗ ϢϬϨϜϟϭ ΏΎϘϋ ϱϷ ϮοήόΘϳ Ϣϟ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγ ΖϐϠΑ ϢϬΎΑ ϞΒϗ4.7.% 6.2ΏΎΒθϟ)15-29 (ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΔϨγ: ϷΔϠΎόϟϭ Γήγ: ΏΎθϠϟ ϝϭϷ Νϭΰϟ ΪϨϋ ΐγΎϨϤϟ ήϤόϟ ςγϮΘϣ ϥ ϥϭήϳ ΏΎΒθϟ ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗ25ϞπϔϤϟ ήϤόϟ ϥ ϦϴΣ ϲϓ ˬΔϨγ ϩΎΘϔϠϟ ΝϭΰϠϟ21ΔϨγ .ϪΘΒδϧ Ύϣ ϯέ Ϛϟάϛϭ78.2 %ϥ ΐΠϳ ϞΒϘΘδϤϟ Ϛϳήη έΎϴΘΧϻ ΔϠπϔϤϟ ΔϘϳήτϟ ϥ ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ ϲμΨη ϞϜθΑ ϥϮϜΗ. ϢϴϠόΘϟ: ΏΎΒθϟ ΔΌϔϟ ϢϴϠόΘϟ Ϧϣ ΔϴϟΎϤΟϹ ΏήδΘϟ ΕϻΪόϣ ϥ δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ΕήϬχ)15-29 (ΖϐϠΑ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϨγ έϮϛάϠϟ29.4 %ΙΎϧϹ ϦϴΑ ΖϐϠΑϭ ˬΔΌϔϟ ϩάϫ ϲϓ έϮϛάϟ ϲϟΎϤΟ· Ϧϣ12.6 .%ϡΪόϟ ϲδϴήϟ ΐΒδϟ ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕήϬχϭ ϟ ϩάϫ ϲϓ έϮϛάϟ ΩήϓϷ ϦϴΑ ϢϴϠόΘϟ ϝΎϤϛ·ϒϴόπϟ ϲϤϠόϟ ϞϴμΤΘϟ Ϯϫ ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔ)29.5(%ϰϠϋ ΓήγϷ ΓέΪϗ ϡΪϋ ˬ ΙΎϧϹ ϦϴΑ ΔγέΪϟ ϒϳέΎμϣ ΔϴτϐΗ)25.1 .(% ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϟΎΤϟ: 17.0 %ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ)15-29 (ϊϗϮΑ ˬϦϴΧΪΘϟ ΓΩΎϋ ϥϮγέΎϤϳ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΔϨγ28.1 %ϦϴΑ ϭ έϮϛάϟ1.0 %ΙΎϧϹ ϦϴΑ .ϭϲϓ ΎϬϨϋ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϊϔΗήΗ Ϋ· ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϦϴΑ ΐδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΕϭΎϔΘΗ ϲϟϮΘϟ ϰϠϋ ΐδϨϟ ΖϐϠΑ ΚϴΣ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ21.0 %ϞΑΎϘϣ9.8.%ΩΎϓ ϯήΧ ΔϴΣΎϧ Ϧϣ13.2 %ϥϮϤϴϘϳ ϢϬϧ ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ ϊϗϮΑ ˬϪΌϴγ ϰϟ· ΔτγϮΘϣ ΎϬϧ΄Α ΔϴΤμϟ ϢϬΘϟΎΣ12.3 %ϭ έϮϛάϟ ϦϴΑ14.2 %Ϲ ϦϴΑΙΎϧ. 22 ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϭϭ ΔϓΎϘΜϟ: ϥ ϰϟ· δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ήϴθΗ31.7 %ϊϗϮΑ ˬΎϗϼσ· ΕϼΠϤϟ ϭ ΪήΠϟ ϥϭ΅ήϘϳ ϻ ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ33.7 %ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϭ28.7 %ΩΎϓ ΎϤϨϴΑ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ80.7 %ϭ ΎϴϣϮϳ ίΎϔϠΘϟ ϥϭΪϫΎθϳ ϢϬϧ ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ49.3 %ϞϜθΑ ϮϳΩήϟ ϰϟ· ϥϮόϤΘδϳ ϲϣϮϳ. όϤϟΎϴδϨΟ ΔϟϮϘϨϤϟ νήϣϷΎΑ Δϓή: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕήϬχ99.6 %ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ Ϧϣ ΏΎΒθϟ Ϧϣ)15-19 (ϮόϤγ ϥϭ ϢϬϟ ϖΒγ Ϊϗ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ ΔϨγ ϞΑΎϘϣ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϦϴΑ ΕΎϗϭήϓ φΣϼϳ Ϣϟϭ ίΪϳϹ νήϣ Ϧϋ99.7 %ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ ϲϓ ΏΎΒθϠϟ)20-29 ( ΔϨγ .ΕήϬχ ΎϤϛϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ69.3 %ίΪϳϹ νήϣ Ϧϣ ΔϳΎϗϮϠϟ ϦϴΘΤϴΤλ ϦϴΘϘϳήσ Δϓήόϣ ϮϋΎτΘγ)66.5 %ϲϓ ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ74.2 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ .( ΔϟϭΆδϤϟ ΔϳΪϟϮϠϟ ΕΎϴΘϔϟϭ ϥΎϴΘϔϟ ΩΪϋ·: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΖϨϴΑ)91.9 (%ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ ϲϓ έϮϛάϟ Ϧϣ)15-19 (ϓ ΕήϴϐΗ ΙϼΛ ϥϮϓήόϳ ΔϨγΓήΘϓ ϲϓ έϮϛάϠϟ ΙΪΤΗ ήΜϛ΄ ΕΩΎϓ ϦϴΣ ϲϓ ˬύϮϠΒϟ85.6 %ΓήΘϓ ϝϼΧ ΙΎϧϺϟ ΙΪΤΗ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΕήϴϐΗ ΙϼΛ Ϧϓήόϳ ϦϬϧ ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΌϔϟ βϔϧ ϲϓ ΙΎϧϹ Ϧϣ ύϮϠΒϟ .ϪΘΒδϧ Ύϣ ΩΎϓ Ϊϗϭ34.2 %ΔϴγέΪϤϟ ΐΘϜϟ ΖϠϜη ΎϤϴϓ ˬϢϬδϔϧ ˯ΎϘϠΗ Ϧϣ ΕήϴϐΘϟ ϚϠΗ Ϯϓήϋ ϢϬϧ έϮϛάϟ Ϧϣ ϜθΑ ΔγέΪϤϟϭΕήϴϐΘϟ ϩάϬΑ ΙΎϧϹ ΔϓήόϤϟ έΎθΘϧ ήΜϛϷ έΪμϤϟ ϡΎϋ Ϟ)25.7.(% 7.2Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ)60ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ:( ΔϠΎόϟϭ ΓήγϷ: ϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎΘϨϟ ήϴθΗ9.0 %ϊϗϮΑ ˬϢϫΩήϔϤΑ ϦϛΎδϣ ϲϓ ϥϮθϴόϳ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ9.8 %Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ7.3 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ .ϟ ΖϨϴΑϭϥ ΞΎΘϨ18.9 %Ϣϫήγ Ωήϓ ϊϣ ϭ ϢϫΩήϔϤΑ ϥϮθϴόϳ Ϧϳάϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ ϯΰϋϭ ˬΔΤϳήϣ ήϴϏϭ ΔΒγΎϨϣ ήϴϏ ϢϬϨϜγ ϑϭήχ ϥ ϥϭήϳ ϦϳήΧϵ12.1 %ΐΒδϟ Ϯϫ ϥΎϜϤϟ ϖϴο ϥ ϰϟ· ˯ϻΆϫ Ϧϣ ΎϬϧϮϨτϘϳ ϲΘϟ ϦϛΎδϤϟ ϲϓ ϢϬΣΎϴΗέ ϡΪϋ ˯έϭ. ϥ δϤϟ ΞΎΘϧ ΖϨϴΑ ήΧ ΐϧΎΟ Ϧϣ13.6 % έΎΒϛ ϦϣϊϗϮΑ ˬϞϣΎϛ ϞϜθΑ ϢϬϧϮϋήϳ ϻ Ϣϫ˯ΎϨΑ ϥ ϥϭήϳ Ϧδϟ12.6 %ϲϓ ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ15.4 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ .ΩΎϓϭ3.8 %ϊϗϮΑ ˬϡήΘΣΎΑ ϢϬϧϮϠϣΎόϳ ϻ Ϣϫ˯ΎϨΑ ϥ3.6 %ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϭ4.3 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ. ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϟΎΤϟ: ϥ ΞΎΘϨϟ ΕήϬχ14.8 %Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ60έϷ ϲϓ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγˬϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΓΪΣϭ ΔϗΎϋ· Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲο ϊϗϮΑ15.4 %ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ13.3 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ .ϥϭ15.5 %ϢϬϨϣ ˬϦϴΧΪΘϟ ΓΩΎϋ ϥϮγέΎϤϳ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ 31.6 %ϭ έϮϛΫ3.3 %ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϰϠϋϷ ΔΒδϨϟ ΖϧΎϛϭ ˬΙΎϧ·)16.4 (%ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϊϣ ΔϧέΎϘϣ)13.4.(% ΘϨϟ ΕέΎηϭϥ ϰϟ· ΞΎ64.5 %Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ60ΔΒδϨϟ ϩάϫ ΖϐϠΑϭ ˬϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΪΣϭ Ϧϣΰϣ νήϣ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ έϮϛάϟ ϦϴΑ55.1 %ϞΑΎϘϣ72.1 %ϭ ˬΙΎϧϹ ϦϴΑ66.0 %ϞΑΎϘϣ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ61.6 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ. ΩΎϓ ϯήΧ ΔϴΣΎϧ Ϧϣ20.5 %Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ϦϣϢϬϧΎϬϧ΄Α ΔϴΤμϟ ϢϬΘϟΎΣ ϥϮϤϴϘϳϊϗϮΑ ˬϪΌϴγ22.3 %ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ ϭ16.8 %ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ. 23 ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻ ΕΎϣΪΨϟ ήϓϮΗ: ΩΎϓ31.7 %ΔϳΎϋήϟ έϭΩ Ϧϣ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϱ ϰϠϋ ϥϮϠμΤϳ ϻ ϢϬϧ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ ϲϓ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Ϧϣ ϗϮΑ ˬΕΎϣΪΨϟ Ϧϣ ΎϫήϴϏϭ ϲΤμϟ Ϧϴϣ΄Θϟ ϭ ϢϬΑ ΔλΎΨϟ ΔϳΪϧϷ ϭ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻϊ34.8 %ϭ ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ ϲϓ25.1 %ϲϓ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ .ϲϟϮΣ ΐϟΎσϭ70.0 %ΔϳϮϟϭ΄ϛ ϲϧΎΠϤϟ ϲΤμϟ Ϧϴϣ΄Θϟ ήϴϓϮΗ ΓέϭήπΑ ΕΎϣΪΧ ϢϬϳΪϟ ήϓϮΘϳ ϻ Ϧϳάϟ ϦϴΑ Ϧϣ ϢϬϟ ϰϟϭ. 27 8.2ΕήηΆϤϟ Ϣϫ΄Α κΨϠϣ 2.8 Summary of the Main Indicators Percentages ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian TerritoryIndicator 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 ήηΆϤϟ Demographic characteristics ΔϴϓήϐϤϳΪϟ κΎμΨϟ Average household size 7.0 6.2 6.9 5.9 5.5 5.7 6.3 5.7 6.1 ΓήγϷ ϢΠΣ ςγϮΘϣ Children less than 5 years old 18.9 19.1 19.8 16.2 16.7 17.8 17.2 17.6 18.5 ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ Children less than 15 years old 48.7 47.8 50.2 43.9 44.1 44.9 45.7 45.8 46.9 ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ15ΔϨγ Persons 65 years and over old 2.5 2.6 2.9 3.3 3.3 3.6 3.0 3.0 3.4 ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧ65ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ Women 15-49 years old 43.7 43.3 41.7 46.8 46.6 45.3 45.6 45.4 44.0 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ15-49ΔϨγ Total Fertility Rates (Direct Method) 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.2 4.1 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.9 ΔϴϠϜϟ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ΕϻΪόϣ)ϡΪΨΘγΎΑ ΓήηΎΒϤϟ ΔϘϳήτϟ (Γήϣ ϞϜϟ Infant Mortality Rate 28.8 30.2 27.3 22.9 20.0 24.4 25.3 24.2 25.5 ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΕϻΪόϣ Under-Five Mortality Rate 31.7 34.8 31.2 25.7 23.7 27.2 28.2 28.3 28.7 Ϟϗ ϢϫέΎϤϋ Ϧϳάϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΕϻΪόϣ Ϧϣ5ΕϮϨγ Reported health status, health behavior and health services Ψϟϭ ϲΤμϟ ϙϮϠδϟ ˬϲΤμϟ ϊοϮϟΔϴΤμϟ ΕΎϣΪ Percentage of individuals 12 years old and over who smoke 14.8 13.9 18.6 22.5 20.3 23.9 19.8 18.1 22.1 ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧ12ϦϴϨΧΪϤϟ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΔϨγ - Males 28.9 26.7 35.8 41.5 37.5 43.3 37.0 33.7 40.7 -έϮϛΫ -Females 0.5 0.7 1.2 3.2 2.7 4.3 2.2 2.0 3.2 -ΙΎϧ· Percentage of Persons Reported Suffering from at Least One Diagnosed Chronic Diseases 8.2 6.0 4.3 11.4 8.1 6.5 10.1 7.7 5.7 Ϧϣΰϣ νήϤΑ ϦϴΑΎμϤϟ ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧϭΐϴΒσ Ϧϣ κΨθϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΪΣ - Males 7.1 5.0 4.1 8.8 7.5 6.0 8.2 6.6 5.1 -έϮϛΫ -Females 9.4 7.1 4.9 14.0 9.9 7.7 12.2 8.9 6.4 -ΙΎϧ· Percent of households consuming iodized salt 86.9 82.7 16.6 85.0 56.5 47.3 85.7 65.3 37.4 ϥΪϳΆϣ Ϡϣ ϚϠϬΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΔΒδϧ Maternal and child health Ϟϔτϟϭ ϡϷ ΔΤλ Family planning ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ ϡΪΨΘγ Percentage of women (15-49 years old) reporting currently using any family planning method at the time of the survey 41.7 *43.0 46.1 54.9 *55.0 54.3 50.2 *50.6 51.4 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-49ΔϨγ (ϲΗϮϠϟ ΎϴϟΎΣ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳ)δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ Ζϗϭ ( Γήγ ϢϴψϨΗ ΔϠϴγϭ ϱ *: Percentage does not include pregnant women :*ϞϣϮΤϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ϞϤθΗ ϻ ΔΒδϨϟ 28 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian TerritoryIndicator 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 ήηΆϤϟ Percentage of women (15-49 years old) reporting currently using any modern family planning method at the time of the survey 33.8 31.9 32.7 41.7 40.5 38.8 38.9 37.3 36.7 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-49ΔϨγ (ϲΗϮϠϟ ΎϴϟΎΣ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳ)δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ Ζϗϭ ( ΔΜϳΪΣ Γήγ ϢϴψϨΗ ΔϠϴγϭ ϱ Percentage of women (15-49 years old) reporting currently using IUD at the time of the survey 17.0 16.2 18.5 29.2 28.1 27.9 24.8 23.7 24.6 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-49ΔϨγ (ϲΗϮϠϟ δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ Ζϗϭ ΐϟϮϠϟ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳ Percentage of women (15-49 years old) reporting currently using Pill at the time of the survey 8.4 6.4 6.0 6.2 6.1 5.7 7.0 6.2 5.8 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-49ΔϨγ (ϲΗϮϠϟ δϤϟ άϴϔϨΗ Ζϗϭ ΏϮΒΤϟ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳ Ante natal care and delivery ΓΩϻϮϟϭ ϞϤΤϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ΔϳΎϋήϟ Percentage of women (less than 55 years old) who reported receiving ante-natal care with the births taking place during the past five years 99.1 97.2 98.3 98.7 96.1 94.0 98.8 96.5 95.6 ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)Ϧϣ Ϟϗ55ΔϨγ ( ˯ΎϨΛ ΔϴΤλ ΔϳΎϋέ ϦϴϘϠΗ ϲΗϮϠϟ ϝϼΧ ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ΕΩϻϮϟΎΑ ϦϬϠϤΣ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟδϤϠϟ Percentage of births taking place in health institutions of the All Births reported by women during the Past Five Years 98.9 99.1 99.2 95.2 94.3 92.3 96.6 96.4 94.8 ΕΎδγΆϣ ϲϓ ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ΕΩϻϮϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ΔϴΤλ δϤϠϟ Births occurred at home 0.9 0.7 0.8 4.0 4.7 7.7 2.8 3.0 5.2 ϝΰϨϤϟ ϲϓ ΖϤΗ ϲΘϟ ΕΩϻϮϟ Children ever born alive 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.5 4.6 ˯ΎϴΣ ϦϴΒΠϨϤϟ ˯ΎϨΑϷ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘϣ Percent of women (less than 55 years) with a birth in the past five years and reported receiving tetanus toxoid 44.6 33.3 35.7 27.8 43.6 23.0 34.1 37.4 27.5 ϝϼΧ ϦΒΠϧ ϲΗϮϠϟ ˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ ϢϴότΗ ϦϴϘϠΗϭ δϤϠϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ αϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ Ϊο Main type of delivery γϷ ΓΩϻϮϟ ΔόϴΒσΔϴγΎ Normal delivery 71.5 70.6 71.2 78.5 73.4 72.7 75.9 72.2 72.1 ΔϴόϴΒσ Caesarian 14.4 12.2 7.8 15.4 13.1 9.4 15.0 12.8 8.8 Δϳήμϴϗ Suction and forceps 2.5 2.3 3.1 2.6 3.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.7 ςϔη/ςϘϠϣ Episeotomy 11.6 14.9 17.9 3.5 10.4 15.4 6.5 12.3 16.4 ΡήΟ/ϊϴγϮΗ Breastfeeding ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ Percent of children who breastfed 97.9 95.7 97.8 97.2 95.5 96.2 97.5 95.6 96.8 ΔϋΎοέ Ϯόοέ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ΔϴόϴΒσ Children 0-5 months who were exclusively breastfed 27.2 23.5 14.5 25.9 26.8 17.9 26.5 25.4 16.7 ϝΎϔσϷ0-5Ϯόοέ Ϧϳάϟ έϮϬηΔϘϠτϣ ΔϴόϴΒσ ΔϋΎοέ Percent of children under five years of age whose Immunization cards were seen 62.8 67.7 66.7 69.3 76.9 74.4 66.7 72.9 71.4 ϢΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧΔϴΤμϟ ϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ Percent of children ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ)12-23 (Ϧϳάϟ ˱ήϬη 29 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian TerritoryIndicator 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 2006 2004 2000 ήηΆϤϟ (12-23) months whose cards were seen and received ϮϘϠΗϭ ϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗ Immunized against polio (3rd dose) 100 99.7 98.7 98.2 99.4 95.5 98.9 99.5 96.8 ϞϠθϟ Ϊο ϡϮότϣ)ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ( Immunized against DPT (3rd dose) 100 99.4 89.5 97.8 96.9 87.8 98.7 97.8 88.5 ϲΛϼΜϟ Ϊο ϡϮότϣ)ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ( Immunized against measles 99.4 98.4 98.4 94.8 93.1 89.4 96.7 95.2 92.9 ΔΒμΤϟ ϡϮότϣ Percentage of children under 5 years who suffer from Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧϦϣ ϮϧΎϋ Stunting 13.2 11.4 8.3 7.9 8.8 7.0 10.2 9.9 7.5 ΔϣΎϘϟ ήμϗ Wasting 1.2 1.8 1.4 1.7 3.4 1.5 1.4 2.8 1.4 ϝΰϬϟ Under weight 2.4 4.9 2.4 3.2 4.8 2.6 2.9 4.9 2.5 ϥίϮϟ ϲϓ κϘϧ Support for learning and non-adult care ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔϳΎϋέϭ ΔϴΑήΗ Children whose Father has Engaged in 1 or more Activities to Promote Learning 86.2 N.A N.A 84.7 N.A N.A 85.3 N.A N.A ϲϓ Ϣϫ΅ΎΑ ϢϬϛέΎη Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷΩΪΤϣ ϲϤϴϠόΗ ρΎθϧ Households with 3 or more Children’s Books 38.1 N.A N.A 37.0 N.A N.A 37.5 N.A N.A ΙϼΛ Ϣϫήγ ϲϓ ήϓϮΘϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϝΎϔσϷΎΑ ΔλΎΧ ήΜϛ ϭ ΐΘϛ Children Less than 5 Years Left in the Care of Other Children Under the Age of 10 years in the Past Week 14.0 N.A N.A 10.8 N.A N.A 12.2 N.A N.A ϮϛήΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ϝϼΧ ΓήηΎόϟ ϥϭΩ Ϟϔσ ΔϳΎϋήΑ ΎϤϟ ωϮΒγϷϲο Children 36-59 Months Left Alone in the Past Week 2.3 N.A N.A 2.0 N.A N.A 2.2 N.A N.A ϝΎϔσϷ36-59ϮϛήΗ Ϧϳάϟ ήϬη ωϮΒγϷ ϝϼΧ ΖϴΒϟ ϲϓ ϢϫΪΣϮϟ ϲοΎϤϟ Children with Birth Certificate 98.7 98.9 99.9 94.0 96.9 99.3 96.0 97.7 99.5 ϢϬϳΪϟ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ Ωϼϴϣ ΓΩΎϬη Child Discipline ϝΎϔσϷ ϙϮϠγ ςΒο2-14ϪϨγ Experience Psychological Aggression as punishment 94.1 N.A N.A 92.1 N.A N.A 92.9 N.A N.A ϝΎϔσϷ2-14ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγ ϲδϔϧ ΏΎϘόϟ Experience Minor Physical as punishment 77.3 N.A N.A 67.4 N.A N.A 71.4 N.A N.A ϝΎϔσϷ2-14ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγ ϒϴϔΧ ϱΪδΟ ΏΎϘόϟ Experience non-violent aggression 3.4 N.A N.A 5.5 N.A N.A 4.7 N.A N.A ϱϷ ϮοήόΘϳ Ϣϟ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΏΎϘϋ 30 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian TerritoryIndicator 2006 2006 2006 ήηΆϤϟ Un- Married Youth 15-29 Years ΏΎΒθϟ15-29ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΔϨγ Currently enrolled in schools and Universities 64.4 55.2 58.8 ΕΎόϣΎΠϟϭ αέΪϤϟΎΑ ϥϮϘΤΘϠϤϟ Illiterate 1.4 0.8 1.0 ϥϮϴϣϷ Currently Working 11.9 23.1 18.7 δϤϟ Ζϗϭ ϥϮϠϣΎόϟ Appropriate Age for marriage for Female according to their Opinion 20.5 20.8 20.7 ΔϬΟϭ ΐδΣ ΖϨΒϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ Νϭΰϟ Ϧγ ςγϮΘϣϧϢϫήψ Appropriate Age for marriage for Male according to their Opinion 24.4 25.3 25.0 ΔϬΟϭ ΐδΣ ΪϟϮϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ Νϭΰϟ Ϧγ ςγϮΘϣϢϫήψϧ They will Choose their Partner 71.2 82.9 78.2 ϢϬδϔϧ΄Α ϢϬΗΎϴΣ Ϛϳήη ϥϭέΎΘΨϴγ Knows any family planning method 85.7 86.8 86.4 ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΘϟ ΔϠϴγϭ ϱ ϥϮϓήόϳ Ϧϳάϟ Ever Heard about STDs 85.0 90.5 88.3 ϝΎμΗϻ ϖϳήσ Ϧϋ ϞϘΘϨΗ νήϣ Ϧϋ ϮόϤγ ϦϳάϟϲδϨΠϟ Currently Smoking 9.8 21.0 17.0 ϥϮϨΧΪϤϟ Persons 60 years and over Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ Illiterate 61.5 56.2 58.0 ϥϮϴϣϷ Currently Working 5.4 11.1 9.2 δϤϟ Ζϗϭ ϥϮϠϣΎόϟ Live alone 7.3 9.8 9.0 ϢϫΩήϔϤΑ ϥϮθϴόϳ Ϧϳάϟ Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ Their Housing conditions is not so far good 24.6 16.2 18.9 ΔΒγΎϨϣ ήϴϏ ϢϬϨϜγ ϑϭήχ ϥ ϥϭήϳΔΤϳήϣ ήϴϏϭ Health Status Evaluation: ΎϬϧ΄Α ϢϬΘΤλ ϥϮϤϴϘϳ Ϧϳάϟ: Very good- Excellent 20.7 18.5 19.2 ΪΟ ΓΪϴΟ-ΓίΎΘϤϣ Less than good 62.5 59.2 60.3 ΔτγϮΘϣ–ΓΪϴΟ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ Bad 16.8 22.3 20.5 ΔΌϴγ Suffer from at least one disability 13.3 15.4 14.8 ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΓΪΣϭ ΔϗΎϋ· Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Currently Smoking 13.4 16.4 15.5 ϥϮϨΧΪϤϟ Suffer from at least one chronic disease 61.6 66.0 64.5 ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΪΣϭ Ϧϣΰϣ νήϣ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Feel that their sons and daughter are not care them well 15.4 12.6 13.6 ϞϣΎϛ ϞϜθΑ ϢϬϧϮϋήϳ ϻ Ϣϫ˯ΎϨΑ ϥΎΑ ϥϭήόθϳ Ϧϳάϟ Feel that their sons and daughter are not respect them 4.3 3.6 3.8 ϡήΘΣΎΑ ϢϬϧϮϠϣΎόϳ ϻ Ϣϫ˯ΎϨΑ ϥΎΑ ϥϭήόθϳ Ϧϳάϟ 31 ϖΤϠϣ)1( :ϝϭΪΠϟ Annex(1): Tables 32 33 ϝϭΪΟ)1 :(ΒδϧˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ Ϧϣ Ώήη ϩΎϴϣ έΪμϣ ϡΪΨΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ Δ2006 Table (1): Percentage of Households Using safe Drinking Water, by Region and Governorate, 2006 Ώήθϟ ϩΎϴϤϟ ϲδϴήϟ έΪμϤϟ Main Source Of Drinking Water ΔϣΎϋ ϩΎϴϣ ΔϜΒη ϝΰϨϤϟΎΑ ΔϟϮλϮϣ ϊϣ ϊϤΟ ήΌΑ ϞΧΩ ΕΪϳΪϤΗ ϝΰϨϤϟ ΕΎϧϮϟΎϏ/ΔϴϧΪόϣ ϩΎϴϣ**ϯήΧ* ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Public Water Network Well inside dwelling Gallons/Minerals water** Others* ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ΪΨΘδΗϩΎϴϣ ϡ Ϧϣ Ώήη Use safe drinking water Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ62. Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ78. Bank ϦϴϨΟ65.321.63.110.0100.090.0Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ51.323.30.125.3100.074.7Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ81.816.30.31.6100.098.4Tulkarm ϧβϠΑΎ72.717.00.110.2100.089.8Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ62.631.00.36.1100.093.8Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ92. ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ93. & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ96. and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ95. ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ97. ϞϴϠΨϟ57.423.70.518.4100.081.6Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ33.10.245.521.2100.078.7Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη71.50.214.813.5100.086.5North Gaza ΓΰϏ18.50.153.527.9100.072.1Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ18.70.049.831.5100.068.5Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ38.40.145.615.9100.084.1Khan Yunis ϓέ24.51.164.310.1100.089.8Rafah ήγϷ ΩΪϋ7,3161,0461,8781,421100.011,661Number of Households :*ϞϤθΗΞϳήϬλ/ΕΎϜϨΗϯήΧ έΩΎμϣϭ .*: Include Tankers, and other sources. :**˯ήη ϰϟ· ϙΎϨϫ ήγϷ ΪϤόΗ ˬΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ϲϓ Ώήθϟ ϩΎϴϣ ϲϓ ΔϴϟΎόϟ ΔΣϮϠϤϟ ΔΒδϨϟ ήψϧ ϴϤϟ Ϧϣ ΕΎϧϮϟΎϏΏήθϠϟ ΔΤϟΎμϟ ϩΎ. **: Due to high degree of water salinity in Gaza Strip, they tend to buy gallons for drinking water. 34 ϝϭΪΟ)2 :(ήγϸϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟνΎΣήϣ ΎϬϳΪϟ ήϓϮΘϳ ϲΘϟϘτϨϤϟϭ ΔϣΪΨΘδϤϟ ϲΤμϟ ϒϳήμΘϟ ΔϠϴγϭ ΐδΣΔ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ2006 Table (2): Percentage Distribution of Households With Toilet, by Sewage System Used, Region and Governorate, 2006 ϲΤμϟ ϑήμϟ ΔϠϴγϭSewage systemωϮϤΠϤϟήγϷ ΩΪϋϲΘϟνΎΣήϣ ΎϬϳΪϟ ΔϣΎϋ ΔϜΒη μϠϟϲΤμϟ ϑή ΔϴλΎμΘϣ ΓήϔΣϯήΧ ϕήσ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Public SewerCesspoolOther Sources Total Number of households with toilet Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ49.848.61.6100.011,625Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ40.059.30.7100.07,669West Bank ϦϴϨΟ16.583.40.1100.0839Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ8.190.61.3100.0150Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ33.866.00.2100.0568Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ51.548.30.2100.01,081Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ50.050.00.0100.0304Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ0.599.00.5100.0203Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ31.666.51.9100.0936Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ3.695.01.4100.0138Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ73.526.20.3100.01,338Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ42.557.00.5100.0591Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ31.367.11.6100.01,521Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ69.027.93.1100.03,956Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη85.811.23.0100.0740North Gaza ΓΰϏ94.84.60.6100.01,395Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ65.029.85.2100.0572Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ3.590.46.1100.0778Khan Yunis ϓέ79.617.43.0100.0471Rafah 35 ϝϭΪΟ)3 :(δΣ ΓήγϷ ϢΠΣ ςγϮΘϣˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐ2006 Table (3): Mean Size of Household by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ςγϮΘϤϟ MeanRegion and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ6.3Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ5.9West Bank ϦϴϨΟ5.5Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ5.8Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ5.7Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ5.7Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ5.8Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ6.1Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ6.0Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ6.1Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ5.4Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ5.7Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ6.5Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ7.0Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη7.1North Gaza ΓΰϏ7.1Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ6.9Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ6.9Khan Yunis ϓέ7.1Rafah 36 ϝϭΪΟ)4 :(δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ ΔϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ΔϴϠϜϟϭ ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔϴϠϴμϔΘϟ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ΕϻΪόϣ)ΓήηΎΒϤϟ ΔϘϳήτϟ ϡΪΨΘγΎΑ (ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ ˬϊϤΠΘϟ ωϮϧϭ2006 Table (4): Age-Specific Fertility Rates and Total Fertility Rates During the Year Preceding Survey, by Region and Type of Locality, 2006 (Direct Method) Type of Locality ϊϤΠΘϟ ωϮϧ Region ΔϘτϨϤϟ ϢϴΨϣ ϒϳέ ήπΣ ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Δϔπϟ ΔϴΑήϐϟ έϷϲο ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟAge Camp Rural Urban Gaza Strip West Bank Palestinian Territory ήϤόϟ 19-15 65.3 54.6 63.2 67.4 55.2 59.8 15-19 24-20 229.3 237.0 235.3 255.1 220.7 233.3 20-24 29-25 272.3 244.4 247.8 277.9 231.9 248.1 25-29 34-30 228.3 201.5 204.1 235.8 189.0 204.2 30-34 39-35 151.8 132.2 129.6 165.5 116.5 132.8 35-39 44-40 70.7 42.5 48.2 70.3 39.2 49.5 40-44 49-45 5.0 11.4 6.6 10.2 6.4 7.6 45-49 Total Fertility Rate 5.1 4.6 4.7 5.4 4.2 4.6 ϲϠϜϟ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ϝΪόϣ 37 ϝϭΪΟ)5 :(ϣ˯ΎδϨϠϟ ΓΎϴΤϟ Ϊϴϗ ϰϠϋ ϦϴϗΎΒϟϭ ˯ΎϴΣ ϦϴΒΠϨϤϟ ˯ΎϨΑϷ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘ)15-54 (Νϭΰϟ ϦϬϟ ϖΒγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ΔϨγ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ2006 Table (5): Mean Number of Children Ever Born and Still Alive to Ever Married Women Aged (15-54) Years by Region and Governorate, 2006 ςγϮΘϤϟMean ϦϴΒΠϨϤϟ ˯ΎϨΑϷ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘϣ ˯ΎϴΣ ϰϠϋ ϦϴϗΎΒϟ ˯ΎϨΑϷ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘϣ ΓΎϴΤϟ Ϊϴϗ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Mean number of children ever born alive Mean number of children still alive Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ4.74.5Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ4.64.4West Bank ϦϴϨΟ4.54.3Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ4.64.4Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ4.34.2Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ4.44.2Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ4.74.5Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ4.64.4Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ4.74.5Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ4.74.5Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ4.34.1Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ4.54.4Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ5.04.8Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ5.04.7Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη5.04.7North Gaza ΓΰϏ4.94.6Gaza ήϳΩϠΒϟ5.04.7Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ5.14.9Khan Yunis ϓέ5.04.7Rafah 38 ϝϭΪΟ)6 :(ϞϜϟ ΓήηΎΒϤϟ ϕήτϟΎΑ ΓέΪϘϤϟ ϝΎϔσϷϭ ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΕϻΪόϣ1000δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϠϟ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ Ϧϣ ˬϊϤΠΘϟ ωϮϧϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΔΒδΣ2005-2006 Table (6): Direct Estimates of Infant and Child Mortality Rates Per 1000 Live Births for Five Years Preceding Survey, by Region and Type of Locality, 2005-2006 Region and Type of Locality ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭInfant Mortality Ϧϣ Ϟϗ ϢϫέΎϤϋ Ϧϳάϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ5ΕϮϨγ Under-Five Mortality ϊϤΠΘϟ ωϮϧϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Region ΔϘτϨϤϟ Palestinian Territory 25.34 28.23 ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ West Bank 22.92 25.75 ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ Gaza Strip 28.81 31.76 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Type of Locality ϊϤΠΘϟ ωϮϧ Urban 26.79 29.67 ήπΣ Rural 26.64 29.85 ϒϳέ Camps 18.97 21.30 ΕΎϤϴΨϣ 39 ϝϭΪΟ)7 :(ΩήϓϷ ΔΒδϧ)10ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΕϮϨγ (ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ βϨΠϟ ΐδΣ ϦϴϨΧΪϤϟ2006 Table (7): Percentage of Persons Aged (10 Years and Over) Who Were Reported as Smokers by Sex, Region and Governorate, 2006 βϨΠϟSex ϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟΔψϓΎΤϤϟέϮϛΫ Male ΙΎϧ· Female ϦϴδϨΠϟ ϼϛ Both Sexes Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ34.72.118.3Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ38.43.020.9West Bank ϦϴϨΟ42.62.322.1Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ43.02.022.9Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ40.62.321.4Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ38.15.822.3Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ43.22.823.1Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ43.80.922.5Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ37.72.720.5Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ42.23.121.1Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ40.54.422.9Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ33.63.018.2Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ33.91.318.0Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ26.60.5 13.7Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη24.50.612.9North Gaza ΓΰϏ28.70.514.9Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ28.60.514.3Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ23.60.512.1Khan Yunis ϓέ26.40.013.0Rafah ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ10ήΜϛΎϓ ΕϮϨγ25,06724,53850,605No. of Persons 10 years and over 40 ϝϭΪΟ)8 :(ϰϠϋ ϱϮΘΤϳ Ϡϣ ϚϠϬΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΔΒδϧ15ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ ΩϮϴϟ Ϧϣ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ϥϮϴϠϤϟ Ϧϣ ˯ΰΟ2006 Table (8): Percentage of Households Consuming Salt with 15PPM of Iodine or More by Region and Governorate, 2006 ϚϠϬΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΔΒδϧϟϠϤ ϥΪϳΆϤϟ ήγϷ ΩΪϋϠϤϟ ϚϠϬΘδΗ ϲΘϟ ϥΪϳΆϤϟ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Percentage of Household Consuming Iodized Salt No. of Households Consuming Iodized Salt Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ85.79,993Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ85.06,550West Bank ϦϴϨΟ92.3777Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ93.9141Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ88.7506Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ79.9865Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ85.6262Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ95.8196Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ84.7796Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ86.1119Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ82.71,110Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ85.7507Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ82.81,271Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ86.93,443Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη92.6687North Gaza ΓΰϏ85.01,187Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ78.8451Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ87.4681Khan Yunis ϓέ92.7437Rafah 41 ϝϭΪΟ)9 :(˯ΎδϨϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-49 (ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ Γήγ ϢϴψϨΗ ΔϠϴγϭ ΎϴϟΎΣ ϦϣΪΨΘδϳϭ ΎϴϟΎΣ ΕΎΟϭΰΘϤϟ ΔϨγ2006 Table (9): Percentage of Currently Married Women Aged (15-49) Years Old By Current Use of Family Planning Methods by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΔϠϴγϭ ϱΔΜϳΪΣ ΔϠϴγϭ ϱΏϮΒΤϟΐϟϮϠϟ˯ΎδϨϟ ΩΪϋ 15-49ΔϨγ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Any method Any modern method PillIUDNo. of Women 15-49 years Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ50.,447Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ54.941.76.229.26,052West Bank ϦϴϨΟ62.647.57.632.6605Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ55.846.010.626.5113Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ55.343.88.825.5431Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ59.045.08.429.8850Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ63.953.59.133.3231Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ49.139.88.726.2172Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ55.844.25.631.3737Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ49. and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ51.938.74.929.2991Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ61.345.47.034.4445Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ47.934.33.126.01367Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ41.733.88.417.03,395Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη39. Gaza ΓΰϏ44.035.19.817.31251Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ46.736.49.217.1467Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ36.930.25.816.2617Khan Yunis ϓέ40.832.45.715.7407Rafah 42 ϝϭΪΟ)10 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ (ϞϘΗ ϲΗϮϠϟ ϢϬΗΎϬϣ ϲϘϠΗ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϲϓ Ϧϋ ϦϫέΎϤϋ55ϞϤΤϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ΔϴΤλ ΔϳΎϋέ ΔϨγˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ2006 Table (10): Percentage Distribution of Births (Last Birth) of Antenatal Care Received by Women (Less than 55 Years Old) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΔϳΎϋήϟ ϲϘϠΗΔϴΤμϟ Received Antenatal Care status ΔϴΤλ ΔϳΎϋέ ϦϴϘϠΗΔϴΤλ ΔϳΎϋέ ϦϴϘϠΘϳ Ϣϟ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Received Antenatal Care Did not receive Antenatal Care ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ϲϠϜϟ Total no. of Births Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ98.81.2100.06,465Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ98.71.3100.04,027West Bank ϦϴϨΟ /αΎΑϮσ98.11.9100.0465Jenin/ Tubas ϡήϜϟϮσ98.61.4100.0284Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ99.30.7100.0558Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ98.81.2100.0167Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ98.41.6100.0129Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ99.20.8100.0483Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ98.71.3100.077Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ99.01.0100.0619Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ99.60.4100.0270Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ97.92.1100.0975Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ99.10.9100.02,438Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη98.71.3100.0462North Gaza ΓΰϏ98.61.4100.0917Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ100.00.0100.0334Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ99.30.7100.0431Khan Yunis ϓέ99.30.7100.0294Rafah 43 ϝϭΪΟ)11 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ (ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΓΩϻϮϟ ϥΎϜϣ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ2006 Table (11): Percentage Distribution of Births (Last Birth) During the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey by Place of Delivery, Region and Governorate, 2006 ϜϣΓΩϻϮϟ ϥΎ Place of Delivery ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟΔϴΤλ ΕΎδγΆϣ Health Institutions ϝΰϨϤϟ /ήΧ ϥΎϜϣ At Home/ Other Place ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ϲϠϜϟ Total no. of Births Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ96.63.4100.06,465Palestinian Territory ϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΔ95.24.8100.04,027West Bank ϦϴϨΟ89.110.9100.0388Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ89.610.4100.077Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ93.07.0100.0284Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ97.03.0100.0558Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ88.711.3100.0167Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ90.79.3100.0129Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ97.32.7100.0483Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ98.71.3100.077Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ97.03.0100.0619Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ97.82.2100.0270Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ96.23.8100.0975Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ98.91.1100.02,438Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη99.10.9100.0462North Gaza ΓΰϏ98.41.6100.0917Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ98.81.2100.0334Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ99.10.9100.0431Khan Yunis ϓέ99.30.7100.0294Rafah 44 ϝϭΪΟ)12 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ (Ϊϟϭ ϦϳάϟδϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϲϓ ϭΔϴΤλ ϩ΄θϨϣ ϲϓ*ΐδΣ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΓΩϻϮϟ ˯ΎϨΛ ΓΪϋΎδϤϟ ϡΪϗ ϱάϟ έΩΎϜϟ2006 Table (12): Percentage Distribution of Births (Last Birth) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey, Occurring at Health Institution* by Personnel Assisting Delivery, Region and Governorate, 2006 ΓΪϋΎδϤϟ ϡΪϗ ϱάϟ έΩΎϜϟ Personnel Assisting Delivery ϞϫΆϣ έΩΎϛήΧ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Skilled personnelother ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ϲϓ ϭΪϟϭ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϴΤλ ϩ΄θϨϣ No. of Births occurred at health institution Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ98.91.1100.06,350Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ98.61.4100.03,928West Bank ϦϴϨΟ98.91.1100.0362Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ100.00.0100.072Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ96.13.9100.0279Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ99.10.9100.0548Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ96.23.8100.0158Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ92.77.3100.0124Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ99.60.4100.0477Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ98.71.3100.077Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ99.70.3100.0609Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ99.20.8100.0265Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ98.51.5100.0957Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ99.50.5100.02,422Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη99.80.2100.0459North Gaza ΓΰϏ99.01.0100.0911Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ99.70.3100.0332Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ99.80.2100.0428Khan Yunis ϓέ99.70.3100.0292Rafah :*ΔϟΎϛϭ ΰϛήϣϭ ΔλΎΨϟ ΕΩΎϴόϟϭ ΔϴΤμϟ ΰϛήϤϟϭ ΕΎϴϔθΘδϤϟ ϞϤθΗ ΙϮϐϟ. *: Includes hospitals, health centers, private clinics and UNRWA centers. 45 ϝϭΪΟ)13 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ (ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΓΩϻϮϟ ΔόϴΒσ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϲϓ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ2006 Table (13): Percentage Distribution of (Last Birth) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey by Type of Delivery, Region and Governorate, 2006 ΓΩϻϮϟ ΔόϴΒσType of Deliver ΔϴόϴΒσΔϳήμϴϗϯήΧ* ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ NormalCaesarean section Other* ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ϲϠϜϟ Total no. of Births Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ75.915.09.1100.06,465Palestinian Territory ϔπϟΔϴΑήϐϟ Δ78.515.46.1100.04,027West Bank ϦϴϨΟ74.717.67.7100.0388Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ74.016.99.1100.077Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ67.417.215.4100.0284Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ72.918.38.8100.0558Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ83.213.23.6100.0167Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ84.612.33.1100.0129Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ81.615.33.1100.0483Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ71.126.32.6100.077Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ80.615.53.9100.0619Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ82.214.13.7100.0270Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ81.812.55.7100.0975Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ71.514.414.1100.02,438Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη69.219.511.3100.0462North Gaza ΓΰϏ71.213.815.0100.0917Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ68.012.519.5100.0334Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ76.612.311.1100.0431Khan Yunis ϓέ73.413.313.3100.0294Rafah :*ϊϴγϮΘϟϭ ΡήΠϟϭ ˬςϘϠϤϟϭ ςϔθϟ ϞϤθΗ*: Includes Suction/Forceps, and Episeotomy 46 ϝϭΪΟ)14 :(˯ΎδϨϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)Ϧϣ Ϟϗ55ΔϨγ (ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ΏΎΠϧϹ ϦϬϟ ϖΒγ ϲΗϮϠϟ ϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ ϡϮότϣ ϦϬϴϘϠΗˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ήϴΧϷ ϦϬϠϤΣ ˯ΎϨΛ α2006 Table (14): Percentage Distribution of Ever Delivered Women (less than 55 years) Who Reported Receiving the Tetanus Toxoid During the Last Pregnancy in the Five Years Preceding the Survey by Region and Governorate, 2006 αϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ ϡϮότϣ ϲϘϠΗ Received Tetanus Toxoid ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ ΔϋήΟ At least once ˯ϲη ϻ None ϑήϋ ϻ Don’t know ωϮϤΠϤϟ Total ϲϠϜϟ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ Total no. of Births Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ34.164.01.9100.06,465Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ27.869.92.3100.04,027West Bank ϦϴϨΟ45.453.90.7100.0388Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ32.767.30.0100.077Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ30.865.83.4100.0284Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ19.776.83.5100.0558Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ48.845.95.3100.0167Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ18.779.71.6100.0129Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ29.267.03.8100.0483Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ37.060.72.3100.077Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ10.986.72.4100.0619Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ25.871.72.5100.0270Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ31.567.70.8100.0975Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ44.654.21.2100.02,438Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη44.553.61.9100.0462North Gaza ΓΰϏ44.254.51.3100.0917Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ51.047.71.3100.0334Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ40.259.70.1100.0431Khan Yunis ϓέ45.653.70.7100.0294Rafah 47 ϝϭΪΟ)15 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΔΒδϧ)ήϴΧϷ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ (ΎϬϨϋ ϒθϜϠϟ ϡϷ ΎϬΘόΟέ ϲΘϟ ΔϬΠϟ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϲϓ ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΓΩϻϮϟ ΪόΑ2006 Table (15): Percentage of Births (Last Birth) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey by Consultation Site After Delivery and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ ΓΩϻϮϟ ΪόΑ ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϳΎϋήϟ Palestinian Territory West Bank Gaza Strip Post-Natal Care ϡΎϋ ΐϴΒσ19.219.019.5General Practitioner ϲΎμΧ ΐϴΒσ71.478.160.7Specialist ΔοήϤϣ /ΔϠΑΎϗ22.49.243.6Nurse\ Midwife ΔϳΩ0.10.00.1Daya ϯήΧ0.30.30.4Other ΪόΑ ΔϳΎϋέ ϦϴϘϠΗ ϲΗϮϠϟ ΔΒδϧ ΓΩϻϮϟ30.029.730.5 Percentage who received post natal care ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋϲϠϜϟ6,4654,0272,438Total no. of Births 48 ϝϭΪΟ)16 :(ΪϴϟϮϤϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ϊϴϤΟ (ΓΩϻϮϟ ΪϨϋ ϡήϐϟΎΑ ϥίϮϟ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ2006 Table (16): Percentage Distribution of Births (All Births) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey, by Weight at Birth, Region and Governorate, 2006 ΓΩϻϮϟ ΪϨϋ ϡήϐϟΎΑ ϥίϮϟ Weight in Grams at Birth Ϧϣ Ϟϗ2,500 4,000 ϰϠϋ΄ϓ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Below 2,500 2,500 – 3,9994,000 and Over ΪϨϋ ϢϬϧίϭ ϢΗ ΓΩϻϮϟ Weighed at Birth ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ϢϬϧίϭ ϢΗ Ϧϳάϟ Number of Births weighted Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ7.380.911.899.512,197Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ7.581.411.199.27,135West Bank ϦϴϨΟ /αΎΑϮσ6.581.412.197.7797Jenin/ Tubas ϡήϜϟϮσ5.780.813.5100.0490Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ7.180.512.498.4966Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ /ΖϴϔϠγ5.077.617.499.1542Qalqiliya/ Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ6.382.111.699.9885Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ5.183.311.6100.0137Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ8.682.68.899.91,041Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ8.580.910.699.4469Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ9.282.28.699.21,808Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ7.080.212.899.85,062Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη8.179.712.2100.0938North Gaza ΓΰϏ6.780.013.399.81,932Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ5.979.714.4100.0676Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ8.480.710.999.6908Khan Yunis ϓέ5.381.812.9100.0608Rafah 49 ϝϭΪΟ)17 :(ϝΎϔσϸϟ ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ έΎθΘϧ ϲϓ ΕΎϗϭήϔϟ)ϝΎϔσϷ ϊϴϤΟ (ϟ βϤΨϟ ΕϮϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ϭΪϟϭ ϦϳάϟδϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ2006 Table (17): Differentials in the Prevalence of Breastfeeding Among Children (All children) Born in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΔϋΎοήϟ ϲϓ ΕΎϗϭήϔϟBreastfeeding Differentials ΔΒδϧΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔϋΎοέ Ϯόοέ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϴόϴΒσ ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ ςγϮΘϣ ήϬηϷΎΑ Ϧϣ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ 0-5Ϯόοέϭ ήϬη ΔϘϠτϣ ΔϴόϴΒσ ΔϋΎοέ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Percentage of children under five who ever breastfed Mean duration of breastfeeding Percent of Children 0-5 Months Exclusively Breastfed Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ97.51326.5Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ97.21325.9West Bank ϦϴϨΟ97.91429.8Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ97.11410.4Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ97.61214.7Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ97.61428.2Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ97.41338.5Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ95.91330.6Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ97.91235.3Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ98.51316.3Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ96.21233.3Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ98.71312.1Bethlehem ΨϟϞϴϠ96.71324.1Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ97.91427.2Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη97.11436.0North Gaza ΓΰϏ98.11421.2Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ98.51420.1Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ97.71432.1Khan Yunis ϓέ98.21425.2Rafah 50 ϝϭΪΟ)18 :(ϝΎϔσϸϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)0-12ηήϬ ( ΕΎϨϴϣΎΘϴϓ ϢϬϴϘϠΗ ΐδΣ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ ΕϮϨγ βϤΨϟ ϝϼΧ ϦϳΩϮϟϮϤϟ/Ω ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ δϤϠϟ ΔϘΑΎδϟ έϮϬη ΔΘδϟ ϝϼΧ2006 Table (18): Percentage Distribution of (0-12 months) in the Last Five Years Preceding the Survey Who Received Vitamin A and D During the 6 Months Preceding the Survey by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΕΎϨϴϣΎΘϴϔϟ ϲϘϠΗ/Ω Receiving Vitamins A and D ϦϴϣΎΘϴϓ ϮϘϠΗ/ΩϮϘϠΘϳ Ϣϟ ϦϴϣΎΘϴϓ/Ωϑήϋ ϻωϮϤΠϤϟ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟReceived Vitamins A and D Did not Receive Vitamin A and D Don’t Know Total ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ 0-12ήϬη Number of Children 0- 12 months Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ26.669.63.8100.02,473Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ39.457.03.6100.01,417West Bank ϦϴϨΟ18.380.80.9100.0120Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ29.470.60.0100.0*(34)Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ20.379.70.0100.074Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ35.559.25.3100.0206Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ18.082.00.0100.061Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ54.345.70.0100.0*(46)Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ52.845.61.6100.0193Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ60.036.04.0100.0*(25)Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ50.040.59.5100.0190Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ42.154.53.4100.088Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ40.056.33.7100.0380Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ9.486.54.1100.01,056Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη4.393.72.0100.0207North Gaza ΓΰϏ7.985.66.5100.0404Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ7.082.910.1100.0129Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ20.579.50.0100.0185Khan Yunis ϓέ9.290.00.8100.0131Rafah :*Ϧϣ Ϟϗ ΕΪϫΎθϤϟ ΩΪϋ50ΔϟΎΣ*: No. of observations less than 50 cases 51 ϝϭΪΟ)19 :(ϭ ϝΎϬγϹΎΑ ϮΒϴλ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ/δϤϠϟ ϦϴϘΑΎδϟ ϦϴϋϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟ ϭ ΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣˬΔψϓ2006 Table (19): Percentage of Children Under Five Years Who Reported Diarrhea, and\or Pneumonia in the Two Weeks Preceding the Survey by Region and Governorate, 2006 ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ϝΎϬγϹΎΑ ΔΑΎλϹ ΔΒδϧ Children with Diarrhea ΑΎϬΘϟΎΑ ΔΑΎλϹ ΔΒδϧΕΎ ϲδϔϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟ Children with pneumonia Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ11.714.1Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ11.514.5West Bank ϦϴϨΟ13.015.5Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ12.814.8Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ13.921.4Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ13.214.6Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ15.810.9Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ8.214.2Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ7.96.9Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ13.810.8Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ9.713.8Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ14.113.2Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ10.816.9Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ12.113.5Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη12.618.4North Gaza ΓΰϏ13.213.1Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ12.511.9Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ11.711.8Khan Yunis ϓέ8.010.2Rafah 52 ϝϭΪΟ)20 :(ΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ Ϧϣ ΓΩΎΣ ϭ ΔτγϮΘϣ ΓέϮμΑ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧϦϣΰϤϟ)ΔϣΎϘϟ ήμϗ (ΐδΣ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ2006 Table (20): Percentage of Children Under Five Years Who are Severely or Moderately Stunted by Region and Governorate, 2006 ήϤόϟ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϝϮτϟ Height for Age ϦϴϓήΤϧ Ϧϣ ϞϗϦϣ Ϟϗ3ΕΎϓήΤϧ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Below –2 SD Below –3 SD ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ No of children Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ10.23.010,808Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ7.92.46,135West Bank ϦϴϨΟ6.61.2655Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ6.70.7135Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ3.70.9 428 Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ6.02.0888Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ4.52.1288Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ8.63.8185Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ6.92.7624Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ14.73.7107Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ11.54.3649Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ5.01.4441Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ10.42.81,735Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ13.23.84,673Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη29.611.2857North Gaza ΓΰϏ8.92.01,786Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ9.83.0604Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ11.23.5831Khan Yunis ϓέ8.61.3595Rafah 53 ϝϭΪΟ)21 :(ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδΣ ϝΰϬϟ Ϧϣ ΓΩΎΣ ϭ ΔτγϮΘϣ ΓέϮμΑ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ2006 Table (21): Percentage of Children Under Five Years Who are Severely or Moderately Wasted by Region and Governorate, 2006 ϝϮτϟ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϥίϮϟ Weight for Height ϦϴϓήΤϧ Ϧϣ ϞϗϦϣ Ϟϗ3ΕΎϓήΤϧ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Below –2 SD Below –3 SD ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ No of children Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ1.40.310,808Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ1.70.36,135West Bank ϦϴϨΟ /αΎΑϮσ0.60.0790 Jenin/ Tubas ϡήϜϟϮσ1.20.5428Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ1.80.5888Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ1.70.0288Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ4.30.5185Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ0.80.2624Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ3.70.0107Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ4.90.8649Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ0.70.2441Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ1.10.31,735Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ1.20.34,673Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη1.80.9857North Gaza ΓΰϏ1.10.21,786Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ1.70.8604Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ0.60.2831Khan Yunis ϓέ0.80.2595Rafah 54 ϝϭΪΟ)22 :(ΐδΣ ΩΎΤϟ ϭ ςγϮΘϤϟ ϦϣΰϤϟ ϥίϮϟ κϘϧ Ϧϣ ΓΩΎΣ ϭ ΔτγϮΘϣ ΓέϮμΑ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ ˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ2006 Table (22): Percentage of Children Under Five Years Who are Severely or Moderately suffer from Under-weight by Region and Governorate, 2006 ήϤόϟ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϥίϮϟ Weight for Age ϦϴϓήΤϧ Ϧϣ ϞϗϦϣ Ϟϗ3ΕΎϓήΤϧ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Below –2 SD Below –3 SD ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ No of children Region and Governorate ϲοέϷΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ2.90.410,808Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ3.20.46,135West Bank ϦϴϨΟ /αΎΑϮσ2.90.1790 Jenin/ Tubas ϡήϜϟϮσ1.40.0428Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ2.30.3888Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ2.11.0288Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ6.01.1185Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ3.80.6624Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ6.41.9107Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ5.50.2649Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ0.90.0441Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ3.50.61,735Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ2.40.34,673Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη3.70.8857North Gaza ΓΰϏ2.40.21,786Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ3.50.7604Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ1.70.1831Khan Yunis ϓέ0.80.0595Rafah 55 ϝϭΪΟ)23 :(Σ ΎϬϴϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗϭ ϢϴότΗ ΕΎϗΎτΑ ϢϬϳΪϟ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧˬΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ ΐδ2006 Table (23): Percentage of Children Under Five Years of Age Whose Immunization Cards Were Seen by Region and Governorate, 2006 ϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔΒδϧϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ Children with Seen Cards Total Number of Children Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ66.712,292Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ69.37,205West Bank ϦϴϨΟ74.3677Jenin αΎΑϮσ ΔϘτϨϣ63.1141Tubas District ϡήϜϟϮσ78.4491Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ73.6982Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ79.7305Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ59.7243Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ65.3887Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ73.0137Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ65.01,046Jerusalem ϢΤϟ ΖϴΑ83.3473Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ63.41,823Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ62.85,087Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη57.7944North Gaza ΓΰϏ66.61,941Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ76.9676Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ47.9916Khan Yunis ϓέ65.6610Rafah 56 ϝϭΪΟ)24 :(ϢϫέΎϤϋ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΔΒδϧ)12-23 (ήϬηϢϬΗΎϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ωϼσϻ ϢΗ ϦϳάϟϡϮότϤϟ ΐδΣ ΓΩΪΤϣ ϢϴϋΎτϣ ϮϘϠΗϭ ϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭˬΔψ2006 Table (24): Percentage of Children Aged (12-23) Months Whose Immunization Cards were seen and Received Selected Vaccines by Type of vaccine, Region and Governorate, 2006 ϡϮότϤϟVaccine ϞδϟϞϠη )ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ( ΔΒμΣϲΛϼΜϟ )ΔϋήΠϟ ΔΜϟΎΜϟ( ϊϴϤΟ ϮϠϤϛ ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΩΪϋ 12-23ήϬη ΔψϓΎΤϤϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟ BCGPolio (3rd dose) Measles DPT (3rd dose) Fully Immunized Number of Children 12- 23 months Region and Governorate ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ99.198.996.798.796.51,894Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ98.498.294.897.894.41,115West Bank αΎΑϮσϭ ϦϴϨΟ100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0129Jenin and Tubas ϡήϜϟϮσ100.0100.0100.0100.0100.093Tulkarm βϠΑΎϧ100.0100.097.5100.097.5157Nablus ΔϴϠϴϘϠϗ100.0100.*(44)Qalqiliya ΖϴϔϠγ100.0100.*(33)Salfit ΓήϴΒϟϭ Ϳ ϡέ100.0100.094.095.994.0149Ramallah & Al-Bireh έϮϏϷϭ ΎΤϳέ100.0100.*(25)Jericho and Al Aghwar αΪϘϟ87.285.978.293.675.2141Jerusalem Τϟ ΖϴΑϢ100.0100.097.4100.097.477Bethlehem ϞϴϠΨϟ100.0100.097.898.197.8267Hebron ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ100.0100.099.4100.099.4779Gaza Strip ΓΰϏ ϝΎϤη100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0141North Gaza ΓΰϏ100.0100.099.7100.099.7304Gaza ϠΒϟ ήϳΩ100.0100.099.2100.099.2120Deir El-Balah βϧϮϴϧΎΧ100.0100.099.1100.099.1111Khan Yunis ϓέ100.0100.099.0100.099.0103Rafah : *Ϧϣ Ϟϗ ΕΪϫΎθϤϟ ΩΪϋ50ΔϟΎΣ* : No. of observations less than 50 cases 57 ϝϭΪΟ)25 :(ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϟ ΔΒδϧ)15-29 (ΐδΣ ϲδϨΠϟ ϝΎμΗϻ ήΒϋ ϞϘΘϨΗ ϲΘϟ νήϣϷ Ϧϋ ϮόϤγ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγ ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ήϤόϟϭ νήϤϟ2006 Table (25): Percentage of Un- Married Youth Aged (15-29) Years Who Have Heard About Sexual Transmitted Diseases by Region, Age and Diseases, 2006 νήϣϷDiseases ϱήϫΰϟ / βϠϔδϟ ϥϼϴδϟέΎτϔϟίΪϳϹΔϴϠγΎϨΗ Ε˯ϮΘϧ / ΔϧΪόδϟ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ήϤόϟ SyphilisGonorrheaFungalinfectionsAIDS Genital warts Age and Region ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷPalestinian Territory 15-1910.715.33.899.61.115-19 20-2415.216.25.599.71.920-24 25-2920.623.88.599.73.925-29 15-2913.316.64.999.61.715-29 ΔϴΑήϐϟ ΔϔπϟWest Bank 15-1913.114.54.899.61.115-19 20-2416.914.95.999.82.120-24 25-2923.825.810.71004.225-29 15-2915.716.15.999.71.815-29 ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗGaza Strip 15-196.916. 20-2412.718.24.899.41.420-24 25-2914.4204.499.33.225-29 15-299.617.53.399.51.515-29 58 ϝϭΪΟ)26 :(ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)15-29 (ήϤόϟϭ ϢϫΪϨϋ ύϮϠΒϟ ΕήϴϐΘΑ ΔϓήόϤϟ ΐδΣ ΔϨγ ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ2006 Table (26): Percentage Distribution of Un- Married Youth (15-29) Years in Terms of Knowing About Puberty Changes, Region and Age, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ήϤόϟAge and Region ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϓήόϤϟ ύϮϠΒϟ ΕήϴϐΘΑ 15-19 20-24 25-29 15-29 15-19 20-24 25-29 15-29 15-19 20-24 25-29 15-29 Knowledge About Puberty Changes έϮϛάϟMales ΔΛϼΛ ϑήόϳ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΕήϴϐΗ91.9 93.996.293.1 88.591.295.490.696.097.697.9 96.7 Know Three Changes and more ϦϳήϴϐΗ ϑήόϳ6. 2.6Know Two Changes ήϴϐΗ ϑήόϳ ΪΣϭ1. 0.6 Know One Change ϱ ϑήόϳ ϻ ήϴϐΗ0. 0.00.0 0.1 Do Not Know Any Changes ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100100.0100.0100.0100Total ΙΎϧϹFemales ϑήόϳΔΛϼΛ ήΜϛ΄ϓ ΕήϴϐΗ85.687.5 87.086.383.685. 89.8 Know Three Changes and more ϦϳήϴϐΗ ϑήόϳ11.29.710.410.713.011.313.612. 7.7Know Two Changes ήϴϐΗ ϑήόϳ ΪΣϭ3. 2.3 Know One Change ϱ ϑήόϳ ϻ ήϴϐΗ0. 0.2 Do Not Know Any Changes ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0100100.0100.0100.0100100.0100.0100.0100Total 59 ϝϭΪΟ)27 :(ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)15-29 (ΐδΣ ΔϨγˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϮΑ ϢϬϟΎμΗ2006 Table (27): Percentage Distribution of Un- Married Youth (15-29) Years in Terms of Connection to Media and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϭ ϲοέϷ ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip Media ΕϼΠϤϟϭ ΪήΠϟ Γ˯ήϗReading Newspaper and Magazines ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ13.715.2 11.4Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ33.428.441.0At Least Once a Week ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ21.222.718.9Less than Once a Week ήϘϳ ϻΎϗϼσ·31.733.728.7Not Reading at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ϥϮϳΰϔϠΘϟ ΪϫΎθϣWatching T.V ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ80.784.475.2Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ13.210.916.5At Least Once a Week ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ2.62.03.5Less than Once a Week Ύϗϼσ· ΪϫΎθϳ ϻ3.52.74.8Not Watching at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ϮϳΩήϟ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻListening To Radio ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ49.340.962.0Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ20.119.820.5At Least Once a Week ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ ϞϗωϮΒγϷ8.49.66.5Less than Once a Week Ύϗϼσ· ϊϤΘδϳ ϻ22.229.711.0Not Listening at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ6,4703,8762,594No. of Persons 60 ϝϭΪΟ)28 :(ϦϴΟϭΰΘϤϟ ήϴϏ ΏΎΒθϠϟ ϲΒδϨϟ ϊϳίϮΘϟ)15-29 (ΐδΣ ΔϨγˬβϨΠϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΔϴΤμϟ ϢϬΘϟΎΤϟ ϢϬϤϴϴϘΗ 2006 Table (28): Percentage Distribution of Un- Married Youth Aged (15-29) by their Evaluation for their Health Status, Region and Sex, 2006 βϨΠϟϭ ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion and Sex οέϷΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϟΎΤϟ έϮϛΫΙΎϧ·ϼϛϦϴδϨΠϟέϮϛΫΙΎϧ· ϼϛ ϦϴδϨΠϟέϮϛΫΙΎϧ· ϼϛ ϦϴδϨΠϟ Health Status ΓΪϴΟ87.7 85.886.884.782.983.891.990.491.2Good ΔτγϮΘϣ10.412.711.412.815.314. ΔΌϴγ1. ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0Total ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ3,5532,9176,4702,0771,7993,8761,4761,1182,594No. of Persons ϝϭΪΟ)29 :(Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ΔΒδϧ)60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ (ΐδΣˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΔϳΩΎϴΘϋϻ ΔϴϣϮϴϟ Δτθϧϸϟ ϢϬΘγέΎϤϣ2006 Table (29): Percentage of Elderly Persons (60 years and over) by Practicing Daily Activities and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ϲϣϮϴϟ ρΎθϨϟΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian Territory ΔϔπϟΔϴΑήϐϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip Daily Practicing ϝΰϨϤϟ ϲϓ Γϼμϟ80.6 82.876.0 Pray at home ΪΠδϤϟ ϲϓ Γϼμϟ28.728.728.7 Pray at Mosque ΔϴϟΰϨϤϟ ϝΎϤϋϷ41.640.941.9 Domestic Work Ϧϳήΰϟ ϝΎΒϘΘγ46.147.745.3 Hospitality of Visitors ΕΎϳϮϬϟ ΔγέΎϤϣϝΰϨϤϟ ϲϓ8.78.58.9 Practicing Hobbies at Home ϝΰϨϤϟ ΝέΎΧ ΕΎϳϮϬϟ ΔγέΎϤϣ5.84.06.7 Practicing Hobbies outside Home ϥϮϳΰϔϠΘϟ ΓΪϫΎθϣ65.664.766.0 Watching T.V ϮϳΩήϟ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻ41.563.830.9 Listening to Radio ϞϤόϟ6.76.26.9 Work ΓέΎϳίϞϫϷ /ΏέΎϗϷ40.142.439.1 Visiting Family/ Relatives ϟΎμϤϟ ˯Ύπϗ ϭ ϕϮδΘϟ25.929.824.1 Shopping ϦϴϨδϤϟ ϱΩΎϧ ϰϠϋ ΩΩήΘϟ0.70.20.9 Frequent on Geriatric homes ϰϬϘϤϟ ϰϠϋ ΩΩήΘϟ1.60.62.1 Frequently Going To coffee shop ΔϴϋϮτΗ ϝΎϤϋ2.31.92.5 Volunteer activities ϯήΧ6.97.86.5 Others ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ1,6451,116529No. of persons 61 ϝϭΪΟ)30 :(Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ΔΒδϧ)60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ (ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ΔϴϣϮϴϟ ΔτθϧϷ ΔγέΎϤϣ ϰϠϋ ΓέΪϘϟ ΐδΣ2006 Table (30): Percentage of Elderly Persons (60 years and over) by the Ability of Practicing Daily Activities and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip ϲϣϮϴϟ ρΎθϨϟΝΎΘΤϳ ϻ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Without Help ΓΪϋΎδϣ ΔϴΰΟ Partial Help ΔϴϠϛ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Complete Help ΝΎΘΤϳ ϻ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Without Help ΓΪϋΎδϣ ΔϴΰΟ Partial Help ΔϴϠϛ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Complete Help ΝΎΘΤϳ ϻ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Without Help ΓΪϋΎδϣ ΔϴΰΟ Partial Help ΔϴϠϛ ΓΪϋΎδϣ Complete Help Daily Activities ϡΎϤΤϟ ϡΪΨΘγ85.2 81.510.97.6Using Toilet ϡΎϤΤΘγϻ76.512.311.278.410.710.972.515.611.9 Bathing ϊϠΧϭ ˯ΪΗέ βΑϼϤϟ80.611.08.482. Undressing/ Dressing ϰϟ· ϝΎϘΘϧϻ ϭ ήϳήδϟ ΪόϘϤϟ To Bed or Seat ϝϭΎϨΗϡΎότϟ90.06.13.990.36.33.489.55.64.9Eating ϒϴψϨΗϭ ΐϴΗήΗ ϝΰϨϤϟ30.823. Domestic Working ϕϮδΘϟ33.418.048.632.519.148.435.415.449.2Shopping ϝϭΪΟ)31 :(Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ΔΒδϧ)60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ (ϥϮϧΎόϳ ϦϳάϟΔϠϜθϤϟ ΐδΣ ϲϣϮϴϟ ϢϬσΎθϧ Ϧϣ ΪΤΗ ϞϛΎθϣ Ϧϣ ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ2006 Table (31): Percentage of Elderly Persons (60 years and over) who Suffer from physical Problems that limit their daily Activities and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ΔϠϜθϤϟϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷΔϴ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip Problem ΔϛήΤϟ ϰϠϋ ΓέΪϘϟ ϡΪϋ61.262.259.4Moving Difficulties ϡϼϜϟ ϲϓ ΔΑϮόλ11.09.514.2Speech Difficulties Γήϛάϟ ϲϓ ϒόο23.622.825.3Memory Loss ϊϤδϟ ϲϓ ϒόο33.933.834.1Hearing Difficulties ήψϨϟ ϲϓ ϒόο57.254.762.2Seeing Difficulties ΕΎΑϮόλ Ϧϣ ϥϮϧΎόϳ Ϧϳάϟ ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ1,050698352No. of Persons Suffer Difficulties 62 ϝϭΪΟ)32 :(Ϧδϟ έΎΒϛ ΔΒδϧ)60ήΜϛΎϓ ΔϨγ (ˬΔϘτϨϤϟϭ ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϮΑ ϢϬϟΎμΗ ΐδΣ2006 Table (32): Percentage of Elderly Persons (60 years and over) in Terms of Connection to Media and Region, 2006 ΔϘτϨϤϟRegion ϡϼϋϹ ϞΎγϭΔϴϨϴτδϠϔϟ ϲοέϷ Palestinian Territory ΔϴΑήϐϟ Δϔπϟ West Bank ΓΰϏ ωΎτϗ Gaza Strip Media ΕϼΠϤϟϭ ΪήΠϟ Γ˯ήϗReading Newspaper and Magazines ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ14.3 16.39.4Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ19.619.420.3At Least Once a Week ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ22.122.421.3Less than Once a Week Ύϗϼσ· ήϘϳ ϻ44.041.949.0Not Reading at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ϥϮϳΰϔϠΘϟ ΪϫΎθϣWatching T.V ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ62.470.844.8Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ11.68.817.6At Least Once a Week ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ3.82.95.8Less than Once a Week Ύϗϼσ· ΪϫΎθϳ ϻ22.217.531.8Not Watching at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ϮϳΩήϟ ϰϟ· ωΎϤΘγϻListening To Radio ΎϴϣϮϳ ΎΒϳήϘΗ35.1 29.846.2Daily ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ ΓΪΣϭ Γήϣ ϞϗϷ ϰϠϋ12.89.819.1At Least Once a Week ωϮΒγϷ ϲϓ Γήϣ Ϧϣ Ϟϗ3.73.73.7Less than Once a Week σ· ϊϤΘδϳ ϻΎϗϼ48.456.730.9Not Listening at All ωϮϤΠϤϟ100.0100.0100.0Total ΩήϓϷ ΩΪϋ1,6451,116529No. of Persons 63 ϖΤϠϣ)2( :ΕΎΤϠτμϤϟϭ ϢϴϫΎϔϤϟ 64 65 ΕΎΤϠτμϤϟϭ ϢϴϫΎϔϤϟ ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ ΔΤμϟ:ϭ νήϤϟ Ϧϣ Δϣϼδϟ Ζδϴϟϭ ΔϴϋΎϤΘΟϻϭ ΔϴϠϘόϟϭ ΔϳΪδΠϟ ΔϴΣΎϨϟ Ϧϣ ϞϣΎϛ ϩΎϓέ ΔϟΎΣ ϪϔΎχϭϭ ϰΜϧϷϭ ήϛάϟ Ϧϣ ϞϜϟ ϲϠγΎϨΘϟ ίΎϬΠϟΎΑ ΔϘϠόΘϤϟϭ έϮϣϷ ϊϴϤΟ ϲϓ ΔϗΎϋϹ .ϓϭΎϘ έήϘϟ ΫΎΨΗ ϰϠϋ Ωήϔϟ ΓέΪϘϣ ϦϤπΘΗ ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ ΔΤμϟ ϥΎϓ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ ΔΤμϟ ΔϤψϨϣ ϒϳήόΘϟ ϡ ˱ήϛΫ ϥΎϛ ˯Ϯγ ϖΤϟ Ϫϟϭ ˬΎϫΪϳήϳ ϲΘϟ ΔϘϳήτϟϭ ΖϗϮϟ ϲϓ ΏΎΠϧϹΎΑ ϖϠόΘϳ ΎϤϴϓ ΐγΎϨϤϟ ˬϢϫέΎϴΘΧϻ ΎϘϓϭ ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ Ϧϣ ΔϟϮΒϘϤϟϭ ΔΒγΎϨϤϟ ϞΎγϮϟ ϰϠϋ ϝϮμΤϟ ϲϓ ϰΜϧ ϰϠϋ ϝϮμΤϟ Ϧϣ ΎϬϨϜϤΗ ϲΘϟϭ ΔΒγΎϨϤϟ ΔϴΤμϟ ΕΎϣΪΨϟ ϰϠϋ ϝϮμΤϟ ϲϓ ΓήϤϟ ϖΣϭ ΓΩϻϮϟϭ ϞϤΤϟ ΓήΘϓ ϝϼΧ ΔϨϣϵ ΔϴΤμϟ ΔϳΎϋήϟ . ϦϣΰϤϟ νήϤϟ:ΐϴΒσ ϞΒϗ Ϧϣ κΨθϣ ϥϮϜϳϭ ˬϪϨϣ ϩ΅Ύϔη ϦϜϤϳ ϻϭ ΔϨϣΰϣ ΔϔμΑ Ωήϔϟ ΐΣΎμϳ ϱάϟ νήϤϟ ήϤΘδϣ ϞϜθΑ Νϼϋ Ϫϟ ϝϭΎϨΘϳϭ κΘΨϣ. ίΪϳϹ:ϲϋΎϨϤϟ ίϮόϟ κϘϧ ΎϫΎϨόϣ ΔϳΰϴϠΠϧ· ΔϤϠϜϟ ήμΘΨϣ ϲϫ ίΪϳ ΔϤϠϛϭ ˬΓήϴτΨϟ νήϣϷ Ϧϣ αϭήϴϓ ϪΒΒδϳϭ ϥΎδϧϹ ΪϨϋ ΐδΘϜϤϟHIVϰϟ· ϱΩΆϳ ΎϤϣ ΔΒδΘϜϤϟ ΔϋΎϨϤϟ κϘϧ ϰϟ· ϱΩΆϳϭ ήΑϹ ΔλΎΧ ΔΛϮϠϤϟ ΔϴΒτϟ ΕΪόϤϟϭ ϲδϨΠϟ ϝΎμΗϻϭ ϡΪϟ ϞϘϧ ϖϳήσ Ϧϋ ϞϘΘϨϳϭ ˬΓΎϓϮϟ . ΔϳϭάϐΘϟ ΔϟΎΤϟ:ϯΪϣ βϴϘΗ ϲΘϟ ΕήηΆϤϟ Ϧϣ ϲϫϭ ˬΩήϔϠϟ ϱϭάϐΘϟ ϊοϮϟ ϒλϭϭ αΎϴϘΑ ΎϨϟ ϤδΗ ϲΘϟ ϲϫ ΔϟϭΪϟ ϲϓ έϮτΘϟ .ϡΎότϟ ήϓϮΘΑ Δϴάϐϟ ΔϟΎΤϟ ςΒΗήΗ)˯άϐϟ(ΕΎγέΎϤϤϟϭ ΔϳάϐΘϟ ρΎϤϧϭ ˬ ΔϟϭΪϟ ϚϠΗ ϲϓ ϱΩΎμΘϗϻ ϊοϮϟ ϚϟΫ ϲϓ ήΛΆϳϭ ˬΔϳϭάϐΘϟ .ϟ ϢϴϴϘΗ ϢΘϳϝϼΧ Ϧϣ Δϴάϐϟ ΔϟΎΤ ϮϤϨϠϟ ΔϤϬϣ ϲϫ ϲΘϟϭ Ωήϔϟ ΎϬϟϭΎϨΘϳ ϲΘϟ ΔϤόσϷ ξόΑ ΔϴϋϮϧϭ ˬϝϮτϟϭ ϥίϮϟ αΎϴϗ. ΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ:κϘϨΑ ˱˯ΪΑ ΓΩΪόΘϣ ΏΎΒγ Ϧϋ ΔϤΟΎϨϟ ΕΎΑήτοϻ ϞϤθϴϟ ϡΪΨΘδϳ ΔϳάϐΘϟ ˯Ϯγ Ϡτμϣ ϨϴΗϭήΒϟ ϭ ϥΩΎόϤϟϭ ΕΎϨϴϣΎΘϴϔϟ ϞΜϣ ΓΩΪΤϣϭ ΔϘϴϗΩ ΔϴάϏ ήλΎϨϋΕήόδϟ ΓΩΎϳί ϭ κϘϧϭ ΕΎ ϯήΧ νήϣ ϭ ΔϨϤδϟ ϭ ΔϋΎΠϤϟ ΐΒδΗ ϥ ϦϜϤϤϟ Ϧϣ ϲΘϟϭ ΔϳέήΤϟ . ΔϣΎϘϟ ήμϗ)κϘϧ ήϤόϠϟ ΔΒδϨϟΎΑ ϝϮτϟ:( ΔϣΎϘϟ ήμϗ ϰϟ· ήϴθϳ ήϤόϠϟ ΔΒδϨϟΎΑ ϝϮτϟ κϘϧ ϥ· .ϊοϮϟ Ϟϔτϟ ΔϣΎϗ ήμϗ ϭ ϝϮσ βϜόϳϭ Α ήηΆϤϟ άϫ αΎϘϳϭ ˬϪϟ ϱϭάϐΘϟ ϭ ϲΤμϟϝϮτϟΎϓ ˬωΎϔΗέϻϭ ϝϮτϟ ΎϤϫ ϦϴϴγΎγ ϦϴΘϘϳήτ ϱάϟ Ϟϔτϟ ϝϮσ αΎϴϘϟ ϡΪΨΘδϴϓ ωΎϔΗέϻ Ύϣ ˬϦϴΘϨγ ήϤϋ ϰΘΣ ϖ˳ϠΘδϣ Ϯϫϭ Ϟϔτϟ ϝϮσ βϴϘϳ ϦϴΘϟΎΤϟ ϼϜϟ ϝϮτϟ Ϡτμϣ ϡΪΨΘδϳϭ ˬϒϗϭ Ϯϫϭ ϦϴΘϨγ Ϧϋ ϩήϤϋ Ϊϳΰϳ .ϝΎϔσϷ ήΒΘόϳϭ ϦϴϳέΎϴόϣ ϦϴϓήΤϧ ΖΤΗ ϥϮόϘϳ Ϧϳάϟ)-2SD (ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥΔΒδϨϟΎΑ ΩΎΣ ϭ ςγϮΘϣ ΔϣΎϗ ήμϗ Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϢϬϟϮσ ϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϚΌϟϭϭ ˬϢϬϟϮσϷ)-3SD (ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥ ϥϮϔϨμϳ ΩΎΣ ΔϣΎϗ ήμϗ. ϝΰϬϟ)ϥίϮϟ κϘϧ ϝϮτϠϟ ΔΒδϨϟΎΑ:( ϥΎϛ Ϋ· ΔϓΎΤϧ ϝϮτϠϟ ΔΒδϨϟΎΑ ϥίϮϟ κϘϧ ήΒΘόϳϭ ˬϪϟϮσ ϞΑΎϘϣ Ϟϔτϟ ϥίϭ ήηΆϤϟ άϫ βϜόϳ ˬΎ˱ϴόϴΒσΔϴϟΎΣ ϭ ΔϨϣΰϣ ˯Ϯγ Δϴοήϣ ΔϟΎΣ Ϧϋ ΞΗΎϧ ϥΎϛ Ϋ· ϻ˱ΰϫ ϰϤδϳ ΎϤϴϓ .ϮϠΧ ϲϨόϳ ϻϭ ϊϤΘΠϤϟ ϚϟΫ ϲϓ ΪϴΟ ϱϭάϐΘϟ ϊοϮϟ ϥΎΑ ϝΰϬϟ Ϧϣ ϊϤΘΠϤϟ .ϝΎϔσϷ ήΒΘόϳ ϡΎϋ ϞϜθΑϭ ϦϴϳέΎϴόϣ ϦϴϓήΤϧ Ϧϋ ϢϬϟϮσ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϢϬϧίϭ ϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟ-2SD ( (ϭ ςγϮΘϣ ϝΰϫ ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥ ϚΌϟϭϭ ˬΩΎΣϦϋ ϢϬϟϮσ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϢϬϧίϭ ϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟ)-3SD (˱ΩΎΣ ϻ˱ΰϫ ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥ΄Α .ήΛ΄Θϳϭ ΓΩΎϳί αΎϴϘϟ ΚΤΒϟ ϲϓ ΔϠϤόΘδϤϟ βϴϳΎϘϤϟ ΪΣ Ϯϫϭ ϪϟϮσϭ Ϟϔτϟ ϥίϮΑ ϲγΎγ ϞϜθΑ ϝΰϬϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΪϨϋ ϥίϮϟ. ϥίϮϟ κϘϧ)κϘϧ ήϤόϠϟ ΔΒδϨϟΎΑ ϥίϮϟ:( Η ϭ ΔϴΤλ ΕήϴϐΘϤΑ ΔϋήδΑ Ϟϔτϟ ϥίϭ ήΛ΄ΘϳϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ήΒΘόϳ ˬΔϤϳΪϗ ϭ ΔΜϳΪΣ Δϳϭάϐ Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϢϬϧίϭ)-2SD (ϞϘΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϚΌϟϭϭ ΩΎΣ ϭ ςγϮΘϣ ϥίϭ κϘϧ ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥ Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞΑΎϘϣ ϢϬϧίϭ)-3SD (ΩΎΣ ϥίϭ κϘϧ ϢϬϳΪϟ ϥ .ϪϟϮτΑ Ϟϔτϟ ϥίϭ ήΛ΄Θϳϭ Ϸ ΪϨϋ ϥίϮϟ ΓΩΎϳί αΎϴϘϟ ήηΆϤϛ ΪϤΘόϳ ϻ άϬϟϭ ϡΎϋ ϞϜθΑϝΎϔσ. ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ:ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ Ϧϣ ήΜϛ ϭ ΔϠϴγϭ ϡΪΨΘγ ϖϳήσ Ϧϋ ϝΎϤΣϷ ϒϗϭ ϭ ϦϴΑ ΓΪϋΎΒϤϟ ϲϫ. ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΗ ϞΎγϭ:ϞΎγϮϟ ϞϤθΗϭ ΓήγϷ ϢϴψϨΘϟ ΎϤϫϼϛ ϭ ΎϤϫΪΣ ϥΎΟϭΰϟ ΎϬϣΪΨΘδϳ ϥ ϦϜϤϳ ϲΘϟ ϞΎγϮϟ ϲϫ ϹΎΑ ϦϘΤϟ ˬΐϟϮϠϟ ˬΏϮΒΤϟ ϞΜϣ ΔΜϳΪΤϟϝΎΟήϠϟ ϲϗϮϟϭ ϝΎΟήϠϟ ϢϴϘόΘϟ ˬϢϫήϤϟ ˬήΑ. ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ:ςϔθϟ ϭ ήηΎΒϣ ϞϜθΑ ϱΪΜϟ ΐϴϠΤϟ Ϟϔτϟ ϲϘϠΗ. 66 ΔϴόϴΒτϟ ΔϋΎοήϟ ΔϘϠτϤϟ: ϝΎϔσϷ0-5ϱ ϭ ϲϋΎϨλ ΐϴϠΣ ϮϘϠΘϳ Ϣϟ Ϧϳάϟϭ ϢϬΗΎϬϣ Ϧϣ ϥϮόοήϳ Ϯϟί ϻ Ϧϳάϟ ήϬη ϳϭ ˬΏήθϟ ϭ ϡΎότϟ ωϮϧ Ϧϣ ωϮϧϭ ΕΎϨϴϣΎΘϴϔϟ ϥϮϘϠΘϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϚϟΫ Ϧϣ ϰϨΜΘδ ΔϳϭΩϷ. ϝΎϬγϹ:ίήΒΘϟ Εήϣ ΩΪϋ ϲϓ αϮϤϠϤϟ ήϴϴϐΘϟ Ϯϫ)ϡϮϴϟ ϲϓ Εήϣ ΙϼΛ Ϧϣ ήΜϛ (ΔΟϭΰϟ ϲϓ ήϴϐΘϟϭ ˬίήΒϟ ϲϓ ρΎΨϣ ϭ ϡΩ ΩϮΟϭ ΔϴϠϤόϟ ϩάϫ ϖϓήϳ Ϊϗϭ ΔϟϮϴδϟ ϰϟ· ϞϴϤϳ ΚϴΤΑ ίήΒϟΪϗϭ δϤϟ άϫ ϲϓ ϝΎϬγϺϟ ΎϬϤϬϓϭ ϡϷ ϒϳήόΗ ϡΪΨΘγ . ίΎϬΠϟ ΕΎΑΎϬΘϟ ϲδϔϨΘϟ: ΎΑϮΤμϣ ϥΎϛ ˬϝΎόγ Ϧϣ δϤϠϟ ϦϴϘΑΎδϟ ϦϴϋϮΒγϷ ϝϼΧ ϮϧΎϋ Ϧϳάϟ ΔδϣΎΨϟ ϥϭΩ ϝΎϔσϷ ϲϓ ϥΎϘΘΣ ϊϣ έΪμϟ ϲϓ ΔϠϜθϣ ϭ έΪμϟ ϲϓ ΔϠϜθϣ ΐΒδΑ ϚϟΫϭ Γήϴμϗϭ Δόϳήγ αΎϔϧ΄Α ϒϧϷ. Ϝϟ ϢϴότΗίΰ )αϮϧΎΘϴΘϟ:( νήϤΑ ΔΑΎλϹ Ϧϣ Ϟϔτϟ ΔϳΎϤΤϟ ϚϟΫϭ ϞϤΤϟ ΓήΘϓ ϝϼΧ ϞϣΎΤϟ ΓΪϴδϠϟ ϰτόϳ ϡϮότϣ Ϯϫ ϱΪϴϟϮϟ ίΰϜϟ. ϞϠθϟ ϡϮότϣ:ϢϔϟΎΑ ςϘϧ ϖϳήσ Ϧϋ Ύϣ· ϝΎϔσϷ ϞϠη Ϧϣ ΔϳΎϗϮϠϟ ϰτόϳ ϡϮότϣ)OPV) (Sabin (ϰτόϳϭ ϲϟΎΘϟ ϮΤϨϟ ϰϠϋ Ϣϔϟ ϲϓ ςϘϧ ϞϜη ϰϠϋ :ϰϟϭϷ ΔϋήΠϟΪϨϋ ΔϴϧΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ ˬϦϳήϬη ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ήϤϋ4ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ ˬέϮϬη6ΔόΑήϟ ΔϋήΠϟϭ ˬέϮϬη)ΔτθϨϤϟ (ΪϨϋ ϰτόΘϓ ήϤϋ12ΪόΑ ϭ ήϬη6ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ Ϧϣ έϮϬη .ϦϘΣ ϞϜη ϰϠϋ ϡϮότϤϟ ϰτόϳ Ϛϟάϛ )Salk) (IPV (ϦϳήϬη ήϤϋϭ ήϬη ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ϦϘΤϟ ϰτόΗϭ . ΔΒμΤϟ ϡϮότϣ )Measles:( ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ϰτόϳ ϡϮότϣ9ϞϜη ϰϠϋ ϰτόϳϭ ΔΒμΤϟ νήϣ Ϧϣ ΔϳΎϗϮϟ ϑΪϬΑ ϚϟΫϭ έϮϬη ΔϨϘΣ .ήϤϋ ϰϠϋ ϯήΧ Γήϣ ϰτόϳϭ15ϞϜη ϰϠϋ ήϬηMMRΔΒμΤϟ ϰϠϋ ϱϮΘΤϳ ϱάϟϭ ΔϴϧΎϤϟϷ ΔΒμΤϟϭ Ϣϴϐο ϮΑϭ. Ϟδϟ ϡϮότϣ )BCG:( ϻϮϟ Ϧϣ ϝϭϷ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ ϰτόϳ ϡϮότϣϱϮήϟ Ϟδϟ νήϣ Ϧϣ ΔϳΎϗϮϠϟ ϚϟΫϭ ΓΩ)ϥέΪΘϟ ( ΪϠΠϟ ΖΤΗ ΔϨϘΣ ϞϜη ϰϠϋ ϰτόϳϭ. ϲΛϼΜϟ ϡϮότϤϟ )DPT:( ϰτόΗϭ ίΰϜϟϭ ϲϜϳΪϟ ϝΎόδϟϭ ΎϳήϴΘϓΪϟ ϲϫ νήϣ ΔΛϼΜϟ ϙήΘθϣ ϡϮότϣ Ϧϋ ΓέΎΒϋ Ϯϫϭ ϝΪόϤΑ ϦϘΣ ϞϜη ϰϠϋ4ϲϟΎΘϟ ϮΤϨϟ ϰϠϋ ΕΎϋήΟ :ϳήϬη ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ϰϟϭϷ ΔϋήΠϟΔϋήΠϟ ˬϦ ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ΔϴϧΎΜϟ4ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ ˬέϮϬη6ΔόΑήϟ ΔϋήΠϟϭ ˬέϮϬη)ΔτθϨϤϟ ( ήϤϋ ΪϨϋ ϰτόΘϓ12ΪόΑ ϭ ήϬη6ΔΜϟΎΜϟ ΔϋήΠϟ Ϧϣ έϮϬη. ϮϘϠΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϢϴϋΎτϤϟ ϊϴϤΟ: ήϤόϟ Ϧϣ ϥϮϐϠΒϳ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϣϫ23-12ϣ ωήΟ ΙϼΛϭ Ϟδϟ ϡϮότϣ ϮϘϠΗϭ ήϬηϡϮότϣ Ϧ ΔΒμΤϟ ϡϮότϣϭ ϞϠθϟ ϡϮότϣ Ϧϣ ωήΟ ΙϼΛϭ ϲΛϼΜϟ. ϲΤϟ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ:ΓΎϴΤϟ ΕΎϣϼϋ Ϧϣ Δϣϼϋ ϱ έϮϬχ ϊϣ ΎϴΣήΟ ϭ ΎϴόϴΒσ ϢΣήϟ Ϧϣ ΝήΧ ϱάϟ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ Ϯϫ ΓήηΎΒϣ ϚϟΫ ΪόΑ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ ΕΎϣ Ϯϟϭ ϰΘΣ ˬϼ˱Μϣ ˯ΎϜΒϟϭ βϔϨΘϟΎϛ ΩϮϟϮϤϟ ϰϠϋ. ϦΧΪϤϟ:κΨθϟ Ϯϫ)10ϓ ΕϮϨγήΜϛ΄ (ϚϟΫ ϰϟ· ϑΎπϳϭ ήΜϛ ϭ ϡϮϴϟΎΑ ΓέΎΠϴγ ϝΪόϤΑ ϦΧΪϳ ϱάϟ ΔϠϴΟέΎϨϟϭ ϥϮϴϠϐϟ ϥϮϨΧΪϳ Ϧϳάϟ ιΎΨηϷ. 67 Ϧϣ Ώήη ϩΎϴϣ έΪμϣ:ϞΧΩ ΕΪϳΪϤΗ ϊϣ ϊϤΟ ήΌΑ ϭ ˬϝΰϨϤϟΎΑ ΔϟϮλϮϤϟ ΔϣΎόϟ ϩΎϴϤϟ ΔϜΒη ϰϠϋ ΪϤΘόΗ ϲΘϟ ήγϷ ΔϴϧΪόϤϟ ϩΎϴϤϟ ϭ ϝΰϨϤϟ/ϩΎϴϤϟ βϴέ έΪμϤϛ ΕΎϧϮϟΎϏΏήθϟ. ϥΪϳΆϤϟ ϠϤϟ:ΩϮϴϟ ΓΩΎϣ Ϧϣ ΓΩΪΤϣ ΔϴϤϛ ϰϠϋ ϱϮΘΤϳ ϱάϟ ϡΎότϟ Ϡϣ15ϚϟΫϭ ˬήΜϛ΄ϓ ϥϮϴϠϤϟ Ϧϣ ˯ΰΟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΪϨϋ ΔλΎΧ ΔϴϠϘόϟ ΕΎϗΎϋϹϭ ΔϴϗέΪϟ ΓΪϐϟ νήϣ΄Α ΔΑΎλϹ Ϧϣ ΔϳΎϗϮϠϟ. ϦϴϣΎΘϴϓA+DςϘϧ Ϧϋ ΓέΎΒϋ ϲϫA+DϨγ ήϤϋ ϰΘΣϭ ΓΩϻϮϟ Ϧϣ ϝΎϔσϸϟ ϰτόΗΔϣϮϣϷ ΰϛήϣ ϞΒϗ Ϧϣ Δ ΔϟΎϛϮϠϟ ΔόΑΎΘϟ ΔϟϮϔτϟϭ ΔϣϮϣϷ ΰϛήϣ ϞΒϗ Ϧϣ ϰτόΗ ϻϭ ˬΔΤμϟ ΓέίϮϟ ΔόΑΎΘϟ ΔϟϮϔτϟϭ. ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϒϴϔΧ ϱΪδΟ ΏΎϘόϟ: ϝΎϔσϷ2-14ϰϟ· δϤϟ ϰϠϋ ϖΑΎδϟ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγϦϣ ΪϴϟΎΑ ϒϴϔΧ Ώήο ϟ ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϭ ˬϞϫϷϦϳάϟ ϭ ˬήΧ ΐϠλ ϢδΟ ϱ ϭ ϡΰΤϟ ˬΎμόϟ ϞΜϣ ΓΩ΄Α Ώήπ ΊσΎΧ ϙϮϠδϟ ϢϬΘγέΎϤϣ ΔΠϴΘϧ ϢϬϠϫ ϞΒϗ Ϧϣ ϪϣΪμϟ ϮοήόΗ. ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ϲδϔϧ ΏΎϘόϟ: ϝΎϔσϷ2-14ϟ δϤϟ ϰϠϋ ϖΑΎδϟ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ ϮοήόΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγϞΒϗ Ϧϣ ϮΘόϧ ϭ Υήμ ϛ ˬϲΒϏ ϞΜϣ ϖϻ ήϴϏ ϒλϮΑ ϢϬϠϫΊσΎΧ ϙϮϠδϟ ϢϬΘγέΎϤϣ ΔΠϴΘϧ ΔϬϴΒη Ϫϔλ ϱ ϭ ϝϮδ. Ϣϟ Ϧϳάϟ ϝΎϔσϷ ΏΎϘϋ ϱϷ ϮοήόΘϳ: ϝΎϔσϷ2-14Ϧϣ ϮϣήΣ ϭ ˬΕίΎϴΘϣ δϤϟ ϰϠϋ ϖΑΎδϟ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ Ϯτϋ Ϧϳάϟ ΔϨγ ϪϧϮϠόϔϴϟ ήΧ ˯ϲη Ϯτϋ ϭ ˬΊσΎΧ ϢϬϛϮϠγ ϥΎϛ ΫΎϤϟ ϢϬϟ ϴοϮΘϟ ϢΗ ϭ ΎϬϧϮΒΤϳ ˯Ύϴη ΎϤϤϟ ΔΠϴΘϧΊσΎΧ ϙϮϠδϟ ϢϬΘγέ. ϲϠϜϟ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ϝΪόϣ:Γήϣ ϞϜϟ ˯ΎϴΣϷ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ ςγϮΘϣ)˯ΎδϨϟ Ϧϣ ΔϋϮϤΠϣ ϭ (ΎϬΗΎϴΣ ΓήΘϓ ϝϼΧ)ϦϬΗΎϴΣ ( ΔΑϮμΨϟ ΕϻΪόϣ ωϮϤΠϣ Ϧϋ ΞΗΎϧ Ϯϫϭ ˬΎϣ ΔϨδϟ ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔΑϮμΨϟ ΕϻΪόϣ ΐδΣ ΔϴΑΎΠϧϹ . ΔδϤΧ ϲϓ ΎΑϭήπϣ ΔϳήϤόϟ ΔϴϠϴμϔΘϟ. ϮμΨϟ ϝΪόϣΔΑ ήϤόϟ ΐδΣ ΔϴϠϴμϔΘϟ: ϞϜϟ ΔϨϴόϣ ΔϳήϤϋ ΔΌϓ Ϧϣ ˯ΎδϨϟ ϢϬΒΠϨΗ Ϧϳάϟ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ ΩΪϋ1000ΓήΘϔϟ ϚϠΗ ϲϓ Γήϣ. ϢϫέΎϤϋ Ϧϳάϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΕϮϨγ βϤΧ Ϧϋ ϞϘΗ : ΕϮϨγ βϤΨϟ ήϤϋ ϢϬϏϮϠΑ ϞΒϗ ϦϳΩϮϟϮϤϟ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ ϦϴϓϮΘϤϟ ΔΒδϧ. ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ϝΪόϣ:Ϧϳάϟ ϊοήϟ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΩΪϋϞϜϟ ΔϨγ Ϧϋ ϢϫέΎϤϋ ϞϘΗ1000ΔϨγ ϝϼΧ ˯ΎϴΣϷ ΪϴϟϮϤϟ Ϧϣ ΔϨϴόϣ. ϲΜϳΪΣ ΕΎϴϓϭ ΕϻΪόϣ ΓΩϻϮϟ: ϲϓ ΓΩϻϮϟ Ϧϣ ϰϟϭϷ ΔόΑέϷ ϊϴΑΎγϷ ϭ ϝϭϷ ήϬθϟ ϝϼΧ ϊοήϟ ϝΎϔσϷ Ϧϣ ΕΎϴϓϮϟ ΩΪϋ ϞϜϟ ΔϨϴόϣ ΔϨγ1000ΎϬδϔϧ ΔϨδϟ ϝϼΧ ϲΣ ΩϮϟϮϣ. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics League of Arab States Palestinian Family Health Survey, 2006 Preliminary Report April, 2007 PAGE NUMBERS OF ENGLISH TEXT ARE PRINTED IN SQUARE BRACKETS. TABLES ARE PRINTED IN THE ARABIC ORDER (FROM RIGHT TO LEFT). © April 2007. All Rights Reserved Suggested Citation: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, 2007. Palestinian Family Health Survey, 2006: Preliminary Report. Ramallah-Palestine. All correspondence should be directed to: Dissemination and Documentation Department /Division of User Services Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics P.O.Box 1647 Ramallah, Palestine. Tel: (972/970) 2 240 6340 Fax: (972/970) 2 240 6343 E-mail: diwan@pcbs.gov.ps web-site: http://www.pcbs.gov.ps Acknowledgements The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics would like to thank the households who participated in this sample survey, as their cooperation and understanding during the field work were truly remarkable. Financial support for the Palestinian Family Health Survey at the PCBS is being provided by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), UNICEF, UNFPA and Pan Arab Family Health Project Partners: AGFUND, OPEC Fund, WHO, IOMS, IPPF, and ESCWA The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) expresses its gratitude for all parties for their valuable funding. Note for users - (0.0): Means that the percentage is less than 0.05%. - Due to high variance in some indicators, Tubas was merged with Jenin and Salfit with Qalqiliya. Preface The Palestinian Family Health Survey, 2006 is the fourth in a series of surveys completed by the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) over a period of ten years. Beginning with the first survey in 1996, the second survey was completed in 2000, and the third in 2004, and the fourth in 2006. With the availability of the 2006 survey data, it becomes possible to examine time trends related to demography, fertility and maternal and child health in the context of changing population circumstances, and utilize such information in future policy making and planning endeavors. For the first time, the survey will enable us to disseminate the majority of the survey indicators at governorate level. The surveys is designed to collect, analyze and disseminate demographic and health data pertaining to the Palestinian population living in the Palestinian Territory, with a focus on demography, fertility, family planning and maternal and child health, in addition to youth and elderly. The 2006 survey also includes new sections and elements, such as basic health and socio-economic information on different groups within the population, and children less than five years, and children aged 2-14 years, children aged 5-17 years in addition to un-married youth aged 15-29 years and elderly people aged 60 years and over. It is hoped that by gradually introducing new sections into the Palestinian Family Health Survey, it can be transformed into a survey of all of the population. This report presents the preliminary results of the survey. A comprehensive protocol for main findings of the survey and disseminating detailed results and analytical reports has been drafted. The Micro data based on the survey will also be released soon after releasing the basic report. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics hopes that this report will enable planners and decision makers to carry out their duties of caring for and promoting health in the Palestinian Territory and inform decision and policy makers engaged in the comprehensive national development process in the country. Luay Shabaneh, President April, 2007 Table of Contents Subject Page 1. Survey objectives, methodology and response rates [11] 2. Main Findings [15] 2.1 Dwelling Characteristics [15] 2.2 Fertility and Mortality [15] 2.3 Public Health [16] 2.4 Maternal Health [17] 2.5 Child Health [18] 2.6 Un-married youth aged 15-29 years [20] 2.7 Elderly aged 60 years and over [21] 2.8 Summary Table 27 Annex (1): Tables 33 Annex (2): Concepts and Definitions [25] ]11[ 1. Survey objectives and methodology: The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics in cooperation with the Pan Arab Project for Family Health (PAPFAM), UNICEF and UNFPA are conducted the first Palestinian Family Health Survey in the year 2006. The survey is part of a wide regional survey that was conducted in many Arab countries which supervised by the State of Arab League, and include the core indicators of the Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) supervised by UNICEF. The surveys is designed to collect, analyze and disseminate demographic and health data pertaining to the Palestinian population living in the Palestinian Territory, with a focus on demography, fertility, family planning and maternal and child health, in addition to youth and elderly. The 2006 survey also includes new sections and elements, such as basic health and socio-economic information on different groups within the population, and children less than five years, and children aged 2-14 years, children aged 5-17 years in addition to un-married youth aged 15-29 years and elderly people aged 60 years and over. It is hoped that by gradually introducing new sections into the Palestinian Family Health Survey, it can be transformed into a survey of all of the population. For the first time, the survey will enable us to disseminate the majority of the survey indicators at governorate level. Target population: The target population consisted of all Palestinian households that usually reside in the Palestinian Territory. Sample frame and sample design: The list of all Palestinian households has been constructed from the updated frame in 2003. The master sample was drawn to be used for different surveys. The sample type was a stratified two-stage random sample: First stage: 325 EAs were selected from all Palestinian Territory. Second stage: A systematic random sample of 40 households was selected from each enumeration Area (EA) in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Due to the privacy of this survey, each EA was divided into two cells, the first one with 21 households while the other with 19 households. The first cell was prepared to collect the PAPFAM and MICS indicators, while the second was prepared to collect the MICS indicators only. It is worth to mention that there is no crosscutting between the two groups. In this survey all un-married youth aged 15-29 years and elder persons aged 60 years and over were enumerated, in addition, one child out of all children aged 2-14 years in each household was selected for child discipline part using Kish Table. Sample size: The number of the households in the sample was 13,238 households: 8,781 in the West Bank and 4,457 in Gaza Strip. ]12[ Survey Questionnaires: In this survey four questionnaires were used: The first questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed to collect PAPFAM and MICS indicators together, and it was collected from about 7,056 households. The questionnaire was consisted of the following parts: - Household part: consisted household roster including demographic variables such as age, sex, date of birth, smoking, labor force status, education variables, disability, chronic diseases and others. In addition to child discipline section for children aged 2- 14 years, child labor for children aged 5-17 years and education section for persons aged 5-24 years. - Dwelling part: including questions on housing conditions such as main drinking water source, iodized salt and other socio-economic indicators. - Women part: this part was designed to collect data from all ever-married women 15- 54 years old. It consists of seven sections: Women general characteristics, Reproduction, Maternal care, Family planning and Desire for reproduction, Tetanus toxoid vaccination, Knowledge of STDs, Chronic disease and disease due to reproduction. - Child part: this part was designed to collect data from all children aged less than 5 years, it consists of four sections: Child health and vaccinations, Early education, Birth registration, and Anthropometric measurements. The second questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed to collect MICS indicators only; it is part of the first one. It was collected from about 6,182 households. The questionnaire was consisted of all the parts mentioned above except: Chronic diseases in household part, and Knowledge of STDs in women part. This methodology was used in order to disseminate the data on these indicators at the governorate level. The third questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed to collect data from all un- married youth aged 15-29 years. The fourth questionnaire: This questionnaire was designed to collect data from all elderly persons aged 60 years and over. Data collection and Data processing: The fieldwork commenced on November 1st 2006 and was completed on January 20th 2007. While Youth and Elderly data collection was started on December 10th 2006 and lasted for March 20th 2007. Data entry and data processing was started in parallel with data collection, and it is lasted for March 25th 2007 including youth and elderly data. Cspro package was used for questionnaire programming and data processing. ]13[ Response rates: Number of households and eligible women, children, youth, elderly and response rates by region Sample and response rates Palestinian Territory West Bank Gaza Strip Number of households in the sample 13,238 8,781 4,457 Number of households interviewed 11,661 7,700 3,961 Response rates 88.0 85.5 93.1 Number of Women aged 15-54 years in the sample 10,830 6,607 4,223 Number of women interviewed 10,648 6,474 4,174 Response rates 98.3 98.0 98.8 Number of children under five in the sample 10,318 5,895 4,423 Number of children interviewed 10,230 5,824 4,406 Response rates 99.2 98.8 99.6 Number of not married youth aged 15-29 years in the sample 7,470 4,700 2,770 Number of youth interviewed 6,470 3,876 2,594 Response rates 86.5 82.5 93.6 Number of elderly persons aged 60 years and over in the sample 1,722 1,137 585 Number of elderly interviewed 1,655 1,086 569 Response rates 96.0 95.5 97.3 ]14[ ]15[ 2. Main Findings: 2.1 Dwelling characteristics: Initial analysis of the findings reveal that 62.7% of households use public water network, and 9.0% use protected well, while 16.1% use gallons and mineral water, and 12.2% use other sources as illustrated in figure (1). Data also showed that 87.8% of the households in the Palestinian Territory use safe source for drinking water, the percentage reaches its highest level in Jerusalem governorate (99.6%) and the lowest level in Deir El-Balah governorate (68.5%). Figure (1): Percentage distribution of households by source of drinking water 62.7 9.0 16.1 12.2 public net work Well inside dwelling Gallons/Meneral water Other Sanitation means: Data showed that 49.8% of the households owen toilet at their dwelling use public sewer system, while 48.6% use cesspool as a sewage disposal system, and 1.6% use other means. 2.2 Fertility and Mortality: Initial analysis of the findings reveal that the average household size is 6.3 in the Palestinian Territory, 5.9 in the West Bank and 7.0 in Gaza Strip. According to the initial data this size is the highest in Gaza, North Gaza and Rafah governorates (7.1), and it is the lowest in Jerusalem governorate (5.4). The median age at first marriage was 18.0 in the Palestinian Territory; the same figure was found in both the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Data showed that the Total Fertility Rate is 4.6 births per woman in the Palestinian Territory, 4.2 births per woman in the West Bank and 5.4 births per woman in Gaza Strip. ]16[ Data also showed that the Infant Mortality Rate is 25.3 per 1000 live birth, and it is higher in Gaza Strip compared to West Bank (28.8 and 22.9) per 1000 live birth respectively. On the other hand Child Mortality Rate reaches 28.2 per 1000 live birth, and it is higher in Gaza Strip compared to the West Bank (31.8 and 25.8) respectively. Figure (2) shows IMR and CMR by sex. Figure (2): Infant and child mortality rates by sex 27.1 30.1 23.4 26.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 IMR CMR Males Females 2.3 Public Health: Chronic Disease: For all ages, the data analysis revealed that 10.1% of surveyed persons reported suffering from at least one diagnosed chronic disease. Reported of suffering from a diagnosed disease is higher among West Bank and among males as illustrated in figure (3). Figure (3): Persons with at least one chronic disease by sex and region 11.4 8.2 12.2 8.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 West Bank Gaza Strip Males Females Region Sex Smoking: Overall, 18.3% of surveyed persons 10 years old and over were reported as smokers. 20.9% in the West Bank and 13.7% in Gaza Strip. Data showed that the highest percentage of smokers reported in Qalqiliya governorate (23.1%) and the lowest level in Khan Yunis governorate (12.1%). ]17[ Using Iodized Salt: Of the total surveyed households in the Palestinian Territory 85.7% consumed adequately iodized salt, 85.0% in the West Bank and 86.9% in the Gaza Strip. Data showed that the highest percentage was in Salfit governorate (95.8%) and the lowest percentage was in Deir El-Balah governorate (78.8%). 2.4 Maternal health: Using family planning method: The percentage of women (15-49) years old who reported currently using any family planning method was 50.2% for the Palestinian Territory, 54.9% for the West Bank and 41.7% for the Gaza Strip. Data showed that Qalqiliya governorate reported the highest level (63.9%) while Khan Yunis is the lowest (36.9%). Data showed that IUD is the most popular method (24.8%). Ante-natal care: Of the last birth that women reported having had during the past five years preceding the survey, 98.8% were reported as with mothers having received ante-natal care. 99.7% of these mothers consulted skilled health personnel for this care. The mean of health care visits during pregnancy was 7.8 visit. Data does not show any variations among governorates. For these births acute headache during pregnancy is the highest complication that mothers suffer from, followed by upper abdominal pain as illustrated figure (5). Figure (4): Percentage of women who suffer from complications during pregnancy by problem 9.1 6.9 5.7 3.4 3.2 2.0 9.6 10.2 11.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Acut headache Upper abdominal pain Pain at urination Swelling of face or body Breathing difficulries High blood pressure Vaginal hemorrage Fever Convulsions ]18[ Delivery care: 96.6% of these births took place in a health institution, these figures is the highest in Gaza Strip (98.9%) and the lowest in Qalqiliya governorate (88.7%). 3.4% of the births took place at homes or at check points, this percentage was the higher in West Bank (4.8%) compared to Gaza Strip (1.1%) and in Qalqiliya governorate (11.3%) compared to other governorates. According to type of delivery, data showed that 75.9% reported as normal birth, and 15.0% requiring caesarean section. The caesarean was higher in Jericho governorate (26.3%) compared to other governorates, while it was the lowest in Salfit governorate (12.3%). Received the tetanus toxoid: 34.1% of women in the Palestinian Territory who had a live birth in the five years preceding the survey reported having received the tetanus toxoid during the past pregnancy; this figure is the highest among Gaza Strip women (44.6%) and among Deir El Balah women (51.0%). Post natal care: 30.0% of mothers who reported on the last birth occurring during the past five years also reported that they have visited a specialist during the first six week post natal period, 29.7% in the West Bank and 30.5% in Gaza Strip. 2.5 Child Health: Breastfeeding and exclusively breast-feeding: Reports of mothers indicate that of all children born during the past five years, 97.5% were breastfed. The mean duration of breastfeeding was 13.0 months. Of children (0-5) months of age 26.5% were exclusively breast-fed, this figures is the highest among Qalqiliya children (38.5%) and the lowest among Tubas governorate (10.4%). Child Diseases: Of all children under 5 years old included this survey, 11.7% were reported as having had a diarrhea episode in the two weeks preceding the survey, with highest level in Gaza Strip (12.1%) compared to West Bank (11.5%) and among Qalqiliya governorate children (15.8%) compared to other governorates. On the other hand data showed that of all children under 5 years old included this survey, 14.1% were reported as having had pneumonia, the highest percentage was reported in Tulkarm governorate (21.4%) compared to other governorates. Figure (6) shows that the percentage of pneumonia is higher among males compared to females. ]19[ Figure (5): Percentage of children under five who suffer from diarrhea and/or pneumonia by sex 12.2 15.1 11.4 12.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Diarrhea Pneumonia Males Females Vaccination coverage: Of those whose immunization card was seen, the following immunizations were received in children (12-23) month: polio (3rd dose) was 98.9%, DPT (3rd dose) was 98.7%, and 96.7% received immunization against Measles, and 99.1% received BCG vaccine. Survey data showed that the percentage of children aged (12-23) months fully immunized was 96.5% in the Palestinian Territory, 94.4% in the West Bank and 99.4% in Gaza Strip, and it reaches its highest level in Jenin, Tubas, Tulkarm, and North Gaza governorates (100.0%) for each, while it was the lowest in Jerusalem governorate (75.2%). On the other hand data showed that the percentage of males children who received all vaccines is higher than females as illustrated in figure (7). Figure (6): Percentage of children 12-23 months whom immunization cards were seen and received specific vaccines by type of vaccine and sex 99.4 99 99.4 96.7 96.6 98.7 98.3 98.5 96.7 96.4 94.5 95.0 95.5 96.0 96.5 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 99.5 100.0 BCG DPT3 OPV3 Measles All Males Females ]20[ Malnutrition: The data analysis also reveals that 10 out 100 children under five in the Palestinian Territory suffer from stunting; this percentage is higher in Gaza Strip (13.2%) compared to the West Bank (7.9%) and in North Gaza governorate (29.6%). The data analysis also reveals that 1.4% suffer from wasting. This percentage is higher in the West Bank (1.7%) compared to Gaza Strip (1.2%) and in Jerusalem governorate (4.9%) compared to other governorates . The data analysis also reveals that 2.9% suffer from underweight. This percentage is higher in the West Bank (3.2%) compared to the Gaza Strip (2.4%) and in Jericho and Al- Aghwar governorate (6.4%) compared to other governorates. Figure (8) shows the prevalence of malnutrition by sex. Figure (7): Prevalence of malnutrition among children under five by sex 10.4 1.4 2.7 10.0 1.5 3.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Stunting Wasting Under weight Males Females Birth registration: Data showed that 96.0% of children under 5 years have had birth certificate, 96.1% among males and 95.9% among females. Child discipline: The data analysis also reveals that 94.5% of children aged 2-14 years in the Palestinian Territory exposed to any psychological and physical aggression from their parents during the past three days preceding the day of interview. Data showed that 92.9% exposed to psychological aggression, and 71.4% exposed to minor physical aggression, while 4.7% exposed to non-violent aggression (discipline). 2.6 Un-married youth aged 15-29 years: The Household: Results showed increased awareness of youth about the suitable age of first marriage, where they think it’s 25 years for males and 20 years for females. Youth considered personal trend is the preferred way to choose future partner at 78.2%. Education: Data showed that dropout for youth aged (15-29) years was 29.4% for male and 12.6% for females. The main reason for not continuing education among youth males aged (15-29) years was getting weak school grades at 29.5%, while inability of families to cover education expenses was the main reason for females at 25.1%. ]21[ Health Status: Data showed that 17.0% of youth aged (15-29) years practice smoking; 28.1% for males and 1.0% for females, and it’s at 21.0% in the West Bank compared with 9.8% in Gaza Strip. On the other hand 13.2% of youth aged (15-29) years evaluate their health status moderate to bad, 12.3% for males and 14.2% for females. Culture and Media: Data showed that 31.7% of youth did not read newspaper or journals at all, 33.7% in the West Bank and 28.7% in Gaza Strip. While 80.7% of youth watch television, and 49.3% of youth listen to radio in a daily manner. Knowledge of Sexual Transmitted diseases (STD’s): Data showed that 99.6% of Youth aged (15-19) years have heard about AID’s. No variations were reported among region. Results showed that only 69.3% of youth were able to state correctly two preventive measures against AID’s; of which 66.5% in West Bank and 74.2% in Gaza Strip. Preparing young males/females for responsible parenting: Data showed that 91.9% of youth males aged (15-19) years identify three puberty changes and more occurred for males. Against 85.6% of females identify three puberty changes and more occurred for females. 34.2% of males indicated that they learned these changes by themselves, while 25.7% of females said they had learned of these changes as part of the school curriculum. 2.7 Elderly persons aged 60 years and over: The Household: Results showed that 9.0% of elderly persons aged 60 years and over in the Palestinian Territory lives alone, of which 9.8% in the West Bank and 7.3% in Gaza Strip. Also results showed that 18.9% of elderly persons who lives alone or with other family members indicated that their living conditions does not reach their satisfaction, of them 12.1% indicated that cramped living space is the main reason for their un-satisfaction. On the other hand, survey data showed that 13.6% of elderly persons indicate that their sons and daughters did not care them well, of which 12.6% in the West Bank and 15.4% in Gaza Strip. Also 3.8% of them that their sons and daughters did not respect them, of which 3.6% in the West Bank and 4.3% in Gaza Strip. Health Status: Data showed that 14.8% of elderly persons suffer from at least on disability, of which 15.0% males and 14.6% females, and it is at 15.4% in the West Bank and 13.3% in Gaza Strip. 15.5% of elderly practice smoking; 31.6% for males and 3.3% for females, and it’s at 16.4% in the West Bank compared with 13.4% in Gaza Strip. ]22[ 64.5% of elderly suffer from at least one chronic disease; 55.1% for males and 72.1% for females, and it’s at 66.0% in the West Bank compared with 61.6% in Gaza Strip. On the other hand 20.5% of elderly persons evaluate their health status bad, 22.3% in the West Bank and 16.8% in Gaza Strip. Social services: Data showed that 31.7% of elderly persons did not receive any social services such as social care houses or health insurance, of which 34.8% in the West Bank and 25.1% in Gaza Strip. 70.0% out of those did not receiving any social services indicated that their first priority is the availability of health insurance. ]23[ Annex (2): Concepts and Definitions ]24[ ]25[ Concepts and Definitions AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles. BCG Vaccination: Vaccination through injection given to infants in the first month of life to protect against Tuberculosis, an infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, affecting primarily the respiratory system and is spread by coughing and sneezing. Breast feeding Refers to the method of feeding infants and children, and is defined as a child having been fed breast milk directly from the breast or expressed. Diarrhea The passage of loose or liquid stools more frequently than is normal for the individual. Diarrhea may be defined as it is understood by respondents or mothers. The interviewers used the mother’s definition in this survey. DPT Vaccination: Combination vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus, usually given in a series of injections starting at 2 months followed by 4 months then 6 months with a booster at 12 months of age. Exclusive breastfeeding: Children aged 0-5 months who are being breastfed and have not received any other food or drink, except for vitamins and medications. Experience minor physical punishment: Children aged 2-14 years who exposed to the following during the past three days: shook, or hit on the bottom or elsewhere on the body with something like a belt, hairbrush, or using hands. Experience psychological aggression as punishment: Children aged 2-14 years who exposed to the following during the past three days: shouted, yelled at or screamed at, or called dumb, lazy, or another name like that. Experience only non- violent aggression: Children aged 2-14 years who exposed to the following during the past three days: took away privileges, forbade something liked or did not allow to leave house, or explained why the behavior was wrong, or gave him something else to do. Family Planning Method It is a method used for delaying or stopping pregnancy. Modern methods include pill, IUD, Injection, Vaginal methods, Female Jelly, Female Sterilization, Male Sterilization and Condom. Fertility: The actual reproductive performance of an individual, a couple, a group or a population. Folic Acid tablets: Medication containing folic acid in the form of tablet to prevent or treat folic acid deficiency, especially during pregnancy. Health insurance Indemnity coverage against financial losses associated with occurrence or treatment of health problem. ]26[ Height for Age: This parameter reflects the achieved linear growth and its deficit indicates long-term cumulative inadequacies of health or nutrition. Two related terms are used when describing this parameter: length and stature. Length is the measurement while in a recumbent position and is used for children under 2 years of age, while stature refers to standing height. For simplification, the term height is used for both measurements in this report. Low height for age (below – 2SD of the NCHS/WHO reference) ranges from 5 to 65% among less developed countries. In low prevalence countries, it is most likely due to normal variation, i.e. shortness; in less developed countries it is likely to be due to a pathological process, resulting in stunting. A pathological process can be from the past or a continuous process. Iodized Salt: Food salt fortified with adequate amount of Iodine 15 ppm and above to prevent iodine deficiency disorder, including goiter in adults and children and mental handicap in children. Infant: A live-born child from the moment of birth through the completion of the first year. Infant Mortality Rate: The number of infant deaths under one year of age in a given year per 1,000 live births during the year. Iron Tablets: Medication containing iron supplement given in the form of tablet or syrup to prevent or treat iron deficiency anemia. Live Birth: A birth is considered live if the new born has shouted, cried, or shown any signs of life upon birth. Malnutrition: Malnutrition means, “badly nourished” but it is more than a measure of what we eat, or fail to eat. Clinically, malnutrition is characterized by inadequate intake of protein, energy, and micronutrients and by frequent infections or disease. Nutritional status is the result of the complex interaction between the food we eat, our overall state of health, and the environment in which we live – in short, food, health and caring, the three “pillars of well-being”. Measles Vaccination Vaccination through injection given once at nine months of age to protect against measles, which is an acute and highly contagious viral disease occurring primarily in children. A second dose follows at 15 months of age combined with Rubella and Mumps vaccines called MMR. Nutritional Status: Nutritional status is the state of nutrition of individuals, and is one of the indicators of the level of development of a given country. Nutritional status is linked to the availability and type of food consumed, food habits and practices as well as the level of poverty in a given society. It is usually assessed using anthropometric parameters and growth (weight, height, that is, wasting and stunting) body mass, as well as dietary intake of selected foods important for growth and good nutrition. ]27[ Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS): Solutions for the prevention of dehydration in infants and children. Those are either commercially produced sachets or tablets or can be prepared at home with home fluids that contain both salt and nutrients. Polio Vaccination Vaccination by oral drops against an acute infection that can cause paralysis in children. It has the same schedule as DPT in children less than 5 years with the addition of two injectable doses given at 1 and 2 months of age. Reproductive Health Reproductive health is defined by WHO as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system at all stages of life. Reproductive health implies that people are able to have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so. Implicit in this are the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective, affordable, and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, and the right to appropriate health-care services that enable women to safely go through pregnancy and childbirth. Persons with chronic diseases: Any person who suffer from at least one medically diagnosed chronic disease and receive continuous treatment for that disease. Safe drinking water: Water piped into the dwelling, a public tap, a well or borehole with pump and mineral water. Suspected pneumonia: Children 0-59 months who suffer from cough during the past two weeks preceding the survey with quick breaths or have difficulty breathing due to problem in chest or both problem in chest and blocked nose. Smoker The individual (10 years old and over) who smokes one cigarette or more a day including pipe and narghileh smokers. Tetanus A life-threatening disease caused by toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which often grows at the site of a cut or wound. Tetanus usually occurs after an acute injury, such as a puncture wound or laceration that has been contaminated with dirt containing the clostridium spores. Under-Five Mortality: The proportion of children born alive who die before reaching their fifth birthday. Vitamin A/D: It is drops of vitamin A and D. They one given to children from birth until one year age by Maternal Child Health clinics, which they belong to the Ministry of Health. It is not given by UNRWA clinics. Weight for Age: This parameter is influenced by both the height and weight of the child. It reflects the long and short-term health of an individual or population. Lightness and underweight have been used to describe normal and pathological processes. High weight for age is not used to describe obesity. ]28[ Weight for Height: This parameter reflects body weight to height. Its use carries the advantage of requiring no knowledge of age. However it is not a substitute for the other indicators. Low weight for height is called thinness if normal or wasting if pathological and can reflect a recent or chronic condition. Prevalence in non-disaster areas is around 5%. Lack of evidence of wasting in a population does not imply the absence of current nutritional problems.
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