Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth Complete: ACTION PLAN
Publication date: 2023
ACTION PLAN Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth Complete Prepare for birth/PPH & bleeding normal or heavy bleeding 100 mcg HSC / 10 IU oxytocin Tears? No tears Hard Check for cause P r e v e n t I n fe c t io n P r o v id e R e s p e c t fu l c a r e Repair A s s e s s b lo o d l o s s , u t e r in e t o n e a n d s t a t u s c o n t in u o u s ly ©2023 Jhpiego Corporation All rights reserved Massage ic MOTIVE e P r o v id e R e s p e c t fu l c a r e P r e v e n t I n fe c t io n tart T Escalate! at Transfer, if needed e E ©2023 Jhpiego Corporation All rights reserved 6 234 1 5 NASG Blood loss 500 mL or more Clinical judgment of PPH Blood loss 300 mL or more + warning signs Call for help Call for the emergency trolley Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth Complete - E-MOTIVE to Manage PPH + Refractory Care
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