Master of Science in Industrial Logistics Systems

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Over the past years, Hong Kong’s manufacturing companies have shifted their production and assembly lines to the Mainland, while treating Hong Kong as a regional control centre for managing a dispersed production network for the above mentioned activities. The service sector of Hong Kong’s economy is thus heavily linked to manufacturing activities, which is actually flourishing instead of declining.

As a prominent exporter of manufacturing products, Hong Kong has generated a series of approaches for both safeguarding and improving its competitive position in its major markets. Companies are now establishing their production bases wherever human resources, technology or markets are available so as to make the best use of resources of a local area. This mode of production method of global coordination and integration not only increases the competitiveness of products in the market, but also raises the response rate of enterprises towards market signals. To this end, an integrated approach to manage the logistics planning and operations on a global basis is crucial.

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  • Hong Kong

Academic Degree


Master of Science


Long (+12 months)

  • English
  • In-Person

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