Bachelor of Logistics Honours

Namibia University of Science and Technology

The Bachelor of Logistics Honours will be awarded to candidates who achieve a minimum total of 141 credits at NQF Level 8, including 30 credits for research or project work as spelt out in the detailed regulations below:

  • Semester 1: 4 x compulsory courses (57 credits) which includes the Research Methodology course for thesis preparation (15 credits and allowed to take in the second semester as well).
  • Semester 2: 3 x compulsory course (39 credits).
  • Semester 3: 1 x compulsory course (15 credits) with a Research Project (30 credits).

Note: The Programme is designed to span over 3 semesters, but the flexibility is available for students to complete the programme in one year, with the Research Proposal in the first semester, and the Research Project in the second semester, with all the modules required.

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  • Namibia

Academic Degree


Bachelor Degree


Long (+12 months)

  • English
  • In-Person

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