Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Namibia University of Science and Technology

The Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management is a three year degree programme aimed at producing graduates who can competently manage logistics and supply chain management related tasks for business competitiveness in both public and private sectors.

• Students will be exposed to relevant logistics and supply chain management techniques, information systems for efficient supply chain decisions in areas such as strategic sourcing, reduction of costs in local and global logistics, managing supply chain risks and timely delivery of value added products, responsive to customer specific requirements.

• Students will acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical application through work related and simulation programmes, including new subjects such as Environmental and Humanitarian Logistics, Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Procurement Management, and Information Technology in Logistics.

Candidates may be considered for admission for this programme if they meet General Admission Requirement of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (G12.1 in Part 1 of the NUST Yearbook). In addition, candidates are required to have passed Mathematics with at least an E-Symbol at NSSC Ordinary Level or a 4 at NSSC Higher Level. Mature age candidates will be considered provided they meet the requirements and pass the mature age entry examinations of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (G12.1 in Part 1 of the NUST Yearbook).

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  • Namibia

Academic Degree


Bachelor Degree


Long (+12 months)

  • English
  • In-Person

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