WHO-UNITAID Call for Interest

1st March 2011

WHO-UNITAID is sending a Call for Interest from individuals wishing to apply for membership on the Advisory Group on Funding Priorities (AGFP).

UNITAID’s mission is to contribute to scaling up access to treatment for HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis for people in developing countries by leveraging price reductions of quality drugs and diagnostics, which currently are unaffordable for most developing countries, and to accelerate the pace at which they are made available.

The AGFP is an independent expert panel that assists in identifying, consistent with the UNITAID Strategy endorsed by the Board, potential priority niches of high-market and public health impact to be funded by UNITAID. Members of the AGFP are high level experts with academic or major organizational experience in their fields of work, which will also be the areas of UNITAID's focus. The panel is broadly constituted, comprising Members with expertise in the public health aspects of UNITAID’s areas of work, health economics, market dynamics, programme management, health research and new product development.

Submissions should be sent to: saara.reid@hlsp.org to arrive no later than Sunday 20th March 2011.

For more details on how to apply please visit the UNITAID website:  www.unitaid.eu


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