Washington meeting showcases global lessons from Latin America

1st October 2007

More than 80 people attended the Coalition´s eighth semi-annual membership meeting-the largest number of attendees ever. USAID hosted the two-day event (October 24-25), with support from USAID | DELIVER, Population Action International (PAI), and other partners. The meeting focused on key global lessons from Latin America, provided updates on Coalition and Working Group (WG) activities, and gave a glimpse into two new initiatives: The new Female Condom Consortium and a web-based "Dash Board" that promises to track country performance on at least six broad key indicators of reproductive health (RH) commodity security. For the first time, participants also saw templates of the Coalition´s new website, which offers a new look and feel and focuses on showcasing the Coalition´s added value, both locally and at country level. The website will shortly be available to the public.

Guest speakers at the meeting included representatives from seven Latin American countries, as well as Carmen Barroso, Regional Director of IPPF´s Western Hemisphere Region and Kent Hill, Assistant Administrator for USAID´s Global Health Bureau. The event concluded with an invitation to the next membership meeting from Executive Committee member Antoinette Gosses. The meeting will be hosted by the European Commission in Brussels-the date is still to be determined. On the evening of the second day, participants reassembled at a reception given by PAI in honour of the Coalition, held at the historic Stewart Mott House on Capitol Hill.

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October 2007, RHSC

Categories: Secretariat, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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