Video: Flashmob makes waves at WD2016

27th May 2016

Just minutes before the closing ceremony at Women Deliver 2016, nearly 50 young people from around the world came together in a rousing dance routine, wearing bright yellow T-shirts that asked: “Which part of My Right to Contraception do you not understand?”

Hundreds of viewers gathered round in surprise and delight and showed their appreciation on social media.

“Young men dancing for FP rights made my day at #WD2016 #Bold4Her” @TriciaPetruney

@RH_Supplies rocks as #WD2016 comes to an end! @TakeStockRH @FP2020Global@JuliaBuntingPC 

The flashmob was part of the Coalition’s larger strategy to engage young people in discussions on reproductive health supplies and increase their access to contraception. Catch the flashmob online, or write to Emilie Peeters at for more information on the Coalition’s work with youth.


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