UNFPA applauds Supply Champions

1st September 2007

Earlier this month, the Coalition joined UNFPA in acknowledging the work of "RHCS Champions" from Africa, Latin America, Asia, and the Pacific who have advanced the cause of reproductive health commodity security through country- and regional-level advocacy, policy change, and technical support. At a two-day meeting, held at UNFPA headquarters in New York, the Champions compared experiences, shared ideas, and developed a set of recommendations, which were then forwarded in a written communiqui to UNFPA's Executive Board.

In his presentation to the group, Director John Skibiak described the work of the Coalition, emphasizing the interest of its members to support regional and country efforts to achieve supply security. This view was reiterated by other Coalition partners present at the meeting, including UNFPA, the UN Foundation and USAID.

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September 2007, RHSC


Categories: Secretariat, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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