Stock-out averted in Rwanda

1st September 2007

A pending supply stock-out has been averted in Rwanda, thanks to the timely intervention of USAID. According to reports from the field, major increases in contraceptive use were threatening to exhaust stocks well before next deliveries were due. During the Countries at Risk (CAR) Group teleconference, USAID announced its decision to move up some scheduled deliveries, thereby solving the problem in the short term. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of the CAR Group should be greatly enhanced by the introduction of USAID | DELIVER's new Procurement Planning and Monitoring report, which will provide detailed data on country stocks and commodity security. The number of countries covered in the new reports will grow each month, with Bangladesh being the first. In the meantime, country supply data will still be available through the old 'CPT status report'.

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September 2007, RHSC

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