Satisfying unmet need for family planning
22nd June 2010
The International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Guttmacher Institute recently released a new fact sheet documenting the unmet need for contraception in developing countries. Facts on Satisfying the Need for Contraception in Developing Countries takes an in-depth look at the need for improved contraceptive services worldwide and the global benefits of meeting those needs. About 818 million women of reproductive age want to avoid pregnancy; 140 million of these women are not using any form of contraception, and 75 million rely on less effective traditional methods.
“We know that an extra $12.8 billion annually is needed to meet the need for contraception and maternal and newborn care in developing countries. It’s an attainable goal if both donor and developing countries are truly committed,” says Sharon L. Camp, Guttmacher Institute President and CEO. “But the money needs to be spent in the smartest way possible, and that means investing in contraception at the same time that we invest in assisted delivery and newborn care. Helping women prevent unintended pregnancy frees up resources to provide universal maternal and newborn care. Remarkably, the combined investment in family planning and maternal and newborn services saves more lives than investing in maternal and newborn health services alone—and does so for $1.5 billion less than the stand-alone approach.”
Also available is a new factsheet on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents in the Developing World.
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