RHSC photos get wide exposure

23rd September 2019

Chances are you’ve caught sight of one of the images above. When the Coalition’s Lucian Alexe submitted a handful of his photographs to Photoshare’s annual contest in 2016, the picture of the smiling nurse Monic from the Ndeija Health Center in Uganda (right) won an honorable mention. That was only the beginning; the photo was selected again to be part of Photoshare’s 2017 Calendar, and in the following months, all his submissions have been picked from the free photo-use service and used more than 50 times in magazines, training materials, websites, fact sheets and PowerPoint presentations by partners including Population Reference Bureau and FHI 360. “When I took the photos, I never thought they would travel this far,” said Mr. Alexe. “I hope they have been useful in getting the message across and helping improve health and development.”

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