Quantification companion guide for contraceptives now available

3rd January 2012

The Quantification of Health Commodities: Contraceptive Companion Guide helps program managers, service providers, and technical experts conduct a quantification of the commodity needs and costs for family planning programs. It should be used in conjunction with the main guide, Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement.

The contraceptive companion guide describes the forecasting step in the overall quantification process for estimating the quantities of contraceptives and additional supplies needed to provide the short-acting methods and the long-acting and permanent methods of contraception. It includes specific guidance on the data collection and analysis required when staff are making assumptions about the demand for contraceptive methods and the quantities of contraceptive supplies that will be needed to meet that demand.

The guide also addresses specific challenges and considerations in forecasting for long-acting and permanent methods, including forecasting the quantities of medical instruments, expendable medical supplies, pain management drugs, and infection prevention supplies required to provide quality services.

The guide was developed by Coalition members USAID |  DELIVER and the RESPOND project at EngenderHealth.

Download the Companion Guide here.  The main guide can be downloaded here.

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