PSP-One online conference attracts global audience
1st April 2008
Coalition members, Private Sector Partnerships One project (PSP-One) and the United States Agency for International Development´s (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health hosted a global online conference on social marketing in the developing world from March 10-17, 2008.
The conference, "Social Marketing for Health in the Developing World: What Have We Accomplished and What does the Future Hold?," attracted over 900 registrants from more than 60 countries representing social marketing organizations, non-governmental organizations, donor agencies, private foundations, academic institutions, and the commercial health sector.
Participants actively navigated the various conference sections, listened to presentations, downloaded resources, and shared expertise, opinions, and thoughts about promising new social marketing directions. The most frequently visited areas were the three panel discussions with approximately 3,000 views. Several participants also initiated their own discussion topics, drawing nearly 1,000 visits to the discussion room.
The conference site will remain open for another 60 days, and the organizers invite you to continue to view the presentations, share resources, and engage your colleagues.
Categories: Innovation, Featured, Market Development Approaches Working Group