News from the Systems Strengthening WG
1st November 2007
To better capture countries' RH supply situations and assess their progress in achieving commodity security, the SSWG and RMAWG are working to make better use of existing studies and sources of data. Ready access to this information could improve communication and decision making among key stakeholders. As a first step in constructing a "one stop" compilation of data and other resources, the RHInterchange Project, together with the RMA Project and Coalition Secretariat, is hiring a consultant who will update and expand a supplies-related resource list. With input from likely users, the consultant will determine how best to access the list on the new RHSC website, plan for its maintenance and its continued applicability and further long-term development. If you know of any RH supplies research that would warrant inclusion in the resource list, please contact Jane Feinberg at JSI.
Meanwhile, the "Countries at Risk" group met by teleconference on 28th February. The group focused their discussion on Kenya - where the country is facing a shortfall of over $6 million to procure supplies for use later this year.
Finally, a revised Systems Strengthening workplan has been circulated to members. Feedback, comments and changes should be sent to Alan Bornbusch.
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November 2007, RHSC
Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group