News from RMA working group

1st November 2007

Representatives of Population Action International (PAI), International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and the German Foundation for World Population (DSW) met at IPPF's London offices during the week of February 5th. The three partners discussed their collaborative implementation of the Resource Mobilization and Awareness (RMA) working group workplan. The partnership, hereafter called Project RMA, has been funded for three years to operate at the global, regional and national levels, and will be building advocacy capacity on the issue of RH supplies. Prior to the next full meeting of the RHSC in London in April, Project RMA will be meeting to discuss progress made since January. At this time, a meeting of the full RMA working group will also be held.

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November 2007, RHSC

Category: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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