New USAID Health Policy Initiative reports available

16th December 2008

Task Order 1 of the USAID | Health Policy Initiative is pleased to announce the availability of two new technical reports and a compilation of key resources on contraceptive security in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Over the past five years, the Health Policy Initiative has worked in partnership with the USAID | DELIVER project to safeguard contraceptive security (CS) in the region by facilitating the formation of strong country-level multisectoral CS committees and supporting the design and implementation of country-specific CS strategies.

In late October, the Health Policy Initiative hosted the Contraceptive Security and Equity Conference in Antigua, Guatemala.  The conference brought together key stakeholders from throughout the region to share lessons learned and discuss how to ensure the inclusion of equity issues in countries´ contraceptive security strategic plans. In conjunction with the conference, the project released two new technical reports and a compilation of CS resources in English and Spanish.

Safeguarding Contraceptive Security in Latin America and the Caribbean (Salvaguardando la Disponibilidad Asegurada de Insumos Anticonceptivos en America Latina y El Caribe)

USAID | Health Policy Initiative, Task Order 1, October 2008. This brief highlights key approaches and activities adopted by the Health Policy Initiative as part of USAID's Regional Initiative on Contraceptive Security in Latin America and the Caribbean.  It provides an extensive list of CS resources from the Health Policy Initiative, DELIVER, and the POLICY Project.  A companion CD-ROM, which contains all the listed resources as well as supplemental materials is also available.  Most materials are available in both English and Spanish.

Mobilizing Political Support and Resources for Family Planning in a Decentralized Setting: Guidelines for Latin American and Caribbean Countries (Movilizando apoyo politico y recursos para la planificacion familiar en un ambiente descentralizado: Lineamientos para paises de America Latina y el Caribe)

Margaret Saunders and Suneeta Sharma, USAID | Health Policy Initiative, Task Order 1, September 2008. This paper presents case studies of and guidelines for strengthening the family planning (FP) policy environment in Latin American countries undergoing decentralization. The intended audiences are policymakers, program planners, and specialists in government and civil society organizations, including NGOs working on family planning.  The guidelines draw on literature on the decentralization of health systems in Latin America and on research findings garnered through key informant interviews in Bolivia and Mexico. The paper also draws on the experiences of the POLICY Project and the Health Policy Initiative in addressing issues related to decentralization in Bolivia and contraceptive security in the region.

For copies or more information, please contact:

Rebecca Mbuya-Brown
Communications Associate
Health Policy Initiative, Task Order 1
Futures Group International

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