New report seeks to demystify market shaping
16th July 2014
This month saw the publication of “Market Shaping for Family Planning”, a comprehensive review of the role of market shaping in improving the effectiveness of FP markets. Co-authored by Dalberg Global Development Advisors, the report draws on recent market shaping initiatives to get to the bottom of this increasingly used, but all too often misunderstood term. The report builds on the Coalition’s brain trust of more than 40 market dynamics specialists who helped identify key elements of a healthy market, contributed to a new conceptual framework for understanding the logic of market shaping; and identified structural tensions and trade-offs that often arise from the implementation of market shaping efforts. “Market Shaping for Family Planning” is now available online. For more information, please contact the Secretariat’s Senior Technical Officer on Market Shaping, Anita Deshpande at adeshpande(at)