New ASTRA report available on RH Supplies

22nd December 2008

The ASTRA Central and Eastern European Women's Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights has released a new report on reproductive health supplies. The main aim of the project was to gather information on the quality of and access to sexual and reproductive health services and products in Central and Eastern Europe, with particular regard to ASTRA Network member countries.

Countries and member organizations participating in the survey include:

  • Albania - Albanian Family Planning for Population and Development/ Tirana
  • Armenia - Women's Right Center/Yerevan
  • Azerbaijan - Center Women and Modern World/Baku
  • Georgia - Women's Center/ Tbilisi
  • Macedonia - Shelter Centar/Skopje
  • Poland - Federation for Women and Family Planning/Warsaw
  • Russia - Novgorod Gender Center
  • Ukraine - Women Health and Family Planning/Kiev

Full report: Report on Reproductive Health Supplies in ASTRA Countries

Categories: Featured, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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