Groundbreaking Rights Webinar

12th February 2013

  • How do we uphold rights in SRH when funds are not sufficient?
  • What role do donors play in supporting rights?
  • How do we get buy-in from the private sector?
  • How do you incorporate culture into a rights-based programme?
  • What RH services are we making available for older persons?
  • What about training staff to respect confidentiality of clients?

These were just a few of the questions which poured in from all over the world during today’s Coalition-hosted webinar introducing a conceptual framework on Voluntary, Human Rights-based Family Planning (FP) Programmes. This framework feeds into FP2020, its Rights and Empowerment Group, and a WHO consultation which will produce WHO guidelines on implementing and monitoring a rights-based approach to FP programmes. 

67 participants from 22 countries (the majority from the Global South) joined the webinar convened by Leo Bryant (MSI/chair of the Coalition’s RMA Working Group) and the framework group headed by Karen Hardee (Futures Group). The webinar was hosted and organized by RMA and welcomed participants from governments, the private sector and civil society.

Participants were invited to give feedback on the framework before the next draft is presented to WHO. If you missed this webinar, you can download presentations, speaking notes and recordings here. Your feedback is invited by 22 February, please send it to   

A Spanish webinar will take place on Friday 15 February [UTC (GMT) 15:00, Mexico City 9:00, Washington 10:00, Lima 10:00]

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