Going offsite at the RHSC GMM
20th November 2023
The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition’s (RHSC’s) General Membership Meeting (GMM) took place 16-20 October 2023 in Accra, Ghana. In addition to onsite meetings and events, participants also had the opportunity to visit key reproductive health supply manufacturers, a clinic, and medical store warehouses. Some 40 participants got first-hand impressions of work at:
Imperial Health Sciences
The Health Sciences business unit of Imperial Logistics in South Africa provides distribution solutions for clients across Ghana. In addition, it integrates tightly with the healthcare value-added logistics and supply chain solutions offerings of the Managed Solutions business unit in the markets outside of South Africa and provides supply support to the Route-to-Market businesses of Imperial across Sub-Saharan Africa. Site visit attendees toured the facility and learned more about health products stock management and how the AI applied to inventory management.
Atlantic Lifesciences Ltd.
Atlantic Lifesciences Limited is focused on creating and delivering high-quality pharmaceutical products. Visitors toured the facilities and learned about their delivery circuit and how the company integrates social responsibility throughout their distribution process.
Fay International Ltd.
Fay International Limited is the producer of Faytex sanitary pads for menstrual, maternal, and medical use in Ghana while being ecologically and socially conscious. Visitors viewed the production floor, followed by discussions about Fay International Ltd.’s standards process, distribution approach, the benefits and challenges of local manufacturing, as well as the company’s evolution over its past 46 years of operation. The Temporary Central Medical Stores
The Central Medical Stores
This is the main logistics center in Ghana of the Ministry of Health, designed for storage of medicines, and medical equipment under temperature-controlled conditions. Visitors studied the distribution systems ensuring the availability of the group’s products all over Ghana.
Marie Stopes International Ghana - Kokomlemle Clinic & Dansoman Clinic
Marie Stopes International (MSI) is present in 37 countries around the world. Over the last 40 years, MSI has enabled more than 120 million women to access the contraceptive method of their choice. Visitors learned about MSI Ghana’s private clinic providing accessible, affordable, quality-assured, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in urban areas. SRH services include FP services (PMs, LARCs &STM), cervical cancer screening and vaccination, fertility management, STIs treatment, Safe abortion and post-abortion care, ultrasound scan services etc.
Category: General Membership Meetings