Ghana expands public-sector contraceptive method mix
17th December 2009
The Government of Ghana’s recent decision to include eight additional contraceptive methods to the revised Essential Medicines List (EML) 2009, demonstrates their commitment to universal access to contraception and reproductive health. Only products on the EML are prioritized for procurement and distribution by Ghana Health Service outlets.
Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) (part of Project RMA) and civil society partners have been working together with the Ministry of Health and the National Drugs Programme to ensure women’s rights to contraceptive choice by increasing the range of contraceptives on the revised EML.
Prior to the release of the 2009 EML, women dependent on Ghana Health Service for contraceptives only had one method, the injectable, to choose from. Now, women can also access male and female condoms, IUDs, implants, oral contraceptives, and for the first time, emergency contraception.
For further information please contact Nana Amma Oforiwaa Sam, PPAG; or Sarah Shaw, IPPF.
Categories: Featured, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group