Evaluation report now online

31st July 2012

For the last four months, partners from across the Coalition have been offering their time, input and insight into the Coalition’s first external evaluation. Commissioned by the Coalition’s major donors, the evaluators -- independent consultant Don Lauro, and Adrienne Chattoe-Brown of HLSP -- were tasked with reviewing our achievements, structures and processes, and with exploring our network’s prospects for the future. Their findings, which were unveiled at the June Executive Committee meeting, paint a positive portrait of the Coalition, describing it as “a best case investment for going the next and last miles to make FP/RH supplies available for all who wish to use them.”

Special praise was given to the Coalition for preserving a neutral platform in its work as convener. The authors also identified strategies for addressing the future: engaging partners from the Global South more actively and updating our strategic framework to better leverage our comparative advantages in today’s supplies landscape. So impressed was the Executive Committee by the evaluators’ work, a unanimous decision was taken to make available their report to the membership at large. A copy of the report is now available online and will be housed in SID – the Supplies Information Database.

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