Essential medicines hard to find in Kenya

1st July 2009

From June 22 to 26, Coalition member HAI/Africa and other Stop Stock-outs partners visited public health institutions to survey the availability of 10 essential medicines (including 2 RH medicines) in five sub-Saharan African countries. Country teams visited government health facilities, checked what was in stock, and what was stocked out. The results were communicated back by sms to a central database.

Early results indicate a looming crisis in Kenya, where a major stock-out of essential medicines was revealed in the facilities surveyed.

Stop Stock-outs is advocating for the government to assess the situation and respect its stated commitment to allocate at least 15% of the country's budget to health. A press release is available here. Visit the Stop Stock-outs website for the most up to date information as results continue to come in. 

The Kenyan radio station Capital FM also covered the results. Read the full article here.

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