EAC and UNFPA organize workshop in Tanzania
30th June 2008
The East Africa Inter-Parliamentary Forum on Health Population and Development (EA-IPF-HPD), composed of members from the EAC Partner States´ Parliamentary Departmental Committees responsible for health and members of the General Purposes Committee (Health) of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), was inaugurated at the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat, Tanzania, in September 2007. The EA-IPF-HPD aims to conduct advocacy on legal, legislative, human rights, social and resource mobilization in support of population, health and development within the sub-region.
In this regard, the EAC Secretariat, in collaboration with EALA and UNFPA/CST in Addis Ababa, scheduled a three-day regional training workshop on reproductive health (RH) and health-related Millennium Development Goals for 27 members of the EAC-IPF-HPD from June 2-4 2008 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The purpose of the workshop was bring together members from the five EAC countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda) and support them in developing advocacy action plans in the area of population and development aimed at helping them carry out advocacy efforts within their countries in 2008/2009. For more information, contact contact Dr Kechi Ogbuagu of UNFPA or click on the following documents:
- Brief Report of Workshop, including communiqué
- Advocacy Action Plans for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda
Categories: Collaboration, Featured, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group