Danish government donates $5.9 million to UNFPA
17th December 2009
On December 16th, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Tørnæs, announced a commitment of $30 million DKK, approximately $5.9 million USD, to fund the UNFPA. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark has been a member of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition since 2008.
Draft excerpt of Danish Minister to Development’s speech in Copenhagen, December 16, 2009:
“The combination of climate change and high population growth adds to the pressure on resources in many developing countries. Population growth puts tremendous pressure on a sustainable management of natural resources, which indicates an indirect link between climate change and women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights. More than 200 million women in developing countries want to avoid pregnancy, but do not have access to modern contraception. It is crucial that we accelerate our efforts to meet these unmet needs. Denmark is a strong advocate for women’s rights. Therefore I am pleased to announce today a new support of 30 million DKK to the important work UNFPA is doing on sexual and reproductive health services in emergency settings.”
Population Action International released a press release on this event, which can be accessed here.
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