CycleBeads® now available through USAID

6th February 2009

Recently, CycleBeads® were included in the USAID contraceptive and reproductive health commodity procurement system, making it more feasible for country programs to include the Standard Days Method (SDM) as a contraceptive option.

CycleBeads are based on a natural method of family planning called the Standard Days Method.  This method was developed by the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University.  CycleBeads are a color-coded string of beads that helps women naturally plan or prevent pregnancy. The beads enable the user to track her menstrual cycle by moving an "O-ring" from one bead to the next on a daily basis, thus indicating the likelihood of pregnancy on any given day.

A model and worksheet to estimate demand for CycleBeads are available here, and will shortly be available on the IRH website. The publication details the model, as well as generally available data and statistics needed to define the potential market for CycleBeads in a country or region. 

USAID and JSI, in partnership with Cycle Technologies, look forward to providing CycleBeads to hundreds of USAID-supported family planning programs.

USAID missions, please contact about CycleBeads procurement; others contact

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