Coalition Set to Expand!

1st October 2007

The Coalition´s Executive Committee made history on October 23 by voting to open Coalition membership to any organization with a significant programmatic and/or financial stake in RH supply security, and a commitment to the Coalition´s vision, mission, and principles. Under the new policy, member organizations will benefit from access to all Coalition tools and web-based information and will receive Secretariat support in networking with other Coalition members. Members may join and participate in any of the Coalition´s technical WGs and propose topics for follow-up by the WGs, the Executive Committee, and/or the Secretariat. Finally, members will be entitled to a key governance role in the Coalition. They may vote for and serve as the head of any WG in which they are involved, and may serve as a member of the Executive Committee-including the role of Chair.

The Executive Committee also approved new policies relating to governance. Effective immediately, the Executive Committee will comprise 13 non-permanent, rotating seats including, for the first time, the heads of the three WGs and the representation of a South-to-South network. A decision was also taken to establish a five-member nominating committee to identify candidates for the soon-to-be-vacant post of Co-Chair. A summary of the new policies is under preparation and will be available shortly on the Coalition´s website.

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October 2007, RHSC

Categories: Secretariat, Advocacy and Accountability Working Group

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