Call for nominations for two regional seats on the Executive Committee
8th November 2021
The Coalition is currently seeking applicants to fill two seats on its governing body, the Executive Committee. The seats, which are filled on a two-year, renewable basis, are designated for an individual from Anglophone Africa and one from Asia.
The incumbents will play a key role in ensuring that the Coalition’s policy discussions and decisions remain truly global, and encompass the perspectives and priorities of all its partners in in these regions. The Executive Committee already has two seats designated to bringing the perspectives of partners from Latin America and Francophone Africa.
Applicants may be from any country within each region that is committed to voluntarism and informed choice in its family planning policies and programs. The countries must also be broadly representative of the RH situation in the region they represent. Applicants may also come from any sector (public, nongovernmental, commercial, technical). They must be living in their respective regions and be employed by a member organization of the Coalition at the time of application. Applicants must also be able to demonstrate significant active engagement in the Coalition’s work, either through an Implementing Mechanism or some other capacity.
Interested in applying?
Applicants are invited to prepare a statement of no more than two pages that describes:
- The geographic region (Anglophone Africa or Asia) whose perspective they represent and the basis on which they feel they could do so;
- The reason(s) they wish to be on the Executive Committee in this capacity;
- Their track record of engagement in the work of the Coalition;
- Their employer’s past experience (and/or that of their members) in addressing reproductive health commodity security;
- The names of three references from the relevant region and who are also actively engaged in the work of the Coalition
Applications should be submitted in confidence to on or before Friday 21 January 2022. Those interested in more information on the Executive Committee may consult the Coalition’s website at, its Terms of Reference or write to