Call for Abstracts

24th April 2009

The Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Makerere University´s School of Public Health, along with other international and national partners, will organize an international conference on family planning research and best practices in Kampala, Uganda in November 2009. The dates for the conference are November 15 (evening opening) and November 16‐17 (full days) with November 18 as an optional day for third‐party sponsored meetings.

It is anticipated that the conference program will include an opening plenary, multiple concurrent oral sessions, special panel presentations, poster sessions, lunchtime roundtables, a policymaker forum (tentative), and an exhibit area. Journalists will be invited to report on the event. In addition, pre and post‐conference meetings and skill‐building workshops are welcomed. A program will be produced which will include all abstracts accepted for oral or poster presentation; and, all materials, including the abstracts and presentations, will be accessible from the conference website at

A conference brief is available here.

Please find a Call for Abstracts here. Abstracts should be no longer than 800 words in length and should contain the following information: author(s), affiliation, full contact information, conference theme to which submission is directed, description of study, intervention or other activity, methodology and data (as relevant), and results/findings.

Abstracts should be submitted by June 1, 2009 online at or electronically along with the completed submission form to Submitters will receive an email acknowledgment to confirm receipt. The corresponding author will be notified about abstract decisions no later than July 1, 2009.

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