Bon Voyage and Thank You

18th November 2015


The Systems Strengthening Working Group bids a grateful farewell to Trisha Long who, earlier this month, announced her departure from the USAID|DELIVER PROJECT.

An active member of the CARhs and Coordinated Supply Planning workstreams, Trisha leaves behind a legacy of transforming coordination between major global procurers of family planning products. For eight years, Trisha served on the CARhs where she devoted extraordinary energy to its mission by launching the PPMR which now collects data from over thirty countries and inspiring its strategic planning effort. She then provided the analytical expertise and institutional knowledge that was critical to launching the Coordinated Supply Planning two years ago. The CARhs, CSP—and indeed Coalition as a whole—are grateful for Trisha’s leadership and hard work. The USAID|DELIVER PROJECT will continue to be represented on the CARhs by Jane Feinberg.

Category: Systems Strengthening Working Group

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