Applications invited for Ipas MVA donations
26th November 2008
Ipas wishes to remind members of the Postabortion Care Consortium that eligible Consortium member agencies or ministries, NGOs, or other service delivery organizations in developing countries involved in abortion-related care can apply for donations of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) equipment through the MVA Drawdown Account. If you have any questions or would like to receive an application to request donated MVA equipment, please send an email to Kristin Kornegay at Ipas.
The Drawdown Account was established a number of years ago and is funded by the Packard Foundation. Through the MVA Drawdown Account, managed by Ipas, MVA instrument donations are financed for use at all levels of the health-care system and in crisis situations. The objectives of the MVA Drawdown Account are:
(1) To contribute to the overall goal of creating continuing global access to MVA instruments through sustainable access at the local level;
(2) To serve, where appropriate, as a bridging mechanism for promoting familiarity and demand for instruments during periods when sustainable, long-term supply channels are being developed;
(3) To facilitate access to instruments for health systems and providers who could not otherwise obtain them;
(4) To encourage agencies to undertake programming, especially new programming, that supports the use of MVA instruments;
(5) To serve as a flexible mechanism to meet the need for instruments for humanitarian relief purposes, such as in natural disasters and conflict situations.
Requests are not limited by any arbitrary minimum or maximum level, but will be reviewed based on the content of the application, including efforts or plans to develop sustainable supplies at the local level.
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