
Global South AAWG members take on communication barriers

13th November 2015

Communication was foremost on the agenda of a special meeting of 21 Global South members of the Advocacy and Accountability Working Group (AAWG) meeting in Oslo in the week of the Coalition’s General Membership Meeting.


Categories: Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Take Stock honours handed out in Oslo

9th October 2015

The Take Stock Campaign awarded two honours this morning at the RHSC’s 16th General Membership Meeting in Oslo.

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Coalition welcomes Dr. John Townsend as new Chair

9th October 2015

The Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition is delighted to announce our new Chair: Dr. John Townsend, Vice-President and Director of the Population Council's Reproductive Health program.

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Film: Changing the world, one grant at a time

8th October 2015

Premiered at the 16th General Membership Meeting in Oslo, this short film tells the story of the Coalition’s Innovation Fund -- a flexible granting mechanism focusing on the Global South. Find out which project leveraged $6M from...

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

Ready... Set... Action!

30th June 2015

During this year's General Membership Meeting in Oslo, all eyes will be on... YOU! In our special "Networking Lounge" you will have the opportunity to showcase your latest films about reproductive health to our members from all over the world – donors, governments, the private sector, and civil society. As a guide, 325 participants from 48 countries attended our last membership meeting in Mexico.

Category: Sixteenth Meeting, Oslo 2015

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