Outsourcing distribution and transport of medicines and medical supplies - Cajamarca, Peru


Outsourcing distribution, transport and other supply chain functions to enable us to take medicines and medical supplies to the last mile is one of the strategies to improve timely availability of medicines to the public. Before deciding on outsourcing or not the supply chain functions, it is important to evaluate its advantages and disadvantages. During this webinar, experts from Mexico and Peru will share and discuss their experience with outsourcing. 

  • Yolanda Varela Chavez, Directora Nacional de Planificación Familiar, CNEGSR, Secretaría de Salud de México.
  • Rocio Cuevas, Subdirectora Nacional de Planificación Familiar, CNEGSR, Secretaria de Salud de México-
  • José Antonio Gonzáles Clemente/ Director General, Centro Nacional de Abastecimiento de Recursos Estratégicos en Salud – CENARES Perú.
  • Jaime Edgar Pacheco Neyra/ ex-Director DIREMID Cajamarca, Perú.
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