An unavoidable issue: Addressing menstrual health supply needs in humanitarian contexts


Menstruators do not cease menstruating during conflict, displacement and humanitarian emergencies but menstrual health management (MHM) issues are often not considered to be life-threatening, and until recently, have received little attention. The far-reaching implications of inadequate MHM and access to menstrual supplies for the physical, social and mental well-being of menstruators also apply to humanitarian contexts, where girls and women often have fewer coping mechanisms and restricted access to menstrual health supplies. Supply needs for MHM vary across the humanitarian cycle, requiring different approaches dependent on the stage and context of crisis.

This webinar will address the need, from several perspectives, for menstrual supplies to be included as an integral part of humanitarian response. UNFPA will start by discussing current approaches to menstrual health supplies and opportunities for integrated approaches. AFRIpads, a manufacturer of reusable cloth pads, will then present case studies on supply chain challenges and opportunities from both a rapid onset emergency and a protracted refugee settlement context. WoMena Uganda will discuss their experiences of implementing menstrual cup interventions within Ugandan refugee settlements.

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