VAN Consensus Planning Group - 2021 in Review

Publication date: 2022

In 2020, the Coordinated Supply Planning (CSP) Group and the Coordinated Assistance for Reproductive Health Supplies (CARhs) Group merged to become the Consensus Planning Group (CPG). Bringing together the functions of the former groups, CPG members collaborate at the global level to address family planning commodity stock imbalances, while also planning ahead to prevent those imbalances from occurring at all. Housed under the Global Family Planning Visibility & Analytics Network (VAN), the CPG uses data shared within the VAN to improve coordinated supply planning and react swi�ly to urgent supply needs. $740K additional funding mobilized by procurers for 10 new orders for 7 countries, mitigating critical supply shortages 29 orders expedited valued at for 17 countries. Supplier Collaboration for two products where demand exceeded supply. This coordinated approach aimed to ensure equitable and transparent prioritization of shipments in order to minimize severe shortages and stockouts, while also reducing risk of overstocks. $2.4M Reallocated worth of product by canceling 2 orders and supporting 17 product transfers between countries or between programs in the same country. $6.1M identi�ed in country requests for new orders that could not be addressed due to insu�cient funding. 6 countries impacted from October-December 2021. 343K in additional CYPs 10 orders postponed to avoid waste CONSENSUS PLANNING GROUP 2021 REVIEW $91.8M $26.3M Supported UNFPA and USAID mobilization of an additional funding gap identi�ed Provided recommendations on allocation of funding to avert/mitigate stockouts 6.9M PROCUREMENT FUNDING GAP ANALYSIS FOR 48 COUNTRIES1 CONTINUOUS MONITORING OF SUPPLY CHAIN DATA FOR 37 COUNTRIES2 Overall estimated CYPs* 2M Estimated pregnancies averted* 42 were reviewed in 2021 (an increase from 29 countries in 2020). countries 62 programs Review helped to reduce duplicate orders, flag urgent needs for prioritization, and recommend higher or lower order quantities to reduce risk of stockout or risk of expiry from overstock. REVIEWED 2022 PROCUREMENT FUNDING REQUESTS TO UNFPA TO SUPPORT EFFECTIVE USE OF FUNDING RESOURCES3 CPG members include representatives of UNFPA’s Supply Chain Management Unit, USAID, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), John Snow, Inc. (JSI), the Global Health Supply Chain - Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, the Global Health Supply Chain - Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC). CYPs = Couple-years of protection*as of April 1, 2022 GLOBAL FAMILY PLANNING VISIBILITY AND ANALYTICS NETWORK GLOBAL FAMILY PLANNING VISIBILITY AND ANALYTICS NETWORK $7.6M

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