UNFPA Country Commodity Manager

Publication date: 2004

Table of Contents 1. Introduction Page 3 2. Installation Notes Page 4 3. Usage Guidelines Page 8 4. Data Table Descriptions Page 13 5. Table Navigation & Editing Page 29 6. Forecasting Model Page 30 7. Reports Page 33 8. Online Help & Documentation Page 40 9. Frequently Asked Questions Page 41 10. Technical Information Page 43 11. Troubleshooting Tips Page 44 12. Glossary Page 46 2UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 1 1. Introduction The purpose of the Country Commodity Manager (CCM) is to assist coun- try offices in their efforts to assess their reproductive health commodity requirements, stock positions, and possible shortfalls. CCM is an easy-to-use program which can quickly generate models and reports which will: 1) forecast reproductive health commodity requirements based on logistics and inventory data, 2) validate this forecast utilizing demographic data, and 3) warn of future reproductive health commodity shortfalls. CCM also provides a mechanism to readily transmit each country’s data to UNFPA headquarters from their country offices for use in generating glob- al level reports for the purposes of planning, advocacy and resource mobilization. In this latest release of the software, we have added other reproductive health commodities and kits to the list of contraceptives that was managed in the first version. Our goal is to collect global data on all of these com- modities. This new release also includes the much requested ability for users to add the names of any other commodities they wish to the data tables to be managed and reported on by CCM. 3UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 2 2. Installation Notes There are three sources from which to install CCM: • Compact Disc • Floppy Diskettes • Internet via UNFPA BBS The instructions on the following pages discuss each method in detail. 4UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 3 Installing CCM from Compact Disc Step 1. Insert the CCM CD into the CD Drive Step 2. Double Click on "My Computer" on the user’s desktop Step 3. Double Click on the CD Drive Step 4. Double Click on ccmdel.bat • This will delete any previous version of the CCM program from the user’s computer. However, the’ data will be re-installed in the new version. Step 5. Double Click on ccm1.exe • Follow the simple instructions accepting all default choices by pressing the Enter Key at all prompts until the following message appears: CCM Setup was completed successfully Step 6. Click on OK Step 7. Double Click on ccm2.exe • Follow the two step instructions to load the user’s specific country data into the CCM database Step 8. Click on OK 5UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 4 Installing CCM from Diskettes Step 1. Insert CCM Disk 1 Step 2. Click on “My Computer” on the user’s desktop Step 3. Double Click on Floppy Disk A: Drive Step 4. Double Click on ccmdel.bat • This will delete any previous version of the CCM program from the user’s computer. However, the data will be re-installed in the new version. Step 5. Double Click on SETUP.EXE • Note: Depending on your computer, the system may have you re- insert disk 1 and 2 several times. This is OK. • Follow the simple instructions accepting all default choices bypressing the Enter Key at all prompts until the following mes sage appears: CCM Setup was completed successfully Step 6. Close My Computer window Step 7. Insert CCM Disk 3 Step 8. Double Click on “My Computer” on the user’s desktop Step 9. Double Click on the Floppy Disk A: Drive Step 10. Double Click on CCM2.EXE • Follow the two step instructions to load the user’s specific country data into the CCM database 6UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 5 Installing CCM from the Internet Website If the user has access privileges to the Internal UNFPA Bulletin Board System (BBS), go to the website at http://bbs.unfpa.org/tsd/ccm/ and follow the installation instructions. Otherwise, use the External UNFPA website at http://www2.unfpa.org/tsd/ccm and follow the installation instructions. The user will be prompted for the following login information: UserID: partner Password: unfpa123 Internal and External web pages are identical. 7UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 6 UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 8 3. Usage Guidelines When CCM is first opened, the user is greeted by the Welcome Screen (as seen below). Here the user selects whether to manage Contraceptive Commodities Only or All Reproductive Health Commodities. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 7 Usage Guidelines (continued) There is a language translator built into the software that will translate the English words and phrases presented on the computer screen to three other languages; French, Spanish, and Russian. To invoke the CCM Translator, the user only needs to right-click on any label or command button that they wish translated. Here are two examples: 9UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 8 Usage Guidelines (continued) The main steps to using CCM, are: • Enter data into tables. Data consists of: - commodity inventory levels - monthly consumption amounts - country demographics and contraceptive-prevalence rates • Run model and generate reports. - several years into the future • Send data to UNFPA Headquarters. - from UNFPA country offices only - provides global aggregation • Maintain data in tables. - enter updates and changes to Inventory data - enter updates and changes to Consumption data - enter updates and changes to Demographic data. • Check monthly for possible upcoming stock shortfalls. All of these activities are invoked from the CCM Main Menu as shown on the following page. 10UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 9 11 The menu is divided into three sections: 1) Data Viewing & Editing Options 2) Forecasting & Reporting Options 3) Help & Documentation The green "Click Here to Send Data to UNFPA Headquarters" button will send each country's data to UNFPA Headquarters for aggregation. Main Menu Sample Computer Screen 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 10 Usage Guidelines (continued) All CCM screens include a COMMAND BAR. For consistency and ease-of- use, this bar is found at the same location on each screen, namely, at the bottom of the screen. On this bar the user will always find a “Main Menu” button on the far left and an “Exit” button on the far right. Use the "Main Menu" button to return to the CCM Main Menu page to gain access to the complete set of options and tasks to perform. Use the “Exit” button to close the Country Commodity Manager program. Depending on the screen, the user will also find additional buttons on the COMMAND BAR to perform tasks and operations specific and relevant to that particular screen. For example, on the Computer Model screen, there is a command button labeled “Display Next Two Years”. 12UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 11 4. Data Table Descriptions The data in CCM is organized and stored in the following tables: 1) Stock Table 2) Commodity Table 3) Demographic Table 4) Contraceptive Method Table 5) Procurement Plan Table The following pages discuss each table's purpose and use in the CCM sys- tem while presenting the "Data Viewing & Editing" screens as they appear on the user's computer. All "Data Viewing & Editing" screens are constructed to look and work the same. The user can view the data in a table and also make additions and changes to that data. All "Data Viewing & Editing" screens are divided into two sections: • The bottom portion of the screen shows all of the data records in the table being viewed. • The top portion of the screen shows all of the data fields for the record that is currently selected (highlighted) in the bottom section. 13UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 12 Data Table Descriptions (continued) All "Data Viewing & Editing" screens include an "Export to Excel" button on the COMMAND BAR. Use the "Export to Excel" button to build an Excel file of all data contained in a table for the user's further independent analysis. All "Data Viewing & Editing" screens also include a "Print Screen" button on the COMMAND BAR. Use the "Print Screen" button to send an image of the current screen to the user's local printer. Refer to the Table Navigation & Editing section of this manual for an expla- nation and details on viewing and changing data in the tables. 14UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 13 Stock Table PURPOSE The Stock Table is used to store the data depicting the current inventory levels of the various commodities in the Central Warehouse. The data records should consist of the quantities of each commodity from the most recent inventory as well as the stock currently in the pipeline. The initial default stock data in the CCM system came from the UNFPA Contraceptive Commodity Survey conducted in March 2002. DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONS • Country: The name of the country whose data is stored in this table. • Commodity-Formulation: The combination of a commodity and its particular formulation. • Provider: The provider of that particular quantity of stock. • Quantity: The amount in individual units of that stock record. • Arrive Date: The date the stock arrived in the Central Warehouse. • Expire Date: The date that particular quantity of stock will no longer be usable. The expiration dates for stock in the pipeline can be estimated and then updated with the actual expiration dates when the stock arrives. 15UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 14 Stock Table Sample Computer Screen 16UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 15 Commodity Table PURPOSE The Commodity Table is used to store the data relevant to each of the pos- sible commodities currently managed by the system. The table is com- prised of one record per commodity-formulation. Users are able to add to the table the names of additional commodities and kits that they wish to manage. Please note, that users are able to delete any commodities that they have added to the table, but the standard commodities cannot be removed. However, for the sake of brevity, any commodities with an Average Monthly Consumption amount of zero, will not be included in the reports or computer model output. DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONS • Country: The name of the country whose data is stored in this table. • Commodity: The name of the commodity. • Formulation: The particular formulation or dosage of this commodity. • Average Monthly Consumption: The quantity (in units) consumed in one month's time. Determined by dividing the yearly amount by twelve. • Average Cost of 1 Unit: The per unit cost in U.S. dollars. 17UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 16 Commodity Table After consultation with several global experts, we included the following in our list of the most critical reproductive health related commodities: Family Planning Commodities Condom Implant Injectable IUD Pill Spermicide Reproductive Health Commodities Amoxicillin Azithromycin Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Cloxacillin Doxycycline Ergometrine Magnesium Sulfate Metronidazole Oxytocin Procaine Benzylpenicillin Delivery Set Test: Hiv Test: Rapid Plasma Reagin 18UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 17 UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 19 Commodity Table The above listed commodities belong to the following categories and are available in the CCM Commodity Table with the noted formulations: Family Planning Commodities Condom Male Condom Female Implant Standard Injectable 1 month, 2 month, 3 month IUD 380A, Multiload Pill Combined, Progestogen only, Emergency Spermicide Cream/Gel, Vaginal Tablet Maternal & Neonatal Health Care Commodities Antibacterials Amoxicillin Capsule/Tablet 250mg, 500mg Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Powder for injection 1.44g Cloxacillin Capsule 500mg, 1g Doxycycline Capsule/Tablet 100mg Metronidazole Tablet 200mg, Injection 500mg Procaine Benzylpenicillin Powder for injection 1g, 3g Anticonvulsants Magnesium Sulfate Injection 5g Delivery Set Contents Forceps Spring-type Gloves Surgeons Holder Needle Lidocaine Injection Scissors Cord cutting, Dissecting Suture Synthetic 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 18 UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 20 Commodity Table Oxytocics Ergometrine Injection Oxytocin Injection 10iu Reproductive Tract Infection Commodities Amoxicillin Capsule/Tablet 250mg, 500mg Azithromycin Tablet 500mg Benzathine Benzylpenicillin Powder for injection 1.44g Doxycycline Capsule/Tablet 100mg Metronidazole Tablet 200mg, Injection 500mg Procaine Benzylpenicillin Powder for injection 1g, 3g Test: Hiv 1+2, Fast, Spot Test: Rapid Plasma Reagin Since many of the above drugs may need to be given by injection, the experts also suggested that countries keep in stock a supply of the following: Injection/IV Set Cannula IV, 18G IV-Infusion Set Needles Hypo, 21G, Disposable Sodium Chloride Injectable Solution Sterile Water for Injection Syringes 2ML, 10ML 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 19 UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 21 Commodity Table Sample Computer Screen 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 20 Demographic Table PURPOSE The Demographic Table is used to store the population data for each coun- try. This data is used in conjunction with the contraceptive method data to determine the quantity of commodities that will be required based on popu- lation and family planning data. This forecasting method can be used to val- idate the requirement calculated based on logistics data. The table is com- prised of one record per country. The initial default demographic data sup- plied came from the UN Population Division 2002 Revision. DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONS • Country: The name of the country whose data is stored in this table. • Region: The Geographical region in which this country belongs. • Priority: The UNFPA priority rating for this country. • LDC: The Least Developed Country status. • Country Population: The total people count. • Female Population The total female count. • Female Age 15 to 49 Percent: The percent of females of reproductive age. 22UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 21 23UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Demographic Table Sample Computer Screen 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 22 Method Table PURPOSE The Method Table is used to store the CPR (contraceptive prevalence rate) and the CYP (couple year protection) data for each country. This data is used in conjunction with the demographic data to determine the quantity of commodities that will be required based on population and family planning data. The table is comprised of one record per contraceptive method. The initial CPR data came from the World Contraceptive Use 2001, UN Population Division. The data in CCM applies to modern contraceptive methods. CPR refers to the percent of all women of reproductive age using that particular method. For example, in a country of 5 million women where 2 million are of repro- ductive age (age 15-49) and 200,000 use modern methods of contracep- tion, CPR for modern methods would be 10. If 50,000 of those women use injectables as the modern contraceptive method, then CPR for the Injectable method, for CCM purposes, would be 2.5 (instead of 25 which is sometimes used when CPR is expressed as a percent of only those women using modern methods). The allowable CYP values for each method are as follows: Condom 150 Implant 0.30 Injectable 4, 5, 6, or 12 Intrauterine Device 0.30 Pill 15 Spermicide 120 24UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 23 Method Table The initial CYP value of 5 for the Injectable method was determined by averaging the following procurement data: 70% of injectables are of a 3-month formulation, CYP=4 20% of injectables are of a 2-month formulation, CYP=6 10% of injectables are of a 1-month formulation, CYP=12 DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONS • Country: The name of the country whose data is stored in this table. • Method: The modern method of contraception. • CPR: The Contraceptive Prevalence Rate for this method. • CYP: The Couple Year Protection for this method. 25UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 24 26UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Method Table Sample Computer Screen 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 25 Procurement Plan Table PURPOSE The Procurement Plan Table is used to record the amount of commodities planned to be ordered in an upcoming time period. It records the total amounts to be ordered and the amounts to be provided by UNFPA. The table is comprised of one record per commodity-formulation. DATA FIELD DESCRIPTIONS • Country: The name of the country whose data is stored in this table. • Commodity-Formulation: The combination of a commodity and its particular formulation. • Total Quantity: The amount (in units) for that particular Commodity- Formulation planned to be ordered during the plan time period. • UNFPA Quantity: The amount (in units) for that particular Commodity- Formulation planned to be provided by UNFPA during the plan time period. • Start Date of Plan: The beginning month and year of the plan. • Duration of Plan: The number of months the plan covers 27UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 26 28UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Procurement Plan Table Sample Computer Screen 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 27 5. Table Navigation & Editing CCM has been designed to be a simple tool for those familiar with the basic operation of Windows programs. All “Data Viewing & Editing” screens are designed with a similar layout, namely each window is divided into two sec- tions: 1) The bottom section shows all of the data records in the table. 2) The top section shows all of the data fields for the record that is currently selected in the bottom section. This is the record that is highlighted. When the user initially opens a table, the first record is selected. Use the up and down arrow keys to move within the table to select other records. The user may also use the [HOME] [END] [PAGE UP] and [PAGE DOWN] keys to navigate the table. Once a record is selected, changes may be made to its field values. Click the [SAVE] button to make the changes permanent. As it is designed, records only need be added to and removed from the Stock Table. To add a record to the table, just click the [ADD] button, fill in the fields, and click the [SAVE] button. To remove a record from the table, just click the [DELETE] button and click [YES] to the Record Deletion Confirmation prompt. 29UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 28 6. Forecasting Model The function of the computer model is to forecast and display the quanti- ties of a selected commodity-formulation for the next one to five years (even longer, if required). The model displays two years worth of data on a single screen. The screen is divided into 24 monthly containers. Each container is labeled as to which month it denotes. Inside the container are records detailing the quantity and expiration date of the amount of stock it represents in the warehouse. The model fills the monthly containers with the data from the Stock Table depicting the quantity, the arrival date, and the expiration date of the stock. Then, based on the monthly consumption figures in the Commodity Table, the model reduces the monthly stock quantities employing the FEFO (First to Expire First Out) method to simulate usage. The model also reduces the supply amounts based on stock that meets its expiration date before it is consumed. The user may select which two-year time period he or she wishes to display. The current month is indicated with a blue banner. Months where there will be a shortfall of the commodity modeled are shown with a red banner. The next two pages show the computer screen to request a run of the com- puter model and the results of a run of the computer model. 30UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 29 31UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Inventory Model Request Sample Computer Screen The user first selects the Commodity to model and then clicks on the “Run Model” button located in the COMMAND BAR. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 30 32 Inventory Model Results Sample Computer Screen The screen shows two years (24 months) worth of data at a time. The user may select which two-year time period to display. The current month is indicated with a blue banner. Months where there will be a shortfall of the commodity modeled are shown with a red banner. The user may click on the “Print” button to send the model output to the printer. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 31 7. Reports Stock Requirement & Shortfall Reports For brevity, only commodities with an Average Monthly Consumption greater than zero in the Commodity Table, will be included in these reports. The Decision Period Requirement calculation takes into account: 1) Stock coming in from pipeline during decision period. 2) Arrival dates of stock coming in from pipeline. 3) Stock being consumed during decision period using FEFO. 4) Stock that expires before it is consumed during decision period. Demographic Validation Report This report applies only to contraceptive commodities and does not apply to other reproductive health commodities managed by CCM. The formula used to calculate the Annual Demographic Requirement is: (Women Aged 15-49 from Demographic Table) multiplied by (CPR by method from Method Table) multiplied by (CYP factor from Method Table) All report screens are designed with two steps: • The user selects the time period. • The user clicks the "Generate Report" button. The next six pages show the computer screens to request each of these three reports and their output results. 33UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 32 34UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Stock Requirement Report Request Sample Computer Screen The user first selects the Decision Period on which to report and then clicks on the “Generate Report” button located in the COMMAND BAR. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 33 35UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Stock Requirement Report Sample Computer Screen The user may use the [Page Up] [Page Down] and Arrow keys to navigate the report on the computer screen and may click on the “Print” button to send the report to the printer. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 34 36UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Stock Shortfall Report Request Sample Computer Screen The user first selects the Decision Period on which to report and then clicks on the “Generate Report” button located in the COMMAND BAR. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 35 37UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Stock Shortfall Report Sample Computer Screen The user may use the [Page Up] [Page Down] and Arrow keys to navigate the report on the computer screen and may click on the “Print” button to send the report to the printer. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 36 38UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Demographic Validation Report Request Sample Computer Screen The user first selects the Decision Period on which to report and then clicks on the “Generate Report” button located in the COMMAND BAR. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 37 39UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) Demographic Validation Report Sample Computer Screen The user may use the [Page Up] [Page Down] and Arrow keys to navigate the report on the computer screen and may click on the “Print” button to send the report to the printer. 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 38 8. Online Help & Documentation Extensive and thorough documentation is available on CCM from the Main Menu page. These help screens are organized in the following categories: • Introduction • Usage Guidelines • Data Table Descriptions • Table Navigation and Editing • Standard Commodity Catalog • Computer Forecasting Model • Reports • Frequently Asked Questions • Technical Information • Troubleshooting Tips • Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations 40UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 39 9. Frequently Asked Questions QUESTION: Does the data in the Stock and Commodity Tables consist only of UNFPA supplied data? ANSWER: No, the data should be all public data in the central warehouse, regardless of provider. ==================== QUESTION: Are the quantitiy amounts in pieces, lots or gross packages? ANSWER: For consistency, all data is in individual pieces (units). ==================== QUESTION: What is Arrival Date in the Stock Table? ANSWER: For current stock, Arrival Date is the date the stockarrived in the Central Warehouse or the date the inventory count was taken. For stock in the pipeline, it is the estimated date the stock is to appear in the Warehouse. This date can be correct ed when the stock actually arrives. 41UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 40 Frequently Asked Questions (continued) QUESTION: How is monthly consumption derived? ANSWER: It is the annual distribution from the Central Warehouse divided by 12. ==================== QUESTION: How do we handle stock of a single commodity, but with dif ferent expiration dates? ANSWER: Enter them as separate records in the Stock Table. For example, if you have 100,000 condoms consisting of: - 20,000 due to expire on July 2009 - 30,000 due to expire on October 2009 - 50,000 due to expire on Jan 2010 enter them as three separate records in the Stock Table. 42UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 41 10. Technical Information File Storage All Data Tables are stored in files in the folder called C:/CCM/DATA Table Name File Name Commodity COMMODITY.RAN Demographic DEMOGRAPHIC.RAN Method METHOD.RAN Procurement Plan PROCUREMENTPLAN.RAN Stock STOCK.RAN • If there is a problem sending the files via CCM, the above listed files can be manually emailed to UNFPA headquarters • Excel files created by CCM "Export To Excel" commands are stored in the folder called C:/CCM/EXCEL • Text versions of report files created by CCM "Generate Report" commands are stored in the folder called C:/CCM/REPORT Website Notes UNFPA BBS INTERNAL: http://bbs.unfpa.org/tsd/ccm/ UNFPA BBS EXTERNAL: http://www2.unfpa.org/tsd/ccm/ UserID: partner Password: unfpa123 43UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 42 UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 44 11. Troubleshooting Tips To Select an E-mail Program 1. Click on Start 2. Click on Settings 3. Click on Control Panel 4. DoubleClick on Internet Options 5. Click on Programs tab 6. In E-mail dropdown list, Select the e-mail program you are currently using: Netscape, Outlook, or Outlook Express 7. Click OK To Turn Off Microsoft Outlook Express Warning 1. Click on Tools 2. Click on Options 3. Click on Security tab 4. Uncheck "Warn me when other applications try to send mail as me." 5. Click OK 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 43 Troubleshooting Tips (continued) To Turn Off Microsoft Outlook Express Filter 1. Click on Tools 2. Click on Options 3. Click on Security tab 4. Uncheck "Do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus." 5. Click OK To Turn Off Netscape Communicator Automatic Spell Check 1. Click on Edit 2. Click on Preferences 3. Click on Messages (under Mail & Newsgroups category) 4. Uncheck "Spell check messages before sending" 5. Click OK 45UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 44 12. Glossary ARRIVE DATE: when the stock arrived in the Central Warehouse or when the inventory count was taken. AVERAGE MONTHLY CONSUMPTION: the quantity (in units) consumed in one month's time. Determined by dividing the yearly amount by twelve. COMMODITY-FORMULATION: the combination of a commodity and its particular formulation. CPR: Contraceptive Prevalence Rate - the percentage of women of repro- ductive age that use a particular contraceptive method. For example, in a country of 5 million women where 2 million are of reproductive age (age 15-49) and 200,000 use modern methods of contraception, CPR for modern methods would be 10. If 50,000 of those women use injectables as the modern contraceptive method, then CPR for the Injectable method, for CCM purposes, would be 2.5 (instead of 25 which is sometimes used when CPR is expressed as a percent of only those women using modern methods). CYP: Couple Year Protection - the average number of individual units of a commodity used by a couple in one year. EXPIRE DATE: when that particular quantity of stock will be unusable. FEFO: First to Expire First Out inventory management method which uses the commodities with the soonest expiration date first. 46UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 45 Glossary (continued) LDC: Least Developed Country indicator. PRIORITY: the UNFPA priority rating for this country. PROVIDER: the entity that provided that particular quantity of stock (a list of Provider Abbreviations follows this glossary). QUANTITY: the amount of that stock record. Always measured in indi- vidual units (never dozens or gross). WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE: Females ages 15 to 49. PROVIDER ABBREVIATIONS CIDA Canadian International Development Agency DFID Department for International Development DKT DKT International EU European Union IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation JAPAN Government of Japan KFW Kreditanstalt Fur Weideraufbau PSI Population Services International TRUST FUND UNFPA Headquarters Trust Fund UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development 47UNFPA COUNTRY COMMODITY MANAGER (CCM) 35387_text_r 4/21/04 4:10 PM Page 46

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