UNFPA Contribution Towards Achieving RHCS
Publication date: 2006
AF UNFPA contribution towards achieving RHCS Country Region CP? CO's overall contribution to improving coordination, policy support and national capacity for ensuring RHCS - 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies for GovT UNFPA: amount (US $) UNFPA: % of total public sector supply Botswana AF Yes The CO appointed a logistician to work with Central Medical Store on RHCS. Burkina Faso AF Yes 780,000 Burundi AF Yes UNFPA collabore actuellement avec les autres intervenants pour endiguer les ruptures de stock enregistrées au début 2005. 235,100 36 Cameroon AF Yes 100,000 Cape Verde AF Yes Un mécamisme de coordination a été établit suite à une mission du CR/SR de l'EAT1 en 2001 pour la gestion des produits SR. Ce mécanisme intègre la PNSR, la Dir. Gen. de Pharmacie et le Dépôt Central des Médicaments. Pour ce qui est du suivi et de la gestion des produits SR, il existe également une étroite collaboration entre les services centraux du PNSR et les structures SR décentralisées. Les visites de supervision formative aux différentes structures ont permis également le renforcement des capacités nationales et un engagement accru de ces structures. L'UNFPA a appuyé la participation d'une délegation nationale au Regional Workshop pour RHCS à Addis Abeba, dont un Plan de Sécurisation de produits SR a été formulé. L'UNFPA a également prommu l'installation du logiciel Country Commodity Management (CCM) dans les services centraux du PNSR et cette action devra se poursuivre pour les structures décentralisées en 2006. 64,436 100 Central African Republic AF Yes La contribution de l'UNFPA a porté essentiellement sur la finalisation et l'adotion des stratégies nationales en matière de sécurisation des produits SR. 900,000 Chad AF Yes Notre Bureau a appuyé le Gouvernement dans l'élaboration de la Stratégie nationale de sécurisation des produits de SR depuis 2003. A ce jour, la Stratégie n'est pas encore validée. Il est prévu dans le document de stratégie des mécanismes de coordination: un comité de coordination est prévu. Il est prévu la validation et la mise en oeuvre du document de stratégie en 2006. 87,680.72 Comoros AF Yes l'UNFPA a mené le plaidoyer auprès du Gouvernement afin de créer le comité national de coordination et contribué à l'élaboration des termes de référence dudit comité. 0 Congo AF Yes RHCS a été identifié en octobre 2005 comme domaine priritaire pour le AWP de CO pour 2006. Cote d'Ivoire AF Yes 1) Formation d'un Expert en Securisation des produits contraceptifs; 2) Appui pour l'évaluation des besoins 2006 en produits SR/PF; 3) Approvisionnement de près de 456 structures sanitaires en produits SR/PF; 4) Plaidoyer pour l'inscription d'une ligne budgetaire 618,444 100 Democratic Republic of Congo AF Yes i) Appui à l'organisation de l'atelier régional sur le plan de sécurisation des produits de santé de la reproduction (SPSR); ii) Financement des ateliers d'élaboration et d'adoption du SPSR; iii) Le Bureau a été le partenaire principal à l'élaboration du plan SPSR et au plaidoyer pour l'implication d'autres partenaires dans la mise en de la stratégie SPSR. 1,799,042.89 Eritrea AF Yes Conducted RHCS as basis for establishment of RHCS committee & formulation of a national strategy 91,354.75 75 Gabon AF Yes La securité contraceptive a été defini comme domaine prioritaire pour l'Annual Work Plan en 2006 Gambia AF Yes The Country office is currently supporting the Department of State for Health to implement the Thematic Trust Fund and the social marketing of contraceptives. 116,122.59 80 Ghana AF Yes Advocated for the formation of the committee and supported the committees deliberations. Collaborated with Deliver / JSI to provide technical support in national assessment on costing and estimation of commodity needs. Support training of service providers and policy makers. Advocates increase in government contribution to RHCS and also mobilises resources independently. 0 0 Guinea AF Yes Appui aux réunions du groupe thématique SR dans le cadre de concertation avec les différents intervenants en SR et la Sécurisation des Produits en SR Guinea-Bissau AF Yes 9,000 100 Kenya AF Yes The CO procured 30% of the contraceptive needs for the country in 2005. The CST Addis Ababa organised a regional RHCS workshop where the CO ensured national representation from DRH and the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA). The JSI/DELIVER project also participated. The workshop was intended to build national capacity in RHCS including coordination, forecasting, financing and logistics. 3600000 30 Lesotho AF Yes Training of two FP officers in RHCS 0 0 Liberia AF No UNFPA provided leadership for the establishment of the RH technical committee. 0 Madagascar AF Yes Le rôle du CO s'est situé à tous les niveaux: En haute instance-plaidoyer à travers toutes les opportunités; Au niveau DSF et périphérique appui technique pour l'évaluation des besoins du pays, renforcement des compétences, suivi de la distribution et feed back, participation active dans le comité PF. 1810000 97 Malawi AF Yes JSI-Deliver is currently providing support to government for assessing focasting and projecting RHC needs. CO and JSI-Deliver organised a workshop in 2005 to discuss RHCS in Malawi and plan for an assessment 120000 Mauritania AF Yes The CO worked to help the MOH to implement a functional multipartite coordination mechanism, but it does not succed. The National RH programme which should lead the process is not working. 342,920 17 Mozambique AF Yes In September 2005, after a strong advocacy strategy, UNFPA reached a consensus with the SWAp partners to create a SRH TWG. Whose ToRs are:1) Establish a coordination mechanism among all partners (Government and Development Partners) on the area of SRH/MMR; 2) Identify, discuss and advocate for major issues relevant for SRH/MMR Policy, Strategies and Program development; 3) Analyse and discuss Annual Plans and Progress Reports regarding SRH Program and MMR Strategy & Plan; 4) Identify and discuss issues related to SRH/MMR and SWAp/Health Reform; 5) to analyse and discuss Outcomes of SRH/MMR reviews and evaluations (including analysis and discussion, as well as advocacy for funds mobilization, for operational research and evaluations on SRH/MMR areas); 6) Mobilize funds to improve the quality of care provided and to implement the MMR Strategy and Plan in all Country; 7) Support the MoH to develop a SRH Commodities Security Programme (including logistics, monitoring stock, balance, annual requirements as well as annual forecasting processes), and 8) Support the MoH to implement a Quality Assurance System and Mechanisms, like Total Quality Management, and update the mechanisms for certification & accreditation of health facilities for EmOC provision, as well as to review/update the norms to assess and monitor the quality of SRH and EOC services (guidelines with quality indicators and procedures). 353000 Namibia AF Yes An assessment carried out in 2005. The Standing Committee on Condoms will be expanded in its scope and titled Coordinating Committee for RHCS. Niger AF Yes Grâce au plaidoyer du bureau le Gouvernement a inscrit en 2005 un budget pour l'achat de contraceptifs. UNFPA a formé le staff de l'ONPPC à l'utilisation du logiel CCM et a form les responsables lors de voyages d'études. Le monitoring des produits contraceptifs est inscrit dans les plans annuels de travail et le suivi est assuré par le staff du terrain et du bureau. 500000 Nigeria AF Yes UNFPA continued to be the main convener in collaboration with government for the RHCS stakeholders committee and also provided secretarial support for the smooth functioning of the committee. UNFPA also built the capacity of government officials in forecasting using the country commodity manager which has facilitated contracptive projections to meet the population's RH needs. Also UNFPA supported the implementation of the partial cost recovery system for contraceptives. UNFPA is also expanding the scope of RH commodities to include Safe Motherhood kits aimed at improving the quality of maternal health services 300000 17 Sao Tome and Principe AF No Technical support for development a work plan with activities to be done in order to insure the RHCS. 100 Senegal AF Yes Le bureau a participé à toutes les réunions organisées par le gouvernement dans ce sens. Il a pris en charge des officels du gouvernement dans les rencontres internationales pour le repositionnement des questions de PF en Afrique. Il a également partcipé au plaidoyer pour l'ouverture d'une ligne de crédit décernée à l'achat de contraceptifs dansle budget du ministère de la santé. Un montant d'environ 90,000 US$ est disponible pour l'année 2006. 150,000 23.62 South Africa AF Yes A few consultative meetings took place this year with the national Department of Health to examine the needs of RHC, particularly for female condoms in the South Africa's context. This process is still continuing to discuss strategies and UNFPA's interventions. Through HQ budgets, 100,000 units of female condoms were procured and delivered to the Eastern Cape province, one of our priority provinces. This was to respond to the requests made by the nodal district municipalities, and the Premier of the province has been fully involved in this process. 0 Sudan AF Yes The national key stakeholders are highly interested in developing sustainable Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) at the national and local levels. The CO expects to have an exploratory mission to Sudan in 2006 on RHCS and this is an opportunity of taking advantage of the corporate comparative advantage in the context of Sudan. 685,000 Swaziland AF Yes Collaborative efforts were established between Government, PSI, NERCHA and UNFPA 96,355 17 Tanzania AF Yes In Zanzibar situation is in its infancy. UNFPA/USAID are sole donor for contraceptives in 2005. RHCS task force about to be established and UNFPA through thematic trust fund, will support initial activities in Zanzibar to build logistics systems. Uganda AF Yes The CO played a key role in the revitalisation of National RHCS Working Group. CO also collaborated with MOH and DELIVER to support a Ntional Logistics Training Programme. 757,000 15.2 Zambia AF Yes UNFPA CO has advocated for RHCS committee. The RH unit has been too busy to support the efforts. We will continue to ensure the committe is in place. Zimbabwe AF Yes UNFPA has played a role in ensuring the regular meetings of the RHCS steering committee. UNFPA has especially played an important role in the development of a generics transition strategy with selected key stakeholders in RHCS. As JSI/Deliver works together with the ZNFPC to estimate and forecast contraceptive requirements, UNFPA has played a role in ensuring the continuity of this existing capacity even with the ending of the current round of DFID funding for contraceptives as well as logistics support. As mentioned, UNFPA has played a major role in developing a transition to generic OCs which will generate substantial savings to the programme. 500,000 5 APD UNFPA contribution towards achieving RHCS Country Region CP? CO's overall contribution to improving coordination, policy support and national capacity for ensuring RHCS - 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies for GovT UNFPA: amount (US $) UNFPA: % of total public sector supply Afghanistan AP Yes 500,000 Bhutan AP Yes UNFPA supported two Health Officials to participate the training on RHCS. 190,000 100 Cambodia AP Yes The CO has actively participated in the RHCS WG, as well as in the formulation of the NRHS, which includes commodity security. In addition, Female Condom introduction plan has been developed. Introduction of new methods, implanon and voluntary emergency contraception, is underway. India AP Yes Government of India is self-sufficient with reference to RCHS estimation, procurements and quality assurance and logistic management. Hence no support was envisaged from the CO during 2005. Indonesia AP Yes 0 0 Iran AP Yes Due to the changes in the Government and subsequent changes in the MOHME, some of these activities were delayed. A nationwide assessment of stock-outs and warehouses was conducted in 2005 and the report will provide a good basis for assessment of the logistics management system of the MOHME. In 2006 a review of the RH logisitcs system in the MOHME is planned. 0 0 Laos AP Yes UNFPA CO provided technical and financial support to the development, training, monitoring and supervision of the LMIS at all levels (central, provincial and district). 259787 44 Maldives AP Yes A number of advocacy and dialogue initiatives continued with concerned stakeholders. 24780 94.4 Mongolia AP Yes RHCS working group established to develop national strategy and to organize national consultative meeting 392700 95.5 Myanmar AP Yes UNFPA is working to establish a RH commodity management committee at the national level and to help the Government improve its forecasting and distribution capacities. 1212173.47 100 Nepal AP Yes Support to government for expanding contraceptive security forcast committee to RHCS committee. TOR drafsted. AWP & Budget estimation submitted to UNFPA HQ. Priority activities: development of RHCS committee, assement of national capcity in the area of RHCS, capacity building of national partners. 6.13 77.4 Pakistan AP Yes CO supported MoH and MoPW to attend workshop on RHCS. With the technical assitance provided by CO the gourp was able to formulate RHCS plan. Under this plan 4 million cycles of OC pills have been ordered from RHCS trust funds. In a review presented to the Ministry of Population, it is suggested to have a consolidated quarterly/annual report of logistics data and service statistics of all the key players to have a national level report. It is also emphasized in the report that there should be a national level forum for making long-term contraceptive projections and forecasting on yearly basis. Staff of MoPW and MoH have been trained in contraceptive forecasting and logistics management. CO has plans to provide advance training in making accurate forecasting. 0 0 Papua New Guinea AP Yes Facilitated a survey in 2005 on RHCS in PNG in which recommendations were made for the establishment of a National coordinating mechanism for RHCS in the country. 198279 Sri Lanka AP Yes The MOH/FHB plays the lead role in coordinating RHCS plans. In 2005, a regional workshop on RHCS was held, with Sri Lanka serving as the best practice case study for the region. 220,000 12 Timor-Leste AP 99,853 100 Viet Nam AP Yes USD 50,000 1,700,000 DASECA UNFPA contribution towards achieving RHCS Country Region CP? CO's overall contribution to improving coordination, policy support and national capacity for ensuring RHCS - 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies for GovT UNFPA: amount (US $) UNFPA: % of total public sector supply Armenia DASE Yes 90,170 99 Azerbaijan DASE Yes 50,000 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina DASE No CO made planning to include RHCS in all BiH ministerial units. Djibouti DASE Yes Ceci est inclu dans le programme SR appuyé par l'UNFPA au sein du Ministère de la Santé 16,000 100 Georgia DASE No UNFPA RH Costing Tool has been modified for Georgia, the Workshop has been organized to build national capacity in forecasting and projecting population's RHC needs by using RH Costing Tool, which is already operational in Georgia. RHCS taskforce has been institutionalized: MoLHSA of Georgia created the RHCS National Office. 56,410 100 Iraq DASE No 0 87 Jordan DASE Yes UNFPA has just in this year started working with the Government on this issue. 0 Kazakhstan DASE Yes CO advocated for the inclusion of commodities in the MSP and supply by contraceptives the most vulnerable groups. RHCS mission under the Regional Programme umbrella has taken place. However, no recommendations were developed. 120000 Kosovo DASE No These aims are integral to the forthcoming RHCS project scheduled to begin in 2006. 45400 100 Kyrgyzstan DASE Yes The RHCS Coordinator was recruited in the middle of 2005 and contributes to strengthening quality RH/FP services through ensuring availability of RH commodities and proper maintaining of logistics management information system. 95000 14 Lebanon DASE Yes The RHCS has not been developed for Lebanon yet. It is envisaged that this will be addressed in 2006 and hence the Ministry will be able of assessing, forecasting, and projecting population RHC needs. Moldova DASE No In 2005, the statistical form monitoring RH and LMIS indicators, developed with UNFPA support, has been officially approved by MoHSP. The LMIS system is being established and operationalized. A transparent and sustainable communication flow has been established between the local level - the FP cabinets, and the national institution in charge for monitoring, analysing and forecasting contraceptive needs. 40000 100 Palestine DASECA 546222 100 Syria DASE Yes UNFPA in Syria has contributed to RHCS on several key levels: (1) Advocacy and resource mobilization: More effective advocacy and resource mobilization has led to the success of UNFPA to leverage the contribution of Syrian Government to UNFPA new CP from 15 to 50% of the new CP. (2) National Capacity Building: UNFPA-funded logistics management training for RH department staff at the MOH to assist in developing their capacities on RHCS including such aspects as assessing requirements, financing, procurement, supply management and projection and distrubution mechanisms. (3) UNFPA and with the exeuction of WHO, supported the technical assessement of the logistics system with the MOH. Tajikistan DASE Yes Support to the operational CLMIS Working Group of the MoH by organizing three one day coordination meetings with national counterparts, "Save the children", RH managers. Provide Nine technical trainings on RH/RRs, including FP counselling and STI/HIV/AIDS for service providers in Sogd region, including travel expenditures for Sogd RH centers' personnel and Nine technical trainings for service providers in Khatlon province; 2 trainings on CLMIS for heads of RH facilities /RH managers. Provision of subscription to the medical journal "Gynecology" for medical schools and health facilities throughout the country. Issuing forms necessary for contraceptive collection system, 6 types of contraceptive logbooks as well as issuing contraceptive registration forms to ensure enhanced contraceptive record keeping system. Conduct of Contraceptive Promotion Campaigns with a focus on FP counseling and provision of information about modern contraceptives. Purchase of modern contraceptives. Purchase of RH related supplies and equipment. Purchase of a monitoring vehicle for Sogd health department. 185,479.36 88 Tunisia DASECA Yes 15,000 0.1 Turkey DASE Yes The capacity of Government already exists in Ministry of Health. There is no further demand for technical or financial assistance for RHCS. 0 0 Turkmenistan DASE Yes UNFPA CO on continues basis worked with the staff RH centers regarding the calculation of the contraceptive needs. 64,860 100 Ukraine DASE No UNFPA CO has initiated RHCS activities in 2003 and provided to the Government all technical resources required to launch the development and implementation of a national RHCS strategy. The Government's decision to launch is pending. Uzbekistan DASECA Yes In 2005 UNFPA supported setting up the National Working Group on RHCS under auspices of the MOH. 450,000 45 Yemen DASECA Yes 2,000,000 70 LAC UNFPA contribution towards achieving RHCS Country Region CP? CO's overall contribution to improving coordination, policy support and national capacity for ensuring RHCS - 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies for GovT UNFPA: amount (US $) UNFPA: % of total public sector supply Bolivia LAC Yes The CO constantly gives assistance to the MoH both directly and through the RHCS Committee to project and control contraceptive flows. The CO has provided technical and financial support for approval of Law 3250 for SUMI expansion to ensure sustainability of contraceptive supplies with national resources as from 2006. 0 0 Brazil LAC Yes In 2005, UNFPA engaged in a high-level dialogue with the MOH, mainly with the AIDS Program, on how to improve both RHCS procurement, forecasting and logistics management. These exchanges have led to the signing of a broad cooperation agreement between UNFPA and the MOH for the provision of UNFPA technical assistance in these areas, to be detailed in 2006. Cuba LAC Yes Promoting the implementation of the Country Commodity System. 135,000 Dominican Republic LAC Yes The country office serves as technical advisor in the DAIA and offers continous technical and financial assistance for studies and evaluations for forecasting and projecting population's RHC needs. 200,000 10 Ecuador LAC Yes Active participation in DAIA committee and contribution to elaborate proposal for commodity procurement at central level. Participation in political and technical committees of Free Maternity Law and support at local level in 5 provinces. 0 0 El Salvador LAC Yes CO has permanent participation in the coordination mechanism (DAIA). Guatemala LAC Yes The CO has supported technically and financilaly to develop projections for the requirements of RHC. Haiti LAC Yes Ensured commitee's operation and follow-up activities. 300,000 10 Honduras LAC Yes 236,277 50 Jamaica LAC Yes 338 Mexico LAC 244,000 Nicaragua LAC 400000 33 Peru LAC 150,000 yes Paraguay LAC Yes A specific budget line has been asigned in the National Health Budget for contraceptive procurement. A Contraceptive Law is being studied by the parliament, which will force the use of the funds exclusively for contraceptive procurement as a strategic component in the health and human rights promotion. 249,024 42 Venezuela LAC Yes 15,370
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