The Global Health 50/50 Report 2018

Publication date: 2018

The Global Health 50/50 Report 2018 Explore the data & get updates: Published May 2013 WHY GENDER MATTERS Gender equality is a human right Gender among the most significant determinants of health Equality in the workplace is inherently just and good Gender equitable workplaces are more innovative and delivering better results Parameters of the Global Health 50/50 Report 2 DIMENSIONS Gender equality in the workplace Gender-responsive programmes and policies 1 QUESTION How gender-responsive are the world’s most influential global health organisations? 1. Public statement of commitment to gender equality 2. Gender defined in institutional policies and consistent with global norms 3. Programmatic policies in place to guide gender-responsive action 4. Sex-disaggregated data collected and reported 5. Workplace policies and practices with specific measures to promote gender equality 6. Gender parity in governing bodies and senior management 7. Gender of the head of the organisation and of the governing body 7 DOMAINS Do organisations make a public statement of commitment to gender equality?1 Just over half of global health organisations have explicitly committed to gender equality.1 1.1 Global health organisations should make an explicit commitment to gender equality. 1.2 Having made this commitment, leaders of global health organisations should adopt policies and incentivise practices that respond to evidence on the impact of gender on the health, wellbeing and careers of all people. Recommendations: Is gender defined in institutional policies? 2 2 2.1 Organisations should adopt a definition of gender and gender equality that is consistent with global norms. 2.2 Organisations should put in place policies and processes to ensure a common organisational understanding and ownership of the definition of gender, and the practices required to achieve gender equality. Recommendations: For most global health organisations, the meaning of gender remains ill-defined or undefined. Do organisations address gender in their programmatic policies? 3 3 3.1 Organisations should include gender as a critical domain for analysis in programme design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation (M&E). 3.2 Organisations should move beyond the tendency to conflate gender with women so as to appreciate the gender-related determinants of everyone’s health. 3.3 Organisations should conduct gender-based analyses to inform the development, implementation and M&E of programmes, in order to better understand and address how gender affects health outcomes for everyone— girls, boys, women, men, and people with non-binary gender identities—and respond to differences among them. Recommendations: A majority of organisations lack strategies to guide gender-responsive programming. NGOs’ stated area of health focus, by disease burden and gender, 2016 SDG burden of disease MDG burden of disease NGO focus on non-MDG issues (31) NGO focus on MDG issues (84) Stated area of attention for an NGO MDGs SDGs 4 Do organisations report sex-disaggregated data? 4 4.1 Organisations should ensure relevant programmatic data is sex-disaggregated. 4.2 Organisations should conduct gender analyses to understand sex-disaggregated findings, and calibrate programmes and strategies based on this evidence. 4.3 Organisations should commit to collecting data on other markers of inequality and analysing the interaction among them, as well as with sex and gender, as the basis for assessing the equitable impact of their work. 4.4 Funders should ensure they monitor and act to ensure gender equality at all stages of their funding and implementation processes. 4.5 Global health journals should commit to only publishing articles that report sex- disaggregated and analysed data (where appropriate). Recommendations: Organisations generally fail to present sex- disaggregated programmatic data. 5 Do organisations have workplace gender policies? 5 5.1 Organisations should undertake assessments of whether and how gender equality is embedded in their institutions. 5.2 Organisations should implement a range of interventions to address the complexity of gender-responsive change, including paid parental leave, equal pay for equal work and zero tolerance for sexual harassment (expanded list in report). 5.3 Funders should define and attach gender diversity and gender workplace policy requirements to the funding eligibility of organisations. 5.4 Organisations should publish and act on their gender pay gaps, even in the absence of statutory requirements. Recommendations: Organisations aren’t doing nearly enough to support gender equality in the workplace. 6 Have organisations achieved gender parity in leadership? Proportion of organisations with gender parity at senior management Proportion of organisations with gender parity in governing bodies 7 Who leads global health organisations? 6 Organisations should adopt specific affirmative measures to achieve gender equality among staff and governing bodies, which include those mentioned in Recommendation 5.2, as well as: • Undertaking quantitative and qualitative analysis to identify gender-related barriers at each step in the professional pathway; • Setting time-bound targets for gender parity, particularly at senior levels; • Establishing regular and transparent monitoring and reporting of progress with clear lines of accountability. Recommendations: Decision-making power remains in the hands of men. 7 Global health is led by men. WEbsiteGH5050 Data 140 organisations x 7 domains Explore the data. Summary recommendations Gender-responsive programmes and policies Commit to gender equality, as defined by global norms, in policies, programmes and practices Recognise and act on gender as a social determinant of everyone’s health Insist on sex-disaggregated and gender-analysed data Gender equality in the workplace Adopt time-bound goals with specific strategies to support women’s careers Not just parity in numbers: abolish gender pay gaps Remember: gender equality does not just happen in workplace “Global Health 50/50 offers an accountability mechanism that has been sorely lacking.” Helen Clark, GH5050 Advisor “I urge the global health community to reflect on the findings presented and to act to improve practice. I hope, too, that other sectors will follow suit and undertake similar analysis. It is only by embedding gender analysis and action deep in the global structures of development cooperation that we will achieve sustainable and inclusive development that leaves no one behind.” Amina Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General

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