The Consensus Planning Group - 2020 Year in Review Infographic

Publication date: 2021

THE CONSENSUS PLANNING GROUPTHE CONSENSUS PLANNING GROUP Uniting action and advance planning for collaborative family planning supply management In 2020, the Coordinated Supply Planning (CSP) Group and the Coordinated Assistance for Reproductive Health Supplies (CARhs) Group merged to become the Consensus Planning Group (CPG). Bringing together the functions of the former groups, CPG members collaborate at the global level to address family planning commodity stock imbalances, while also planning ahead to prevent those imbalances from occurring at all. Housed under the Global Family Planning Visibility & Analytics Network (VAN), the CPG uses data shared within the VAN to improve coordinated supply planning and react swi�ly to urgent supply needs. In its �rst year of operation, the CPG built on the success of its predecessors, streamlining processes for improved e�ciencies and e�ectiveness. CPG members include representatives of UNFPA’s Procurement Services and Commodity Security Branches, USAID, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), John Snow, Inc. (JSI), the Global Health Supply Chain - Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, the Global Health Supply Chain - Technical Assistance Francophone Task Order, the West African Health Organization (WAHO), and the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition (RHSC). 2020 IN REVIEW for 31 new orders for 13 countries, mitigating critical supply shortages. Mobilized $9.9M $OF FUNDING from the combination of new and delayed orders; delayed orders in �ve countries allowed for accommodation of more urgent needs. 3.9M in additional CYPs* from �ve cancelled or postponed orders for four countries, preventing overstock and potential expiry. $2M Saved $2M for 17 countries to avert/mitigate critical supply shortages. 33 ORDERS Expeditedfor one country where the funding from a cancelled order was immediately reallocated towards a new order of a product at risk of stockout. INSTANT REALLOCATION SUPPLIER COLLABORATION for two products where demand exceeded supply. This coordinated approach aimed to ensure equitable and transparent prioritization of shipments in order to minimize severe shortages and stockouts, while also reducing risk of overstocks. which resulted in: reduction of duplicate orders and data entry errors; identi�cation of urgent orders to prioritize within available funding; adjustments to order quantities to reduce risk of stockout and risk of expiry due to overstock. 29 country funding requests for the coming year By bringing together formerly separate functions, the CPG is better equipped to meet the needs of the rapidly expanding VAN membership. With improved responsiveness and highly collaborative supply planning, the CPG—and the VAN—are poised to improve availability of family planning supplies around the world. CYPs = Couple-years of protection. ! GLOBAL FAMILY PLANNING VISIBILITY & ANALYTICS NETWORK Enabled Reviewed

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