Sources and prices of selected medicines and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS
Publication date: 2003
Sources and prices of selected medicines and diagnostics for people living with HIV/AIDS A JOINT UNICEF – UNAIDS – WHO – MSF PROJECT WHO JUNE 2003 WHO/EDM/PAR/2003.7 This report is also available On the following web pages: UNICEF: UNICEF Supply Division: UNAIDS: WHO/ Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy: WHO/ Department of HIV/AIDS: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF): Or by contacting: Pharmaceuticals & Micronutrients Group UNICEF Supply Division Fax: +45 35 269421 Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM) World Health Organization Fax: +41 22 7914167 Department of Policy Strategy and Research UNAIDS Fax: +41 22 7914741 Campaign for Access to Essential Drugs Médecins Sans Frontières Fax: +41 22 8498404 Information on HIV/AIDS diagnostic support, HIV test kit evaluations and bulk procurement are available on the WHO/ Department of Blood Safety and Clinical Technology website: Information on HIV/AIDS and substance abuse dependence is available from © World Health Organization, UNICEF Supply Division, Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Médecins Sans Frontières, 2003. All rights reserved. Published by WHO, also on behalf of UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat, and Médecins Sans Frontières. WHO, UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat, and Médecins Sans Frontières have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of price, supplier, and other information presented in this report. Reader’s attention is drawn to the introduction, which describes the specific sources and limitations of information provided in this report. Reader’s attention is also drawn to the importance of quality assurance for pharmaceutical products. Licensing authorities in the respective countries of manufacture are expected to be responsible for the review and approval of the detailed composition and formulation when authorizing a pharmaceutical product to be marketed, including the specifications of its ingredients, as submitted by the manufacturer of the dosage form, and to oversee compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice requirements as recommended by WHO. The data and information contained herein are being provided as is and WHO, UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat, and Médecins Sans Frontières make no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, as to their accuracy, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither WHO, UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat, nor Médecins Sans Frontières accepts any responsibility or liability with regard to the reliance on, or use of, such data and information. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by WHO, UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat or Médecins Sans Frontières in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors or omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this report, including tables and maps, do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of WHO, UNICEF, the UNAIDS Secretariat and Médecins Sans Frontières concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. Design and layout by minimum graphics Printed in France Contents ANNEX 4.FURTHER READING, REFERENCES, AND CONTACTS iii Glossary v 1. Introduction 1 2. Pricing 3 3. Access to quality HIV/AIDS medicines and diagnostics 5 4. Sources and prices of medicines 7 5. Variation in price between surveys 14 Annex 1 A. Registration status of products included in the sources and prices survey 15 B. Index of manufacturers 33 C. Geographical distribution of participating manufacturers 40 Annex 2 WHO Bulk Procurement Scheme 2003 41 Annex 3 A. Summary of main characteristics of methods for CD4/CD8 lymphocyte determination 44 B. Summary of main characteristics of Viral Load Technologies 45 Annex 4 Further reading, references and contacts 48 Annex 5 Feedback and enquiry form 51 Annex 6 Untangling the web of price reductions: a pricing guide for the purchase of ARVs for developing countries 53 Tables Table 1. Anti-infective medicines 7 Antibacterials 7 Antifilarials 8 Antifungal medicines 8 Anthelminthics 9 Antiprotozoal medicines 9 Antiviral medicines 9 Antiretroviral medicines 9 Table 2. Antineoplastic medicines 11 Cytotoxic medicines 11 Table 3. Psychotherapeutic medicines 12 Medicines used in depressive disorders 12 Medicines used in generalized anxiety and sleep disorders 12 iv ANNEX 4.FURTHER READING, REFERENCES, AND CONTACTS Table 4. Analgesics 12 Opioid analgesics 12 Medicines used in the treatment of opioid dependence 12 Table 5. Gastrointestinal medicines 13 Antacids and other antiulcer medicines 13 Antiemetic medicines 13 Laxatives 13 Table 6. Variation in the price of ciprofloxacin and fluconazole between surveys 14 Glossary AIDS1 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome – the late stage of HIV disease. AIDS involves the loss of func- tion of the immune system as CD4 cells are infected and destroyed, allowing the body to succumb to opportunistic infections (e.g., Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, toxoplasmosis) that are generally not patho- genic in people with intact immune systems. COF Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéu- ticos – Spanish organization of Pharmaceutical Colleges, which represents all colleges in the national and international forum, develops norms, rules, and professional policy, and acts as the interlocutor with Spanish Ministries. Diagnostics Laboratory tests used in the diagnosis of HIV infection. ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay – first HIV antibody test which requires a machine to measure color change in test wells. Endemic1 The continuous presence of a disease in a geo- graphic location, community or population. Epidemic1 An outbreak of a disease within a population. See also pandemic. EXW2 Ex-works – (. named place) the seller’s only re- sponsibility is to make the goods available at the sell- er’s premises, i.e., the works or factory. The seller is not responsible for loading the goods on the vehicle provided by the buyer unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears the full costs and risk involved in bringing the goods from there to the desired destination. Ex works represents the minimum obligation of the seller. FCA (nearest port)2 Free Carrier – (. named place) This term has been designed to meet the requirements of multimodal transport, such as container or roll-on, roll-off traffic by trailers and ferries. It is based on the same name principle as F.O.B. (free on board), except the seller fulfils its obligations when the goods are delivered to the custody of the carrier at the named place. If no precise place can be named at the time of the contract of sale, the parties should refer to the place where the carrier should take the goods into its charge. The risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from seller. FOB2 Free-on-board – (. named port of shipment) Under “F.O.B” the goods are placed on board the ship by the seller at a port of shipment named in the sales agree- ment. The risk of loss of or damage to the goods is transferred to the buyer when the goods pass the ship’s rail (i.e., off the dock and placed on the ship). The seller pays the cost of loading the goods. Generic medicine3 The term “generic product” has somewhat different meaning in different jurisdictions. In many technical documents, use of this term is avoided, and the term ‘multisource pharmaceutical product’ is used instead. In this document, where the term generic medicine is used, it means a pharmaceu- tical product usually intended to be interchangeable with the innovator product, which is usually manufac- tured without a license from the innovator company and marketed after expiry of patent or other exclusiv- ity rights where these have previously existed. Generic products may be marketed either under the non-pro- prietary approved name or under a new brand (propri- etary) name. They may sometimes be marketed in dosage forms and/or strengths different from those of the innovator products. Generic pharmaceutical manufacturers Manufactu- rers who produce generic medicines GMP Good Manufacturing Practice HAART Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy HDI Human Development Index HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus – a slow-acting retrovirus of the lentivirus family, believed to be the sole or primary cause of AIDS. HIV is transmitted sexu- ally, through blood or vertically (from mother to child). There are 2 known types: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV Test kit There are 3 main types of test for detecting the presence of HIV antibodies: simple/rapid tests, ELISA tests, and confirmatory tests. GLOSSARY v 1 AIDS Education Global Information System 2 International Chamber of Commerce 3 World Health Organization. Quality Assurance of Pharmaceu- ticals. A compendium of guidelines and related materials. Vol 1, 1997. vi SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS International Price Indicator Guide 2002 A joint pub- lication by the World Health Organization and Manage- ment Sciences for Health (MSH). Provides a spectrum of prices from non-profit drug suppliers, procurement agencies, and ministries of health, based on their cur- rent catalogs or price lists. Manufacturing license Granted by national licensing authorities and gives authorization to manufacture a specific product in a specified manufacturing plant. MSF Médecins Sans Frontières – setting up medical hu- manitarian aid missions around the world since 1971. MSH Management Sciences for Health – private, non- profit educational and scientific organization working to close the gap between knowledge and action in public health. MTCT Mother-to-child transmission (of HIV) Opportunistic infections1 (OI) An illness caused by a micro-organism that usually does not cause disease in persons with healthy immune systems, but which may cause serious illness when the immune system is sup- pressed. Common OI in HIV positive people include Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) in- fection. Palliative care4 Pain and symptom management, and psycho-social support for persons living with a termi- nal illness, as well as for their families and caregivers. Pandemic1 A widespread disease outbreak affecting the population of an extensive area of the world. See also epidemic. Patents5 A title granted by the public authorities confer- ring a temporary monopoly for the exploitation of an invention upon the person who reveals it, furnishes a sufficiently clear and full description of it, and claims this monopoly. PLWA People Living With HIV/AIDS Protease inhibitor (PI) Type of antiretroviral medicine Proprietary medicines Medicines that are under patent restrictions belonging to a company, institution, or gov- ernment. Research based pharmaceutical manufacturers Manufacturers that produce mainly innovative medi- cines Reverse transcriptase inhibitor Type of ARV medicine. Can be divided into two classes: Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI) and Non Nucleoside Re- verse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NNRTI) Simple/rapid test Can generally be carried out in 15 minutes and results are read with the naked eye. They are easy to use and require limited training and little or no equipment, making them particularly suitable for use in Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centres. The World Bank Group Established in July 1, 1944 it is one of the world’s largest sources of development as- sistance. In Fiscal Year 2002, the institution provided more than US$19.5 billion in loans to its client coun- tries. TRIPS6 Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellec- tual Property Rights UNAIDS The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS) – by the mid-1990s, it became clear that the epidemic’s devastating impact on all aspects of human development, were creating an emergency that would require a greatly expanded United Nations effort. UNAIDS created in 1995 was tasked to coordi- nate this effort. UNFPA United Nations Population Fund, began operations in 1969. It is the largest international source of popu- lation assistance. About a quarter of all population as- sistance from donor nations to developing countries is channelled through UNFPA. UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund – Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 1946 to help chil- dren after World War II in Europe. Headquartered in New York, UNICEF carries out its work through eight regional offices and 126 country offices covering more than 160 countries, territories and areas. WHO World Health Organization – Founded in 1948, the World Health Organization leads the world alliance for Health for All. WHO promotes technical cooperation for health among nations, carries out programmes to control and eradicate disease and strives to improve the quality of human life. WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization – Founded in 1970, WIPO administers 23 international treaties dealing with different aspects of intellectual property protection. WTO World Trade Organization – succeeded the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), first signed in 1947 by 23 countries and aimed at protecting and regulating international trade. 4 Council on palliative care, Canada 5 Globalization and access to drugs—perspectives on the WTO TRIPS Agreement. Health Economics and Drugs EDM Series 7. WHO, Geneva, 1999 6 WTO 1 1. Introduction Even where affordable alternatives exist, many decision- makers do not have the information they need to identify those manufacturers that can supply these medicines. They require easier access to comparative prices. 1.2 Aim This report sets out to provide market information that can be used to help procurement agencies make informed decisions on the source of medicines and serve as the basis for negotiating affordable prices. The aim is to help increase access to medicines for people living with HIV/ AIDS in developing countries. The data provided by the manufacturers serves to high- light the multiplicity of suppliers and the variation in price of some essential HIV/AIDS-related medicines on the in- ternational market. Without this information, there is a risk that low-income countries may be paying more than needed to obtain essential medicines. Price variations are highlighted through the tables and graphs included. Provision of price information addresses only one barrier to access to medicines in countries with limited resources and, it is appreciated that many other factors will affect the availability of medicines. Some of the other issues that must be considered in relation to the purchase of medicines for HIV/AIDS and related conditions are health infrastructure, human resources, and supply and distribu- tion systems.9 1.1 Background Improving access to medicines for people living with HIV/ AIDS presents a challenge for all countries, and an even greater challenge for the developing nations. By the end of 2002, UNAIDS estimated that the total number of peo- ple living with HIV/AIDS stood at 42 million, including 5 million new infections. In the same year, an estimated 3.1 million people died of the disease. Over 95% of the peo- ple infected live in developing countries. The national ownership, initiative, and responsibility taken by National AIDS programme managers, health directors and Health Ministers in these countries is commendable, but the issue of inadequate funding still remains. To reduce the disparity between needs and funding, suc- cessful proposals from low income countries are receiv- ing much needed grants from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria as well as other International Devel- opment Assistance, for strategies to prevent new infec- tions, including prevention of mother to child transmission, and treatment and care of infected people. With this new funding, the number of people being treated with antiretrovirals is expected to increase six-fold. This scale- up will require the careful identification, selection, and procurement of medicines. The high price of many of the HIV-related medicines of- fered by common suppliers—especially antiretroviral medicines—is one of the main barriers to their availabil- ity in developing countries.7 These medicine prices may be governed by the following factors: — Patents8 — Limited volume — Limited price competition — High import duties, tariffs, and local taxes — High mark-ups for wholesaling, distribution, and dis- pensing — Individual country pricing strategies—for example, price fixing by the government, policies of price freedom for new products or even agreements with industry on profit control. SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 7 UN agencies and partners are working together to help ex- pand access to the full range of HIV-related medicines, within the context of local health care systems and national HIV/ AIDS plans and priorities. A four-part strategy has been adopted to guide and coordinate action on access to HIV-related medi- cines: (1) rational selection and use of HIV-related medicines (2) affordable prices (3) sustainable financing and (4) reliable health supply systems. 8 For further information on Patents and the TRIPS agreement, refer to Annex 4, Further Reading: Intellectual Property Rights and pharmaceuticals. 9 Management Sciences for Health and the World Health Organization second edition of Managing Drug Supply provides a complete overview as well as step-by-step approaches on how to manage pharmaceutical systems effectively. SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 2 1.3 Generating the Report This report is the fourth in a series of annual reports of sources and prices surveys commenced in 1999. These surveys will be continued and the report will be regularly updated and made available when appropriate. A survey, carried out from Dec 2002 through to Feb 2003, of 388 manufacturers in 50 different countries was the basis of this report. The number of manufacturers reached has greatly increased since the first survey in 1999 as more resources are made available via industry websites and cooperation with other international organizations; allowing this publication to include 61 manufacturers. Manufacturers that participated in previous surveys, those held in various databases, and those belonging to National Pharmaceutical Associations were contacted and asked to fill in a comprehensive questionnaire. The re- sponse to the questionnaire was accompanied by a Na- tional GMP certificate and associated documents relating to the company and the products. The UNAIDS Secretariat, UNICEF, MSF, and WHO have worked jointly to conduct the survey, and put together the responses into an easy to use, comprehensive publi- cation, whilst respecting the manufacturers’ requests for confidentiality with respect to their individual pricing infor- mation. It must be pointed out however that the companies in- cluded in this report have been screened only through the completeness of the documents they have provided. In- clusion in the report does not necessarily constitute prequalification or approval of any sort by UNICEF, WHO, UNAIDS or MSF. Only those products identified in Annex 1A in bold and with an asterisk (*) have (at the time of publication of this document) been approved through the ongoing Pilot Procurement Quality and Sourcing Project (see section 3.) 1.4 Selection of medicines The report includes antiretroviral medicines, medicines used to treat a range of opportunistic infections, medi- cines for use in palliative care, medicines for the treat- ment of HIV/AIDS-related cancers and medicines for the management of opioid dependence. It also provides in- formation on a range of test kits available for diagnosis of HIV. The medicines included in the report were selected based on recommendations from available WHO treatment guide- lines. The list is not intended to be exhaustive but to broadly cover the most commonly used medicines or medicine categories, in order to ensure that combined with their own resources, purchasing agencies can have at their disposal all medicines required for the compre- hensive treatment of HIV/AIDS. Alternative medicines often are provided as they may be helpful due to: — Greater cost offset by greater safety, e.g. fluco- nazole instead of ketoconazole. — Fewer unwanted adverse effects, e.g. alternatives to amitriptyline For this survey, paediatric forms have been included wher- ever possible. Antiretroviral therapy Since October 2000, the report has included information on the availability and price range of antiretroviral medi- cines for use in Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). More specific information on treatment sched- ules should be obtained from the WHO department of HIV/ AIDS at the following webpage HIV_AIDS. Antituberculosis medicines This report does not include data on sources and prices of medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis as this in- formation is available on the website of the International Price Indicator Guide 200210 or of the Global Drug Facility at drugs.available.html. 10 The International Price Indicator Guide 2002 is a joint publica- tion of MSH and WHO. For more information refer to Annex 4, Websites: Drug Prices. 3 2. Pricing for developing countries” included in this publication as Annex VI. 2.3 Additional methods of cost reduction In addition to generic competition and advocacy for the reduced pricing of HIV medicines in line with the purchas- ing power of countries, important parallel avenues to be pursued by governments include, for example, the active use of compulsory licensing, government use of patents and parallel importation. As agreed by the Member States of the World Trade Organization in 2001, least developed countries (LDCs) are not obliged to enforce pharmaceuti- cal patents until at least 2016.12 LDCs should make use or avail themselves of this provision to purchase lowest cost medicines on the world market. The Global Fund “en- courages recipients to comply with national laws and ap- plicable international obligations in the field of intellectual property including the flexibilities provided in the TRIPS agreement and referred to in the Doha Declaration in a manner that achieves the lowest possible price for prod- ucts of assured quality.”13 Other measures may include reducing or eliminating import duties and taxes, and in- creasing demand through pooled procurement. 2.4 Information accompanying each medicine The prices indicated in this report are based on the price data of 1st quarter 2003, unless indicated otherwise. The following information is provided for each medicine: • The number of manufacturers that gave an in- dicative price SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 2.1 Context The prices listed generally apply in the context of bulk procurement i.e. the working unit is one batch. Although batch sizes vary greatly among formulations and manu- facturers, the following sizes are typical: capsules and tablets in batches of 100,000 to 500,000 (these are not minimum purchases, batches of over 1 million are not uncommon); vials and bottles in batches of 5,000 to 20,000. Prices are ex-works (EXW) or free-on-board (FOB). They do not include the added cost of items such as freight, insurance, import duties or taxes. For this reason the prices quoted in this report cannot be compared with consumer prices. Many countries continue to impose considerable import duties and taxes on the price of es- sential medicines.11 In addition, wholesale and retail mark- ups vary from one country to the other. As a result, the ex-works price is often less than half of the end-price to the consumer. Price information and exchange rates are subject to vari- ation, and relate to the date at which the offer was made. 2.2 Offers of donation and price reductions Public pressure, advocacy, competition from generic manufacturers and initiatives from pharmaceutical com- panies have led to reduced prices of some drugs for de- veloping countries. There is no systematic approach to the differential pricing. Each company determines its own eligibility criteria for countries, sectors and institutions that may benefit from its reduced price. Some compa- nies offer donations of medicines for specific indications such as to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, or to treat certain opportunistic infections affecting PLWAs. The prices that are quoted in Section 4 of this publication do not necessarily reflect all agreements that may have been negotiated with individual countries. Information on price offers for antiretroviral medicines publicly announced by pharmaceutical manufacturers, including information on countries eligible for the offers and other conditions, can be found in the MSF report “Untangling the web of price reductions: a pricing guide for the purchase of ARVs 11 See Policy and programming options for reducing the pro- curement costs of essential medicines in developing coun- tries, Levinson, L, Boston University School of Public Health, 2003 12 Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement and Public Health, paragraphs 6 & 7 13 The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Re- port of the Third Board Meeting, GF/B4/2, page 25, para 10 (a). SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 4 • The indicative price Unit The price quoted relates to the unit described, for exam- ple, if the unit is “tab” the price quoted is for a single tablet. Maximum price The maximum price listed represents the highest price among products, with no differentiation among original or generic products. Minimum price The minimum price listed represents the lowest price among products, with no differentiation among original or generic products. Median price The median price is the middle price, or where there is an even number of prices listed, it is the mean of the two middle numbers. This means that half the prices quoted are above this median price, and the other half are below it. 25th percentile The value point representing the first quartile of quoted prices in ascending order. It is used to give some indica- tion of the dispersion of prices for a given product. No. < than 25th percentile This is used to indicate how many manufacturers can pro- duce the medicine below the 25th percentile price range. • The Brazilian list price The Brazilian list price included in this report represents the minimum price payable by Brazilian health institutions for the product and is taken from the Brazilian databank of health purchases. Where the entry reads “none”, this indicates no purchase has been made for that product, therefore no minimum price payable is available. • The Spanish list price This price is ex-works and has been calculated by apply- ing the new margins (as stated in the Royal Decree 286/ 2001) to the consumer price as published by Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos in Spain ( It should be noted that Spanish list prices are generally considered the lowest in Europe. In most cases, the indicative prices listed in the report are a frac- tion of the comparative prices in the Spanish list. 5 3. Access to quality HIV/AIDS medicines and diagnostics 3.1 Pilot Procurement Quality and Sourcing Project The Pilot Procurement, Quality and Sourcing Project was started by WHO in collaboration with other United Nations Organizations (UNAIDS Secretariat, UNICEF, and UNFPA, supported by the World Bank) in March 2001, as part of a UN-wide strategy to improve access to HIV-related treat- ment. This pilot project evaluates pharmaceutical products ac- cording to WHO recommended standards of quality and compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices. It is the beginning of an ongoing process that will expand as par- ticipation of suppliers increases. A list of suppliers whose HIV-related medicines have been found acceptable, in prin- ciple, for procurement by UN agencies is now available on the web sites of collaborating UN agencies. As of March 2003, 160 product dossiers for various prod- ucts and dosage forms from 21 manufacturers were re- ceived and 74 of these products, from 11 manufacturers, have been fully reviewed and listed as pre-qualified prod- ucts. The remaining products are currently under review. The products evaluated include antiretroviral medicines, and medicines for the treatment of opportunistic infec- tions and cancers. A list of products evaluated under this pilot project is regularly updated through the websites of collaborating UN agencies. Interested readers are advised to consult these sites for the latest versions, or to ac- cess the list via the WHO website: ( medicines/organization/qsm/activities/pilotproc/ suppliers.doc) The survey on Sources and Prices of Selected Medicines and Diagnostics for People Living with HIV/AIDS is a pric- ing service, not a prequalification service. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the price infor- mation presented here and screening of the products in- cluded in this survey has been carried out as indicated on page 2. This screening, however, in no way constitutes an in depth review of product quality. Products that have been pre-qualified by the Pilot Procurement, Quality and Sourcing Project are marked in Annex Ia of this document in bold and with an asterisk (*). Other products listed in this document should, in relation to purchase, be subject to pre-qualification review as indicated in the WHO SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS General Procedure for Prequalification of Suppliers of Pharmaceutical Products. (Please refer to for more information.) 3.2 Product registration Annex 1A provides information on countries in which the majority of products listed are currently registered. This information is given as supplied by manufacturing com- panies, and is subject to change. 3.3 Diagnostics In 1989, WHO established a HIV test kit bulk-procurement scheme, which now is operated in collaboration with other United Nations organizations (UNAIDS Secretariat, UNICEF, UNFPA, and World Bank). The aim is to provide national AIDS programmes, blood transfusion services, large hos- pitals, non-governmental organizations, reference labora- tories, UN agencies, donor-supported AIDS projects, and regulatory authorities in developing countries with high quality tests at the lowest possible cost. Since 1988, WHO has provided objective assessments of commercially available test kits. This ongoing evalua- tion programme is coordinated by the Department of Blood Safety and Clinical Technology. All HIV tests available through the scheme have been evaluated by the WHO evaluation programme and meet specific, rigorous crite- ria (see Annex 2 for further details). Bulk purchase prices for all assays in the scheme are directly negotiated with the manufacturers, a process that enables the scheme to offer a per test cost approximately half that of tests pur- chased on the open market, which has resulted in sub- stantial cost savings. The test kits on the list are reviewed annually and cover the three broad categories, including simple/rapid test, ELISA tests and supplemental tests. Annex 3A provides an overview of the assays included in the HIV test kit bulk procurement scheme 2003. Over recent years there has been an increase in the avail- ability and demand for simple/rapid tests. These are easy- SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 6 to-use tests that require little or no equipment and limited training to perform and can provide accurate same–day results. This makes them particularly suitable for use in voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) centres and in antenatal clinics for prevention of mother to child trans- mission of HIV. When initial tests are reactive for HIV, con- firmation of the test results is needed to rule out any false positive results. In formation on recommended WHO test- ing strategies is available in Weekly Epidemiological Record, 1997, 72, 81–88. Increased access to antiretroviral (ARV) medicines has also highlighted the need for appropriate and cost effec- tive diagnostic support. Diagnostic support is essential to monitor the progression of the disease, the effective- ness of the treatment and the development of resistance. The existing systems for assessment and procurement of HIV test kits is being expanded to include technologies used to monitor ARV therapy (CD4 counts and Viral Load) and drug resistance. An overview of available types of CD4 T-cell enumeration technologies are given in Annex 3A, whilst information on HIV Viral Load technologies and HIV resistance tests is given in Annex 3B. Please note that this information is regularly updated and available on the WHO website at (follow the links to Key Initiatives, HIV Diagnostics, HIV Test Kit Bulk Procure- ment Scheme). 7 4. Sources & prices of medicines Table 1. Anti-infective medicines Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than Antibacterials of of 25th 25th beta-lactam medicines manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain cefixime paediatric oral suspension, 4 3 ml 0.201 0.016 0.028 0.023 1 none 1.422 100 mg/ 5 ml paediatric oral suspension, 1 1 ml 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.108 1 none n/a 40 mg/ 5 ml tablet, 200 mg 4 3 tab 1.213 0.210 0.438 0.334 1 none 0.790 tablet, 400 mg 6 6 tab 0.460 0.064 0.103 0.075 2 none n/a ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg 11 7 vial 2.250 0.600 1.000 0.790 3 1.113 2.274 (as sodium salt) in vial powder for injection, 1 g 3 3 vial 1.820 0.679 1.000 0.839 1 none n/a (as sodium salt) in vial Other antibacterials azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) 5 3 caps 0.532 0.120 0.200 0.146 2 none 1.251 capsule, 500 mg (dihydrate) 3 2 caps 2.812 0.180 0.300 0.240 1 1.106 3.861 capreomycin powder for injection, 1 g in vial 2 2 vial 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 1 none 2.361 ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg (as hydrochloride) 25 12 tab 0.792 0.011 0.047 0.017 3 0.026 0.303 tablet, 500 mg (as hydrochloride) 3 3 tab 0.170 0.024 0.054 0.039 1 none n/a clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg 12 8 tab 0.700 0.105 0.150 0.137 3 0.504 0.568 (as 500 mg) clindamycin capsule, 150 mg 3 3 caps 0.311 0.036 0.113 0.074 1 0.118 n/a injection, 150 mg (as phosphate)/ml 2 2 2 ml vial 1.592 0.191 0.891 0.541 1 0.4715 n/a (600 mg/ 4 ml) cycloserine capsule, 250 mg 2 1 caps 1.500 0.500 1.000 0.750 1 none n/a SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 8 Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Other antibacterials manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain erythromycin powder for oral suspension, 125 mg 7 6 ml 0.018 0.002 0.009 0.006 2 0.006 n/a equivalent tablet, 250 mg (as stearate) 17 8 tab 0.096 0.015 0.032 0.028 6 0.049 0.104 ofloxacin IV infusion, 2 mg/ml (hydrochloride) 1 1 ml 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 1 none 3.150 tablet, 200 mg 13 8 tab 1.620 0.021 0.040 0.030 4 none 0.718 spectinomycin powder for injection, 2 g (as 1 1 vial 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 1 none 2.275 hydrochloride) in vial sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg 5 4 tab 0.257 0.022 0.036 0.028 2 0.037 0.054 sulfamethoxazole+ trimethoprim oral suspension, 200+40 mg/5 ml 11 9 ml 0.009 0.001 0.006 0.005 4 none n/a tablet, 100+20 mg 10 5 tab 0.024 0.003 0.008 0.005 4 0.010 n/a tablet, 400+80 mg 20 10 tab 0.035 0.006 0.009 0.008 7 0.010 n/a tablet, 800+160 mg 2 2 tab 0.100 0.030 0.065 0.048 1 0.010 n/a Antifilarials crotamiton cream/lotion 10% 1 1 ml 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 1 none 0.573 ivermectin* lindane* Antifungal medicines amphotericine B powder for injection, 50 mg in vial 2 2 vial 9.000 4.464 6.732 5.031 1 none 2.339 fluconazole capsule, 150 mg 2 2 caps 0.600 0.034 0.317 0.176 1 none n/a capsule, 200 mg 7 4 caps 0.600 0.038 0.200 0.126 2 none 6.346 solution for injection, 2mg/ml 3 2 bottle 1.650 0.546 0.820 0.683 1 1.610 n/a in 100 ml bottle itraconazole capsule, 100 mg 3 2 caps 0.960 0.111 0.140 0.126 1 0.256 1.100 ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg 12 9 tab 0.150 0.024 0.042 0.037 5 0.041 0.304 * No price information 9 Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Antifungal medicines manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain miconazole cream, 2% in 15 g tube 4 4 tube 0.400 0.120 0.360 0.240 1 0.428 n/a cream, 2% in 30 g tube 7 5 tube 1.245 0.333 0.560 0.435 2 none n/a Anthelminthics albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg 9 6 tab 0.200 0.017 0.050 0.041 3 0.033 n/a Antiprotozoal medicines pentamidine powder for injection, 300 mg 3 3 vial 48.400 8.599 24.700 16.650 1 none 8.618 (isetionate) in vial pyrimethamine tablet, 25 mg 4 3 tab 0.050 0.004 0.014 0.006 1 none 0.068 tinidazole tablet, 500 mg 4 3 tab 0.024 0.007 0.012 0.009 1 none 0.474 Antiviral medicines aciclovir powder for injection, 250 mg 4 4 vial 14.286 1.650 2.487 1.913 1 1.246 4.873 (as sodium salt) in vial tablet, 200 mg 14 10 tab 0.435 0.034 0.065 0.042 4 0.034 0.616 tablet, 400 mg 8 6 tab 0.500 0.008 0.069 0.060 4 0.093 n/a tablet, 800 mg 9 6 tab 1.020 0.098 0.370 0.158 3 none 2.045 cidofovir* famciclovir* foscarnet sodium* ganciclovir powder for injection, 500 mg in vial 1 1 vial 42.52 42.52 42.52 42.52 1 9.263 21.478 imiquimod* podofilox* valacyclovir* valganciclovir* Antiretroviral medicines abacavir (ABC) oral solution, 20 mg/ml 1 1 ml 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 1 0.156 n/a tablet, 300 mg 1 1 tab 1.350 1.350 1.350 1.350 1 2.044 n/a 4. SOURCES & PRICES OF MEDICINES * No price information SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 10 Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Antiretroviral medicines manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain amprenavir (APV)* didanosine (ddl) powder for syrup, 2 g 1 1 bottle — — — — — none 23.160 tablet, 25 mg 4 3 tab 0.130 0.058 0.081 0.059 2 none 0.252 tablet, 100 mg 6 5 tab 1.875 0.175 0.315 0.212 2 0.385 1.289 efavirenz (EFZ) capsule, 200 mg 6 3 caps 2.001 0.430 0.493 0.452 1 0.846 3.299 capsule, 600 mg 1 1 caps 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 1 none n/a indinavir (IDV) capsule, 400 mg 7 5 caps 1.058 0.274 0.320 0.317 2 none 1.67 lamivudine (3TC) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml 1 1 bottle 5.070 5.070 5.070 5.070 1 10.181 n/a tablet, 150 mg 8 5 tab 1.531 0.119 0.184 0.161 3 0.288 2.701 nelfinavir (NFV) capsule, 250 mg 4 4 caps 0.921 0.252 0.436 0.376 1 0.723 1.255 nevirapine (NVP) tablet, 200 mg 8 6 tab 1.984 0.208 0.247 0.222 3 none 3.822 suspension, 50 mg/5 ml 2 2 ml 0.025 0.014 0.019 0.017 1 none 0.194 ritonavir (RTV)* saquinavir (SQV) capsule, 200 mg 2 2 caps 0.483 0.265 0.374 0.319 1 none 1.147 stavudine (d4T) powder for syrup, 1 mg/ml 2 2 ml 0.013 0.011 0.012 0.011 1 none 0.144 capsule, 40 mg 10 7 caps 2.101 0.064 0.102 0.084 3 none 3.184 zalcitabine (ddC) tablet, 0.75 mg 2 2 tab 0.865 0.046 0.456 0.251 1 none 1.517 zidovudine (AZT or ZDV) capsule, 100 mg 13 8 caps 1.000 0.078 0.132 0.098 4 0.132 0.787 capsule, 250 mg 7 6 caps 1.450 0.255 0.430 0.363 2 none 1.921 capsule, 300 mg 6 4 caps 0.600 0.246 0.326 0.255 2 none 2.497 injection, 10 mg/ml in 20 ml vial 2 2 vial 9.330 2.140 5.735 3.938 1 none n/a oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml 5 4 ml 0.062 0.016 0.023 0.019 1 none 0.073 * No price information 11 4. SOURCES & PRICES OF MEDICINES Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Antiretroviral – combinations manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain 3TC/AZT tablet, 150/300 mg 7 5 tab 2.951 0.063 0.433 0.362 1 0.564 5.558 lopinavir (LPV)/RTV* 3TC/ABC/ZDV 3TC/D4T/NVP tablet, 150/40/200 mg 3 2 tab 0.496 0.400 0.417 0.408 1 none n/a Table 2. Antineoplastic medicines Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Cytotoxic medicines manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain bleomycin powder for injection, 15 mg 3 3 vial 25.000 18.000 21.000 19.500 1 17.433 13.617 (as sulphate) in vial calcium folinate (leucovorin) tablet, 15 mg 4 4 tab 3.012 0.015 1.447 0.254 1 none n/a doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, 10 mg in vial 4 4 vial 20.438 3.000 7.035 4.125 1 2.896 6.456 powder for injection, 50 mg in vial 4 4 vial 95.737 14.000 30.075 18.500 1 10.930 30.817 liposomal, conc for IV infusion, — — vial — — — — — none 424.689 2mg/ml in vial1* etoposide capsule, 100 mg 1 1 caps 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1 none 11.590 injection, 20 mg/ ml in 5 ml ampoule 5 4 amp 25.000 5.000 8.000 5.000 2 2.659 7.772 methotrexate powder for injection, 50 mg 4 4 vial 4.310 1.500 2.680 1.875 1 1.535 3.514 (as sodium salt) in vial tablet, 2.5 mg 2 2 tab 0.188 0.080 0.134 0.107 1 0.109 0.048 vinblastine powder for injection, 10 mg 3 3 vial 14.260 1.400 8.000 4.700 1 6.772 n/a (sulphate) in vial vincristine powder for injection, 1 mg 4 3 vial 6.000 1.500 2.440 1.725 1 1.946 n/a (sulphate) in vial vinorelbine inj conc 10mg/ml in 1 ml vial 2 2 vial 38.000 16.480 27.240 21.860 1 none 18.434 * No price information SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 12 Table 3. Psychotherapeutic medicines Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than Medicines used in of of 25th 25th depressive disorders manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain amitriptyline tablet, 25 mg 4 3 tab 0.012 0.004 0.006 0.004 1 0.007 0.021 fluoxetine capsule, 20 mg 9 6 caps 0.150 0.019 0.056 0.021 3 0.039 0.298 Medicines used in generalized anxiety and sleep disorders lorazepam tablet, 1 mg 3 2 tab 0.325 0.012 0.019 0.015 1 0.100 0.016 methotrimprazine/ levomepromazine* Table 4. Analgesics Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than of of 25th 25th Opioid analgesics manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain codeine tablet, 30 mg 5 4 tab 0.060 0.020 0.030 0.030 2 0.237 0.102 morphine injection, 10 mg (hydrochloride) 1 1 amp 0.2861 0.2861 0.2861 0.2861 1 none n/a in 1 ml ampoule oral solution (sulphate), 10 mg/5 ml 1 1 bottle 2.7416 2.7416 2.7416 2.7416 1 none n/a in 100 ml bottle pethidine inj, 50 mg (hydrochloride)/ml 4 4 amp 0.390 0.332 0.352 0.346 1 0.279 n/a in 2-ml ampoule tablet, 50 mg 1 1 tab 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.130 1 none n/a Medicines used in the treatment of opioid dependence buprenorphine* sublingual tablet, 0.2 mg 1 1 tab 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 1 0.150 0.319 (hydrochloride) naltrexone HCl tablet, 50 mg 3 3 tab 1.434 1.000 1.100 1.050 1 none 2.319 * No price information 13 4. SOURCES & PRICES OF MEDICINES Table 5. Gastrointestinal medicines Manufacturer Indicative prices, US$ List prices, US$ No No No < than Antacids and other of of 25th 25th antiulcer medicines manuf countries unit max min median perc perc Brazil Spain omeprazole capsule, 10 mg 4 2 caps 0.093 0.009 0.036 0.018 2 none n/a capsule, 20 mg 10 6 caps 0.216 0.013 0.099 0.030 4 0.026 0.152 capsule, 40 mg 3 3 caps 0.045 0.025 0.035 0.030 1 none n/a powder for injection, 40 mg in vial 1 1 vial 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 1 0.945 n/a (as sodium salt) powder for IV infusion, 40 mg vial 2 2 vial 3.000 1.950 2.475 2.213 1 none n/a (sodium salt) Antiemetic medicines dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg 5 5 tab 0.056 0.004 0.032 0.029 2 none 0.104 metoclopramide injection 5 mg/ml in 2 ml ampoule 3 3 amp 0.133 0.055 0.084 0.070 1 0.045 n/a tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) 9 7 tab 0.033 0.002 0.008 0.008 5 0.003 0.016 prochlorperazine injection, 12.5 mg/ml 1 1 vial 1.763 1.763 1.763 1.763 1 none n/a tablet, 5 mg 3 3 tab 0.011 0.006 0.007 0.006 1 none n/a Laxatives docusate sodium capsule, 100 mg 1 1 caps 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 1 none n/a 5. Variation in price between surveys SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 14 Figure 1. Variation in the maximum price quoted for ciprofloxacin and fluconazole between the 1st (2000) 2nd (2001) 3rd (2002) and 4th (2003) surveys There is a considerable decrease in the price of fluconazole between surveys, as shown in Figure 1 above, whereas ciprofloxacin has only shown a very slight decrease in price. Table 6. Variation in the price of ciprofloxacin and fluconazole ciprofloxacin, tab, 250 mg max min med 25th perc no <25th perc 1st Survey 1.20 0.02 0.13 0.05 3 2nd Survey 0.95 0.02 0.10 0.04 5 3rd Survey 0.64 0.01 0.10 0.03 6 4th Survey 0.79 0.01 0.05 0.02 3 fluconazole, caps, 200 mg max min med 25th perc no <25th perc 1st Survey 15.24 8.42 14.10 11.26 1 2nd Survey 7.25 0.20 0.36 0.24 2 3rd Survey 1.25 0.20 0.39 0.27 2 4th Survey 0.60 0.04 0.20 0.13 2 0 5 10 15 20 C os t u n U S$ p er ta bl et Survey 1st survey 2nd survey 3rd survey 4th survey ciprofloxacin, tab, 250 mg fluconazole, caps, 200 mg 15 SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS ANNEX 1A Registration status of products included in the sources and prices survey (Listed in alphabetical order of International Non-proprietary Name (INN). n/a indicates data not available at the time of publication. Products marked in bold and with an asterisk (*) are on the list of pre-qualified products, see section 3.) International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries aciclovir powder for injection, Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a 250 mg (as sodium salt) aciclovir powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica 250 mg (as sodium salt) S.A. aciclovir powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes Ukraine, Sri Lanka in process 250 mg (as sodium salt) aciclovir powder for injection, Samchully Pharm. Co., Korea, Yes Singapore, Vietnam 250 mg (as sodium salt) Ltd. Republic of aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Alpharma Indonesia Yes Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. Mexico Yes Panama de C.V. aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Latvia aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Cyprus aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia aciclovir tablet, 200 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes n/a S.A. aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Lomapharm Germany Yes n/a *aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories India Yes Algeria, Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Ltd Cameroon, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Finland, Ghana, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Moldova, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, Zimbabwe aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Hong Kong, Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, Singapore, Jordan aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Korea, Yes Tanzania Ltd. Republic of aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Sanofi-Synthelabo Vietnam Viet Nam Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 200 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Myanmar, Cambodia, Mauritius aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Latvia aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 16 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, Yemen aciclovir tablet, 400 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of *aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Finland, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Malaysia, Moldova, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, UK, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Peru, Hong Kong aciclovir tablet, 400 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Zimbabwe, Hong Kong aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania aciclovir tablet, 800 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes n/a aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes n/a S.A. aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Laboratorios Cinfa S.A. Spain Yes n/a *aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, UK, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, El Salvador, Peru, Hong Kong aciclovir tablet, 800 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Guyana, Jordan albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Artesan Pharma GmbH Germany No n/a & Co. albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Beltapharm SpA Italy Tanzania, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd. albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes n/a albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus No Netherlands albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania albendazole chewable tablet, 400 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Vietnam amitriptyline tablet, 25 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd. amitriptyline tablet, 25 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Tanzania, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Peru, Malaysia, Uganda, Jamaica amitriptyline tablet, 25 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a amitriptyline tablet, 25 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Malawi 17 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries amphotericin B powder for injection, Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a 50 mg in vial amphotericin B powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes Sri Lanka in process 50 mg in vial azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) Aleppo Pharmaceutical Syria Yes Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Industries (Alpha) Iraq, Algeria azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Vietnam, Cambodia, DR Congo azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) Shiba Pharmaceuticals & Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania azithromycin capsule, 250 mg (dihydrate) Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a azithromycin capsule, 500 mg (dihydrate) Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a azithromycin capsule, 500 mg (dihydrate) Lyka Labs Limited India Yes n/a azithromycin tablet, 500 mg (dihydrate) Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. bleomycin powder for injection, 15 mg Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Belgium, France, Ivory Coast, (as sulfate) in vial Madagascar, Morocco, Romania, Tunisia bleomycin powder for injection, 15 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a (as sulfate) in vial Republic of bleomycin powder for injection, 15 mg Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a (as sulfate) in vial buprenorphine sublingual tablet, 0.2 mg ICN Hungary Co. Ltd. Hungary Yes n/a (hydrochloride) calcium folinate tablet, 15 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania (leucovorin) calcium folinate tablet, 15 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a (leucovorin) Republic of calcium folinate tablet, 15 mg Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil (leucovorin) S.A. calcium folinate tablet, 15 mg Medac GmbH, Germany Yes China (leucovorin) International Operations capreomycin powder for injection, Cheil Jedang Corp. Korea, Yes Russia 1 g in vial Republic of capreomycin powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a 1 g in vial cefixime paediatric oral suspension, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a 100 mg/5 ml cefixime paediatric oral suspension, Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, 100 mg/5 ml Central African Republic, DR Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, UK cefixime paediatric oral suspension, Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes n/a 100 mg/5 ml cefixime paediatric oral suspension, Lyka Labs Limited India Yes n/a 100 mg/5 ml cefixime paediatric oral suspension, Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Cameroon, Congo, France, 40 mg/ 5 ml Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Tunisia cefixime tablet, 200 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a cefixime tablet, 200 mg Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, France, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, Ireland, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Niger, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, UK ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 18 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries cefixime tablet, 200 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of cefixime tablet, 200 mg Lyka Labs Ltd India Yes Vietnam in process cefixime tablet, 400 mg Alpharma Indonesia Yes Denmark, UK, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates cefixime tablet, 400 mg Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes n/a cefixime tablet, 400 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Cyprus cefixime tablet, 400 mg Lomapharm Germany n/a cefixime tablet, 400 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Korea, Yes Vietnam Ltd. Republic of cefixime tablet, 400 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Myanmar, Cambodia ceftriaxone powder for injection, 1 g Neon Laboratories Ltd India Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial ceftriaxone powder for injection, 1 g Panpharma France Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial ceftriaxone powder for injection, 1 g Rekah Pharmaceutical Israel Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial Group ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Aleppo Pharmaceutical Syria Yes Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, (as sodium salt) in vial Industries (Alpha) Iraq, Algeria ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Sri Lanka (as sodium salt) in vial ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Cheil Jedang Corp. Korea, Yes Japan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, (as sodium salt) in vial Republic of Vietnam, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Venezuela ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Demo S.A. Greece Yes Yemen, Yugoslavia, Jordan (as sodium salt) in vial ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial Republic of ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Lupin Laboratories Ltd. India Yes Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, (as sodium salt) in vial Ethiopia, Kenya, Romania, Russia, Slovakia ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, DR (as sodium salt) in vial Congo, Russia, Sudan, Sri Lanka ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Mepha Ltd Switzerland No Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Congo, El (as sodium salt) in vial Salvador, Gabon, Guatemala, China, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, Portugal, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkmenistan ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, Cameroon, (as sodium salt) in vial Chad, China, Congo, Gabon, Georgia, Guinea, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe ceftriaxone powder for injection, 250 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a (as sodium salt) in vial ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Alpharma Indonesia Yes UK, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, (as hydrochloride) Norway, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Sweden, Malaysia, Philippines ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua (as hydrochloride) de C.V. ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Zambia, Malawi, Myanmar (as hydrochloride) 19 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Bayer AG Germany Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) *ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Myanmar, Russia, Yemen, Ghana, (as hydrochloride) Sudan, Zambia, Belarus, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Armenia, Hong Kong, Kenya ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Demo S.A. Greece Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Fourrts Laboratories India Yes Sri Lanka (as hydrochloride) Pvt. Ltd. ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Romania (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Glenmark India Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) Pharmaceuticals Ltd ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes Kenya, Mali, Burma, Nepal (as hydrochloride) Ltd. ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Armenia, Belarus, Cambodia, Ethiopia, (as hydrochloride) Georgia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Peru, Zambia ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg IPCA Laboratories India Yes Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, UK, South (as hydrochloride) Limited Africa ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, (as hydrochloride) Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) Republic of ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Laboratorios Cinfa S.A. Spain Yes Venezuela, Dominican Republic (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Lupin Laboratories Ltd. India Yes Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, (as hydrochloride) Ethiopia, Kenya, Romania, Russia, Slovakia ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Cambodia, Myanmar, Russia, DR Congo, (as hydrochloride) Sri Lanka, Chile, Peru ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Mepha Ltd Switzerland No Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Congo, El (as hydrochloride) Salvador, Gabon, Guatemala, China, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kuwait, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mali, Niger, Portugal, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkmenistan *ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, (as hydrochloride) Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Congo, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, PDR Lao, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Myanmar, Nigeria, Oman, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Myanmar, Pakistan (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Korea, yes Vietnam, Tanzania (as hydrochloride) Ltd. Republic of ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, (as hydrochloride) & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania in process ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 20 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil (as hydrochloride) ciprofloxacin tablet, 250 mg Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. ciprofloxacin tablet, 500 mg Aleppo Pharmaceutical Syria Yes Lebanon, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Algeria (as hydrochloride) Industries (Alpha) ciprofloxacin tablet, 500 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua (as hydrochloride) de C.V. ciprofloxacin tablet, 500 mg Glenmark India Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) Pharmaceuticals Ltd clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Alpharma Indonesia Yes UK, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Sweden, Malaysia, Philippines clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Cambodia, Vietnam clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Macedonia, Malta, Mongolia, Moldova, Venezuela, Yemen, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Lithuania, Morocco, Romania clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes n/a clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Cambodia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kenya, Malaysia, Peru, Thailand, Paraguay, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Sudan, Vietnam, Mauritius clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Romania clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Myanmar, Russia, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Ukraine, Vietnam clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes n/a clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil clarithromycin tablet, 250 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization clindamycin capsule, 150 mg Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes Mongolia, Ethiopia clindamycin capsule, 150 mg Chephasaar, Chem.- Germany Yes n/a pharm.Fabrick GmbH clindamycin capsule, 150 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania in process clindamycin injection, 150 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a (as phosphate)/ml clindamycin injection, 150 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil (as phosphate)/ml codeine tablet, 30 mg ICN Hungary Co. Ltd. Hungary Yes n/a codeine tablet, 30 mg Lomapharm Germany Yes n/a codeine tablet, 30 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a codeine tablet, 30 mg Rekah Pharmaceutical Israel Yes n/a Group codeine tablet, 30 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes n/a crotamiton cream/lotion 10% Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes n/a 21 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries cycloserine capsule 250 mg Cheil Jedang Corp. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of cycloserine capsule 250 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes India, Philippines Republic of didanosine syrup, 2 g Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a didanosine tablet, 100 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic didanosine tablet, 100 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a didanosine tablet, 100 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a didanosine tablet, 100 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Brazil didanosine tablet, 100 mg Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia didanosine tablet, 100 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a didanosine tablet, 25 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic didanosine tablet, 25 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a didanosine tablet, 25 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a didanosine tablet, 25 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg Confab Laboratories Inc Canada No n/a dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg Laboratorios Cinfa S.A. Spain Yes Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg Pharmadrug Germany Yes n/a dimenhydrinate tablet, 50 mg The Government Thailand Exempt n/a Pharmaceutical Organization docusate sodium capsule, 100 mg Banner Pharmacaps Ltd. Canada No n/a doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 10 mg in vial Republic of doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis Argentina Yes Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, 10 mg in vial International S.A. Dominican Republic, Costa Rica doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Medac GmbH, International Germany Yes UK 10 mg in vial Operations doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes Sri Lanka in process 10 mg in vial doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 50 mg in vial Republic of doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, 50 mg in vial S.A. Dominican Republic, Costa Rica doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Medac GmbH, International Germany Yes UK 50 mg in vial Operations doxorubicine HCl powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a 50 mg in vial efavirenz caps, 200 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a efavirenz caps, 200 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes TBC efavirenz caps, 200 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a efavirenz caps, 200 mg Merck & Co., Inc. US USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, +70 developing countries efavirenz caps, 200 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes n/a efavirenz caps, 200 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a efavirenz caps, 600 mg Merck & Co., Inc. US USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, +70 developing countries erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes n/a 125 mg ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 22 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Beltapharm SpA Italy Yes Cameroon, Panama, Costa Rica, 125 mg Honduras erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a 125 mg Ltd. erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon 125 mg erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Purna Pharmaceuticals NV Belgium No Macau 125 mg erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Tanzania, Singapore, Sudan 125 mg erythromycin powder for oral suspension, Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, No United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, 125 mg & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania in process erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Artesan Pharma GmbH & Co. Germany No n/a erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes n/a erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Beltapharm SpA Italy Yes Tanzania, Cameroon, Panama, Costa Rica erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes Sri Lanka Ltd. erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Glenmark Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd. erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Yemen, Peru, Ghana, Botswana, Nigeria, Sudan, Zambia, Jordan, Haiti erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Cambodia, Myanmar, DR Congo erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Pharmadrug Germany Yes n/a erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Phyto-Riker Ghana Yes Benin, Cameroon, Togo, Mali, Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Senegal, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Niger erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Kenya, Myanmar, Oman, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Singapore erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Sanavita Aktiengesell- Germany No Uzbekistan schaft & Co. erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania in process erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Mauritius, Hong Kong, Singapore erythromycin tab, 250 mg (as stearate) Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a etoposide capsule, 100 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of etoposide capsule, 100 mg Medac GmbH, Germany Yes n/a International Operations etoposide injection, 20 mg/ ml in Cipla Ltd. India Yes Russia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Malaysia, 5 ml ampoule Ukraine, Ivory Coast etoposide injection, 20 mg/ ml in Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 5 ml ampoule Republic of etoposide injection, 20 mg/ ml in Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, 5 ml ampoule S.A. Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica etoposide injection, 20 mg/ ml in Neon Antibiotics PVT. India Yes n/a 5 ml ampoule Ltd. 23 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries fluconazole capsule, 150 mg Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes Dominican Republic, Malta, Mongolia, Moldova, Russia, Azerbaijan fluconazole capsule, 150 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes Vietnam, Cambodia Ltd. fluconazole capsule, 200 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Russia, Vietnam, Belarus, Myanmar, Cambodia, Macau, Sri Lanka, Cameroon, Ukraine fluconazole capsule, 200 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes n/a Ltd. fluconazole capsule, 200 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes Uganda, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Ukraine, Singapore, Malaysia, Ghana, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, South Africa, UK *fluconazole capsule, 200 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Russia, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Hungary, Jamaica, Peru, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, UK, USA, Venezuela fluconazole capsule, 200 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia, Botswana fluconazole capsule, 200 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals & Yemen, Yes United Arab Emirates, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania in process fluconazole capsule, 200 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization fluconazole solution for injection, CLARIS Life sciences Ltd. India Yes Brazil, Chile, Mexico 2mg/ml in ampoule fluconazole solution for injection, Genepharm SA Greece Yes n/a 2mg/ml in ampoule fluconazole solution for injection, Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil 2mg/ml in ampoule fluoxetine caps, 20 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes Sri Lanka, Myanmar fluoxetine caps, 20 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes Vietnam, Philippines Republic of fluoxetine caps, 20 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Hong Kong, Malawi, Venezuela, Sudan fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Costa Rica, Cameroon fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Cyprus fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg Laboratorios Cinfa S.A. Spain Yes Venezuela, Dominican Republic in process fluoxetine tablet, 20 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Myanmar, Peru, Russia, UK, USA ganciclovir powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes n/a 500 mg in vial S.A. indinavir caps, 400 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a indinavir caps, 400 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a indinavir caps, 400 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a indinavir caps, 400 mg Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia indinavir caps, 400 mg Merck & Co., Inc. US USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, +70 developing countries indinavir caps, 400 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Mauritius, Nigeria, Peru indinavir caps, 400 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 24 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries itraconazole capsule, 100 mg Glenmark Pharmaceuticals India Yes Ukraine Ltd itraconazole capsule, 100 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Hong Kong, Macau, Trinidad & Tobago itraconazole capsule, 100 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Artesan Pharma GmbH Germany No n/a & Co. ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Beltapharm SpA Italy Yes Panama, Costa Rica, Cameroon ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Bilim Pharmaceutical Ind. Turkey Yes Yemen, Trinidad & Tobago ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd. ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Myanmar, Zambia, Sudan, Sri Lanka ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Kenya, Mauritius, Peru, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, West Indies, Armenia, Bolivia, Cambodia, Georgia, Hong Kong, Chile, Algeria, Zambia ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Albania, Cambodia, Ghana, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Hong Kong, South Africa ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela ketoconazole tablet, 200 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization lamivudine syrup, 50 mg/5 ml Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia *lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Ghana, Tanzania, Malawi, Iran, Cambodia, Macau, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, Myanmar, Syria, Cameroon, Central African Republic lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a lamivudine tablet, 150 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire, Zimbabwe lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Peru, Colombia lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia *lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Togo lamivudine tablet, 150 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a lamivudine tablet, 150 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization 3TC/d4T/NVP tablet, 150/40/200 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Congo, Guinea, Central African Republic, Malawi 3TC/d4T/NVP tablet, 150/40/200 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes n/a 3TC/d4T/NVP tablet, 150/40/200 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization lorazepam tablet, 1 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes n/a lorazepam tablet, 1 mg Lomapharm Germany n/a 25 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries lorazepam tablet, 1 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a methotrexate powder for injection, 50 mg Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, (as sodium salt) in vial Ecuador methotrexate powder for injection, 50 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial Republic of methotrexate powder for injection, 50 mg Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Dominican (as sodium salt) in vial S.A. Republic, Costa Rica methotrexate powder for injection, 50 mg Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a (as sodium salt) in vial methotrexate tablet, 2.5 mg Aventis Pharma France Yes Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, France, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Peru, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan methotrexate tablet, 2.5 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a Republic of metoclopramide injection 5 mg/ml Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Myanmar metoclopramide injection 5 mg/ml CLARIS Life sciences Ltd. India Yes Brazil, Haiti, Chile metoclopramide injection 5 mg/ml The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Alpharma Indonesia Yes n/a metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Dominican Republic metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Myanmar metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Fourrts Laboratories India Yes n/a Pvt. Ltd. metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Genepharm SA Greece Yes Peru, Macau metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes n/a metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Lomapharm Germany n/a metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Pharmadrug Germany No n/a metoclopramide tablet, 10 mg (as hydrochloride) Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Kenya, Malawi, Myanmar, Singapore miconazole Cream 2% 15 g tube Fourrts Laboratories India Yes n/a Pvt. Ltd. miconazole Cream 2% 15 g tube Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Zambia, Myanmar miconazole Cream 2% 15 g tube Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon miconazole Cream 2% 15 g tube Pharmadrug Germany No n/a miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Peru, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Beltapharm SpA Italy Yes Cameroon, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Confab Laboratories Inc Canada Yes n/a miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania, Algeria, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Togo, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Cameroon miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Lomapharm Germany n/a miconazole Cream 2% 30 g tube Purna Pharmaceuticals NV Belgium No Albania morphine injection, 10 mg Lab. Renaudin France Yes n/a (hydrochloride) in 1-ml ampoule morphine oral solution, Martindale Pharma- UK Yes n/a 10 mg(sulfate)/5ml ceuticals Ltd. ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 26 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries naltrexone HCl tablet, 50 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Mauritius, Malaysia, Jordan, Ukraine, Russia naltrexone HCl tablet, 50 mg Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon naltrexone HCl tablet, 50 mg Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. nelfinavir 250mg, caps Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a *nelfinavir 250mg, caps F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Switzerland Yes Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Ireland, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxem- bourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, USA, United Arab Emirates, UK, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia nelfinavir 250mg, caps Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a nelfinavir 250mg, caps Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile nevirapine 200mg, tab Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a *nevirapine 200 mg, tab Cipla Ltd. India Yes Cambodia, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, Myanmar, Malawi, Guinea, Central African Republic nevirapine 200mg, tab Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a nevirapine 200mg, tab Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a nevirapine 200mg, tab Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia *nevirapine 200 mg, tab Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo nevirapine 200mg, tab Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a nevirapine 200mg, tab The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization nevirapine 50mg/5ml, syrup Cipla Ltd. India Yes Malawi nevirapine 50mg/5ml, syrup The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization ofloxacin IV infusion, 2 mg/ml Genepharm SA Greece Yes n/a (hydrochloride) ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Aventis Pharma France yes Algeria, Azerbaidjan, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo, France, Gabon, Georgia, Guinea, Hungary, Israel, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Romania, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Zimbabwe ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Romania, Cyprus ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Glenmark Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a Ltd 27 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Yes n/a ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Hong Kong, Myanmar, Yemen, Ethiopia ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Malaysia, Armenia, Hong Kong, Singa- pore, Cambodia, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes n/a ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes Brazil, Vietnam Republic of ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes n/a ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Algeria, Belarus, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Guinea, Hungary, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Khyrgystan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka, UK, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Cambodia, Panama, Vietnam, Zimbabwe ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania ofloxacin tablet, 200 mg Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. omeprazole caps, 10 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India Yes n/a omeprazole caps, 10 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes Rumania omeprazole caps, 10 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka omeprazole caps, 10 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil omeprazole caps, 20 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Chile omeprazole caps, 20 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Malawi, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Lao PDR omeprazole caps, 20 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes Poland Ltd. omeprazole caps, 20 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes Romania, Sudan, Iraq omeprazole caps, 20 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Hong Kong, Peru, Malaysia, Cambodia, Russia, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Guyana, Dominican Republic, Vietnam omeprazole caps, 20 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile omeprazole caps, 20 mg Laboratorios Cinfa S.A. Spain Yes Dominican Republic Pending in Venezuela and Macau omeprazole caps, 20 mg Mepha Ltd Switzerland No n/a omeprazole caps, 20 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil omeprazole caps, 20 mg Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. omeprazole caps, 40 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a omeprazole caps, 40 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Brazil omeprazole caps, 40 mg Tecnimede Sociedade Portugal Yes n/a Tecnico Medicinal, S.A. omeprazole powder for injection, 40 mg Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a in vial (as sodium salt) omeprazole powder for IV infusion, 40 mg Genepharm SA Greece Yes n/a vial (sodium salt) omeprazole powder for IV infusion, 40 mg Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a vial (sodium salt) ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 28 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries pentamidine powder for injection, Aventis Pharma France yes Argentina, Australia, Azerbaidjan, 300 mg (isetionate) in vial Belgium Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nether- lands, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, USA Uruguay pentamidine powder for injection, 300 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a (isetionate) in vial pentamidine powder for injection, 300 mg Lab. Filaxis International Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia (isetionate) in vial S.A. pethidine inj, 50 mg (hydrochloride)/ml Martindale Pharma- UK Yes Ireland, Cyprus, El Salvador, in 1 ml ampoule ceuticals Ltd. Oman, Jordan pethidine inj, 50 mg (hydrochloride)/ml Neon Laboratories Ltd India Yes n/a in 1-ml ampoule pethidine inj, 50 mg (hydrochloride)/ml Pharmadrug Germany No n/a in 1-ml ampoule pethidine inj, 50 mg (hydrochloride)/ml Lab. Renaudin France Yes Lebanon, Madagascar, Romania in 2-ml ampoule pethidine tablet, 50 mg Martindale Pharma- UK Yes Ireland, Nepal ceuticals Ltd. prochlorperazine injection, 12.5 mg/ml Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Myanmar, Sri Lanka prochlorperazine tablet, 5 mg Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Myanmar, Sri Lanka prochlorperazine tablet, 5 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a prochlorperazine tablet, 5 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Yemen, Netherlands pyrimethamine tablet, 25 mg Artesan Pharma GmbH & Co. Germany No n/a pyrimethamine tablet, 25 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a pyrimethamine tablet, 25 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a pyrimethamine tablet, 25 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania rifabutin capsule, 150 mg Lupin Laboratories Ltd. India Yes Bulgaria, China, Czech Rep, Ethiopia, Kenya, Romania, Russia, Slovakia saquinavir 200mg,caps Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a *saquinavir 200 mg,caps F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Switzerland Yes Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Ireland, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, USA, United Arab Emirates, UK, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yugoslavia spectinomycin powder for injection, 2 g Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a (as hydrochloride) in vial stavudine 1mg/ml, syrup Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile 29 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries stavudine 1mg/ml, syrup The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization stavudine 40 mg caps Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic stavudine 40 mg caps Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Ethiopia stavudine 40 mg caps Cipla Ltd. India Yes Ghana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Myanmar, Tanzania, Cambodia, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, Malawi, Guinea, Central African Republic stavudine 40 mg caps Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a stavudine 40 mg caps Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a stavudine 40 mg caps Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia stavudine 40 mg caps Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Brazil, Cambodia, Chad, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo stavudine 40 mg caps Samchully Pharm. Co., Ltd. Korea, In process n/a Republic of stavudine 40 mg caps Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a stavudine 40 mg caps The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes n/a sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg Heyl Chem.-pharm. Fabrik Germany Yes n/a GmbH KG sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg Laboratorio Reig Jofre S.A. Spain Yes n/a sulfadiazine tablet, 500 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Peru, Dominican Republic trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Aventis Limited Bangladesh Yes Myanmar trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania, Algeria, Senegal trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes Uganda, Sri Lanka trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml Ltd. sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml Myanmar, Yemen, Cambodia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Haiti, Papua New Guinea sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Purna Pharmaceuticals NV Belgium No El Salvador trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Rekah Pharmaceutical Israel Yes n/a trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml Group sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Oman, Yemen, Albania trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania sulfamethoxazole+ oral suspension, Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Cambodia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea trimethoprim 200+40 mg/5 ml sulfamethoxazole+ tab, 120 mg Lomapharm Germany n/a trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Artesan Pharma GmbH Germany No n/a trimethoprim & Co. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia, trimethoprim Lao PDR, Costa Rica, Honduras ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 30 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes n/a trimethoprim Ltd. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a trimethoprim Ltd. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Lachifarma, SRL Italy No Yemen, Cameroon trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Lyka Labs Limited India Yes DR Congo, Cambodia, Chile, Peru trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg Rekah Pharmaceutical Israel Yes Kazakhstan trimethoprim Group sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 100+20 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a trimethoprim ceutical Organization sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Alpharma Indonesia Yes Netherlands, Germany, UK trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Artesan Pharma GmbH Germany No n/a trimethoprim & Co. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Cambodia, trimethoprim Lao PDR, Costa Rica, Honduras sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Ecobi Farmaceutici S.a.s. Italy Yes Albania, Algeria trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. India Yes Myanmar, Uganda, Sri Lanka trimethoprim Ltd. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals India Yes n/a trimethoprim Ltd. sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Sdn Bhd Malaysia Yes Singapore, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, trimethoprim Myanmar, Yemen, El Salvador, Mali, sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Haiti, Singapore, Zimbabwe, Armenia, trimethoprim Zambia, Belarus, Costa Rica, Nicaragua sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd India Yes Myanmar trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Malawi, Myanmar, trimethoprim Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Mali, Sudan sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg IVAX Pharmaceuticals Mexico Yes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, trimethoprim Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Pharmadrug Germany Yes n/a trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, trimethoprim Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malawi, Malaysia, Moldova, Myanmar, Russia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Malawi, Myanmar, trimethoprim Oman, Sudan sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Sanavita Aktiengesell- Germany Yes Russia, Madagascar, Armenia, trimethoprim schaft & Co. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Sanofi-Synthelabo Vietnam Viet Nam Yes Myanmar trimethoprim 31 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Shiba Pharmaceuticals Yemen, Yes In process for: United Arab Emirates, trimethoprim & Chemicals Ltd. Republic of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Sudan, Tanzania sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No Sri Lanka trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 400+80 mg Lomapharm Germany Yes n/a trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 800+160 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole+ tablet, 800+160 mg Rekah Pharmaceutical Israel Yes n/a trimethoprim Group tinidazole tablet, 500 mg Fourrts Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. India Yes n/a tinidazole tablet, 500 mg Gracure Pharmaceuticals Ltd. India Yes n/a tinidazole tablet, 500 mg Pharmadrug Germany No n/a tinidazole tablet, 500 mg Remedica Ltd. Cyprus Yes Ethiopia, Kenya, Malaysia, Sudan vinblastine powder for injection, Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 10 mg (sulfate) in vial Republic of vinblastine powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil 10 mg (sulfate) in vial vinblastine powder for injection, Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a 10 mg (sulfate) in vial vincristine injection, 1 mg (sulfate)/ Neon Antibiotics PVT. Ltd. India Yes n/a ml in vial vincristine powder for injection, Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 1 mg (sulfate) in vial Republic of vincristine powder for injection, Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia 1 mg (sulfate) in vial vincristine powder for injection, Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes n/a 5 mg (sulfate) in vial Republic of vinorelbine injection concentrate Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Uruguay, Brazil 10mg/ml in vial vinorelbine injection concentrate Pierre Fabre Laboratory France Yes Iraq, Algeria 10mg/ml in vial zalcitabine 0.75mg, tab Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a zalcitabine 0.75mg, tab Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Colombia *ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Cipla Ltd. India Yes Tanzania, Cambodia, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, Myanmar, Syria, Ghana, Guinea, Central African Republic ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes n/a ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia *ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a ZDV/3TC 300mg/150mg, tab The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt n/a ceutical Organization zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Cambodia *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Uganda, Iran, Zambia, Ghana, Malawi, Cambodia, Congo, Myanmar, Guinea, Tanzania *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes Ivory Coast, Gabon zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Far Manguinhos Brazil Yes n/a ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 32 International Non-Proprietary Dosage form National Registration in Name (INN) & strength Manufacturer Country Registration other countries zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg IPCA Laboratories Limited India Yes Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zaire, Zimbabwe zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Korea United Pharm. Inc. Korea, Yes List to be provided. Vietnam, Cambodia Republic of zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Rep. Dominican zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Nigeria zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Ltd. Korea, Yes Vietnam, Guinea Republic of zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 100 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt Cambodia ceutical Organization zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Apotex Protein, S.A. de C.V.Mexico Yes Panama, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes Ivory Coast, Gabon zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Mexico, Brazil, Colombia zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Ltd. Korea, Yes Nigeria Republic of zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 250 mg Strides Arcolab Limited India No n/a zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes Cambodia, Haiti *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg Cipla Ltd. India Yes Malawi, Cameroon, Iran, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, Myanmar, Guinea, Tanzania zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes Ivory Coast *zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd India Yes Benin, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Guatemala, Guinea, Mali, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Togo zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg Samchully Pharm. Co., Ltd. Korea, No n/a Republic of zidovudine (AZT) capsule, 300 mg The Government Pharma- Thailand Exempt Cambodia ceutical Organization zidovudine (AZT) injection, 10 mg/ml Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Mexico, Brazil in 20-ml vial zidovudine (AZT) injection, 10 mg/ml Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, in 20-ml vial Bolivia zidovudine (AZT) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. India Yes n/a *zidovudine (AZT) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml Cipla Ltd. India Yes Burundi, Congo, Uganda zidovudine (AZT) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml Combino Pharm, S.L. Spain Yes n/a zidovudine (AZT) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml Lab. Filaxis International S.A. Argentina Yes Uruguay, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia zidovudine (AZT) oral solution, 50 mg/5 ml Laboratorio Dosa S.A. US Yes Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia 33 ANNEX 1A. REGISTRATION STATUS OF PRODUCTS INCLUDED IN THE SOURCES AND PRICES SURVEY AN N EX 1 B In d ex o f m an u fa ct u re rs M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts Al ep po P ha rm ac eu tic al PO B ox 5 17 + 96 3 21 2 24 4 10 0 + 96 3 21 2 21 4 28 8 al ph as yr @ ne t.s y az ith ro m yc in , c ef tr ia xo ne , c ip r o flo xa ci n In du st rie s (A lp ha ) Al ep po w w w .a lp ha -s yr ia .c om Sy ria Al ph ar m a Jl , R ay a Bo go r km 2 8 + 62 2 1 87 1 03 11 + 62 2 1 87 1 00 44 he rn y. pr as et ya @ al ph ar m a. no ac ic lo vi r, ce fix im e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , P. O . B ox 1 04 4 JA T m et oc lo pr am id e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Ja ka rt a 13 71 0 In do ne si a Ap ot ex P ro te in , S .A . An il N o. 8 65 + 52 5 55 6 57 08 88 + 52 5 55 6 57 09 86 pr ot ei n3 @ ib m .n et ac ic lo vi r, ci pr of lo xa ci n, d id an os in e, d im en hy dr in at e, de C .V . G ra nj as M ex ic o, Iz ta ca lc o w w w .a po te x. co m .m x flu ox et in e, m et oc lo pr am id e, m ic on az ol e, o m ep ra zo le , M ex ic o 08 40 0 st av ud in e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Ar te sa n Ph ar m a O st er br oo ks w eg 1 5 + 49 4 0 54 22 70 + 49 4 0 54 22 70 j.a hl er s@ ph ar m a- ai d. de al be nd az ol e, a m itr ip ty lin e, e ry th ro m yc in , k et oc on az ol e, G m bH & C o. Sc he ne fe ld 2 28 69 ht tp :/ /w w w .p ha rm a- ai d. de py rim et ha m in e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im G er m an y Av en tis L im ite d 6/ 2/ A, S eg un B ag ic ha + 88 0 2 95 62 89 3 + 88 0 2 95 50 00 9 kh an -m d. ta riq ue @ av en tis .c om ce ftr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n, e ry th ro m yc in , m et oc lo pr am id e, D ha ka 1 00 0 ht tp :/ /w w w .a ve nt is .c om pr oc hl or pe ra zi ne , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Ba ng la de sh Av en tis P ha rm a 20 , A ve nu e Ra ym on d + 33 1 5 57 1 76 37 + 33 -1 5 57 1 74 47 sa nd rin e. gi ra rd ot @ av en tis .c om bl eo m yc in , c ef ix im e, m et ho tr ex at e, o flo xa ci n, p en ta m id in e Ar on / Tr i E 1/ 36 0 ht tp :/ /w w w .a ve nt is .c om An to ny C ed ex 9 21 65 Fr an ce Ba nn er P ha rm ac ap s Lt d. 58 07 -4 7t h Av en ue + 1 40 3 55 6 25 31 + 1 40 3 55 6 85 96 dm ric ha rd so n@ ba np ha rm .c om do cu sa te s od iu m O ld s T4 H 1S 7 ht tp :/ /w w w .b an ph ar m .c om Ca na da Ba ye r AG Ph ar m a D iv is io n + 49 2 14 3 0 24 55 8 + 49 2 14 3 0 58 07 5 m ic ha el a. ox fo rt .m p@ ba ye r- ci pr of lo xa ci n Le ve rk us en 5 13 68 ag .d e G er m an y ht tp :/ /w w w .b ay er .d e SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 34 M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts Be lta ph ar m S pA Vi a St el vi o, 6 6 + 39 0 2 66 40 12 16 + 39 0 2 61 96 71 4 f.p an se ra @ be lta ph ar m .c om al be nd az ol e, e ry th ro m yc in , k et oc on az ol e, m ic on az ol e Cu sa no M ila ni no 2 00 95 Ita ly Bi lim P ha rm ac eu tic al In d. Ay az ag a Ko yu Y ol u G 4 2, + 90 2 12 2 85 22 90 + 90 2 12 2 86 94 72 in fo @ bi lim ph ar m a. co m ce fix im e, c la rit hr om yc in , c lin da m yc in , f lu co na zo le , So k ht tp :/ /w w w .b ili m ph ar m a. co m ke to co na zo le M as la k 34 39 8 Tu rk ey Ch ei l J ed an g Co rp CJ B ld g. 5 00 , 5 -G a, + 82 2 7 26 8 41 0 + 82 2 7 26 8 42 9 04 01 00 @ cj .n et ca pr eo m yc in , c ef tr ia xo ne , c yc lo se rin e N am da em un -R o, J un g- G u ht tp :/ /w w w .c j.n et Se ou l 1 00 8 02 Ko re a Ch ep ha sa ar , C he m .- Po st fa ch 4 24 9, + 49 6 8 94 9 71 0 + 49 6 89 4 97 1 19 9 sa bi ne .it t@ ch ep ha sa ar .d e cl in da m yc in Ph ar m .F ab ric k G m bH M üh ls tr aß e 50 ht tp :/ /w w w .c lin da -s aa r.d e St . I ng be rt , 66 38 6 G er m an y Ci pl a Lt d. 28 9, B el la si s Ro ad + 91 2 2 23 08 2 89 1 + 91 22 2 30 7 00 13 ex po rt s@ ci pl a. co m ac ic lo vi r, ci pr of lo xa ci n, e fa vi re nz , e to po si de , f lu co na zo le , M um ba i C en tr al 4 00 0 08 w w w .c ip la .c om la m iv ud in e, la m iv ud in e/ st av ud in e/ ne vi ra pi ne , In di a ne vi ra pi ne , s ta vu di ne , Z D V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) CL AR IS L ife sc ie nc es L td Co rp or at e To w er s, + 91 7 9 65 6 33 31 + 91 7 9 65 65 8 79 cl ar is @ cl ar is lif es ci en ce s. co m flu co na zo le , m et oc lo pr am id e N ea r Pa rim al C ro ss in g, ht tp :/ /w w w .c la ris lif es ci en ce s. El lis br id ge co m Ah m ed ab ad 3 80 0 06 In di a Co m bi no P ha rm , S .L . Ca rr er F ru ct uo s G el ab er t, + 34 9 3 48 0 88 33 + 34 9 3 48 0 88 32 in fo @ co m bi no -p ha rm .e s ac ic lo vi r, am ph ot er ic in e B, c ef tr ia xo ne , c lin da m yc in , 6– 8 w w w .c om bi no -p ha rm .e s flu ox et in e, p en ta m id in e, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Ed ifi ci o Co na ta 2 Sa nt J oa n D es pi 0 89 70 Sp ai n D em o S. A. 21 st k m N at io na l R oa d + 30 2 10 8 16 18 02 + 30 2 10 8 16 15 87 lx en ito s@ de m o. gr ce ftr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n At he ns – L am ia ht tp :/ /w w w .d em o. gr At he ns 1 45 6 8 G re ec e Ec ob i F ar m ac eu tic i S .a .s . Vi a En ric o Ba zz an o, 2 6 + 39 0 10 9 35 28 0 + 39 0 10 9 35 06 79 ec ob i@ al ep h. it ac ic lo vi r, ca lc iu m fo lin at e (le uc ov or in ), m ic on az ol e, Ro nc o Sc riv ia 1 60 19 w w w .e co bi .c om su lfa di az in e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Ita ly 35 ANNEX 1B. INDEX OF MANUFACTURERS M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts F. H of fm an n- La R oc he L td Ph ar m a D ev el op m en t + 41 6 1 68 8 11 11 + 41 6 1 69 1 93 91 ha ns -ru ed i.w ie dm er @ ro ch e. ne lfi na vi r, sa qu in av ir D ru g Re gu la to ry A ffa irs co m Bl dg 7 4 ht tp :/ /w w w .ro ch e. co m Ba se l 4 07 0 Sw itz er la nd Fa r M an gu in ho s Ru a Si ze na nd o N ab uc o, + 55 2 1 39 77 2 42 4 + 55 2 1 22 90 1 29 7 ro be rt op at ric io @ fa r.f io cr uz .b r ac ic lo vi r, AZ T/ 3T C, d id an os in e, in di na vi r , la m iv ud in e, 10 0 ht tp :/ /w w w .fa r.f io cr uz .b r ne vi ra pi ne , p yr im et ha m in e, s ta vu di ne , s ul fa di az in e, M an gu in ho s, C .P . 9 26 su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , z al ci ta bi ne , z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Ri o de J an ei ro 2 10 41 -2 50 Br az il G en ep ha rm S A 18 th K m . M ar at ho n Av e. + 30 2 10 6 03 93 36 /8 + 30 2 10 6 03 94 02 in fo @ ge ne ph ar m .g r ac ic lo vi r, ce fix im e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , Pa lli ni 1 53 51 ht tp :/ /w w w .g en ep ha rm .g r flu co na zo le , f lu ox et in e, m et oc lo pr am id e, o flo xa ci n, G re ec e om ep ra zo le G le nm ar k Ph ar m ac eu tic al s L- 82 & L -8 3 Ve rn a + 91 2 2 26 57 1 06 0 + 91 2 2 26 57 2 67 7 gl en m ar kl ab @ vs nl .n et ci pr of lo xa ci n, e ry th ro m yc in , i tr ac on az ol e, o flo xa ci n Lt d In du st ria l E st at e w w w .g le nm ar ki nd ia .c om Ve rn a 40 3 72 2 In di a G ra cu re P ha rm ac eu tic al s 10 7, M ag nu m H ou se -1 , + 91 1 1 25 92 03 44 + 91 1 1 25 9 20 74 7 gr ac ur e@ vs nl .c om al be nd az ol e, a m itr ip ty lin e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, e ry th ro m yc in , Lt d. Ka ra m pu ra C om pl ex , flu co na zo le , o flo xa ci n, ti ni da zo le , Sh iv aj i M ar g su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , N ew D el hi 1 10 0 15 In di a He y l C he m .-p ha rm . G oe rz al le e 25 3 + 49 3 0 8 16 96 0 + 49 3 08 17 40 49 in fo @ he y l -b er lin .d e su lfa di az in e Fa br ik G m bH K G Be rli n 14 16 7 ht tp :/ /w w w .h ey l-b er lin .d e G er m an y Ho vi d SD N . B HN . 12 1 Ja la n Ku al a Ka ng sa r + 60 5 50 6 06 90 + 60 5 50 6 12 15 in fo @ ho vi d. co m ac ic lo vi r, er y t hr om yc in , k et oc on az ol e, m ic on az ol e Ip oh 3 00 10 ht tp :/ /w w w .h ov id .c om / of lo xa ci n, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im M al ay si a IC N H un ga ry C o. L td . Ti sz av as va ri, K ab ay J .u .2 9 + 36 1 34 55 91 6 + 36 1 34 55 92 3 gk er es zt ur y@ ic np ha rm .c om bu pr en or ph in e, c od ei ne 44 40 H un ga ry ht tp :/ /w w w .ic np ha rm .c om In ta s Ph ar m ac eu tic al s Lt d 2n d flo or , C hi nu bh ai C en tr e, + 91 7 9 65 7 66 55 + 91 7 9 65 7 88 62 al ke sh _s ha h@ in ta sp ha rm a. co m am itr ip ty lin e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , i tr ac on az ol e, As hr am R oa d w w w .in ta sp ha rm a. co m ke to co na zo le , l or az ep am , n al tr ex on e HC l, Ah m ed ab ad 3 80 0 09 of lo xa ci n, o m ep ra zo le , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im In di a SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 36 M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts IP CA L ab or at or ie s Li m ite d 48 , K an di vl i I nd us tr ia l + 91 2 2 28 68 42 41 / + 91 2 2 28 68 6 61 3 ip ca @ ip ca .c o. in ac ic lo vi r, ci pr of lo xa ci n, fl uc on az ol e, fl uo xe tin e, la m iv ud in e, Es ta te 93 90 /2 03 0 ht tp :/ /w w w .ip ca .c o. in m et oc lo pr am id e, o flo xa ci n, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , Ka nd iv li (W es t) 40 00 67 zi do vu di ne (A ZT ) In di a IV AX P ha rm ac eu tic al s Ca lz . D e Tl al pa n 30 07 + 52 5 55 5 99 00 00 + 52 5 55 6 17 81 64 jp en ic he @ iv ax ph ar m a. co m .m x ci pr of lo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , f lu ox et in e, it ra co na zo le , M ex ic o, S .A . d e C. V Co l. Sa nt a Ur su la C oa pa ke to co na zo le , m ic on az ol e, o m ep ra zo le 04 65 0 M ex ic o Ko re a Un ite d Ph ar m . I nc . 15 4- 8, N on hy n- D on g + 82 2 5 12 9 98 2 + 82 2 5 12 0 14 4 tr ad e@ ku p. co .k r ac ic lo vi r, al be nd az ol e, b le om yc in , c al ci um fo lin at e Ka ng na m -K u w w w .k up .c o. kr (le uc ov or in ), ce fix im e, c ef tr ia xo ne , c ip r o flo xa ci n, Se ou l cl ar ith ro m yc in , c yc lo se rin e, d ox or ub ic in e HC l, et op os id e, Ko re a flu ox et in e, k et oc on az ol e, m et ho tr ex at e, o flo xa ci n, v in bl as tin e, vi nc ris tin e, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) La b. F ila xi s In te rn at io na l Pa na m a 21 21 + 54 1 1 45 13 8 00 9 + 54 1 1 45 13 8 00 8 lil ia na .b .m en de z@ fil ax is .c om ac ic lo vi r, ca lc iu m fo lin at e (le uc ov or in ), di da no si ne , S. A. M ar tin ez B 16 40 D K ht tp :/ /w w w .fi la xi s. co m do cu sa te s od iu m , d ox or ub ic in e HC l, ef av ire nz , e to po si de , Ar ge nt in a ga nc ic lo vi r, in di na vi r, la m iv ud in e, m et ho tr ex at e, n el fin av ir, ne vi ra pi ne , p en ta m id in e, v in bl as tin e, v in cr is tin e, v in or el bi ne , za lc ita bi ne , s ta vu di ne , Z D V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) La b. R en au di n 12 5, B ur ea ux d e la C ol lin e + 33 1 4 11 2 03 82 + 33 1 4 11 2 03 77 m or ph in e, p et hi di ne Sa in t-C lo ud C ed ex 9 22 13 Fr an ce La bo ra to rio D os a S. A. 28 18 N W 7 9t h Av en ue + 1 30 5 59 1 94 49 + 1 30 5 59 1 77 73 hi sh am @ hi sh am al -fa y e d. co m di da no si ne , i nd in av ir, la m iv ud in e, n el fin av ir, n ev ira pi ne , M ia m i 3 31 22 st av ud in e, Z D V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) US A La bo ra to rio R ei g Jo fre S .A . C/ G ra n Ca pi ta n 10 + 34 9 1 41 53 80 1 + 34 9 1 51 91 84 9 rje xp or t@ re ig jo fre .c om su lfa di az in e Sa nt J oa n D es pi 0 89 70 w w w .r ei gj of re .c om Ba rc el on a Sp ai n La bo ra to rio s Ci nf a S. A. O la z- Ch ip i, 10 P ol ig on o + 34 9 48 3 3 51 0 2 + 34 9 48 3 3 03 6 7 bs an ad o@ ci nf a. co m ac ic lo vi r, ci pr of lo xa ci n, d im en hy dr in at e, fl uo xe tin e, Ar et a w w w .c in fa .c om om ep ra zo le Hu ar te -P am pl on a 31 62 0 Sp ai n La ch ifa rm a, S RL S. S. 1 6 Zo na In du st ria le + 39 0 83 6 60 0 66 1 + 39 0 83 6 60 0 66 2 in fo @ la ch ifa rm a. co m er y t hr om yc in , m ic on az ol e, n al tr ex on e HC l, Zo lli no ht tp :/ /w w w .la ch ifa rm a. co m su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Zo lli no (L E) 7 30 10 It a ly 37 M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts Lo m ap ha rm Po st fa ch 1 21 0 + 49 5 15 5 63 20 0 + 49 5 15 5 63 24 0 lo m ap ha rm @ t-o nl in e. de ac ic lo vi r, ce fix im e, c od ei ne , l or az ep am , m et oc lo pr am id e, La ng es F el d 5 ht tp :/ /w w w .lo m ap ha rm .d e m ic on az ol e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Em m er th al , 3 18 60 G er m an y Lu pi n La bo ra to rie s Lt d. 15 9, C .S .T . R oa d, K al in a + 91 2 2 26 52 8 25 7 + 91 2 2 26 52 8 32 1 lu pi n@ bo m 5. vs nl .n et .in ce ftr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n, r ifa bu tin Sa nt ac ru z Ea st M um ba i 4 00 0 98 In di a Ly ka L ab s Li m ite d 77 , N eh ru R oa d, V ile P ar le + 91 2 2 26 10 6 75 4 + 91 2 2 26 11 1 02 4 ly ka ex po rt s@ re di ffm ai l.c om al be nd az ol e, a zi th r o m yc in , c ef ix im e, c ef tr ia xo ne , (E as t) w w w .ly ka la bs .c om ci pr of lo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , e ry th ro m yc in , o flo xa ci n, M um ba i 4 00 0 99 om ep ra zo le , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im In di a M ar tin da le Hu be rt R oa d + 44 1 27 7 26 66 00 + 44 1 27 7 26 66 88 m at t.b ar tle tt@ m or ph in e, p et hi di ne Ph ar m ac eu tic al s Lt d. Br en tw oo d CM 14 4 LZ m ar tin da le ph ar m a. co .u k Un ite d Ki ng do m ht tp :/ /w w w .m ar tin da le ph ar m a. co .u k M ed ac G m bH , Th ea te rs tr aß e 6 + 49 4 10 3 80 06 0 + 49 4 10 3 80 06 1 00 d. re hd er @ m ed ac .d e ca lc iu m fo lin at e (le uc ov or in ), do xo ru bi ci ne H Cl , e to po si de In te rn at io na l O pe ra tio ns W ed el 2 28 80 w w w .m ed ac .d e G er m an y M ep ha L td D or na ch er st ra ss e 11 4 + 41 6 1 70 5 43 43 + 41 6 1 70 5 43 38 ha ns pe te r.b au m an n@ m ep ha .c h ce ftr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n, o m ep ra zo le Ae sc h 41 47 w w w .m ep ha .c om Sw itz er la nd M er ck & C o. , I nc . O ne M er ck D riv e + 1 90 8 42 3 39 81 + 1 90 8 73 5 17 04 je ffr ey _s tu rc hi o@ m er ck .c om ef av ire nz , i nd in av ir, iv er m ec tin P. O . B ox 1 00 ht tp :/ /w w w .m er ck .c om W hi te ho us e St at io n N J 08 88 9- 01 0 US A N eo n An tib io tic s PV T. L td . 14 6A , D am ji Sh am ji + 91 2 2 26 87 5 36 6/ + 91 2 2 26 87 3 50 2 ne on @ bo m 1. vs nl .n et .in am ph ot er ic in e B, a ci cl ov ir, b le om yc in , c ap re om yc in , In du st ria l C om pl ex 67 /6 8/ 69 w w w .n eo ng ro up .c om do xo ru bi ci ne H Cl , e to po si de , m et ho tr ex at e, o m ep ra zo le , M . C av es R oa d sp ec tin om yc in , v in bl as tin e, v in cr is tin e 28 M ah al In d. E st at e An dh er i ( Ea st ) 4 00 0 93 In di a ANNEX 1B. INDEX OF MANUFACTURERS SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 38 M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts N eo n La bo ra to rie s Lt d. 14 6A , D am ji Sh am ji + 91 2 2 26 87 5 36 6/ + 91 2 2 26 87 3 50 2 ne on @ bo m 1. vs nl .n et .in ce ftr ia xo ne , p et hi di ne In du st ria l C om pl ex 67 /6 8/ 69 w w w .n eo ng ro up .c om M . C av es R oa d 28 M ah al In d. E st at e An dh er i ( Ea st ) 4 00 0 93 In di a Pa np ha rm a Z. I. du C la ira y + 33 2 9 99 79 12 7 + 33 2 9 99 79 98 3 m le be lle go @ pa np ha rm a. fr ce ftr ia xo ne Lu itr e 35 13 3 ht tp :/ /w w w .p an ph ar m a. fr Fr an ce Ph ar m ad ru g Sa se le r Ch au se e 19 1a + 49 4 0 60 1 79 3 7 + 49 4 0 60 1 63 5 8 in fo @ ph ar m ad ru g. de al be nd az ol e, a m itr ip ty lin e, c od ei ne , d im en hy dr in at e, Ha m bu rg 2 23 93 er yt hr om yc in , l or az ep am , m et oc lo pr am id e, m ic on az ol e, G er m an y pe th id in e, p ro ch lo rp er az in e, p yr im et ha m in e, s ul fa di az in e, su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , t in id az ol e Ph yt o- Ri ke r P. O . B ox 5 26 6 + 23 3 21 7 60 31 6 + 23 3 21 7 60 31 6 in fo @ ph yt o- rik er .c om er yt hr om yc in Ph ar m ac eu tic al s Lt d. Ac cr a- N or th ht tp :/ /w w w .p hy to -ri ke r.c om G ha na Pi er re F ab re L ab or at or y 45 , p la ce A be l G an ce + 33 4 50 3 53 55 5 + 33 4 50 3 53 59 0 f.p or te @ pi er re -fa br e. co m vi no re lb in e Bo ul og ne , 9 26 54 ht tp :/ /w w w .p ie rr e- fa br e. co m Fr an ce Pu rn a Ph ar m ac eu tic al s N V K. M .O . Z on e “P ul la ar ” + 32 3 88 6 00 85 + 32 3 88 6 25 38 in fo @ pu rn a. be er y t hr om yc in , m ic on az ol e, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Ri jk sw eg 1 7 ht tp :/ /w w w .p ur na .b e Pu ur s 28 70 Be lg iu m Ra nb ax y La bo ra to rie s Lt d 13 th F lo or , 6 D ev ik a To w er s + 91 1 1 26 00 2 0 21 + 91 1 1 12 4 23 4 sa nd ee p. ju ne ja @ ra nb ax y. co m ac ic lo vi r, ce ftr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n, c la rit hr om yc in , N ew D el hi 1 10 0 19 31 2 4 w w w .r an ba xy .c om ef av ire nz , f lu co na zo le , f lu ox et in e, la m iv ud in e, In di a la m iv ud in e/ st av ud in e/ ne vi ra pi ne , o flo xa ci n, s ta vu di ne , su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , Z D V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Re ka h Ph ar m ac eu tic al 30 H am el ac ha S tr ee t + 97 2 3 55 8 12 33 + 97 2 3 55 6 59 19 rit e@ re ka h. co .il ce ftr ia xo ne , c od ei ne , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im G ro up Ho lo n 58 85 9 ht tp :/ /w w w .re ka h. co .il Is ra el Re m ed ic a Lt d. Ac ha rn on S tr ee t + 35 7 25 3 93 44 4 + 35 7 5 39 01 92 re m ed ic a@ cy ta ne t.c om .c y ac ic lo vi r, al be nd az ol e, a m itr ip ty lin e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, Yp so na s In du st ria l E st at e, w w w .c yp ru s- se rv ic es .c om / cl ar ith ro m yc in , c od ei ne , e ry th ro m yc in , f lu co na zo le , PO B ox 5 17 06 re m ed ic a flu ox et in e, k et oc on az ol e, m et oc lo pr am id e, o flo xa ci n, Li m as so l 3 50 8 pr oc hl or pe ra zi ne , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , t in id az ol e Cy pr us 39 M an uf ac tu re r Ad dr es s Te le ph on e Fa x E- m ai l/ W eb si te Pr od uc ts Sa m ch ul ly P ha rm . 94 7– 7, D ae ch i-D on g, + 82 2 5 27 6 30 0 + 82 2 5 61 6 00 6 ch em @ sa m ch ul ly ph ar m .c om ac ic lo vi r, ce fix im e, c ip ro flo xa ci n, s ta vu di ne , z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Co ., Lt d. G an gn am -G u ht tp :/ /w w w .s am ch ul ly ph ar m . Se ou l 1 35 -7 35 co m Ko re a Sa na vi ta A kt ie ng es el l- Am B ah nh of 1 –3 + 49 2 38 9 79 72 0 + 49 2 38 9 79 72 59 in fo @ sa na vi ta .n et er yt hr om yc in , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im sc ha ft & C o. W er ne 5 93 68 w w w .s an av ita .n et G er m an y Sa no fi- Sy nt he la bo V ie tn am 44 0 N gu ye n Th i M in h + 84 8 8 34 14 40 + 84 8 8 34 18 84 ho ng -th in h. ng uy en @ sa no fi- sy nt ac ic lo vi r, am ox ic ili n, s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Kh ai , D .3 he la bo .c om Ho C hi M in h Ci ty w w w .s an of i-s yn th el ab o. co m Vi et na m Sc an ph ar m A /S To ps ty kk et , 1 2 + 45 4 58 22 02 2 + 45 4 58 23 03 3 sh @ sc an ph ar m .d k su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Bi rk er od , 3 46 0 ht tp :/ /w w w .s ca np ha rm .d k D en m ar k Sh ib a Ph ar m ac eu tic al s P. O . B ox 4 26 5 + 96 7 1 21 8 45 1/ 2/ 3 + 96 7 1 21 8 45 4 ah ib a@ y . ne t.y e al be nd az ol e, a zi th ro m yc in , c ip ro flo xa ci n, c lin da m yc in , & C he m ic al s Lt d. Se if St re et er y t hr om yc in , f lu co na zo le , o flo xa ci n, p y r im et ha m in e, 9t h Br an ch B ld g. N o. 7 su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Sa na ’a Ye m en SM P ha rm ac eu tic al s Lo t 8 8, S un ga i P et an i + 60 4 44 11 80 1 + 60 4 44 11 34 1 sm fo rm u@ po .ja rin g. m y ac ic lo vi r, ce fix im e, c ro ta m ito n, e ry th ro m yc in , k et oc on az ol e, Sd n Bh d In du st ria l E st at e om ep ra zo le , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im Su ng ai P et an i 0 80 00 M al ay si a St rid es A rc ol ab L im ite d St rid es H ou se + 91 8 0 65 81 3 43 + 91 8 0 65 84 3 30 in fo @ st rid es ar co .c om al be nd az ol e, a zi th ro m yc in , c ef tr ia xo ne , c ip ro flo xa ci n, Bi le ka ha lli O pp . I IM B w w w .s tr id es ar co .c om cl ar ith ro m yc in , c lin da m yc in , d id an os in e, e fa vi re nz , Ba nn er gh at ta R d. er y t hr om yc in , f lu co na zo le , i nd in av ir, k et oc on az ol e, Ba ng al or e 56 0 07 6 la m iv ud in e, n ev ira pi ne , o m ep ra zo le , s ta vu di ne , In di a su lfa m et ho xa zo le + tr im et ho pr im , Z D V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) Te cn im ed e So ci ed ad e Ru a. P ro f. He nr iq ue d e + 35 1 21 9 42 0 08 1 + 35 1 21 9 41 0 83 9 te cn im ed e@ m ai l.t el ep ac .p t az ith ro m yc in , c ip ro flo xa ci n, n al tr ex on e HC l, of lo xa ci n, Te cn ic o M ed ic in al , S .A . Ba rr os om ep ra zo le Ed ifi ci o Sa gr es , 3 A Pr io r Ve hl ho 2 68 5- 33 8 Po rt ug al Th e G ov er nm en t 75 /1 R am a VI R d. + 66 2 24 8 14 82 + 66 2 24 8 14 88 su kh um @ he al th .m op h. go .th cl ar ith ro m yc in , d im en hy dr in at e, fl uc on az ol e, k et oc on az ol e, Ph ar m ac eu tic al Ra tc ha th ew i w w w .m op h. go .th /g po la m iv ud in e, la m iv ud in e/ st av ud in e/ ne vi ra pi ne ,n ev ira pi ne , O rg an iz at io n Ba ng ko k, 1 0 40 0 m et oc lo pr am id e, s t a vu di ne , s ul fa m et ho xa zo le + t r im et ho pr im , Th ai la nd ZD V/ 3T C, z id ov ud in e (A ZT ) ANNEX 1B. INDEX OF MANUFACTURERS AN N EX 1 C G eo gr ap h ic al d is tr ib u ti on o f p ar ti ci p at in g m an u fa ct u re rs Ar ge nt in a (1 ) B ra zi l ( 1) C an ad a (1 ) M ex ic o (2 ) U SA (2 ) B an gl ad es h (1 ) G ha na (1 ) In di a (1 1) In do ne si a (1 ) K or ea (3 ) M al ay si a (2 ) Th ai la nd (1 ) Vi et na m (1 ) Ye m en (1 ) B el gi um (1 ) C yp ru s (1 ) D en m ar k (1 ) Fr an ce (4 ) G er m an y (8 ) G re ec e (2 ) H un ga ry (1 ) Is ra el (1 ) Ita ly (3 ) Po rt ug al (1 ) Sp ai n (3 ) Sw itz er la nd (2 ) Sy ri a (1 ) Tu rk ey (1 ) U K (2 ) SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 40 ANNEX 1B. INDEX OF MANUFACTURERS AN N EX 2 W H O B u lk P ro cu re m en t S ch em e 2 0 0 3 S p ec if ic at io n s o f H IV t es t k it s S IM P L E /R A P ID A S S A Y S As sa y na m e C om pa ny ’s N o. o f te st s As sa y ty pe Eq ui pm en t C os t/ te st 1 C os t/ te st 1 (M an uf ac tu re r) O rd er C od e pe r ki t H IV t yp e An tig en Sa m pl e ty pe re qu ir em en ts € /¥ U S $ CA PI LL US H IV -1 /H IV -2 60 58 G 20 HI V- 1+ 2 ag gl ut in at io n w ho le b lo od G 1. 10 (T rin ity B io te ch p lc ) 60 48 G 10 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s se ru m /p la sm a D ET ER M IN ET M H IV -1 /2 70 23 -1 3 10 0 HI V 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od D , G Ac ce ss c ou nt rie s: (A bb ot t) re co m bi na nt p ro te in , se ru m /p la sm a 0. 80 sy nt he tic p ep tid e El se w he re : 1 .0 0 G en ie II H IV -1 /H IV -2 2 72 32 3 40 HI V- 1 la te ra l f lo w se ru m /p la sm a D , G € 2. 58 (2 .7 8) (B io Ra d) HI V- 2 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s sy nt he tic p ep tid es HI V 1& 2 D O UB LE CH EC K 60 33 20 00 40 HI V- 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w se ru m /p la sm a G 1. 00 (O rg en ic s Lt d) re co m bi na nt p ro te in s, sy nt he tic p ep tid es HI V TR ID O T2 IR 13 00 10 10 HI V- 1 flo w th ro ug h se ru m /p la sm a G € 1. 20 (1 .2 9) (M itr a & C o. , I nd ia ) IR 13 00 50 50 HI V- 2 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s € 1. 10 (1 .1 8) IR 13 01 00 10 0 € 1. 00 (1 .0 8) IR 13 02 00 20 0 € 0. 90 (0 .9 7) IM M UN O CO M B II BI SP O T2 60 43 20 02 36 HI V- 1 di ps tic k se ru m /p la sm a D , G 1. 00 HI V- 1& 2 (O rg en ic s Lt d) HI V- 2 sy nt he tic p ep tid es In st an tS cr ee n Ra pi d G A1 01 20 HI V- 1+ 2 flo w th ro ug h w ho le b lo od G 4. 10 HI V- 1/ 2 As sa y G A1 02 20 0 ep ito pe -c om bi a nt ig en s se ru m /p la sm a D , G 2. 90 (G ai fa r G m bH ) G A1 04 1 6. 00 SE RO D IA H IV -1 /2 22 06 58 10 0 HI V- 1+ 2 ag gl ut in at io n se ru m /p la sm a D , G ¥1 30 (1 .1 1) (F uj ire bi o 22 60 63 22 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s ¥1 30 (1 .1 1) UN I-G O LD TM H IV 12 06 50 2 20 HI V- 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od G 1. 25 (T rin it y B io t e ch p lc ) re co m bi na nt p ro t e in s se ru m /p la sm a 41 SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 42 As sa y na m e C om pa ny ’s N o. o f te st s As sa y ty pe Eq ui pm en t C os t/ te st 1 C os t/ te st 1 (M an uf ac tu re r) O rd er C od e pe r ki t H IV t yp e An tig en Sa m pl e ty pe re qu ir em en ts € /¥ U S $ AD VA N CE D Q UA LI TY TM R AP ID IT P0 20 02 -T C4 0 40 HI V- 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od D , G 0. 50 HI V TE ST (I nT ec P ro du ct s In c. ) re co m bi na nt p ro te in s se ru m /p la sm a (S EA R & W PR o nl y) FI RS T RE SP O N SE TM H IV -1 / D D /1 38 30 HI V- 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od D , G 0. 70 HI V- 2 W B Ca rd T es t re co m bi na nt p ro te in s se ru m /p la sm a (P re m ie r M ed ic al C or po ra tio n) (S EA R & W PR o nl y) IN ST AN TC HE K™ - H IV 1 + 2 8- 10 03 -4 0 40 HI V- 1+ 2 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od G 1. 07 RA PI D T ES T (E Y La bo ra to rie s) 8- 10 03 -1 00 10 0 se ru m /p la sm a 1. 00 (S EA R & W PR o nl y) SD B IO LI N E HI V 1/ 2 3. 02 03 FK 10 30 HI V- 1 la te ra l f lo w w ho le b lo od D , G 0. 92 (S ta nd ar d D ia gn os tic s In c. ) HI V- 2 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s se ru m /p la sm a (S EA R & W PR o nl y) E L IS A A S S A Y S EN ZY G N O ST A N TI -H IV 1 /2 O Q FK 13 2 x 96 HI V- 1+ 2+ 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s 45 0 nm A, B , C , D , E , F 0. 99 pl us (D ad e Be hr in g AG ) O Q FK 21 10 x 9 6 0. 75 En zy gn os t/ TM B re ag en t k it O Q FK 17 G EN SC RE EN H IV A g- Ab 72 37 5 96 HI V- 1+ 2+ 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s, 45 0 nm A, B , C , D , E , F € 0. 55 (0 .5 9) (B io Ra d) 72 37 6 48 0 HI V Ag sy nt he tic p ep tid es 62 0 nm € 0. 50 (0 .5 4) HI V- 1/ HI V- 2 gO E IA 1D 89 -2 4 10 0 HI V- 1+ 2+ 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s 49 2 nm A, B , C , D , E , F 0. 85 (A bb ot t) 1D 89 -3 2 10 00 0. 60 HI V EI A 61 11 01 1 96 HI V- 1+ 2 sy nt he tic p ep tid es 45 0 nm A, B , C , D , E , F € 0. 40 (0 .4 3) (A ni la bs ys te m s Lt d O Y) 61 11 01 2 48 0 € 0. 36 (0 .3 9) 61 11 01 3 96 0 € 0. 34 (0 .3 7) RE CO M BI G EN H IV -1 /2 E IA 96 04 01 A 19 2 HI V- 1+ 2 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s 49 2 nm A, B , C , D , E , F 0. 45 (T rin ity B io te ch p lc ) UB I H IV -1 /2 E IA 68 03 28 19 2 HI V- 1+ 2 sy nt he tic p ep tid es 49 2 nm A, B , C , D , E , F 0. 40 (U ni te d Bi om ed ic al ) VI RO N O ST IK A HI V UN I-F O RM II 28 40 17 19 2 HI V- 1+ 2+ 0 re co m bi na nt p ro te in s, 45 0 nm A, B , C , D , E , F € 0. 63 (0 .6 9) PL US O (B io m ér ie ux B V) 28 40 18 57 6 sy nt he tic p ep tid es € 0. 25 (0 .4 9) 43 S U P P L E M E N T A L A S S A Y S As sa y na m e C om pa ny ’s N o. o f te st s As sa y ty pe Eq ui pm en t C os t/ te st 1 C os t/ te st 1 (M an uf ac tu re r) O rd er C od e pe r ki t H IV t yp e An tig en Sa m pl e ty pe re qu ir em en ts € /¥ U S $ HI V BL O T 2. 22 11 03 1- 01 8 36 HI V- 1+ 2 vi ra l l ys at e + N A C, D , E 10 .9 7 (G en el ab s D ia gn os tic s) 11 03 1- 03 6 sy nt he tic p ep tid e IN N O -L IA H IV -1 /H IV -2 A b2 80 00 7 20 HI V- 1+ 2 re co m bi na nt + N A D , E € 12 .0 0 (1 2. 92 ) (In no ge ne tic s) sy nt he tic p ep tid e PE PT I-L AV 1 -2 2 ( Bi oR ad ) 72 25 3 10 HI V- 1, H IV -2 sy nt he tic p ep tid es N A C, D , E € 15 .0 0 (1 6. 15 ) N EW L AV B LO T II (B io Ra d) 72 25 2 18 HI V- 2 N A D , E € 13 .0 0 (1 3. 99 ) N ot es 1 Pl ea se n ot e th at th is p ric e do es n ot in cl ud e fr e ig ht n or o th er c ha r g es . 2 Th es e as sa ys c an d is cr im in at e be tw ee n HI V- 1 an d HI V- 2. Eq ui pm en t r eq ui re m en ts : A : E LI SA r ea de r; B : E LI SA w as he r; C : C on su m ab le s; D : P ip et te ; E : P ow er s up pl y ; F : F or la rg e vo lu m e te st in g m or e th an 4 0 sa m pl es d ai ly ; G : F or s m al l v ol um e te st in g 1 to 4 0 sa m pl es d ai ly . ANNEX 2. WHO BULK PROCUREMENT SCHEME 2003 AN N EX 3 A S u m m ar y o f m ai n c h ar ac te ri st ic s o f m et h o d s fo r C D 4 /C D 8 l y m p h o cy te d et er m in at io n Fl ow c yt om et ry FA C SC ou nt tm C ou lte r m an ua l Zy m m un e C ap ce lli a D yn ab ea ds R Im m un oa lk al in e C D 4+ c ou nt k it Ph os ph at as e M an uf ac tu re r Be ct on D ic ki ns on Be ct on D ic ki ns on Co ul te r Co rp . Zy na xi s In c. Sa no fi D ia gn os tic s D yn al A /S Re ag en ts a va ila bl e Co ul te r Co rp . Pa st eu r co m m er ci al ly O rt ho D ia gn os tic S ys t. In st ru m en t Fl ow c yt om et er a nd Au to m at ed s pe ci al Au to m at ed o r lig ht M ic ro tit er E IA M ic ro tit er E IA M ag ne t a nd c ou nt in g Li gh t m ic ro sc op e co m pu te r as si st ed in st ru m en t m ic ro sc op e an d eq ui pm en t* a lt. li gh t an al y s is . he m at oc y t om et er . or fl ou re sc en ce Pr ep ar at io n ca n be m ic ro sc op e au to m at ed . M ay n ee d us e of c el l c ou nt er . D et ec tio n sy st em Fl uo re sc en ce la be lle d Fl uo re sc en ce la be lle d an ti- CD 4 M AB An ti- CD 4 an d An ti- CD 4 an d An ti- CD 4 an d CD 8 St ai ni ng o f b lo od s m ea rs M AB a ga in st c el l an ti- CD 3, C D 4 an d co nj ug at ed to b ea ds CD 8 M AB CD 8 M AB co nj ug at ed to w ith a nt i-C D 3, C D 4 an d su rf ac e m ol ec ul es . CD 8 M AB m ag en tic b ea ds . CD 8 M AB Sp ec im en W ho le b lo od w ith W ho le b lo od W ho le b lo od W ho le b lo od PB M C W ho le b lo od Bl oo d sm ea r RB C ly si s R es ul ts D ou bl e, tr ip le o r CD 3, C D 4 an d CD 4 co un ts CD 4 an d CD 8 co un ts pm ol C D 4/ L CD 4 an d CD 8 co un ts CD 3, C D 4 an d CD 8 co un ts qu ad ru pl e st ai ni ng s CD 8 co un ts an d CD 8/ L (o r an y M AB o f i nt er es t) of a ny c el l s ur fa ce m ar ke r w he re M AB ar e av ai la bl e. C or re la tio n w ith N A 0. 93 –0 .9 8 0. 74 –0 .9 1 0. 92 –0 .9 4 N A 0. 94 0. 96 flo w c yt om et ry (s ev er al in te rn at io na l (s ev er al in te rn at io na l (tw o st ud ie s in U SA ) (o ne s tu dy ) (o ne s tu dy ) (c or r co ef f) st ud ie s) st ud ie s) C os t 40 –8 0 00 0 25 0 00 20 00 15 0 00 15 0 00 20 00 –1 0 00 0 20 00 (in st ru m en ts , U SD ) (s ta nd ar d eq ui pm en t (s ta nd ar d eq ui pm en t fo r EI A) fo r EI A) SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 44 ANNEX 3A. SUMMARY OF MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF METHODS FOR CD4/CD8 LYMPHOCYTE DETERMINATION Fl ow c yt om et ry FA C SC ou nt tm C ou lte r m an ua l Zy m m un e C ap ce lli a D yn ab ea ds R Im m un oa lk al in e C D 4+ c ou nt k it Ph os ph at as e C os t/ te st ( re ag en ts 10 –1 5 20 8 28 5 3 on ly ; U SD , a pp ro x. ) Ad va nt ag es Po w er fu l a nd fl ex ib le , Fe w s te ps , l es s Si m pl e an d ra pi d Si m pl e. G iv es C D 4 an d CD 8 G iv es C D 4 an d CD 8 Lo w c os t. al lo w s fo r d ou bl e, tr ip le hu m an e rr or . L ow Ca n pr oc es s m an y co un ts . co un ts . S im pl e an d Lo ng s pe ci m en s he lf lif e. or q ua dr up le s ta in in gs . bi oh az ar d ris k. sa m pl es a t a ti m e. ra pi d. F le xi bl e, s m al l Sm al l s am pl e vo lu m e. Ca n be u se d fo r Q ui ck r es ul ts . G iv es C D 4 an d sa m pl e vo lu m e. ex am in at io n of d if f ic ul t G iv es C D 3, C D 4 CD 8 co un ts . Ro bu st . sa m pl es w he re a lte r- an d CD 8 co un ts . na tiv e te ch ni qu es of te n ar e in su ffi ci en t. D is ad va nt ag es Ex pe ns iv e eq ui pm en t Ex pe ns iv e eq ui pm en t Sh or t s he lf lif e. G iv es M an y pi pe tti ng s te ps . PB M C is ol at io n by Fe w s am pl es Fa irl y co m pl ic at ed s ta in in g an d re ag en ts . C om pl ex , an d re ag en ts . W or k on ly C D 4 co un ts . de ns ity c en tr ifu ga tio n. pr oc es se da t a ti m e. pr oc es s. re qu ire s hi gh ly tr ai ne d st at io n al lo w s on ly D oe s no t g iv e re su lts Su bj ec tiv ity in La bo rio us m an ua l c ou nt in g. pe rs on ne l. 8 sa m pl es a t a ti m e. as a c el l n um be r, i.e . vi su al c ou nt in g. S ho rt N ot a va ila bl e as a k it. di ffi cu lt to c om pa re sp ec im en s he lf lif e re su lts w ith e .g . f lo w N ot y et a va ila bl e as cy to m et ry . a ki t Ex pe ns iv e. Pr ec is io n (c oe ff of v ar ia tio n) s im ila r fo r al l a ss ay s as g iv en b y th e m an uf ac tu re rs : < 5– 10 % . * Au to m at ed c el l c ou nt er o r he m at oc y t om et er PB M C : p er ip he ra l b lo od m on on uc le ar c el ls ; M AB : m on oc lo na l a nt ib od ie s; E IA : e nz ym e im m un oa ss ay ; R B C : r ed b lo od c el ls ; N A: n ot a pp lic ab le 45 AN N EX 3 B S u m m ar y o f m ai n c h ar ac te ri st ic s o f V ir al L o ad T ec h n o lo gi es (n uc le ic a ci d ba se d) C om pa ny Ab bo tt R oc he B ay er bi oM ér ie ux bi oM ér ie ux Pr im ag en As sa y N am e Lc X ® H IV R N A Am pl ic or H IV -1 Ve rs an t® H IV -1 N uc liS en s® N uc liS en s Ea sy Q ® R et in aT M Q ua nt ita tiv e M on ito r® T es t R N A 3. 0 As sa y H IV -1 -Q T H IV -1 R ai nb ow Ty pe o f as sa y RT -P CR RT -P CR bD N A N AS BA N AS BA N AS BA D yn am ic R an ge 50 –1 0 00 0 00 50 –7 50 0 00 75 –5 00 0 00 50 –1 0 00 0 00 50 –3 0 00 0 00 50 0– 50 0 00 0 00 (c op ie s/ m l) Sp ec im en T yp e Pl as m a Pl as m a, d rie d bl oo d Pl as m a Pl as m a, s er um , d rie d Pl as m a, s er um , d rie d Pl as m a, s er um , w ho le b lo od , sp ot s bl oo d sp ot s bl oo d sp ot s dr ie d bl oo d sp ot s Sp ec im en v ol um e 20 0– 1 00 0 µl 10 0– 50 0 µl 1 00 0– 2 00 0 µl 10 –2 0 00 µ l 10 –2 0 00 µ l 20 0 µl Ar ea o f H IV g en om e Po l G ag Po l G ag G ag LT R am pl ifi ed H IV -1 s ub ty pe s G ro up M (s ub ty pe s A- G ) Al l, pl us s om e HI V- 2 G ro up M (s ub ty pe s A- G ) Al l Al l Al l am pl ifi ed an d G ro up O Ti m e fo r re su lt 5 ho ur s 6– 7 ho ur s 22 h ou rs 2 ho ur s 2 ho ur s 1. 5 ho ur s C os t/ te st $4 0 $1 19 $1 25 $9 6 $6 0 $2 0 N um be r of s am pl es /r un 21 (+ 3 co nt ro ls ) 9– 48 12 –1 68 50 48 96 Eq ui pm en t re qu ir ed 14 Va cc uu m p um p CO BA S Am pl ip re p Ba ye r Sy st em 3 40 Ea sy Q E xt ra ct or Ea sy Q E xt ra ct or Re tin Al y s er Ce nt rif ug e (x 2) D ea d- ai r bo x (b D N A An al y z er , Fu m e ho od Ea sy Q A na ly se r He at bl oc k He at b lo ck Co m pu te r/ pr in te r D at a M an ag em en t W at er ba th Co m pu te r LC x An al y s er Sa fe ty h oo d So ftw ar e, a nd He at b lo ck (x 4) Ce nt rif ug e Th er m al c y c le r He at b lo ck (x 2) co m pu te r sy st em ) Ea sy Q R ea de r Ce nt rif ug e (x 2) Ce nt rif ug e Ce nt rif ug e (x 3) He at bl oc k Sh ak er W at er ba th Va cc uu m s ys te m SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 46 14 Al l a ss ay s re qu ire p ip et t e s, v or t e x m ix er s (& re fr ig er at or fo r al l b ut P rim ag en ) ANNEX 3B. SUMMARY OF MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF VIRAL LOAD TECHNOLOGIES C om pa ny Ab bo tt R oc he B ay er bi oM ér ie ux bi oM ér ie ux Pr im ag en Eq ui pm en t C os t ($ U S) 8 50 0 + L Cx A na ly se r 10 0 00 + C O BA S 10 0 00 + B ay er 14 0 00 0 13 0 00 0 23 0 00 25 0 00 Am pl ip re p Sy st em A na ly ze r 30 0 00 (n on -n uc le ic a ci d ba se d) C om pa ny C av id i Pe rk in E lm er In no ge ne tic s Ex aV ir TM Lo ad Q ua nt ita tiv e H IV -1 p 24 U ltr a EL IS A As sa y N am e H IV -R T Lo ad K it EL AS T EL IS A am pl ifi ca tio n sy st em In no te st TM Ty pe o f As sa y En zy m e im m un oa ss ay fo r qu an tit at io n of En zy m e im m un oa ss ay fo r qu an tit at io n of En zy m e im m un oa ss ay fo r qu an tit at io n of RT a ct iv ity p2 4 an tig en p2 4 an tig en D yn am ic R an ge 7 50 –o ve r 50 0 00 c op ie s/ m l 40 0 co pi es /m l 7 pg /m l – 25 0 (5 0– 20 0 00 0 co pi es /m l) Sp ec im en T yp e Pl as m a Pl as m a, s er um o r ce ll cu ltu re s up er na ta nt Pl as m a, s er um o r ce ll cu ltu re s up er na ta nt Sp ec im en V ol um e 10 00 µ l 10 0 µl 10 0 µl Ar ea o f H IV G en om e Se le ct ed RT a ct iv ity p2 4 an tig en p2 4 an tig en fo r Am pl ifi ca tio n H IV -1 S ub ty pe s Am pl ifi ed Al l, pl us H IV -2 HI V- 1 Al l, pl us H IV -2 Ti m e fo r R es ul t 24 h ou rs 2. 30 h ou rs 2 ho ur s C os t/ Te st $1 3– 15 $ 10 $1 0 N um be r of S am pl es /R un 30 96 96 Eq ui pm en t R eq ui re d1 5 In cu ba to r (3 3d eg ), Fr ee ze r, In cu ba to r, EL IS A re ad er In cu ba to r (3 7d eg ), EL IS A re ad er , r ef rig er at or EL IS A re ad er , c om pu te r Re fr ig er at or Eq ui pm en t C os t ($ U S) 9 00 0– 10 0 00 (s ta rt u p pa ck in cl ud es 7 00 0– 9 00 0 7 00 0– 9 00 0 ot he r ne ce ss ar y eq ui pm en t a nd 3 k its ) 15 Al l t es t s re qu ire p ip et t e s an d vo rt ex m ix er s 47 ANNEX 4 Further reading, references, and contacts Treatment guidelines • Web version only: The Selection and Use of Essential Medicines. Report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2003 (including the 13th Model List of Essential Medicines). WHO, Geneva, 2003. expertcomm.shtml • The Selection and Use of Essential Medicines. Report of the WHO Expert Committee, 2002 (including the 12th Model List of Essential Medicines). WHO, Geneva, 2003 (WHO Technical Report Series, No. 914). expertcomm.shtml • WHO Model Formulary 2002. World Health Organiza- tion, Geneva, 2002. • Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings: Guidelines for a public health approach. WHO, Geneva, 2002. ScalingUp_E.pdf • Guidelines for the management of sexually transmit- ted infections. WHO, Geneva, 2001 (WHO HIV_AIDS/ 2001.01). • AIDS: Palliative Care. UNAIDS Technical Update. UNAIDS, Geneva, 2000. care/general/JC-PalliCare-TU-E.pdf • Safe and effective use of antiretroviral treatments in adults, with particular reference to resource limited settings. WHO/UNAIDS/International AIDS Society, Geneva, 2000 (WHO/HSI/2000.04). useARVadults.pdf • WHO Model Prescribing Information: Drugs Used in HIV- related Illnesses. WHO, Geneva, 1999 (WHO/DMP/DSI/ 99.2). dmp-dsi-99-2/who-dmp-dsi-99-2.htm SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 48 • Handbook on access to HIV/AIDS-related treatment. A collection of information, tools and resources for NGOs, CBOs and PLWA groups. Joint publication UNAIDS, WHO and International AIDS Alliance, Geneva, 2003. health/access/NGOtoolkit/index.html • Policy and programming options for reducing the pro- curement costs of essential medication in developing countries. Levison, L., Boston University School of Public Health, 2003. Resource_materials/Web_Resources/Levison- hiddencosts.doc • A Commitment to Action for Expanded Access to HIV/ AIDS Treatment. International HIV Treatment Access Coalition. WHO, Geneva, 2002 (WHO/HIV/2002.24). 2002_24.pdf • Report on the Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic 2002. UNAIDS/WHO, Geneva, 2002 (UNAIDS/02.46E). update/epiupdate2002_en.doc • Guidelines on interaction with commercial enterprises to achieve health outcomes (Annex to Guidelines on working with the private sector to achieve health out- comes). WHO, Geneva, 2000 (EB107/20). ee20.pdf • Guidelines for Drug Donations (interagency document). WHO, Geneva, 1999 (WHO/EDM/PAR/99.4). pagespublications/ supplypub.htm • Ethical & Social Issues Relating to Antiretroviral Treat- ments, Module 9. WHO/UNAIDS, Geneva, 1998 (WHO/ ASD/ 98.1–UNAIDS/98.7). • Managing Drug Supply. MSH/WHO, Second Edition, 1997. resources.html#top Intellectual Property rights and pharmaceuticals • Drug patents under the spotlight: sharing practical knowledge about pharmaceutical patents. MSF, Geneva, 2003. asp?scntid=2252003114784&contenttype= PARA& • Globalization, patents and drugs. An annotated bibli- ography. Health Economics and Drugs EDM Series No. 9. WHO, Geneva, 2002 (EDM/PAR/2002.1). par-2001-1/who-edm-par-2001-1.htm • Implications of the DOHA Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health. WHO, Geneva, 2002 (WHO/EDM/PAR/2002.3). from_a_to_z.shtml#p • Network for monitoring the impact of globalization and TRIPS on Access to Medicines. Meeting report. 2001. Health Economics and Drugs EDM Series No. 11 (WHO/ EDM/PAR/2002.1) • Globalization, TRIPS and Access to Pharmaceuticals. WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines, No.3. WHO, Geneva, 2001. ood6pagers.shtml • Patent situation of HIV/AIDS-related drugs in 80 coun- tries. UNAIDS/WHO, Geneva, 2000. docseng_from_a_to_z.shtml#g • Globalization and Access to Drugs. Perspectives on the WTO/TRIPS Agreement. Health Economics and Drugs EDM Series No. 7 Revised (WHO/DAP/98.9) Pricing strategies • Cost-containment mechanisms for Essential Medicines, including antiretrovirals, in China. WHO, Geneva, 2003 (WHO/EDM/PAR/2003.6). • Medicine Prices: a new approach to measurement, 2003 edition. Joint WHO and HAI publication, Geneva, 2003 (WHO/EDM/PAR/2003.2). • Public-Private Roles in the pharmaceutical sector. Im- plications for equitable access and rational drug use. Drug Action Programme on Essential Drugs, WHO, Geneva, 1997 (WHO/DAP/97.2). 97-12/who-dap-97-12.htm • Overview of pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement regulation in Europe. Panos Kanavos, LSE Health and Social Care, 2001 • Annex: Comparative Review of Drug Prices. Policies on Pricing and Reimbursement of Medicines in Europe, Networking for Information Exchange among policy Makers. WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, 2000. Websites Partner sites UNAIDS: UNICEF: WHO: MSF: Public drug prices Spain: UK: Brazil: Latin America & Caribbean: HP.htm Canada: WHO: drugpriceinfo.shtml Other: ANNEX 4.FURTHER READING, REFERENCES, AND CONTACTS 49 SOURCES AND PRICES OF SELECTED DRUGS AND DIAGNOSTICS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS 50 Treatment & testing guidelines Taken from AIDS%20Care%20and%20Antiretrovirals • Safe and effective use of antiretroviral therapy in adults with reference to resource poor settings 2000 • Key elements in HIV/AIDS care and support 2000 • Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS for nurses and midwives • Nine Guidance Modules on Antiretroviral Treatments, 1998 • WHO-UNAIDS HIV Vaccine Initiative • Voluntary Counselling and Testing for HIV Infection in Antenatal Care Practical considerations for implemen- tation • Guidelines for the Management of Sexually Transmit- ted Infections • Report of the WHO consultative meeting on ARV use in resource limitted settings, May 2001 Other websites for general information on HIV/AIDS related issues report.htm Contacts For further information about suppliers or products, please contact: • Pharmaceutical and Micronutrient Group, Sources of Medicines for HIV/AIDS Survey, UNICEF Supply Division Fax +45 35 269421 For further information on HIV test kit evaluations or the bulk procurement scheme, contact • Blood Safety and Clinical Technology (BCT) World Health Organization Fax +41 22 791 4836 For any comments on this document, or additional information that could be useful to this project, please contact: • Sources of medicines for HIV/AIDS Survey Pharmaceutical and Micronutrient Group, UNICEF, Supply Division Fax: +45 35 269421 • Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM) World Health Organization Fax: +41 22 7914167 • Department of Social Mobilization and Information, UNAIDS Fax: +41 22 7914741 • Campaign for Access to Essential Drugs, MSF Fax: +41 22 8498404 Alternatively, please complete the feedback form, Annex VI, and return it to: • Sources of medicines for HIV/AIDS Survey Pharmaceutical and Micronutrient Group UNICEF Supply Division Unicef plads Freeport DK-2100 Copenagen Ø Denmark Fax: +45 35 269421 Email: 51 ANNEX 4.FURTHER READING, REFERENCES, AND CONTACTS Please fill out this form and fax it to UNICEF Supply Division +45 35 26 94 21 or post it to: UNICEF SD, Pharmaceutical and Micronutrient Group – HIV/AIDS Survey, Freeport DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Your name Occupation Company name/Organization name Address Telephone Fax Email (required) Internet address 2. FEEDBACK What did you think of the publication in general? ■ Excellent, very useful ■ Good, quite useful ■ Satisfactory, reasonably useful ■ Poor, not useful—please indicate why: What did you think of the medicines included in the publication? ■ Good selection of medicines ■ More medicines required, for example: ■ Fewer medicines required, remove: What did you think of the pricing information? ■ Good, enough information on the prices of drugs of interest ■ Poor, not enough information Have you contacted any of the manufacturers listed? ■ Yes ■ No Other comments: 3. ENQUIRY ■ I would like to participate in the next Survey (Manufacturing companies only) ■ I would like to receive more copies of the Publication Other enquiry: ✁ ANNEX 5 Feedback and enquiry form ANNEX 4.FURTHER READING, REFERENCES, AND CONTACTS ANNEX 6 Untangling the web of price reductions 15 th M ay 2 00 3 Fo ur th e di tio n a pr ic in g gu id e fo r th e pu rc ha se o f A RV s fo r de ve lo pi ng c ou nt ri es pr ic e Un ta ng lin g th e w eb o f p ric e re du ct io ns : co un tri es re du ct io ns price eligib ility pri ceco un tri es re du ct io ns co m pa ny 3 Ta bl e of c on te nt s 4 G en er al b ac kg ro un d an d ob je ct iv es 4 M et ho do lo gy 5 Li m ita tio ns o f th e cu rr en t sy st em 5 Th e ch al le ng e of p ae di at ric f or m ul at io ns 6 Re se ar ch a nd de ve lo pm en t fo r H IV /A ID S 7 Th e ef fe ct s of g en er ic c om pe tit io n 8 G ui de t o re ad in g an d us in g ta bl es 9 Ta bl es 9 Ta bl e 1: S um m ar y of s el ec te d ph ar m ac eu tic al c om pa ni es ’ b es t AR V p ric e of fe rs f or e lig ib le d ev el op in g co un tr ie s 9 T ab le 1 a – N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) 10 T ab le 1 b – N on -N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N N RT Is ) 11 Ta bl e 1c – N uc le ot id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N tR TI S) 12 T ab le 1 d – Pr ot ea se I nh ib ito rs ( PI s) 13 T ab le 1 e – Fi xe d D os e Co m bi na tio ns ( FD Cs ) 14 T ab le 1 f – Pa ed ia tr ic F or m ul at io ns 15 T ab le 2 : Co m pa ny A RV o ff er s an d re st ric tio ns f or d ev el op in g co un tr ie s, a du lt an d pa ed ia tr ic f or m ul at io ns 15 T ab le 2 a – N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) 18 T ab le 2 b – N on -N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) 19 T ab le 2 c – N uc le ot id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N tR TI s) 20 Ta bl e 2d – P ro te as e In hi bi to rs ( PI s) 23 Ta bl e 2e – F ix ed D os e Co m bi na tio ns ( FD Cs ) 25 Ta bl e 2f – S el ec te d G en er ic c om pa ni es ’ A RV o ffe rs a nd r es tr ic tio ns f or d ev el op in g co un tr ie s 26 An ne xe s 26 A nn ex 1 : Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s (L D Cs ) 26 A nn ex 2 : H um an D ev el op m en t In de x (H D I) 27 A nn ex 3 : Su b- Sa ha ra n co un tr ie s 27 A nn ex 4 : W or ld B an k lo w -in co m e co un tr ie s 27 A nn ex 5 : Co m pa ny c on ta ct s 29 G lo ss ar y 31 Re fe re nc es Ta bl e of c on te nt s M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 3 G en er al b ac kg ro un d an d ob je ct iv es La ck o f cl ea r in fo rm at io n on ph ar m ac eu tic al p ric es o n th e in te rn at io na l m ar ke t is a s ig ni fic an t ba rr ie r to i m pr ov in g ac ce ss t o es se nt ia l m ed ic in es i n de ve lo pi ng co un tr ie s. T he s itu at io n is p ar tic ul ar ly co m pl ex i n th e ca se o f an tir et ro vi ra ls (A RV s) . Th e da ta i n th is g ui de o n AR V pr ic es of fe re d by o rig in at or c om pa ni es a nd so m e ge ne ric c om pa ni es i n lo w - an d m id dl e- in co m e co un tr ie s ar e m ea nt t o pr ov id e po te nt ia l bu ye rs w ith c le ar ve rif ie d da ta . Th is i nf or m at io n is in te nd ed f or u se b y go ve rn m en t an d no n- pr of it pr oc ur em en t ag en ci es , as w el l as o th er b ul k pu rc ha se rs o f AR Vs , in cl ud in g he al th f ac ili tie s an d no n go ve rn m en ta l or ga ni sa tio ns (N G O s) . Th is d oc um en t in cl ud es b ot h ad ul t an d pa ed ia tr ic f or m ul at io ns , an d is m ea nt t o be u se d in t an de m w ith t he re po rt o f “ P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S D ru gs a nd D ia gn os tic s of Ac ce pt ab le Q ua lit y ”, a p ro je ct in iti at ed b y W H O a nd d ev el op ed i n co lla bo ra tio n w ith o th er U ni te d N at io ns O rg an is at io ns ( U N AI D S, U N IC EF , U N FP A) . Th is p ro je ct e va lu at es co nt ac te d an d as ke d to v er ify t he ir of fe rs . Th e lis t of g en er ic p ro du ce rs in cl ud ed i n th is r ep or t is b y no m ea ns ex ha us tiv e4 . A ll ge ne ric d ru gs i nc lu de d in t hi s pr ic in g gu id e ha ve m ad e pr ic e of fe rs f or d ev el op in g co un tr ie s an d ha ve a t le as t be en c le ar ed f or m ar ke tin g in t he ir co un tr ie s of o rig in . M an uf ac tu re rs w er e as ke d to p ro vi de th e fo llo w in g in fo rm at io n: • dr ug , do sa ge a nd p ha rm ac eu tic al fo rm • pr ic e pe r un it (o r da ily d os e) o f di ffe re nt p ric e of fe rs • re st ric tio ns t ha t ap pl y to t he of fe rs , in cl ud in g: i. co un tr y el ig ib ili ty ii. p ot en tia l be ne fic ia rie s of t he of fe r iii . ad di tio na l co m m en ts o n co nd iti on s or p ro ce du re s, s uc h as qu an tit y re st ric tio ns , ho w t o ac ce ss di sc ou nt s, b ur ea uc ra tic p ro ce du re s ph ar m ac eu tic al m an uf ac tu re rs a nd pr od uc ts a cc or di ng t o W H O re co m m en de d st an da rd s of q ua lit y an d co m pl ia nc e w ith G oo d M an uf ac tu rin g Pr ac tic es . It is p ar t of an o ng oi ng p ro ce ss t ha t w ill e xp an d as t he p ar tic ip at io n of s up pl ie rs in cr ea se s. A n up da te d lis t of p ro du ct s is r eg ul ar ly p os te d on t he w eb si te s of W H O a nd o th er U N -c ol la bo ra tin g ag en ci es 1 ; pr od uc ts o n th is l is t ar e co m m on ly r ef er re d to a s “W H O p re - qu al ifi ed .” T hi s lis t of “ pr e- qu al ifi ed ” dr ug s is n ot e xh au st iv e. Pr ic in g in fo rm at io n on o th er e ss en tia l dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s us ed f or H IV /A ID S ca n be f ou nd i n th e 4t h ed iti on o f th e re po rt “ So ur ce s an d Pr ic es o f Se le ct ed D ru gs a nd D ia gn os tic s fo r Pe op le L iv in g w ith H IV /A ID S ” M ay 2 00 32 . Th is is t he f ou rt h ed iti on o f “ A cc es si ng An tir et ro vi ra ls : U nt an gl in g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns f or D ev el op in g Co un tr ie s ” , th e fir st e di tio n w as pu bl is he d in O ct ob er 2 00 13 . M et ho do lo gy In o rd er t o ob ta in a cc ur at e in fo rm at io n on d is co un te d pr ic e of fe rs by b ot h or ig in at or a nd g en er ic co m pa ni es , co m pa ni es w er e su ch a s m em or an da o f un de rs ta nd in g or s pe ci al a gr ee m en t iv . de liv er y of g oo ds i n re la tio n to pa ym en t (F O B , CI F et c. )5 In fo rm at io n is p re se nt ed i n a ta bl e fo rm at t o fa ci lit at e co m pa ri so n. H ow ev er , co m pa ri so n is d iff ic ul t be ca us e of t he l ac k of st an da rd is at io n am on g di ffe re nt co m pa ni es o n el ig ib ili ty , te rm s an d co nd it io ns , an d pr ic in g. F or p ro du ct s fo r w hi ch c om pl et e in fo rm at io n w as av ai la bl e, t he a nn ua l co st o f th er ap y w as c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he do si ng s ch ed ul es r ep or te d in W H O “S ca lin g- up A nt ire tr ov ira l Th er ap y in Re so ur ce L im ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth Ap pr oa ch ”6 , 20 02 , or t he C en tr es f or D is ea se C on tr ol a nd P re ve nt io n (C D C) , “ G ui de lin es f or t he U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l Ag en ts i n H IV -In fe ct ed Ad ul ts a nd A do le sc en ts ”, b y th e Pa ne l on C lin ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he Tr ea tm en t of H IV , 20 02 7 . Th is f ou rt h ed iti on p ro vi de s: • up da te d in fo rm at io n on p ri ce s fo r el ig ib le c ou nt ri es , in cl ud in g bo th p ri ce pe r un it a nd p ri ce p er p at ie nt p er y ea r fo r ad ul t an d pa ed ia tr ic fo rm ul at io ns • up da te d in fo rm at io n an d cl ar ifi ca tio ns on t he c on di ti on s an d re st ri ct io ns ap pl yi ng t o th es e of fe rs 4 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 5 Al l pr ic es a re q uo te d in U S do lla rs an d co nv er si on s w er e m ad e on t he da y th e pr ic e w as r ec ei ve d. Al l pr ic es w er e ch ec ke d an d ve rif ie d by c om pa ni es . It is i m po rt an t to n ot e th at t he se pr ic es m ay n ot c or re sp on d to e nd - us er p ric es ( pr ic es t o pa tie nt s) , w hi ch m ay b e fu rt he r in flu en ce d by o th er fa ct or s su ch a s na tio na l di st rib ut io n an d ha nd lin g ch ar ge s, m ar k- up r at es , an d na tio na l an d/ or i m po rt a nd s al es ta xe s. I nf or m at io n co nc er ni ng t he pa te nt s ta tu s of A RV s w as n ot in cl ud ed i n th e pr es en t an al ys is , an d w ill d if fe r be tw ee n co un tr ie s. S om e in fo rm at io n ab ou t pa te nt s ta tu s of AR Vs i n so m e co un tr ie s ca n be f ou nd in “ Pa te nt S itu at io n of H IV /A ID S re la te d dr ug s in 8 0 co un tr ie s” , W H O /U N AI D S, 2 00 08 . Pr ac tic al i nf or m at io n on p at en ts c an al so b e fo un d in t he n ew M SF r ep or t “ D ru g pa te nt s un de r th e sp ot lig ht : sh ar in g pr ac tic al k no w le dg e ab ou t ph ar m ac eu tic al p at en ts ”, M ay 2 00 39 . In cl us io n in t he r ep or t do es n ot co ns tit ut e pr e- qu al ifi ca tio n or a pp ro va l by M SF . N at io na l re gu la to ry au th or iti es a re u lti m at el y re sp on si bl e fo r ap pr ov in g us e of a g iv en d ru g fr om a g iv en m an uf ac tu re r. Pr od uc ts th at w er e “W H O p re -q ua lif ie d” a t th e tim e of w rit in g ar e in di ca te d w ith a n as te ris k (* )1 . Li m ita tio ns o f th e cu rr en t sy st em Th e la ck o f a un ifo rm p re fe re nt ia l pr ic in g sy st em h as r es ul te d in e ac h co m pa ny d ef in in g a un iq ue s er ie s of te rm s an d cr ite ria . Fo r in st an ce , w he re as M er ck & C o. , In c. t ak es i nt o ac co un t cr ite ria r el at ed t o re so ur ce s (H um an D ev el op m en t In de x) a nd ep id em io lo gy ( H IV /A ID S pr ev al en ce 10 ) to d et er m in e na tio na l el ig ib ili ty (t he or et ic al ly , ne ar ly 1 20 c ou nt rie s be ne fit f ro m t he se o ffe rs ), G la xo Sm ith Kl in e (G SK ) us es t he cl as si fic at io n of L ea st D ev el op ed Co un tr ie s an d th e ge og ra ph ic al cl as si fic at io n of s ub -S ah ar an co un tr ie s (a t ot al o f 63 c ou nt rie s) . M os t of t he o rig in at or c om pa ni es , ap ar t fro m M er ck & C o. , In c. a nd Ro ch e, d o no t ha ve a p ol ic y fo r co un tr ie s ou ts id e su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a, or a re n ot c la ss ifi ed b y U N CT AD a s Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s. F or ex am pl e, B ris to l-M ye rs S qu ib b (B M S) ap pl ie s di sc ou nt s to w ho le sa le a nd re ta il pu rc ha se rs i n su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a (t he or et ic al ly , 48 c ou nt rie s be ne fit f ro m t hi s of fe r) b ut n ot i n Ce nt ra l A m er ic a w he re p ric es a re ne go tia te d on a c as e- by -c as e ba si s th ro ug h th e Ac ce le ra te d Ac ce ss In iti at iv e. Ev en w he n a gi ve n co un tr y is e lig ib le , al l in st itu tio ns w ith in t he c ou nt ry m ay no t be e lig ib le f or r ed uc ed p ric es . Ag ai n, e lig ib ili ty i s cu rr en tly a t th e co m pa ni es ’ d is cr et io n. I t do es n ot m ea n th at t he d ru gs a re r eg is te re d an d a di st rib ut io n sy st em e xi st s in th es e co un tr ie s. In a ct ua l pr ac tic e, M SF h as o bs er ve d th at t he m os t po w er fu l do w nw ar d pr es su re o n pr ic es h as b ee n a sy st em o f eq ui ty p ric in g. E qu ity pr ic in g is c om po se d of a s er ie s of si m ul ta ne ou s st ra te gi es : a) st im ul at in g ge ne ric c om pe tit io n; b ) di ffe re nt ia l pr ic in g w hi ch a dd re ss es al l de ve lo pi ng c ou nt rie s, a cc or di ng t o cl ea rly d ef in ed p ol ic ie s, o r vo lu nt ar y lic en si ng o f pr op rie ta ry p ro du ct s; a nd c) r ea di ne ss o n th e pa rt o f na tio na l go ve rn m en ts t o ov er rid e pa te nt s by is su in g co m pu ls or y lic en se s or m ak in g go ve rn m en t us e of a p at en t w he n af fo rd ab le p ric es a re n ot of fe re d fo r pa te nt ed p ro du ct s. S in ce th e ad op tio n of t he D oh a de cl ar at io n on T RI PS a nd P ub lic H ea lth l ea st de ve lo pe d co un tr ie s (L D C’ s) a re n ot ob lig at ed t o pa te nt d ru gs u nt il 20 16 11 . Al th ou gh g en er ic c om pe tit io n is a cr iti ca l fa ct or i n re du ci ng p ric es ( se e G ra ph 1 , w he re t he p ric es t re nd o f a sa m pl e AR V tr ip le t he ra py co m bi na tio n is s ho w n ov er t he pe rio d M ay 2 00 0- Ap ril 2 00 3) , it ca nn ot b e a st an d- al on e st ra te gy a s ne w er d ru gs m ay n ot b e av ai la bl e in ge ne ric f or m i m m ed ia te ly . Th er e is a n ur ge nt n ee d to d ev el op a m or e sy st em at ic , tr an sp ar en t ap pr oa ch t o di ffe re nt ia l pr ic in g of o rig in at or pr od uc ts i n ad di tio n to s tim ul at in g ge ne ric c om pe tit io n. Th e ch al le ng e of p ae di at ric fo rm ul at io ns Ch ild re n liv in g w ith H IV /A ID S ar e on e of t he m os t ne gl ec te d po pu la tio ns : pa ed ia tr ic f or m ul at io ns a re l ac ki ng an d/ or f or m ul at io ns d o no t m ee t ch ild re n’ s an d ca re gi ve rs ’ ne ed s (u np le as an t ta st in g sy ru p, t ab le ts t oo bi g to s w al lo w , ne ed t o re fr ig er at e so m e pr od uc ts , un br ea ka bl e ta bl et s, la ck o f fix ed d os e co m bi na tio ns (F D Cs ), a nd n on -a da pt ed d os ag es . Fo r ex am pl e th er e ar e cu rr en tly n o fix ed d os e co m bi na tio ns f or pa ed ia tr ic u se . 6 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s Re se ar ch a nd de ve lo pm en t fo r H IV /A ID S Pa ed ia tr ic f or m ul at io ns i s no t th e on ly ar ea w he re t he re i s a ne ed f or R & D . Fo r bo th a du lts a nd c hi ld re n, n ew dr ug s an d di ag no st ic t oo ls , as w el l as va cc in es a re n ee de d fo r H IV /A ID S. Ph ar m ac eu tic al i nv es tm en t in r es ea rc h an d de ve lo pm en t la rg el y co rr es po nd s to d ev el op ed c ou nt ry p at ie nt n ee ds , w he re t he e pi de m ic h as m or e or l es s st ab ili ze d. W e ne ed t o en su re t ha t th er e is a s tr on g fo cu s on t he n ee ds of p at ie nt s in d ev el op in g an d le as t de ve lo pe d co un tr ie s an d th at t he R& D m om en tu m i s no t lo st . Ja nu ar y 20 01 -A pr il 20 03 M ay 2 00 0- Ap ri l 20 03 12 00 0U S$ 10 00 0U S$ 80 00 U S$ 60 00 U S$ 40 00 U S$ 20 00 U S$ 0 O ri gi na to r $1 04 39 O ri gi na to r $9 31 O ri gi na to r $7 27 B ra zi l $2 76 7 M ay 00 Ju ly S ep t N ov Ja n 01 M ar M ay Ju ly 01 S ep t N ov Ja n 02 M ar M ay Ju ly 02 S ep t N ov Ja n0 3 M ar Ap ri l0 3 Ja n 01 M ar M ay Ju ly 0 1 S ep t N ov J an 0 2 M ar M ay J ul y 02 Se pt N ov Ap r 03 O ri gi na to r $7 27 Au ro bi nd o $2 09 H et er o $2 01 Au ro bi nd o $2 09 H et er o $2 01 Ra nb ax y $2 95 H et er o $3 47 Ci pl a $3 50 Ci pl a $3 50 O ri gi na to r G en er ic Th e Ef fe ct s of G en er ic C om pe tit io n Sa m pl e of A RV t ri pl e- co m bi na ti on : st av ud in e (d 4T ) + la m iv ud in e (3 TC ) + ne vi ra pi ne ( N V P ). L ow es t w or ld p ri ce s pe r pa ti en t pe r ye ar . G en er ic c om pe ti ti on h as s ho w n to b e th e m os t ef fe ct iv e m ea ns o f lo w er in g dr ug p ri ce s. D ur in g th e la st t hr ee y ea rs , or ig in at or c om pa ni es h av e of te n re sp on de d to g en er ic co m pe ti ti on . M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 7 G ui de t o re ad in g an d us in g ta bl es Q ua lit y: Th is d oc um en t st ric tly r el at es t o pr ic es : pr od uc ts f ro m s pe ci fic m an uf ac tu re rs h av e no t ne ce ss ar ily b ee n as se ss ed f or q ua lit y st an da rd s. Th er ef or e, p ro cu re m en t ag en ci es s ho ul d fo llo w t he ir ow n pr oc ed ur e in t hi s re sp ec t. Pr ic es : ta bl e 1 sh ow s th e be st p ric e of fe rs o f so m e ge ne ric m an uf ac tu re rs a nd or ig in at or p ro du ce rs f or e ac h an tir et ro vi ra l dr ug , in cl ud in g fix ed -d os e co m bi na tio ns . Fi gu re s w ith in b ra ck et s in di ca te p ric e in U S$ p er u ni t (c ap su le s, ta bl et s et c. ). Pr ic es p ar p at ie nt p er y ea r ha ve b ee n ca lc ul at ed a cc or di ng t o da ily d os es g iv en e ith er i n W H O g ui de lin es o r in C D C gu id el in es ( fo r th os e pr od uc ts n ot r ec om m en de d in W H O g ui de lin es ). Pr ic es c an b e us ed a s a re fe re nc e w ith s up pl ie rs . Re st ric tio ns : ta bl es 2 a) a nd 2 b) s ho w r es tr ic tio ns i m po se d by g en er ic a nd or ig in at or c om pa ni es a nd p ro vi de i nd ic at io ns a bo ut t he a va ila bi lit y of o ffe rs i n in di vi du al c ou nt rie s. T he re i s no u ni fo rm d iff er en tia l pr ic in g sy st em a nd e ac h co m pa ny s et s ge og ra ph ic al l im its t o th ei r pr og ra m m es . Ac ce ss : si nc e AR Vs a re n ot a lw ay s re gi st er ed a nd /o r av ai la bl e in ‘s el ec te d co un tr ie s’ , m an y of fe rs f ro m p ha rm ac eu tic al c om pa ni es m ay r em ai n ‘th eo re tic al ’ un til t he c om pa ni es a re c ha lle ng ed t o fo llo w t hr ou gh o n th ei r of fe rs , by re gi st er in g th e pr od uc ts a nd c re at in g pr op er d is tr ib ut io n ch an ne ls a t na tio na l or re gi on al l ev el . Pl ea se r ef er t o An ne xe s 1, 2 a nd 4 f or u pd at ed c ou nt ry c la ss ifi ca tio n by U N CT AD ( Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s) , U N D P (H um an D ev el op m en t In de x) a nd W or ld B an k (L ow i nc om e Co un tr ie s) . A nn ex 3 l is ts s ub -S ah ar an c ou nt rie s. Th is d oc um en t is a ls o av ai la bl e in F re nc h an d Sp an is h on w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg G ui de t o re ad in g an d us in g ta bl es 8 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s st av ud in e (d 4T ) 30 Ze rit ® (B M S) 2 49 * (0 .0 66 /u ni t) 48 (0 .0 65 /u ni t) 36 (0 .0 49 /u ni t) Ta bl e 1a – N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) Al l pr ic es a re i n U S$ . Pr ic es a re g iv en bo th f or a y ea rly a du lt do se a nd b y un it. Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty a nd o ffe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , pl ea se r ef er t o ta bl e 2a . Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of ac ce pt ab le q ua lit y (S ix th e di tio n, 5 th M ay 20 03 ) ar e in bo ld a nd h av e an as te ris k * ne xt to t he p ric e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng t o m an uf ac tu re rs . An nu al c os t is c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he da ily d os es g iv en i n th e W H O ‘ Sc al in g- up An tir et ro vi ra l Th er ap y in R es ou rc e Li m ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth Ap pr oa ch ’ (Ju ne 2 00 2) a nd /o r th e ‘G ui de lin es fo r th e U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l A ge nt s in H IV - In fe ct ed A du lts a nd A do le sc en ts ’ fr om t he Pa ne l on C lin ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he T re at m en t of H IV ( 20 02 ). Ta bl e 1: S um m ar y of s el ec te d ph ar m ac eu tic al c om pa ni es ’ be st A RV p ric e of fe rs f or e lig ib le d ev el op in g co un tr ie s (§ ) B M S se lls d dI ( Vi de x® ) in o th er d os es ( pe r m g pr ic e re m ai ns t he s am e) M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 9 N RT I (A bb re vi at io n) St re ng th ( m g) Tr ad e na m e Eu ro pe /U S D ai ly d os e B M S (U S) G SK (U K ) Au ro bi nd o (I nd ia ) Ci pl a (I nd ia ) G P O (T ha ila nd ) H et er o (I nd ia ) R an ba xy (I nd ia ) Co m bi no ph ar m (S pa in ) ab ac av ir (A B C) 30 0 Zi ag en ® (G SK ) 2 98 6* (1 .3 50 /u ni t) 82 1 (1 .1 25 /u ni t) 13 25 (1 .8 15 /u ni t) di da no si ne (d dI ) 10 0 (§ ) Vi de x® (B M S) 4 31 0* (0 .2 12 /u ni t) 19 7 (0 .1 35 /u ni t) 42 6 (0 .2 92 /u ni t) 65 0 (0 .4 45 /u ni t) 18 5 (0 .1 27 /u ni t) di da no si ne (d dI ) EC 4 00 Vi de x® (B M S) 1 N ot ap pl ic ab le 27 1 (0 .7 41 /u ni t) 33 5 (0 .9 17 /U ni t) la m iv ud in e (3 TC ) 30 0 Ep iv ir® (G SK ) 1 12 4 (0 .3 40 /u ni t) la m iv ud in e (3 TC ) 15 0 Ep iv ir® (G SK ) 2 12 8* (0 .1 75 /u ni t) 66 (0 .0 90 /u ni t) 12 6* (0 .1 72 /u ni t) 16 3 (0 .2 23 /u ni t) 65 (0 .0 89 /u ni t) 10 0* (0 .1 37 /u ni t) st av ud in e (d 4T ) 40 Ze rit ® (B M S) 2 55 * (0 .0 75 /u ni t) 31 (0 .0 43 /u ni t) 53 (0 .0 72 /u ni t) 73 (0 .1 00 /u ni t) 31 (0 .0 42 /u ni t) 47 (0 .0 64 /u ni t) zi do vu di ne (Z DV o r AZ T) 30 0 Re tr ov ir® (G SK ) 2 27 4* (0 .3 75 /u ni t) 14 0 (0 .1 92 /u ni t) 19 8* (0 .2 71 /u ni t) 27 7 (0 .3 80 /u ni t) 17 5 (0 .2 40 /u ni t) 18 0* (0 .2 46 /u ni t) 29 2* (0 .4 00 /u ni t) Ta bl e 1b – N on -N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N N RT Is ) Al l pr ic es a re i n U S$ . Pr ic es a re g iv en bo th f or a y ea rly a du lt do se a nd b y un it. Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty a nd o ffe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , pl ea se r ef er t o ta bl e 2b . Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of ac ce pt ab le q ua lit y (S ix th e di tio n, 5 th M ay 20 03 ) ar e in bo ld a nd h av e an as te ris k * ne xt to t he p ric e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng t o m an uf ac tu re rs . An nu al c os t is c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he da ily d os es g iv en i n th e W H O ‘ Sc al in g- up An tir et ro vi ra l Th er ap y in R es ou rc e Li m ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth Ap pr oa ch ’ (Ju ne 2 00 2) a nd /o r th e ‘G ui de lin es fo r th e U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l A ge nt s in H IV - In fe ct ed A du lts a nd A do le sc en ts ’ fr om t he Pa ne l on C lin ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he T re at m en t of H IV ( 20 02 ). N N RT I ef av ire nz ef av ire nz ne vi ra pi ne (A bb re vi at io n) (E FV ) (E FV ) (N VP ) St re ng th ( m g) 20 0 60 0 20 0 Tr ad e na m e St oc rin ® o r Su st iv a® St oc rin ® or S us tiv a® Vi ra m un e® in E ur op e/ U S (M er ck & C o. , In c. )( ** ) (M er ck & C o. , In c. )( ** ) (B oe hr in ge r-I ng el he im ) D ai ly d os e 3 1 2 B oe hr in ge r-I ng el he im 43 8* (G er m an y) (0 .6 00 /u ni t) M er ck & C o. , In c. 50 0 34 6. 75 (U S) (0 .4 57 /u ni t) († ) (0 .9 50 /u ni t) († ) Au ro bi nd o 43 8 11 2 (In di a) (0 .4 00 /u ni t) (0 .1 53 /u ni t) Ci pl a 46 2 46 2 20 8* (In di a) (0 .4 22 /u ni t) (1 .2 67 /u ni t) (0 .2 85 /u ni t) G PO 24 4 (T ha ila nd ) (0 .3 34 /u ni t) H et er o 54 8 10 5 (In di a) (0 .5 00 /u ni t) (0 .1 44 /u ni t) Ra nb ax y 57 8 16 6* (In di a) (1 .5 83 /u ni t) (0 .2 28 /u ni t) (* *) K no w n as S us tiv a® ( BM S) i n U S, C an ad a, U K, R ep ub lic o f Ire la nd , Fr an ce , Sp ai n, I ta ly a nd G er m an y. († ) Pr ic es g iv en i n th is t ab le a re f or L ow H um an D ev el op m en t In de x (H D I) c ou nt rie s pl us m ed iu m H D I co un tr ie s w ith ad ul t H IV p re va le nc e of 1 % o r gr ea te r. In t ab le 2 b, p ric es f or m ed iu m H D I co un tr ie s w ith a du lt H IV p re va le nc e le ss t ha n 1% , ar e gi ve n. 10 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s Ta bl e 1c - N uc le ot id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N tR TI s) Pr ic e is i n U S$ . Pr ic e is g iv en b ot h fo r a ye ar ly a du lt do se a nd b y un it. Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty , of fe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , In co te rm a nd w ay s to ap pl y, p le as e re fe r to t ab le 2 c. Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of ac ce pt ab le q ua lit y (S ix th e di tio n, 5 th M ay 20 03 ) ar e in bo ld a nd h av e an as te ris k * ne xt t o th e pr ic e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng to m an uf ac tu re rs . An nu al c os t is c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he da ily d os es g iv en i n th e W H O ‘ Sc al in g- up An tir et ro vi ra l Th er ap y in R es ou rc e Li m ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth Ap pr oa ch ’ (Ju ne 2 00 2) a nd /o r th e ‘G ui de lin es fo r th e U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l A ge nt s in H IV - In fe ct ed A du lts a nd A do le sc en ts ’ fr om t he Pa ne l on C lin ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he T re at m en t of H IV ( 20 02 ). N tR TI te no fo vi r (T D F) St re ng th ( m g) 30 0 m g Tr ad e na m e in Eu ro pe /U S Vi re ad ® (G ile ad ) D ai ly d os e 1 G ile ad ( U S) 47 5 (1 .3 0/ un it) M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 11 PI in di na vi r ne lfi na vi r rit on av ir sa qu in av ir (A bb re vi at io n) (I DV ) (N FV ) (r ) ha rd g el c ap su le s (S Q V hg c) St re ng th ( m g) 40 0 25 0 10 0 20 0 Tr ad e na m e Cr ix iv an ® Vi ra ce pt ® N or vi r® In vi ra se ® in E ur op e/ U S (M er ck & C o. I nc .) (R oc he ) (A bb ot t) (R oc he ) D ai ly d os e 4 (* *) 10 ( ** *) 2 (§ ) 10 ( #) Ab bo tt 83 * (U S) (0 .1 14 /u ni t) M er ck & C o. , In c. 40 0 (U S) (0 .2 74 /u ni t) Ro ch e 88 0* 92 0* (S w itz er la nd ) 0. 24 1/ un it( †) 0. 25 2/ un it( †) Au ro bi nd o 39 3 15 33 33 6 (In di a) (0 .2 69 /u ni t) (0 .4 20 /u ni t) (0 .4 60 /u ni t) Ci pl a 40 6 20 26 10 84 (In di a) (0 .2 78 /u ni t) (0 .5 55 /u ni t) (1 .4 85 /u ni t) H et er o 38 7 15 00 21 9 13 35 (In di a) (0 .2 65 /u ni t) (0 .4 11 /u ni t) (0 .3 00 /u ni t) (0 .3 66 /u ni t) Ra nb ax y 46 7 (In di a) (0 .3 20 /u ni t) Ta bl e 1d - P ro te as e In hi bi to rs ( PI s) Al l pr ic es a re i n U S$ . Pr ic es a re g iv en bo th f or a y ea rly a du lt do se a nd b y un it. Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty a nd o ffe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , pl ea se r ef er t o ta bl es 2 d. Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of ac ce pt ab le q ua lit y (S ix th e di tio n, 5 th M ay 20 03 ) ar e in bo ld a nd h av e an as te ris k * ne xt t o th e pr ic e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng to m an uf ac tu re rs . An nu al c os t is c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he da ily d os es g iv en i n th e W H O ‘ Sc al in g- up An tir et ro vi ra l Th er ap y in R es ou rc e Li m ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth Ap pr oa ch ’ (Ju ne 2 00 2) a nd /o r th e ‘G ui de lin es fo r th e U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l A ge nt s in H IV - In fe ct ed A du lts a nd A do le sc en ts ’ fr om t he Pa ne l on C lin ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he T re at m en t of H IV ( 20 02 ). Fo r Ro ch e, p ric es a re g iv en i n Sw is s Fr an cs an d w er e co nv er te d in U S$ ( 1 U S$ = 1 .4 0 CH F on 1 5 Ap ril 2 00 3) (* *) T he d ai ly d os e re fe rr ed t o is 8 00 m g ID V tw ic e da ily w ith r ito na vi r 10 0m g tw ic e da ily a s bo os te r. Th e pr es cr ib in g in fo rm at i o n gi ve n by t he m an uf ac tu re r is 8 00 m g th re e tim es d ai ly (* ** ) Th e da ily d os e re fe rr ed t o is 1 25 0 m g tw ic e da ily a lth ou gh t he d os ag e of 9 t ab le ts ( 3 ta bl et s th re e tim es a d ay ) ca n al so b e us ed . (§ ) Th e da ily d os e re fe rr ed t o is 1 00 m g tw ic e da ily , fo r us e as b oo st er m ed ic at io n. T hi s do se i s no t in di ca te d in t he m an uf ac tu re r’s l ab el . (# ) In vi ra se s ho ul d be u se d in c om bi na tio n w ith l ow -d os e rit on av ir as S aq ui na vi r/R ito na vi r 10 00 m g/ 10 0m g tw ic e da ily († ) Pr ic es g iv en i n th is t ab le a re f or s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a an d Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s as U N d ef in ed . In t ab le 2 d, a ls o pr ic es f or L ow In co m e an d Lo w er M id dl e In co m e Co un tr ie s, a s cl as si fie d by t he W or ld B an k, a re g iv en . 12 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of a cc ep ta bl e qu al ity ( Si xt h ed iti on , 5t h M ay 2 00 3) a re i n bo ld an d ha ve a n as te ris k (* ) ne xt t o th e pr ic e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng t o m an uf ac tu re rs . An nu al c os t is c al cu la te d ac co rd in g to t he d ai ly d os es g iv en i n th e W H O ‘ Sc al in g- up A nt ire tr ov ira l Th er ap y in R es ou rc e Li m ite d Se tt in gs : G ui de lin es f or a P ub lic H ea lth A pp ro ac h’ (Ju ne 2 00 2) a nd /o r th e ‘G ui de lin es f or t he U se o f An tir et ro vi ra l A ge nt s in H IV -In fe ct ed A du lts a nd A do le sc en ts ’ fr om t he P an el o n Cl in ic al P ra ct ic es f or t he T re at m en t of H IV ( 20 02 ). Ta bl e 1e – F ix ed D os e Co m bi na tio ns ( FD Cs ) Al l pr ic es a re i n U S$ . Pr ic es a re g iv en b ot h fo r a ye ar ly a du lt do se a nd b y un it. Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty a nd o ffe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , pl ea se r ef er t o ta bl es 2 . C o m bi na tio n lo pi na vi r+ 3T C+ d4 T 3T C+ d4 T ZD V+ 3T C ZD V+ 3T C+ N VP AB C+ 3T C+ ZD V 3T C+ d4 T+ N VP 3T C+ d4 T+ N VP rit on av ir (L PV /r ) St re ng th 13 3. 3 + 33 .3 15 0 + 30 15 0 + 40 30 0+ 15 0 30 0 + 15 0 30 0+ 15 0+ 30 0 15 0 +3 0+ 20 0 15 0 +4 0+ 20 0 (m g) + 20 0 Th er ap eu tic PI N RT I N RT I N RT I N RT I + N RT I N RT Is + N RT I + cl as s( es ) N N RT I N N RT I N N RT I Tr ad e na m e Ka le tr a® Co m bi vi r® Tr iz iv ir® in E ur op e/ U S (A bb ot t) (G SK ) (G SK ) D ai ly d os e 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ab bo tt 50 0* (U S) (0 .2 28 /u ni t) G SK 32 9* 12 41 * (U K) (0 .4 50 /u ni t) (1 .7 00 /u ni t) Au ro bi nd o 20 4 (In di a) (0 .2 80 /u ni t) Ci pl a 16 2 17 2 29 2* 41 8 30 4 30 4 (In di a) (0 .2 22 /u ni t) (0 .2 36 /u ni t) (0 .4 00 /u ni t) (0 .5 73 /u ni t) (0 .4 17 /u ni t) (0 .4 17 /u ni t) G PO 40 7 32 5 35 8 (T ha ila nd ) (0 .5 58 /u ni t) (0 .4 45 /u ni t) (0 .4 90 /u ni t) H et er o 38 33 13 5 14 1 27 6 38 3 16 48 28 1 28 6 (In di a) (1 .7 50 /u ni t) (0 .1 85 /u ni t) (0 .1 93 /u ni t) (0 .3 78 /u ni t) (0 .5 25 /u ni t) (2 .2 58 /u ni t) (0 .3 85 /u ni t) (0 .3 92 /u ni t) Ra nb ax y 12 5* 13 5 26 5* 28 5 29 2 (In di a) (0 .1 71 /u ni t) (0 .1 85 /u ni t) (0 .3 63 /u ni t) (0 .3 90 /u ni t) (0 .4 00 /u ni t) M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 13 AR V Co m pa ny St re ng th /D os ag e fo rm Pr es en ta tio n Pr ic e pe r pa ck Ad di tio na l in fo rm at io n (A bb re vi at io n) (t ra de n am e) zi do vu di ne G SK ( Re tr ov ir® ) 10 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 20 0m l U S$ 7 .9 0* Co st p er d ay a s in di ca te d by t he m an uf ac tu re r (a ve ra ge p ae di at ric d os ag e ba se d on 2 5k g av er ag e w ei gh t) : U S$ 1 .5 8. Ci pl a (Z id ov ir® ) 50 m g/ 5m l or al s ol ut io n 10 0m l U S$ 1 .5 3* G PO ( An tiv ir® ) 10 m g/ m l sy ru p 60 m l/2 00 m l U S$ 1 .1 7/ 3. 40 Co m bi no ph ar m 50 m g/ 5m l or al s ol ut io n 20 0m l U S$ 4 .2 0 la m iv ud in e G SK ( Ep iv ir® ) 10 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 24 0m l U S$ 7 .4 5* Co st p er d ay a s in di ca te d by t he m an uf ac tu re r (a ve ra ge p ae di at ric d os ag e ba se d on 2 5k g av er ag e w ei gh t) : U S$ 0 .6 2. Ci pl a (L am iv ir® ) 10 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 10 0m l U S$ 2 .0 0* G PO ( La m iv ir® ) 10 m g/ m l sy ru p 60 m l U S$ 1 .4 0 di da no si ne B M S (V id ex ® ) po w de r: 2 g of a ct iv e pr in ci pl e U S$ 1 6. 61 So ld i n lo ca l cu rr en cy i n So ut he rn A fr ic a – so ld a s a bo tt le f or (1 6. 61 E ur o) Ra nd a nd E as t Af ric a - sh ill in gs . So ld i n Eu ro re -c on st itu tio n w ith w at er a nd (* *) to W es t Af ric an c ou nt rie s. w ith a nt ac id s ef av ire nz M er ck & Co .In c 50 m g ca ps ul es B ot tl e of 3 0 U S$ 3 .4 7 U S$ 0 .1 16 /u ni t. (S to cr in ® ) ab ac av ir G SK ( Zi ag en ® ) 20 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 24 0m l U S$ 3 4. 80 * Co st p er d ay a s in di ca te d by m an uf ac tu re r: U S$ 2 .9 0. st av ud in e B M S (Z er it® ) 1m g/ m l po w de r fo r sy ru p 20 0m l U S$ 1 0. 71 So ld i n lo ca l cu rr en cy i n So ut he rn A fr ic a - (1 0. 71 E ur o) (* *) Ra nd a nd E as t Af ric a - sh ill in gs . So ld i n Eu ro to W es t Af ric an c ou nt rie s. B M S (Z er it® ) 15 m g ca ps ul es Bl is te r pa ck N ot a va ila bl e* of 5 6 B M S (Z er it® ) 20 m g ca ps ul es Bl is te r pa ck U S$ 5 .2 5* U S$ 0 .0 94 /u ni t. of 5 6 G PO ( St av ir® ) 15 m g ca ps ul es B ox o f 60 U S$ 3 .5 0 U S$ 0 .0 58 /c ap su le . G PO ( St av ir® ) 20 m g ca ps ul es B ox o f 60 U S$ 4 .2 0 U S$ 0 .0 70 /c ap su le . G PO ( St av ir® ) 1m g/ m l dr y sy ru p 60 m l U S$ 0 .6 5 G PO ( St av ir® ) 5m g/ m l dr y sy ru p 60 m l U S$ 0 .8 5 ne vi ra pi ne B I (V ira m un e® ) 10 m g/ m l su sp en si on 24 0m l U S$ 1 7. 50 * Ci pl a (N ev im un e® ) 50 m g/ 5m l su sp en si on 10 0m l & 2 5m l U S$ 2 .4 5 & U S$ 2 .0 0 PM TC T do se : 25 m l. (P M TC T) (P M TC T) rit on av ir Ab bo tt ( N or vi r® ) 80 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 45 0m l(5 x9 0m l) U S$ 4 1. 67 * rit on av ir + l op in av ir Ab bo tt ( Ka le tr a® ) 20 m g + 80 m g/ m l or al s ol ut io n 30 0m l(5 x6 0m l) U S$ 4 1. 67 * ne lfi na vi r Ro ch e (V ira ce pt ® ) 50 m g/ g, p ow de r fo r su sp en si on 14 4g U S$ 3 5* (* *) ( /) (* *) o n 15 A pr il 20 03 , 1 U S$ = 1. 40 C H F an d on 1 5 Ap ril 2 00 3, 1 Eu ro = 1 $U S. ( /) A ll pr ic es o f Ro ch e pr od uc ts a re i n Sw is s fr an cs ( CH F) . Pr ic es g iv en i n th is t ab le a re f or s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a an d Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s as U N de fin ed . In t ab le 2 c, a ls o pr ic es f or L ow I nc om e an d Lo w er M id dl e In co m e Co un tr ie s, a s cl as si fie d by t he W or ld B an k, a re g iv en . Pr od uc ts o n th e W H O l is t of P ilo t Pr oc ur em en t, Q ua lit y an d So ur ci ng P ro je ct : Ac ce ss t o H IV /A ID S dr ug s an d di ag no st ic s of a cc ep ta bl e qu al ity ( Si xt h ed iti on , 5t h M ay 2 00 3) a re i n bo ld an d ha ve a n as te ris k (* ) ne xt t o th e pr ic e. A lw ay s ch ec k w eb si te f or m os t re ce nt ly u pd at ed l is t. B es t pr ic es a re i n bo ld & u nd er lin ed . In co te rm s va ry a cc or di ng t o m an uf ac tu re rs . Ta bl e 1f – P ae di at ric F or m ul at io ns Fo r de ta ils o n el ig ib ili ty a nd o ffe r re st ric tio ns f or c ou nt rie s an d in st itu tio ns , pl ea se r ef er t o ta bl es 2 . 14 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s * * * * * * * M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 15 Co m pa ny G la xo Sm ith Kl in e G la xo Sm ith Kl in e El ig ib ili ty ( co un tr ie s) Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s (L D Cs ) pl us su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng c ou nt rie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es n eg ot ia te d on a ca se -b y- ca se b as is o r bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I). Le as t D ev el op ed C ou nt rie s (L D Cs ) pl us su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng c ou nt rie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es n eg ot ia te d on a ca se -b y- ca se b as is o r bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I). Ta bl e 2 Co m pa ny A RV o ffe rs a nd r es tr ic tio ns f or d ev el op in g co un tr ie s, a du lt an d pa ed ia tr ic f or m ul at io ns Ta bl e 2a N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) Pr od uc t ab ac av ir 30 0m g ta bl et s (Z ia ge n® ) ab ac av ir 20 m g/ m l or al so lu tio n 24 0m l (Z ia ge n® ) El ig ib ili ty ( bo dy ) G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N ag en ci es , ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit or ga ni sa tio ns a nd i nt er na tio na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a em pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd t re at m en t di re ct ly t o th ei r st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a no t fo r pr of it ba si s. G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N ag en ci es , ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit or ga ni sa tio ns a nd i nt er na tio na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a em pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd t re at m en t di re ct ly t o th ei r st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a no t fo r pr of it ba si s. Pr ic e in U S$ U S$ 9 86 /y ea r 1. 35 0/ un it U S$ 3 4. 80 p er bo tt le Ad di tio na l co m m en ts Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d (F or N G O s re qu iri ng l es s th an 1 0 pa tie nt p ac ks p er m on th , th is r eq ui re m en t m ay b e w ai ve d) . Th e m an uf ac tu re r re co m m en ds t ha t ‘p re sc rib er s m us t en su re th at p at ie nt s ar e fu lly in fo rm ed r eg ar di ng hy pe rs en si tiv ity r ea ct io n to a ba ca vi r. Pa tie nt s de ve lo pi ng s ig ns o r sy m pt om s m us t co nt ac t th ei r do ct or im m ed ia te ly f or a dv ic e. ’ Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d (F or N G O s re qu iri ng l es s th an 1 0 pa tie nt p ac ks p er m on th , th is r eq ui re m en t m ay b e w ai ve d) . Th e m an uf ac tu re r re co m m en ds t ha t ‘p re sc rib er s m us t en su re th at p at ie nt s ar e fu lly in fo rm ed r eg ar di ng hy pe rs en si tiv ity r ea ct io n to a ba ca vi r. Pa tie nt s de ve lo pi ng s ig ns o r sy m pt om s m us t co nt ac t th ei r do ct or im m ed ia te ly f or a dv ic e. ’ D el iv er y of go od s[ 5] CI P CI P Co m pa ny Br is to l-M ye rs Sq ui bb C o. G la xo Sm ith Kl in e G la xo Sm ith Kl in e Pr od uc t di da no si ne 10 0m g (V id ex ® ) la m iv ud in e 15 0m g ta bl et (E pi vi r® ) la m iv ud in e 10 m g/ m l or al so lu tio n 24 0m l (E pi vi r® ) El ig ib ili ty ( co un tr ie s) Su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. (F or o th er d ev el op in g c ou nt rie s, p ric es ne go tia te d o n a ca se b y ca se b as is th ro ug h th e AA I.) LD Cs p lu s su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng c ou nt rie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es n eg ot ia te d on a ca se -b y- ca se b as is o r bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I.) LD Cs p lu s su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng c ou nt rie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es n eg ot ia te d on a ca se -b y- ca se b as is o r bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I.) El ig ib ili ty ( bo dy ) B ot h pr iv at e an d pu bl ic s ec to r or ga ni sa tio ns t ha t ar e ab le t o pr ov id e ef fe ct iv e, s us ta in ab le a nd m ed ic al ly so un d ca re a nd t re at m en t of H IV /A ID S ar e el ig ib le . G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N a ge nc ie s, ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit o rg an is at io ns a nd in te rn at io na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as th e G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a em pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd t re at m en t di re ct ly to t he ir st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a n ot fo r pr of it ba si s. G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N a ge nc ie s, ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit o rg an is at io ns a nd in te rn at io na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as th e G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a em pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd t re at m en t di re ct ly to t he ir st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a n ot fo r pr of it ba si s. Pr ic e in U S$ U S$ 3 10 /y ea r U S$ 0 .2 12 /u ni t Lo w er t ab le t do sa ge s pr ic es i n lin e w ith t hi s of fe r U S$ 1 28 /y ea r U S$ 0 .1 75 /u ni t U S$ 7 .4 5 pe r bo tt le Ad di tio na l co m m en ts Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d (F or N G O s re qu iri ng l es s th an 10 p at ie nt p ac ks p er m on th , th is re qu ire m en t m ay b e w ai ve d) . Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d (F or N G O s re qu iri ng l es s th an 10 p at ie nt p ac ks p er m on th , th is re qu ire m en t m ay b e w ai ve d) . D el iv er y of go od s[ 5] D D U t o go ve rn m en t pu rc ha si ng en tit ie s. CI P CI P 16 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • 17 Pr od uc t st av ud in e 30 m g an d 40 m g ca ps (Z er it® ) zi do vu di ne 30 0m g ta bl et s (R et ro vi r® ) zi do vu di ne 10 m g/ m l or al so lu tio n 20 0m l (R et ro vi r® ) Co m pa ny Br is to l-M ye rs Sq ui bb C o. G la xo Sm ith Kl in e G la xo Sm ith Kl in e El ig ib ili ty ( co un tr ie s) Su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. (F or o th er d ev el op in g co un tr ie s, p ric es ne go tia te d on a c as e by c as e ba si s th ro ug h th e AA I.) LD Cs p lu s su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng co un tr ie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es ne go tia te d on a c as e- by -c as e ba si s or bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I.) LD Cs p lu s su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. Al l pr oj ec ts f ul ly f in an ce d by t he G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . (F or m id dl e in co m e de ve lo pi ng co un tr ie s pu bl ic s ec to r pr ic es ne go tia te d on a c as e- by -c as e ba si s or bi la te ra lly o r th ro ug h th e AA I.) El ig ib ili ty ( bo dy ) B ot h pr iv at e an d pu bl ic s ec to r or ga ni sa tio ns t ha t ar e ab le t o pr ov id e ef fe ct iv e, s us ta in ab le a nd m ed ic al ly so un d ca re a nd t re at m en t of H IV /A ID S ar e el ig ib le . G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N a ge nc ie s, ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit o rg an is at io ns a nd in te rn at io na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as th e G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a, e m pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd tr ea tm en t di re ct ly t o th ei r st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a no t fo r pr of it ba si s. G ov er nm en ts , ai d or ga ni sa tio ns , ch ar iti es , in te rn at io na l, U N a ge nc ie s, ot he r no t- fo r-p ro fit o rg an is at io ns a nd in te rn at io na l pu rc ha se f un ds s uc h as th e G lo ba l Fu nd t o fig ht A ID S, T B a nd M al ar ia . In s ub -S ah ar an A fr ic a, e m pl oy er s th er e w ho o ffe r H IV /A ID S ca re a nd tr ea tm en t di re ct ly t o th ei r st af f th ro ug h w or kp la ce c lin ic s or s im ila r ar ra ng em en ts a re a ls o el ig ib le . Al l or ga ni sa tio ns m us t su pp ly t he pr ef er en tia lly p ric ed p ro du ct s on a no t fo r pr of it ba si s. Pr ic e in U S$ 30 m g: U S$ 4 9/ ye ar (U S$ 0. 06 6/ un it) 40 m g: U S$ 5 5/ ye ar (U S$ 0. 07 5/ un it) U S$ 2 74 /y ea r (U S$ 0 .3 75 /u ni t) U S$ 7. 90 p er bo tt le Ad di tio na l co m m en ts Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d. (F or N G O s re qu iri ng le ss t ha n 10 p at ie nt s pa ck s pe r m on th , th is r eq ui re m en t m ay b e w ai ve d. ) Su pp ly A gr ee m en t re qu ire d. (F or N G O s re qu iri ng le ss t ha n 10 p at ie nt s pa ck s pe r m on th , th is r eq ui re m en t m ay b e w ai ve d. ) D el iv er y of go od s[ 5] D D U t o go ve rn m en t pu rc ha si ng en tit ie s CI P CI P Ta bl e 2b N on -N uc le os id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N RT Is ) Pr od uc t ef av ire nz (S to cr in ® ) ef av ire nz (S to cr in ® ) ne vi ra pi ne 20 0m g ta bl et s (V ira m un e® ) ne vi ra pi ne 10 m g/ m l su sp en si on 24 0m l (V ira m un e® ) Co m pa ny M er ck & C o. , In c. M er ck & C o. , In c. B oe hr in ge r In ge lh ei m B oe hr in ge r In ge lh ei m D el iv er y of go od s[ 5] CI F CI F CI F CI F El ig ib ili ty ( co un tr ie s) Lo w H um an D ev el op m en t In de x (H D I) co un tr ie s pl us m ed iu m H D I co un tr ie s w ith a du lt H IV p re va le nc e of 1 % o r gr ea te r10 . M ed iu m H D I co un tr ie s w ith a du lt H IV p re va le nc e le ss t ha n 1% 10 . Al l W or ld B an k lo w -in co m e co un tr ie s an d su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. (O th er c ou nt rie s on a c as e- by -c as e ba si s. ) Al l W or ld B an k lo w -in co m e co un tr ie s an d su b- Sa ha ra n Af ric a. (O th er c ou nt rie s on a c as e- by -c as e ba si s. ) El ig ib ili ty ( bo dy ) G ov er nm en ts , in te rn at io na l or ga ni sa tio ns , N G O s, p riv at e se ct or or ga ni sa tio ns ( e. g. e m pl oy er s, ho sp ita ls a nd i ns ur er s) . M er ck & C o. , In c. d oe s no t ru le ou t su pp ly in g AR Vs t o pa tie nt s th ro ug h re ta il ph ar m ac ie s. G ov er nm en ts , in te rn at io na l or ga ni sa tio ns , N G O s, p riv at e se ct or or ga ni sa tio ns ( e. g. e m pl oy er s, ho sp ita ls a nd i ns ur er s) . M er ck & C o. , In c. d oe s no t ru le ou t su pp ly in g AR Vs t o pa tie nt s th ro ug h re ta il ph ar m ac ie s. G ov er nm en ts , N G O s an d ot he r pa rt ne rs w ho c an g ua ra nt ee t ha t th e pr og ra m m e is r un i n a re sp on si bl e m an ne r. G ov er nm en ts , N G O s an d ot he r pa rt ne rs w ho c an g ua ra nt ee t ha t th e pr og ra m m e is r un i n a re sp on si bl e m an ne r. Pr ic e in U S$ 60 0m g ta bl et : U S$ 3 46 .7 5/ ye ar (U S$ 0 .9 50 /u ni t) 20 0m g ca ps ul e: U S$ 5 00 /y ea r (U S$ 0 .4 57 /u ni t) 50 m g ca ps ul e: U S$ 0 .1 16 /u ni t U S$ 3 .4 7 pe r bo tt le of 3 0 60 0m g ta bl et : U S$ 7 67 /y ea r (U S$ 2 .1 0/ un it) 20 0m g ca ps ul e: U S$ 9 20 /y ea r (U S$ 0 .8 40 /u ni t) 50 m g ca ps ul e U S$ 0 .2 13 p er u ni t U S$ 6 .3 9 pe r bo tt le of 3 0 U S$ 4 38 /y ea r (U S$ 0 .6 00 /u ni t) U S$ 1 7. 50 p er u ni t Ad di tio na l co m m en ts Al th ou gh R om an ia do es n ot f al l un de r th es e ca te go rie s it al so b en ef its f ro m th es e pr ic es d ue t o a go ve rn m en t co m m itm en t to a pr og ra m m e of un iv er sa l ac ce ss . 18 • Un ta ng lin g th e W eb o f Pr ic e Re du ct io ns • M ay 2 00 3 • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s Ta bl e 2c N uc le ot id e Re ve rs e Tr an sc rip ta se I nh ib ito rs ( N tR TI s) Pr od uc t te no fo vi r 30 0m g (V ire ad ® ) Co m pa ny G ile ad D el iv er y of go od s[ 5] FO B El ig ib ili ty ( co un tr ie s) 53 n at io ns i n Af ric a an d 15 o th er U N -d es ig na te d ‘le as t de ve lo pe d’ co un tr ie s. El ig ib ili ty ( bo dy ) O rg an is at io ns t ha t pr ov id e H IV tr ea tm en t in t he 6 8 co un tr ie s co ve re d by t he V ire ad A cc es s pr og ra m m e w ill b e ab le t o re ce iv e Vi re ad a t th e ac ce ss pr ic e. A pp lic at io ns w ill g o th ro ug h a re vi ew p ro ce ss . Pr ic e in U S$ U S$ 4 75 /y ea r (U S$ 1 .3 0/ un it) Ad di tio na l co m m en ts Th e pr og ra m m es w ill b e m an ag ed th ro ug h Ax io s. M éd ec in s Sa ns F ro nt iè re s • w w w .a cc es sm ed -m sf .o rg • M ay 2 00 3 • Un ta ng lin g
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