RHCS Coordination Mechanisms
Publication date: 2006
AF RHCS Coordination Mechanisms Country Region CP? Name Level Status Apvd From To Brief Description Comments Benin AF Yes Stratégie Nationale de Sécurisation des produits de la SR National Being put in place Botswana AF Yes Family Planning Technical Advisory Committee National Being put in place Oversight on procurement, inventory and education The committee oversees procurement, inventory and education. ToR were drafted in 1989 and have not been reviewed since. Burkina Faso AF Yes Réunion de coordination des partenaires de SR National Being put in place 2002 2003 Au cours de la réunion des partenaires SR, le bilan de mise en Suvre des activités de PF et de sécurisation des produits SR est fait l La révision et surtout la diffusion des PNP a permis aux différents acteurs d'avoir les mêmes informations mises à jour et d'avoir un cadre de référence pour une meilleure harmonisation des procédures et des actes. Burundi AF Yes Programme National de Santé de la Reproduction - PNSR. National In place 1998 1998 Le PNSR organise des réunions de coordination sur le RHCS entre les donateurs et les autres intervenants. Il compile également les données et fournie les rapports périodiques. Comoros AF Yes Comité National de Coordination de la Sécurité d'Approvisionnement en Produits SR National No data 2005 2006 2014 Ce Comité a pour mission: organisation des réunions trimestrielle de coordination, mobiliser les ressources, assurer le suivi et le plaidoyer pour la mise en place d'une ligne budgétaire, participer à la planification stratégique et opérationnelle dans le domaine de la sécurisation des produits SR, etudier les questions relatives au recouvrement des côuts. Cote d'Ivoire AF Yes Direction Centrale du programme National de Santé de la Reproduction National In place Coordonne les actions gouvernementale d'introduction de la SR dans les services de santé, fait le suivi et l'évaluation et veille au renforcement de capacité dans ce domaine. Dispose de coordonnatrice santé dans les départements et forment les prestataires de service en PF/SR Democratic Republic of Congo AF Yes Plan National de Sécurisation des Produits de Santé de la Reproduction National Being put in place 2005 2005 Le plan prévoie l'estimation des besoins globaux du pays en concertation avec tous les intervenants, et met en évidence le rôle des leaders du Gouvernement dans la coordination de toutes les activités relatives à la gestion des commodités. Des réunions périodiques sont prévues pour faire le point. Equatorial Guinea AF Yes Systeme de Gestion Logistique National Partially in place 2005 2005 2006 Au niveau central la commande est assuree par la Direction Nationale du Programme de la SR en collaboration avec la Direction Nationale de Pharmacie. L'achat est assure a travers l'UNFPA. La reception et le stockage est assure par l'UNFPA et la Direction Nationale du projet SR. La Distribution dans les Centres de prestation des services est assure par le Programme de la Sr avec l'appui de l'UNFPA, la formation du personnel ainsi que la production des outils de gestion en appui au systeme logistique est assure par le programme SR qui beneficie de l'appui technique et financier de l'UNFPA. l'approvisionnement se fait sur la base des besoins des centres de prestation des services estimee sur la base des consommations anterieures de chaque six mois. Ethiopia AF Yes National Technical Working Group National Being put in place This group is made up of representatives of major partners in the country with the MOH as its secretariat. It meets periodically to review progress in RHCS activities. Through periodic meetings. Gambia AF Yes National RH Committee National Being put in place 2005 2005 The committee is as a result of the expansion of the previous Oversight Committee which monitoring and coordinated RHCS activities. The National RHCS committee was established in mid 2005 with specific terms of reference to monitor, harmonise and coordinate RHCS activities in the country by the Department of State for Health and chaired by the Reproductive, Child Health Unit of the Health department. Its membership includes all major stakeholders concerned with RHCS. Quarterly meetings and information sharing. Gambia AF Yes National RH Committee National In place 2005 2005 Until in mid 2004, the Oversight Committee was responsible to coordinate RHCS activities which has now been expanded and renamed the National RH Committtee which includes all stakeholders involved in RHCS. Through quarterly meetings and information sharing. Ghana AF Yes National Inter-agency coordinating committee on RHCS National Being put in place 2004 2004 Representatives of government, donors and other stakeholders form this committee and meet on quarterly basis to support the implementation of the national RHCS strategy. The committee reviews, forcasts commodity needs, tracks stock levels, and monitors use. It mobilises resources for national commodity security. It also supports capacity building for all service providers and reviews pricing policy related to contraceptive commodities. Kenya AF Yes Logistics Working Group National In place The Logistics Working Group is situated in the Division of Reproductive Health. It is one of the working groups under the umbrella of the RH-Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (RH-ICC). The Logistics Working Group consists of government, development partners and other RH stakeholders, with the Head of DRH as its Chair. The LWG meets every quarter to examine stock status, pipeline, and other contraceptive commodity issues. Monthly consumption reports up to the health facilities at district level are reported. Donors also update DRH of the status of their contraceptive pledges/donations at the LWG meetings. Kenya AF Yes Reproductive Health Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (RH-ICC) National In place 2004 The RH-ICC is chaired by the Head of the Division of Reproductive Health. The major RH stakeholders including UN agencies (UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO) and bilaterals are represented. The RH-ICC coordinates all RH activities in the country and reports to the Joint Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee (JICC), the overarching coordinating body at MoH. THe RH-ICC has constituent working groups, including the Condom WG, the Family Planning WG and the Logistics WG. Reports on commodities are also discussed at RH-ICC meetings, although greater detail is given at the Logistics WG meetings. Liberia AF No RH Technical Committee National Being put in place 2005 The RH technical committee is composed of MOH & NGOs, UN agencies invloved in RH activites. The committee coordinates all RH activites. It meets monthly and is chaired by the MOH. The committee was reactivated in 2005 The main source of contrceptives currently is USAID through UNFPA to the goverment. Madagascar AF Yes Direction de la Santé de la Famille du MINSAN/PF/Comité PF National In place 2005 2005 Le terme de référence du comité PF a été renforcé sous le leadership du MinSanPF à travers la direction de la santé de la famille. Le comité PF est constitué par tous les partenaires PF. Un comité technique logistique assure les dossiers technique au sein du grand comité. Le comité opère au niveau national mais l'effectivité de ses actions restent à améliorer Malawi AF Yes Logistic management coordinating committee National In place Committee comprising government, donors, NGOs meet once a quarter. The committee assesses RH commodity levels at central and regional levels. The committee gets information on consumption and ensure commodity security The committee will include other drugs besides RH commodities Malawi AF Yes Logistic management coordinating committee National In place Committee comprising government, donors, NGOs meet once a quarter. The committee assesses RH commodity levels at central and regional levels. The committee gets information on consumption and ensure commodity security The committee will include other drugs besides RH commodities Mozambique AF Yes GT-SWAP National Being put in place In September 2005, after a strong advocacy strategy, UNFPA reached a consensus with the SWAp partners to create a SRH TWG. Whose ToRs are:1) Establish a coordination mechanism among all partners (Government and Development Partners) on the area of SRH/MMR; 2) Identify, discuss and advocate for major issues relevant for SRH/MMR Policy, Strategies and Program development; 3) Analyse and discuss Annual Plans and Progress Reports regarding SRH Program and MMR Strategy & Plan; 4) Identify and discuss issues related to SRH/MMR and SWAp/Health Reform; 5) to analyse and discuss Outcomes of SRH/MMR reviews and evaluations (including analysis and discussion, as well as advocacy for funds mobilization, for operational research and evaluations on SRH/MMR areas); 6) Mobilize funds to improve the quality of care provided and to implement the MMR Strategy and Plan in all Country; 7) Support the MoH to develop a SRH Commodities Security Programme (including logistics, monitoring stock, balance, annual requirements as well as annual forecasting processes), and 8) Support the MoH to implement a Quality Assurance System and Mechanisms, like Total Quality Management, and update the mechanisms for certification & accreditation of health facilities for EmOC provision, as well as to review/update the norms to assess and monitor the quality of SRH and EOC services (guidelines with quality indicators and procedures). Establish a coordination mechanism among all partners (Government and Development Partners) on the area of SRH/MMR; 2) Identify, discuss and advocate for major issues relevant for SRH/MMR Policy, Strategies and Program development; 3) Analyse and discuss Annual Plans and Progress Reports regarding SRH Program and MMR Strategy & Plan; 4) Identify and discuss issues related to SRH/MMR and SWAp/Health Reform; 5) to analyse and discuss Outcomes of SRH/MMR reviews and evaluations (including analysis and discussion, as well as advocacy for funds mobilization, for operational research and evaluations on SRH/MMR areas); 6) Mobilize funds to improve the quality of care provided and to implement the MMR Strategy and Plan in all Country; 7) Support the MoH to develop a SRH Commodities Security Programme (including logistics, monitoring stock, balance, annual requirements as well as annual forecasting processes), and 8) Support the MoH to implement a Quality Assurance System and Mechanisms, like Total Quality Management, and update the mechanisms for certification & accreditation of health facilities for EmOC provision, as well as to review/update the norms to assess and monitor the quality of SRH and EOC services (guidelines with quality indicators and procedures). Namibia AF Yes Standing Comittee On Condoms National Being developed 2006 2030 A comittee that is responsible for coordinating condom procurement, management and distribution. However, this has not functioned well in 2005. UNFPA has proposed that its scope be broadened to include other RH commodities as well.The Ministry has agreed to this proposal and that its name would be changed to Coordinating Committee for RHCS. Body to coordinate all the different stakeholders on issues such as procurement, quality, distribution, marketing ang forecasting/planning Niger AF Yes Office national des produits pharmaceutiques du Niger National In place L'Office est responsable de l'approvisionnement de tous les centres de santé en médicaments. C'est une structure du MSP. Il existe au sein du Ministère une Direction des Pharmacies qui applique la législation Toutes les commandes des centres de santé publics transitent par l'ONPPC qui dispose de dépôts régionaux Nigeria AF Yes National RHCS Stakeholders Meeting National Being put in place 2002 Stakeholders is made up of government, develpoment partners, civil society organizations. Efforts are under way to include for profits and private health service agencies The forum meets to review the progress made after the revision of the CLMS and provide broad guidelines for the implementation of the system Rwanda AF Yes Comité National de Coordination de la Logistique des Contraceptifs National In place 2004 2004 Il s'agit d'un comité présidé par le ministère de la santé et quio est composé des cadres du niveau central et des niveaux décentralisés du ministère, de l'UNFPA, de l'USAID et de la GTZ. Il a pour mandat de: -Coordonner la gestion de la logistique des contraceptifs; -Etablir les besoins annuels; -Proposer au ministère le plan de mobilisation des ressources nécessaires. Ce comité se réunit régulièrement sur la présidence du ministère de la santé sur des sujets inscrits à l'ordre du jour et adopte des recommandations à soumettre au ministre pour avis. Sao Tome and Principe AF No National Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) National Being put in place 2005 2005 Coordinate all actions in area of Health involving more that one partner. As the work plan for RHCS was only developed in 2005, the mechanism is not sufficient operational in this area. Senegal AF Yes Contraceptive Procurement Tables (CPTs) National In place Rencontre régulières (tous les semestres) du gouvernement et des partenaires impliqués dans la question des contraceptifs pour passer en revue les quantités distribuée et celles effectivement consommées de contraceptifs. Les besoins rééels sont ainsi apréhendés et des engagements prispar les partenaires pour la mise à disposition des produits. La coordination se fait sur la base de données réelles sur les quantités de contracpetifs fournies et celles consommées. Ces informations sont collectées sur le terrain lors des missions de supervision et de mise en place des produits contraceptifs. Elles sont passées en revue et corrigées si besoin. Le gouvernement et les partenaires établissent sur cette base des projections de commandes et établissent des indicateurs tels que le couple année protection ou autre. Cet exercice se fait semestriellement chaque année. South Africa AF Yes Health Sector Donor Coordination Forum National In place The national Department of Health calls, on a regular basis, the health sector donor coordination forum involving all donors present in the country to coordinate ODA activities in the health sector including RHCS. Swaziland AF Yes National and regional RH comodity management system National Being developed 2004 The sytem is still underdevelopment. Currently there is a national logistics office,two regional logistics officers, stock cards are used for managing stock, four regional warehouses have been built. RHCS including monitoring Tanzania AF Yes Reproductive Health Commodity Security Task Force National Being put in place 2001 2002 2006 Coordinate through monthly meeting chaired by MOH. Head of RCH section and other development partners including UNFPA are members. Involved in forecasting, ensuring availability and distribution. Work closely with Medical Stores Department. Data management and logistics technically supported by USAID. Coordinate through monthly meeting chaired by MOH. Head of RCH section and other development partners including UNFPA are members. Involved in forecasting, ensuring availability and distribution. Work closely with Medical Stores Department. Data management and logistics technically supported by USAID. Uganda AF Yes RHCS Working Group National No data This functional working group is coordinated by the MOH, and is composed of (i) the National Medical Stores, (ii) UNFPA, (iii) MOH, (iv) DELIVER, (v) Population Secretariat and (vi) Selected NGOs. The group examines the RHCS situation, and prepares workplans, which it updates as and when necessary. Zambia AF Yes Reproductive Health Sub-committe National Being put in place Under this committe there is the Family Planning Task group which coordinates RHCS ensuring that stocks are followed up and also putting pressure on the Ministry for the RHCS committe. The task group proposed the member organisations for the committee. Zimbabwe AF Yes National RHCS steering committee meets quarterly and incudes MOHCW, ZNFPC, Biliteral donors, UNFPA, JSI and Crown Agents National Being put in place 2001 APD RHCS Coordination Mechanisms Country Region CP? Name Level Status Apvd From To Brief Description Comments Afghanistan AP Yes Reproductive Health Task Force National Being put in place 2003 2003 2010 This is a coordinating body for RHCS. Bangladesh AP Yes RHCS Coordination Committee, Director General, DGFP/MOHFW National Partially in place 2003 2003 Brief description, including way in which mechanism coordinates RHCS activities: a. Forcasting - A forecasting Forum has been functioning under the chairmanship of the Director General, DGFP. Meeting every six months and a long term forecast has been developed. b. Procurement Plan - Short term plans are being prepared and are implemented. This is being initiated and implementaed by the Director (L&S) under the overall guidance/supervision of the Director General. Monthly Procurement Review Meetings are being conducted regularly under the chairmanship of the Additional Secretary, MOHFW. c. Logistics and Forcasting Forum has been established under the chairmanship of the DGFP for coordinating both forecasting and logistics issues. d. Advocacy - A new forum for RHCs Advocacy has been initiated under the chairmanship of the Director General and started functioning just recently. Needs more coordnating efforts for making all areas of RHCs effective. UNFPA in collaboration with MOHFW and other DPs should take lead role for effective implementation of RHCS Cambodia AP Yes RHCS Working Group National In place 2001 2001 Composed by NRHP, Department of Drugs and Foods, Central Medical Store, UNFPA, RACHA, RHAC, PSI, KfW, USAID and Policy Project. RHCS WG studies utilisation of contraceptive trends, prepares annual operating plans for monitoring and distribution, mid and long term strategic plans on security supplies and stocks, and advice the MoH regarding contraceptive supplies and needs. The group has proven effective and committed, holding regular fully participated meetings and is expected to become part of the TWG-Health as a sub-group. Forecasted duties include: identifying strategies, harmonising activities, discussing and addressing technical issues, improving LMIS, monitoring stock status and distribution system, and resource mobilisation. Indonesia AP Yes RHCS working group National Partially in place 2003 2033 2005 This working group was set up by BKKBN consisting members from: MOH, Midwive association, Doctor association, Contraceptives manufactures association, POM (Indonesian FDA), and selected NGOs Meeting regularly to discuss issues such as: stocks and avalability of contraceptives at National level Iran AP Yes RHCS management system National Partially in place 2005 Contraceptive procurement is decentralized and procurement is done through medical universities. The RHCS management system attempts to coordinate activities regarding procurement, storage and distribution of contraceptives. There are plans to link the RHCS activities to the national HMIS. Korea, Dem People's Rep AP No Maternal health group / essential health commodity taskforce National Being put in place 2004 2004 2006 Maternal health theme group is under health theme group of UNCT, though which a taskforce is to be established with the participation of the govenment to discuss issues of the health commodity security in DPRK. Quarterly review meetings with the govenrment, monthly meetings among WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA Laos AP Yes Coordination of RHCS activities National Being discussed There is basic coordination between the ministry of health and partners - donors- regarding the RHCS; however this is not a structural coordintation committee or mechanism. There is a task division of who supplies what. Mongolia AP Yes LMIS guideline National Partially in place 2003 2004 Nepal AP Yes RH Coordination Committee, and Logistics Forecasting Committee expanded to RHCS committe National Being developed 2000 2000 2010 Assess the need and forecast the needs and provide logistic support ensuring donor coordination. National strategy for RHCS will be developed in 2006. TOR for RHCS has been developed. Philippines AP Yes Technical Working Group on CSR Strategy (the lead agency is the Department of Health) National Being put in place Ensures complementarity of efforts Timor-Leste AP Yes SAMES (Servico Autonomo de Medicamentos e Equipamentos da Saude) National In place 2004 2004 SAMES is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health which is responsible for the procurement and distribution of commodities and drugs and provides estimates of requirements as well as monitor levels of stocks SAMES coordinates with the Ministry of Health for policy and program directions; with UNFPA for the procurement and distribution of commodities and with government and private sector health facilities for the collection of data on contraceptive use and the distribution of family planning commodities. Viet Nam AP Yes Coordination of the implementation of national RH/population strategies National Being put in place 2001 2001 2010 MoH and VPFC coordination for FP related activities. VCPFC procure contraceptives and distribute non-clinical while MOH provide clinical contraceptive services DASECA RHCS Coordination Mechanisms Country Region CP? Name Level Status Apvd From To Brief Description Comments Armenia DASE Yes LMIS Community Not yet in place In 2005 UNFPA introduced pilot LMIS in some sites for reporting the RHCS Azerbaijan DASE Yes Logistics Management and Information System National In place 2001 2001 2010 AIS as a part of LMIS had been operationalized by UNFPA in all Reproductive health Centers in 30 districts of the country. The system allows to gather, use and share the information on consumption, availability and use tendency and dynamics of push-pull mechanism Bosnia and Herzegovina DASE No Country Coordination Mechanism National Not yet in place 2006 CO BiH made planning for CCM establishment. Preparations for the CCM to deal with 7 objectives of the GF Application was done. Coordination mechanism to be fully developed in 2006. Egypt DASE Yes Contraceptive Security Committee National In place 2005 2005 2006 The committee is formed at the MOHP/Population Secotor with technical support from POLICY/USAID. The committee estimates the needs based on extensive studies of trends of consumption. Estimates needs. Georgia DASE No RHCS Taskforce at the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs (MoLHSA) National In place 2005 2005 UNFPA initiated RHCS taskforce at the MoLHSA elaborated the list of the essential RHCSs, and will coordinate the RHCS activities in frames of the UNFPA CP. RH costing tool, presented by UNFPA has been officially endorsed by the government in 2005. The RHCS Taskforce coordinates the activities at Central and district levels. The ToR includes: Advocacy for budget allocations, coordination of donors' assistance, LMIS etc. UNFPA RH tool is effectively utilized and used for projections. Jordan DASE Yes National Committee of FP commodity security National In place Formed by the Higher Population Council and Chaired by the Director of MCH at the Ministry of Health. Supported by the USAID policy project. Overseas the implementation of the National FP Commodity Security Strategy Morocco DASE Yes National committee for pharmaceutical products National In place 1995 1995 2005 The comittee include : the division of phamaceutical products, the Population Directorate, other Directorates at central level, and Central Warehouse Division of phaemaceutical products ensure coordination and procurement of RH commodities, with other directorates and divisions of ministry of health Tajikistan DASE Yes CLMIS Coordination Meetings National In place 2004 2005 2009 Starting from 2004 UNFPA in cooperation with MoH implemented CLMIS meetings for effective calculation and management for FP (contraceptives and basic RH medical equepment). CLIS Assistant was recruited by the UNFPA who was in charge of the CLMIS activties. Duty station - MoH. Coordinated distribution of contraceptives on a grass root level as well as conduct monitoring trips. Also, several CLMIS coordination meetings were conducted with envolvment of senior health officials in charge of contraceptives dictribution. In 2005 CLMIS Expert was recruited. expert was in charge not only for development and monitoring but also for monitoring system. In 2005 international consultant developed the CLMIS software and for the time being CO trying to implement it on a grass root level. In 2005 several CLMIS coordination meetings were conducted with involvment of international organizations that are dealing with procurement and distribution of contraceptives. Content of all RH equipment and procurement is agreed at coordination meetings and approved by the MoH. RHCS coordinated through regular UNFPA/MoH meetings, coordination meetings, etc. Tunisia DASE Yes ONFP (MOHP) National In place 2003 2002 2006 Operational system of management and distribution with Security Store (national and local level). The National Population and Family Board (responsible for providing contraceptives: Monopole) The mechanism concerns: Medical/technical control of products; Security storage at national and local level; Distribution to all healt structures includin private pharmaciste Turkmenistan DASE Yes MoH's Order National Being put in place 1999 1999 Based on the National RH Center is responsible for the LMIS System for contraceptives only Based on the existed mechanism the National RH center regularly receiving reports on contraceptive usage from region (velayat) RH Centers in the approved reporting form. Based on this reports tNational Center calculates contraceptive needs of regions. Uzbekistan DASE Yes National working group on contraceptive security. National Being put in place 2005 A group comprising representatives of major donors working on RHCS and the MOH. The group provides a forum for exchange of information between major donor organizations working on RHCS and the MOH. Yemen DASE Yes RHCS group National Being put in place 2000 2001 2006 Formed of national, NGOs (international and national), developement agencies meet monthly to brief on activities including forecasting and pledging Activities including forecasting and pledging. Als,o international logistics experts give their recommendations. LAC RHCS Coordination Mechanisms Country Region CP? Name Level Status Apvd From To Brief Description Comments Bolivia LAC Yes Reproductive Health Commodity Security Committee - RHCSC National In place 2002 2003 2008 Led by the Ministry of Health and Sports, the RHCSC is composed of USAID, JICA, DFID and UNFPA, and meets regularly to monitor the availability of contraceptives in healthcare establishments and to draw up strategies to ensure sustainability. Technical Assistance for the Ministry to develop projections and monitor contraceptive use. TA to develop effective strategies to ensure sustainability in the provision and distribution of contraceptives. Study on contraceptive market segmentation in Bolivia. Dominican Republic LAC Yes Committe for Contraceptive Commodity Security (DAIA) National Being put in place 2005 This mechanism's main funtion is to estimate contraceptive needs and lobbies for the purchase of contraceptive supplies through the mobilization of funds from different sectors The DAIA focuses its efforts on guaranteeing an adequate supply of contraceptives at the national level. Ecuador LAC Yes DAIA Committee National Partially in place Inter-institutional (public and private sector) committee for the ensured availability of contraceptives. Regular meetings and attempts to establish a centralized purchasing center. El Salvador LAC Yes DAIA (Disponibilidad Asegurada de Insumos Anticonceptivos) National Being discussed Strategy used to assure the availability of contraceptive commodities. There is a institutional committee currently being organized. Dominican Republic LAC Yes Committe for Contraceptive Commodity Security (DAIA) National Being put in place 2005 This mechanism's main funtion is to estimate contraceptive needs and lobbies for the purchase of contraceptive supplies through the mobilization of funds from different sectors The DAIA focuses its efforts on guaranteeing an adequate supply of contraceptives at the national level. Ecuador LAC Yes DAIA Committee National Partially in place Inter-institutional (public and private sector) committee for the ensured availability of contraceptives. Regular meetings and attempts to establish a centralized purchasing center. Guatemala LAC Yes Tax for tobacco and alcohol allocated for RHC National Being put in place 2005 2005 A policy of 2005 allocates 15% of the taxes on tobacco and alcohol for the reproductive health programme Allocates special funds that can be used for contraceptives by the MOH Haiti LAC Yes National committee on RH commodity logistics National In place 2004 2004 2006 Committee chaired by MOH comprising major donors Implements training and operational agreements among donors and MOH Honduras LAC Yes Reproductive Health Commodity Security Committee National In place 2003 This committe, chaired by the Ministry of Health, is made up of key Government departments, donors (USAID, UNFPA) and NGOs (Ashonplafa, Pasmo) working in the area of reproductive health commodity security The multisectoral committee allows for national leadership on RHCS issues and coordination among donors. Jamaica LAC Yes NFPB National Being put in place The NFPB has portfolio responsibility Effectively manages the procurement distribution, monitoring, quality control and projections. Manages supplies for global funds and is mandated to manage private /public sector mix. Mexico LAC Yes National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive Health (CNEGSR) National In place 2000 2000 2006 The CNEGSR is a technical and administrative unit within the National MOH, responsible for designing regulations and coordinating family planning services at the national level. Within its main activities, this unit provides assistance to the 32 MOHs at the state level, for the quantification of contraceptive needs. If a State MOH is interested in acquiring contraceptives through UNFPA procurement services, then the CNEGSR act as coordinator. Additionally, with UNFPA´s collaboration, the CNEGSR provides technical assistance in logistics issues. Nicaragua LAC Yes DAIA (Disponibidad Asegurada de Insumos Anticonceptivos) National Partially in place 2004 2004 2007 The comittee is a multidisciplinary and interinstitutional group which provides technical assistance to mobilize and secure the availability of contraceptives in Nicaragua Panama LAC No Functional Coordination between the SRH program and the department of services delivery National In place 1997 2006 The SRH program estimates the needs on the bases of demographic data and consumption data. The departament of services delivery will costs the needs, check the exitence of stocks, buy and distribute to the provinces. The SRH program supervises at regional level the management and use of the contraceptives. Panama LAC No National Comite on Sexual and Reproductive Health National In place 1999 1999 The National Comite on Sexual and Reproductive Health has been coordinating with the National Comite for the reduction of maternal Mortality and with the National Comite on the prevention of STD/HIV/AIDS. Strengthening implementation Paraguay LAC Yes RHCS Group National In place 2003 2004 2008 It is a national, interinstitutional and interagency technical group which articulates the MoH technical team work, Social Security - IPS, the NGOs (CEPEP), the private sector (Chemists Chamber), UNFPA, USAID, WHO/PAHO. The group reports to the National SRH Council. The group supports the national capacity in investigation, training and development processes that identify the population's needs, estimation of contraceptives according to the type demanded, resource mobilization, local and international procurement, logistic information and administration, SIAL including monitoring and evaluation. Venezuela LAC Yes Contraceptive Inputs Logistics System (SILOGIA) Regional Being put in place 2003 2003 To support permanent supply at health centres of modern contraceptive methods. Providing support to contraceptive procurement and distribution.
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