MeTA Launch in Peru

Publication date: 2008

MeTA in Peru DR. MELITON ARCE RODRIGUEZ VICE MINISTRO DE SALUD (on behalf of the Peruvian Delegation) 16/05/2008 MeTA 16/05/2008 Basic info about MeTA in Peru Just beginning the process! First visit from a MeTA representative in April, 2007 Beginning of conversations with local MeTA representative in November, 2007 Health Minister Hernan Garrido-Lecca signed on formally to MeTA in March, 2008 MeTA 16/05/2008 Key Issues Universal access independently of economy, social class, geography, race or ethnicity Provision of safe and efficient medicines, including quality control National essential medicines list which is unified and current Permanent updating of technology for medicines Promote the use of generic drugs MeTA * Machu Picchu: One of the Seven Wonders of the World! MeTA 16/05/2008 Transparency & Accountability Some Current Areas of Work Observatory in Medicines DIGEMID y AIS (HAI) Defensoria del Pueblo A report regarding the system for supply of medicines in public sector Responding to demands regarding public services MeTA 16/05/2008 Transparency and Accountability Consejo Nacional de Salud A body which drives the national health system Minister of Health presides Multisectoral in 19 different topics, including medicines: public, private health providers as well as civil society (11 institutions participate) Consultation and consensus-building body on public policies in health ForoSalud Participation of civil society in vigilence of medicines access and quality Regional tables working specifically on medicines access in a number of regions of the country Has a seat on the Consejo Nacional de Salud and brings to Table issues raised regionally MeTA 16/05/2008 MeTA structures in Peru Early stages of the process Our task force (delegation) is discussing how best to structure Interest in the some possible structures Secretaria Ejecutiva Multistakeholder approach Development of a national workplan Ministry of Health as champion and chair of the process MeTA 16/05/2008 Main areas of work for MeTA Issues of supply – overstock and understock Issue of quality of medicines: Lax medicines registration Quality control Create a better capacity for the state to regulate medicines More autonomy for the drug regulatory office (DIGEMID) Lax prescription and dispensation Fragmented public health system MeTA Main areas of work for MeTA Need to unify national essential essential medicines list (each sector has its own…police, army, marines, airforce, Health Ministry, and social security ESSalud) Illegal medicines (contraband, counterfeit, adulturated, expired, stolen) Evaluate options regarding public private partnerships to fill the gaps of the needs of most of the population to receive their medicines Need to permanently review the process for the acquisition of medicines Corporate purchases Reverse auction Quality control Technical files * MeTA * National research needs Price differentials for consumers in different parts of the country Evaluation of work that has been done regarding improving the efficacy of the public supply chain Better understanding of consumer access through public systems A look at the causes of self medication How to promote appropriate prescriptions Factors (or not) that promote the rational use of medicines A look at how pharmaceuticals influence on the prescriptors and dispensers Need to unify national essential essential medicines list (each sector has its own…police, army, marines, airforce, Health Ministry, and social security ESSalud) Illegal medicines (contraband, counterfeit, adulturated, expired, stolen) Evaluate options regarding public private partnerships to fill the gaps of the needs of most of the population to receive their medicines Understand the practice of traditional healers outside of the the formal medical establishment. Harmonizing the policies among the different insititutions specifically with regard to medicines acquisition, etc. MeTA 16/05/2008 Lessons learned so far… Importance of a multistakeholder approach Necessary to create alliances with other actors working in health Importance of public-private partnership Value of learning regarding the global experiences in the MeTA MeTA Challenges, risks The need for public policies to be sustainable Preserve the global accords WHO and Doha Implementation of Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States, assuring that it does not bring down standards regarding patents and second patents Current debate a new medicines law in Congress which would guarantee universal access to safe, efficient and quality medicines through the strengthening of the national medicines regulator (to be approved this year). Even though there are mechanisms that are being developed for transparency, these must be more efficient * MeTA Support needs? Support for a local technical secretariat to organize a national forum Financial support needs to implement a national workplan Strengthen system of vigilence for civil society Help to sustain and institutionalize networks Capacities for advocacy Create technical capacities Networking opportunities with other MeTA pilot sites * MeTA Thank you! Vice Minister of Health Dr.Elias Meliton Arce Rodriguez Members of Peru Delegation: Dr. Julio Castro, Dean of the College of Physicians of Peru Dr. Victor Dongo, General Director, DIGEMID Mr. Edson Meza, Associate, Health Action International Ing. Augusto Rey, Executive Director, ALAFARPE Dra. Susana Silva, Legal Advisor, National Ombudsman’s Office * MeTA Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA * Title of presentation * MeTA *

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