Government Action Towards RHCS

Publication date: 2006

AF Government Action Towards RHCS Inclusion of RH commodities in: Inclusion of RHCS strategy in: % of State Health Contribution to RHCS Mechanisms for coordination of RHCS activities? RH commodity cost recovery mechanisms implemented by the government? Government expenditure on contraceptives in 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies from GovT Country Minimum Service Package Essential Drugs List CCA UNDAF CP SWAp 2004 2005 GovT: amount (US $) GovT: % of total public sector supply Angola Yes Yes N Y Y Y No Unknown Benin Yes Yes N N Y Y Yes Yes Botswana Yes Yes N N N Y Yes No 3,200,000 6.7 Burkina Faso Yes Yes N N Y Y Yes Yes 125,000 Burundi Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Yes Yes 0 0 Cameroon No answer No answer N N N Y No answer No answer Cape Verde No answer Yes Y Y Y Y Yes No L'UNFPA est le seul partenaire du gouvernement en la matière. Central African Republic Yes Yes N N Y N Yes Yes Les dépenses du gouvernement sont presque insignifiantes. Chad Yes Yes N N N N Unknown No Le Gouvernement n'a jamais prévu des fonds pour l'achat des contraceptifs. Ce sont les partenaires (UNFPA, ASTBEF/fiale de IPPF, AMASOT) qui fournissent le pays en contraceptifs. 0 Comoros Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Yes No 0 0 Congo Yes Yes N N Y Y No Yes Les contraceptifs sont financés par UNFPA Cote d'Ivoire Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Yes No 0 0 Democratic Republic of Congo Yes Yes N N Y N Yes Yes Contraceptive purchases are conducted by the Government, UNFPA and IPPF. The proportion of each on the total national requirements is unknown. Nevertheless, UNFPA support on this matter is very important and highly appreciated by the Government. There are no other important source of funds for this purpose. The UNFPA Office does not have information on Government appropriations for the purchase of these commodities. Djibouti Yes Yes N N N Y No No Equatorial Guinea Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Data available through the MoH's budget for medicines. 0 0 Eritrea No answer Yes No No No No No No Ethiopia Unsure Yes No No No Yes Yes No Gabon Unsure Yes No Yes No No No Yes Gambia Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0 Ghana Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 222,222 4 Guinea Yes Yes No No Yes No Unknown Yes 323,934 from which US$ 161,967 had been paid to date. They are pending to pay the balance Guinea-Bissau Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes le gouvernement n'a pas de budget alloué à l'achat des contraceptifs; donc , pas de dépense effectué pour les contraceptifs. les stocks de contraceptifs sont fournis par les partenaires au développement Kenya Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Data will be available after March 2006 3,000,000 25 Lesotho Yes Yes No No No No Unknown Yes 6,000 30 Liberia No answer Yes No No No Yes Yes No 0 Madagascar Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 Malawi Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes No 0 Mauritania Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No US$ 1,400 was utilised for contraceptive procurement Mozambique Yes Yes No No Yes No Unknown Unknown Ministry of Health budget, and National Report of Contraceptive Social Marketing Programme Namibia Unsure Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Niger Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes There is no government expenditure. 100,000 Nigeria Unsure Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Dans le PDS 2005-2009 0 0 Rwanda Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No 0 0 Sao Tome and Principe Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 0 0 Senegal Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 100,000 15.38 South Africa Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Le budget voté en 2005 a prévu une ligne budgétaire d'un montant de 50 millions de FCFA (environ 90 000 US$) pour l'achat des contraceptifs en 2006 78,222,469 Sudan Yes Yes No No No Yes No No The government spent nearly US$ 1.9 million on contraceptives in 2005. (IUCD, DMPA and oral contraceptives) 0 0 Swaziland Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No The government is only providing life saving drugs to service delivery points. Other pharmaceuticals are being procured by the private sector. 219,323 39 Tanzania Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No data Togo Yes No answer Yes Yes Yes Yes No No answer Not applicable Uganda Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No The Government has established a budget line for RHCS and has already been able to procure contraceptives such as Depo Provera. 1,009,000 20.3 Zambia Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No In 2005, there is no known government expenditure on contraceptives. Zimbabwe Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes There are no government expenditures on contraceptives even though the MOH has a budget line for this purpose. The reason is the lack of foreign currency and the fact that the initially agreed budget has become meaningless due to inflation. 0 0 APD Government Action Towards RHCS Inclusion of RH commodities in: Inclusion of RHCS strategy in: % of State Health Contribution to RHCS Mechanisms for coordination of RHCS activities? RH commodity cost recovery mechanisms implemented by the government? Government expenditure on contraceptives in 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies from GovT Country Minimum Service Package Essential Drugs List CCA UNDAF CP SWAp 2004 2005 GovT: amount (US $) GovT: % of total public sector supply Afghanistan Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Yes No Bangladesh Yes Yes N N Y Y Yes Yes Bhutan Yes No Y Y Y N No No UNFPA is the sole provider of contraceptives. 0 0 Cambodia Yes Yes N Y Y N Yes Yes No data is available since contraceptives are included within the national health budget for drugs, medical equipment and supplies. The Government covers costs for public sector distributed male condoms. In 2005, 3.000.000 units purchased with the national budget. 5 India Yes Yes No No No Yes No No In 2006, the MOH national budget for contraceptive expenditure is approximately 1 million dollars. 100 Indonesia Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Financial Statements 61,306.60 Iran Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No The available data is central government budget for procuring contraceptives in 2005 24,261,714 100 Korea, Dem People's Rep No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Unknown The government has allocated for the first time USD3M (KES200M) for contraceptives after intense lobbying by the CO. Laos No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 Maldives Unsure Yes No No No Yes No No 1,400 5.6 Mongolia Yes Yes No No No No Yes No All contraceptives provided through public sector and NGO distribution networks come from contraceptives provided by UNFPA. The PCO of GFATM grant procures condoms, however it is not too transparent as to amounts and distribution. AFEW, with SIDA funds, has also procured some condoms for free of charge distribution. 0 0 Myanmar Yes Yes No No No No No Yes 0 0 Nepal Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Due to ineffective planning for contraceptives, there is very limited data on government expenditures on contraceptives. 0.45 5.7 Pakistan No No No No Yes Yes No No However, government spent some funds on the management of the logistics systems. 10,240,000 90 Papua New Guinea Yes Yes No No No Yes No No Contraceptives are purchased within the overall health budget of the MOH and the Social Security. However there is NO specific budget line allocated to contraceptives to protect the availability of contraceptives. 113,200,000 68.4 Philippines Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Sri Lanka Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No 1,900,000 88 Thailand Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Timor-Leste Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Viet Nam Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes 2,300,000 DASECA Government Action Towards RHCS Inclusion of RH commodities in: Inclusion of RHCS strategy in: % of State Health Contribution to RHCS Mechanisms for coordination of RHCS activities? RH commodity cost recovery mechanisms implemented by the government? Government expenditure on contraceptives in 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies from GovT Country Minimum Service Package Essential Drugs List CCA UNDAF CP SWAp 2004 2005 GovT: amount (US $) GovT: % of total public sector supply Algeria No Yes Y N N N No No Armenia No answer Yes N Y Y Y Yes No Azerbaijan Yes No Y Y Y Y Yes No 0 Belarus Yes Yes N N N N No No Bosnia and Herzegovina No No Y Y Y Y Yes No Bulgaria Yes No N N N N Unknown No Georgia No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 0 0 Iraq No answer No No No No No No No The Ministry of Health and Medical Education has a separate budget line for procurement of contraceptives. 0 0 Jordan No answer Yes No No No No Yes No Approximately J466 million approx US$1million Kazakhstan Unsure Yes No No Yes Yes No No UNFPA supplied Jordan with contraceptives until 1997, since then and based on agreement between UNFPA, USAID and the Jordanian Government, USAID took over the supply of all FP commodities for the government. The Ministry of Health, the Higher Population Council and USAID developed a FP commodity security strategy whereby USAID will gradually phase out of the this until the year 2009 when the government will take over this completely. Starting in 2006, the MoH will procure injectables and norplant. Kosovo No answer Yes No No No No No No Kyrgyzstan No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes In 2005 the Government did not spend money on contraceptives. Lebanon Yes Yes No No Yes No No No answer Government spending on contraceptive commodities is zero. Moldova Yes No No Yes Yes No No No During 2005 the MOH published a report regarding National Accounts on Reproductive Health and Gender Equity, which includes information of government expenditures on contraceptives (2003) Morocco Yes Unsure No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 5,000,000 Palestine Yes Yes No No No Yes No No 0 0 Romania No answer Russian Federation No No No No No No No No Syria Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Unknown Yes 528,000 100 Tajikistan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Based on the LOU signed between the Syrian Government and UNFPA, the Government allocated the total amount of US$1,500,000.00 to fund the contraceptives during the years 2005,2006 and 2007. 0 Tunisia Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Total government expenditures is US $ 800,000.00. 800,000 90 Turkey Yes Yes No No No No No Yes The specific figures will be reported in three months. 3,000,000 100 Turkmenistan Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0 0 Ukraine Unsure Unsure No No Yes No Unknown No The Government does not expend on contraceptives. Uzbekistan Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Unknown The MoH has reported spending 230,000 USD for procurement of contraceptives in 2005. 230,000 15 Yemen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes LAC Government Action Towards RHCS Inclusion of RH commodities in: Inclusion of RHCS strategy in: % of State Health Contribution to RHCS Mechanisms for coordination of RHCS activities? RH commodity cost recovery mechanisms implemented by the government? Government expenditure on contraceptives in 2005 Estimation of the amount & proportion of national public sector contraceptive supplies from GovT Country Minimum Service Package Essential Drugs List CCA UNDAF CP SWAp 2004 2005 GovT: amount (US $) GovT: % of total public sector supply Bolivia Yes Yes Y Y Y Y Yes No 0 0 Brazil Unsure Yes N Y Y N No No According to the MOH Women's health dept, the expenditures are divided among various areas of the MoH, and to gather precise values demands a more in-depth study. The data available is approximate. 31,000,000 100 Colombia Yes Yes N N N N No No The central government spent about USD 2 millions and the local government spent about USD 50 million on contraceptives. Cuba No answer Yes Y N Y Y Unknown No Dominican Republic Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Le gouvernement ne fournit pas de contraceptifs 1,150,000 40 Ecuador Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes The government purchases contraceptives using funds from special programmes. 3,000,000 0.5 El Salvador Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No 1,130,000 Guatemala Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 323,934 40 Haiti Yes Unsure No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 Honduras Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Government doesn't fund contraceptives 2,303,686.80 100 Jamaica Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1,000 80 Mexico Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No In 2005, the government nether bought nor made any demand for contraceptives. 24,000,000 Nicaragua Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No Expenditure report Ministry of Finance Panama Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No budget is allocated specifically to contraceptives and is recorded as 0. Paraguay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No The RHCS Mission Report- 2005 indicated a total expenditure of PGK 475.2 million in 2004. The Government of PNG expenditure was PGK 324. 9 million (68.4%) and Development Partners' expenditure totalled PGK 150.3 million (31.6 %). Expenditure by NDOH was PGK 112.3 million (23.6%). Hospital expenditure totalled PGK 93.2 million (19.6%). Expenditure by churches was PGK K42.1million (8.8%) and expenditure by provincial health offices was K80.5 million (16.9%). The report also indicated that the church health services increased their appropriation by 100%. Overall, development partners expanded their allocation by 96%. 41,076 7 Peru Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No The amount assigned for 2004 ($41.076) was entirely executed. 4,112,156 99 Venezuela Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No

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